True God of Creation in the Multiverse

Chapter 16: Chapter 15: Hogwarts Castle Part 1

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Chapter 15: Hogwarts Castle Part 1
[Evan’s POV]
The rest of the journey also passed peacefully as we talked a lot with each other, all thanks to the Notice-me-not wards around our compartment that I kept active during the whole train ride.
Midway through the train ride, the three girls started a group chat among themselves in which I added a comment or two from time to time.
Most of the time, I was talking with Maya and Astrid over telepathy as I played with Amrin who woke up after a short nap.
Then as they didn't have anything else interesting to talk about, I asked them what house they thought they would be going into. 
The first one to answer is Dora, " Evan & I have decided to be in Ravenclaw."
"Me too", Daphne said, "I also want to be in Ravenclaw, with you guys."
Then the three of us looked at Elizabeth, who was thinking of something, but feeling our gaze on her, she quickly replied, "I wanted to be in the same house with you three, but.
But my father wants me to be in Gryffindor with my brother."
When Elizabeth said this, her mood suddenly dropped down and it took a lot from Daphne, Dora, and me to make her mood get back to normal and it only happened when I told the three of them about the ‘Sorting Hat’ ceremony, that the sorting hat also took our wish into account while sorting us and it made Elizabeth cheers up a little.
When we were about 40 minutes away from Hogwarts, I told them to get change and I got out of the compartment to allow them to change first as I guard the door against other boy's from the outside.
After the girls finished changing their clothes, I entered the compartment and started changing, and while I was doing that I felt three gazes on my body as I changed but I didn’t pay them any mind.
But when Dora, Daphne, and Elizabeth, who were peeping at me, came inside the compartment after I finished, I asked them teasingly “Like what you see? Hmm”
Their faces got a deep red, knowing I saw them peeping at me. But I just laugh it off saying “If you want you can just ask me next time okay, no need to peep at me like that. Someone might have got a wrong idea if they have seen you back there.”
The three of them started blushing, due to my teasing which continued for a little while. During that time I looked at our uniforms, after wearing which we truly looked like first-year students.
Unlike all older students, the first—year students‘ robes, pre-sorting didn't have house colors and crests. Our neckties and other clothing also lacked house colors.
Around seven o'clock in the night, the announcement of the train reaching the Hogwarts station finally resounded through every single compartment.
'We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately'
Hearing the announcement the three of us walk to the exit as the three girls continue to blush a little due to my continued teasing.

We make it to the exit door fast so as not to be pushed around by the crowd of students later.
Sometime later the train slowed right down and finally stopped. The three of us quickly exited the train and stood aside on a tiny, dark platform as we saw people pushing their way out of the door.
While we were standing on the platform, the shivering chilly wind of the night slowly and steadily started to make the girls with me feel cold. It did not affect me due to the modification I have done to mine and Dora’s uniforms after we bought them.
But the two girls with me were shivering in the cold night as they tried to get as much heat as possible by rubbing their hands together. So I take out my wand from its holster and with a swift motion, wave it around the three of us and cover us in a dome of warm air with me as the center.
The two girls noticed my hand movements with the wand in my hand and when they felt the cold around them decreasing, they understood my handy work and thanked me with smiles, their cheeks a little red, some of it because of the cold and some of it is because of my earlier teasing.

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In return, I only said, “It’s my duty as a gentleman to take care of the two beautiful young ladies like you.”
Just as I was teasing the three of them, a loud voice startled all of us, "First'-years! First'-years over here!". 
Looking in the direction of the voice, we all see an 11'6" tall man who has the blood of giants running through him, standing there in the dark while carrying a large Lantern of his size, gathering the first years around him.
"Let's go," I said to the three girls who nodded in return, and then we walked near Hagrid, the Hogwarts‘ Keeper of Keys and Grounds.
"Come on, follow me — any more first years? Mind your step, now! First years follow me!" ordered Hagrid in his booming voice.
With that Hagrid started to walk as the four of us and the rest of the first year followed him into a steep, narrow, dark path. Since we only had Hagrid's Lantern as our light source, the students were having difficulty walking, but Dora and I were completely fine, being High Human we are capable of seeing in both light and darkness, so, we didn't face any problems but the same can't be said for Daphne & Elizabeth, who almost tripped from the same stone, but I save them in time.
"Are you two okay?" I asked as we stopped for a second.
"Thanks," Both of them said, to which Daphne added, "it's really hard to walk on such a steep path with almost no light source." followed by Elizabeth, who also showed her dissatisfaction with how things are turning out, "Yes, Daphne is right."
"Is that so? Here this will help you two." I said as I touched both of their backs with my hand and cast a Night-Vision spell on them, which quickly showed its effect as they started able to see even in the dark.
"Wow" Elizabeth exclaimed in surprise while Daphne kept silent but the smile on her lips told her real feelings.
"I will teach it to you two later on, but right now we need to continue walking otherwise we will be left behind," I said while gesturing in the direction of Hagrid who had walked quite far.
"Let's go" 
With that, the four of us continued our march and finally caught up to Hagrid as he was saying, "You'll get yer first' sight of’ Hogwarts in a sec," 
Hagrid shouted over his shoulder, "just round the bend here."
Then the students let out a loud "Oooooh!" as Hogwarts castle finally came into view as the narrow path opened suddenly onto the edge of a great black lake. 
Perched atop a high mountain on the other side is the Hogwarts castle with many turrets and towers, the moon just being in the correct position, illuminating its windows like sparkling stars in the night sky.
‘No more’n four to a boat!’ Hagrid called, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore. 
Then Dora, Daphne, Elizabeth, and I took one boat for ourselves, climbing on it first, then I helped the rest climb in. In the end, I sit beside Elizabeth as Daphne sits beside Dora.
"Everyone in?" shouted Hagrid, who had a boat to himself, "Right then – FORWARD!" With his shout, the boats started moving in the castle's direction while creating beautiful waves on the surface of the lake water.
While all the first years were amazed by the view in front of them, Dora and I were surprised by what we see using our [ Observation Haki ], the multitude of life forms living in the lake, creating a little ecosystem of its own with a giant octopus or Kraken to correct being its epicenter. 
"Beautiful" We hear Elizabeth say while looking to the right of her, being curious the three of us also looked in the same direction only to meet with the colony of beautiful glowing flowers floating over the water's surface while being surrounded by equally beautiful fireflies.
"Heads down!" Hagrid yells, gaining the attention of everyone present. As the first boats reached the cliff, students except us bent their heads, because the four of us had already seen the hidden wide opening behind the curtain of ivy in the cliff face, through which the little boats carried us into a dark tunnel.
After traveling for a while, the dark tunnel took us to a stone platform that is connected to a path leading inside the Hogwarts castle. There we all departed with the little boats and followed Hagrid into the path, lightened by wooden torches mounted high up on both walls of the passage.


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