True Star

Chapter 16: Volume 2 - CH 16

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“I saw that you came together with Charles. Are you friends with him?”

“I guess you could put it that way, but he’s also my boss. He’s an investor of the movie that I’m currently acting in. He brought me here today to meet people,” Tang Feng replied with a smile, and wondered if they could move the conversation outside the restroom.

“Oh, I’ve heard of Charles before, but I’ve never met him personally. It seems like the rumors about him are false, as he appears like a rather good boss. Meeting with people is a good thing. You can learn many useful things just from talking with others. All right, Tang Feng, I might not be good at Chinese, but I will remember your name.” Robert laughed. “It seems like we’ve been chatting here in the restroom for quite a while now.”

Tang Feng nodded. “If you don’t mind, we can go grab some cocktails outside.”

“That sounds like a great idea. Hahaha.” Robert and Tang Feng laughed out loud. They both found it quite hilarious that they were having such a serious conversation in the restroom.

While their physical appearances were radically different, both men were about the same age on the inside. They left the bathroom and grabbed a few pastries and two glasses of cocktails. Just as they were about to find a quiet place and have a long chat together, a scuffle broke out in a corner of the party; a man and a woman seemed to be arguing about something.

Robert wasn’t the least bit surprised. “It’s normal for fights to break out at parties. You get used to it.”

“Wait, I’m sorry Robert. I seem to know that woman.” Just as he was about to turn away, Tang Feng recognized the woman wearing the black suede dress. After apologizing to Robert, he quickly walked over to the two people still arguing with each other.

It was a huge opportunity being able to talk with the chief advisor of D Media Corporation, but Tang Feng had something more important to do at the moment.

“What a strange man.” Robert chuckled to himself. He leaned against a nearby tree and gazed after Tang Feng’s back with admiration. It was normal for smalltime celebrities and people who wanted to enter the entertainment industry to come and talk to him during gatherings, but he had been the one to strike up a conversation with a stranger this time. He’d thought that Tang Feng was a distinguished figure in the industry and was surprised to know that the actor had just entered Hollywood after talking with him.

“There aren’t enough warmhearted young people around these days.”

Many people had gathered to see the fight, but none had stepped forward to put a stop to it.

The man and woman arguing with each other were both young. From appearances, they were either celebrities or models. The woman in question was someone Tang Feng had met just a few days ago: Lilith, Gino’s girlfriend.

“You fucking psychopath! Slut!” The man yelled at Lilith and grabbed her wrist, his other hand aiming for a slap. If the argument had simply remained an argument, none of the bystanders would have stepped in to help. Upon seeing that it was escalating into a physical fight, a few stepped forward. But someone else had beaten them to the punch.

Tang Feng ran over and grabbed the man’s wrist, pushing Lilith aside. “That’s enough. Don’t hit her!”

Faced with an intruder, the man raised his chin and glared. “Who are you? You want a fight? Do you think you’re saving a damsel in distress or something? Why don’t you look at yourself first, you yellow monkey!”

Tang Feng could smell the alcohol on the other’s breath.

Seeing that the intruder was Asian, the man didn’t appear discouraged at all. He lifted his arm and tried to throw Tang Feng’s hand off, but the actor had a tight grip on his arm. In the end, Tang Feng was the one to let go first.

“You’re a disgusting man.” Tang Feng walked over to help Lilith, who smelled similarly of alcohol. Lilith leaned against him, appearing completely drained and powerless. He asked concernedly, “Lilith, are you all right?”

“How can she not be? Shameless slut! Hey, yellow monkey, you should worry about yourself first. Let go of her, she’s my friend. What are you going to do? You want a fight? Then come on, I’ll punch you so hard that nobody will be able to recognize that pretty little face of yours.”

The young man seemed possessed as he glared at Tang Feng viciously. He rolled up his sleeves and headed for Tang Feng.

None of the bystanders could withstand seeing a man hit a woman, but it was the opposite for a fight between men. Some of them clapped their hands and whistled, clearly waiting for a good fight.

Trying to reason with a drunkard was more ridiculous than playing the lute to a cow. Tang Feng handed Lilith over to a girl nearby. He wasn’t afraid of a fight. Men who willingly harassed women needed a punch to the face in any case.

“Did your mom not teach you basic social etiquette? Don’t worry, I will teach you instead.” Charles appeared from the crowd just as Tang Feng was about to show off the moves he’d recently learned.

Seeing that someone else had come to interrupt him, the young man made to retort about Charles’ skills in bed, but a punch to the nose made him swallow the words instead. He howled in pain as blood spurted from his nose.

