True Transmigration

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Hecate's vision blurred as she looked at her computer screen, having worked more than 86 hours. It was not the first or second time this year that Hecate had been held at her job for days on end. This was not due to her making mistakes or due to the job being tedious; it was more like her superior pushing his workload onto her, and she was unable to report it due to the superior being a relative of the CEO. She could only accept the work as she had no other source of income. 

After another hour of typing away, Hecate finally finished the report. Hecate looked at the time on the screen, which displayed 23:00. Seeing that there was still time before the last train, she stood and stretched before putting on her coat and shutting down the computer. She went straight to the elevator and got to the ground floor. She met the night guard at the receptionist's stand and signed off after 4 days of work. She exited the office building and walked past the closed shops and cafes in the direction of the station. After a 30-minute walk, she arrived at the underground station and waited for the train at the platform.

At 00:00, the sound of the train on the track could be heard. Just as Hecate walked to the yellow line before the embankment, her vision blurred, and she walked over it and came to a stop. As the train was approaching its stop, the guard that was coming down the stairs into the station immediately noticed her and screamed, "Hey! Get back from there this instance."

She was jolted out of her stupor and immediately noticed the issue. She turned to walk back across the line, but immediately slipped on a can that was not disposed of properly and fell onto the track as the train rushed by.

Hecate's last thoughts were, "I can finally rest and sleep without ever being bothered." She found it funny that her last thoughts were about rest and sleep when she was not even sure if her soul would still exist to be able to tell. With that in mind, her world instantly faded into nothing and no sound or sight could be witnessed by her soul again.

This would have been the perfect ending for Hecate, except it was not. She woke up in a completely blank space that had no end in sight. She got up and walked for about 30 metres before running into an invisible wall, which was quite a shock. Hecate decided to walk along the wall, and soon she noticed that rather than being in a place that looked like it had no end, she was trapped in a plane circular room with a diameter of roughly 60 metres. She walked back to what she assumed was the centre of the space and sat down cross-legged on the floor and began to wonder what was going on or if this was maybe what happened to people if they died or if she may just be waiting for judgement as some people believe.

She sat there for what felt like hours and was beginning to feel uncomfortable and antsy. That was when she heard something that made her completely shiver in a cold sweat.

[... The host was discovered...]

[... System connection has been established...][Hello, Hecate. My name is System 748...]

" Stop right there! I don't need to know your name because I am not agreeing to any of this!" Hecate exclaimed.


The system that did not even state its name was rejected before it could even propose anything.

[Host, I still haven't explained anything.]

"Well, I don't need an explanation. I already know where this is going, and I choose not to be a part of it."

"My time is already up, and I am meant to be in eternal slumber, so send me to it."

[Host, That's not how death works.]

"Really? Then how does it work?"

[When a soul passes away, it moves into the circle of reincarnation, or Ouroboros, and is then judged for its deeds.]

"I see."

"Then I would like to be sent to Ouroboros for my judgement."

[Once a soul has headed for reincarnation, the soul is wiped clean of its memory and life, while the good deeds it has done are used to strengthen it and the bad deeds are used to strip the soul of its talent and strength. And strengthening of the soul is always performed first before the stripping, then what remains of the soul is sent to be birthed in a new host.]

"I see."

"Then when can I get to that process, as we seem to be wasting time?"

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[The host seems to have died in an accident after living a very hard life, so the administrator has decided to give you a second chance by bestowing upon you a transmigration system.]

"I know what you are, and that is the exact reason why I do not want the gift. You may please return it to the administrator and tell them that the gift is appreciated, but it's not needed. I have already lived one life, so my soul is ready to be cleansed and reborn."

[However, if that occurs, the current you will cease to exist, and the soul may never have the same personality and consciousness again.]

"Yes, I already know. That is the reason why I want to head for the Ouroboros, as I want to disappear completely!" Hecate exclaimed, showing her impatience with the system.

At this point, it could be said that the system went into shock, as, according to its database, humans are creatures that seek immortality and live in fear of death. But the woman in front of him was completely the opposite, and she seemed quite impatient at the fact that her reincarnation was being delayed. The more the system processed the situation, the more confused it got, as this was not a normal response to this situation. After all, the soul was just offered a chance to live again with the luxury of going to different worlds and accomplishing tasks that would be rewarded by the administrator themselves. So the system could not help asking, [Host, may I know your reason for rejecting this offer?]

"Sure, the answer is simple. I would rather completely disappear than have myself contracted to a strange system created by an unknown entity whose goals I don't even know. If you also count the fact that in transmigration novels the characters are forced to do all sorts of crazy tasks, and in a lot of these novels the characters don't even have the skill set for the job and only get by due to luck. And unfortunately, I do not have the skills or the luck for these tasks."

"I can not act, and I do not have the brain to come up with some complicated plans or see-through schemes, nor do I have the economic or financial skills to run a business. I am also not some martial artist that knows how to defend herself or some great cook. I am not even a beauty, so the art of seduction is not even something I can achieve." Hecate stated it in a very matter-of-fact manner.

[The system can provide you with all these skills for the points you earn, and the bodies possessed by the host also give skills and points to the host.]

"I said I already know what you are, so you don't need to explain yourself. Besides, what I've read and seen about transmigration is enough to last me a hundred lifetimes, and I'd rather not go through the drama myself. For example, there are those stories where someone is always