“Fuck!” The young man turned and punched at Charles. Although the punch appeared strong and clean, it was weak compared to Charles’ own. Charles easily grabbed the young man’s wrist and threw him over his shoulder.

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Slammed against the ground, the young man howled in pain again. He didn’t have the energy to stand up and make another move. He wrapped an arm around his belly and covered his bleeding nose with the other hand, rolling back and forth on the ground like a wild boar. Charles walked over and kicked him in the butt.

“The showy moves and fancy footwork that you learned from your personal trainer doesn’t work in an actual fight. If you ever want to learn how to beat someone like me, I can teach you.” Satisfied at the fact that he was able to show off in front of Tang Feng, Charles turned to look at the actor with a pleased smile. Unluckily, Tang Feng had already walked away, taking Lilith to the lounge nearby.

“Shit! I will remember this!” Still laying on the ground, the young man yelled stubbornly.

Charles clicked his tongue in annoyance and aimed another kick at him. He was taking out his irritation at being ignored on the young man, but the latter only had himself to blame for his bad luck.

Tang Feng helped Lilith into the lounge. She immediately scrambled to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet; she had clearly drunk too much.

When Charles walked inside, he saw Tang Feng taking care of Lilith. He immediately called for a waiter and pulled the actor aside.

“Enough, you can leave that kind of dirty work to someone else. I have to say darling, I never knew that you were the kind of hero who would rush in to save a damsel in distress.” Charles shut the bathroom door but didn’t completely close it. He slipped an arm around Tang Feng’s waist and laughed in a low voice. “Don’t rush in by yourself next time. If your face becomes injured, I would be very sad and angry.”

“My face?” Tang Feng chuckled coldly and pushed Charles aside. It didn’t matter if Charles treated him well, the bear only had one thing in mind. Charles liked sleeping with him; he liked his youth, his face, and his body.

“Ah, of course! I’m simply afraid that it would interfere with filming! Did you think I was only after your looks? Oh, darling, do you see how many beautiful models and celebrities are at this party? I’m not saying that you aren’t handsome and beautiful, but if I were simply after looks, I would’ve turned around and chased after someone else a long time ago!”

Charles followed after Tang Feng like a needy large dog. Tang Feng felt his anger deflate at the other’s comical appearance.

“Do you like that woman? I don’t see what’s so good about her.” Charles glanced at the bathroom, a look of despise on his face. “Her perfume makes me sick. She also looks too skinny, like a lean rib. Darling, don’t ever date a female celebrity. Most of them are too dirty. Who knows how many men they’ve slept with.”

“I’ve slept with you.” Tang Feng glared at Charles. There were female celebrities who traded sex with influential men in order to advance their career, but that didn’t mean everyone was like that. Tang Feng didn’t like Charles’ arrogant tone, as if he were looking down on those women. Moreover, Lilith was Gino’s girlfriend.

No matter what happened, Tang Feng thought he should call Gino first.

Listening to Tang Feng’s conversation with Gino, Charles sat down on a leather chair inside the lounge. He remarked sharply, “Looking at that woman, her boyfriend can’t be any better.”

Tang Feng turned and glared at him again. Charles shrugged and smirked, but remained silent.

The waiter supported Lilith from the bathroom and Tang Feng quickly walked over to help set her down on the bed. He paid the waiter a tip and told him to bring in a glass of water.

“And two glasses of champagne!” Charles added before the waiter left. Seeing that Tang Feng was still busying about Lilith, he said, “Just leave her there. She only had too much to drink.”

Tang Feng sat down beside Charles and waited. Ten minutes later, Gino rushed into the lounge. He noticed Charles, but didn’t bother to greet him.

“She had too much to drink,” Tang Feng said.

“Thank you, Tang Feng. Truly.” Gino sighed. He walked over to the bed and looked down at Lilith, a frown on his face.

Tang Feng added, “No matter what have happened between you two, I think it’d be a good idea for you guys to sit down and talk through it.”

At the sound of conversation, Lilith woke up. She opened her eyes slowly, seemingly still disoriented. Upon noticing Gino however, her expression immediately turned. She sat up and pushed at Gino, yelling, “Leave! Get lost!”

“Lilith! Stop it!” Gino tried to approach Lilith again, but she quickly started crying.

“I hate you. I hate you! I’m not Fiennes! Do you understand? That man is dead! How can you have such disgusting thoughts!”

Tang Feng paused in shock at Lilith’s angry words. Did he just hear his past name?

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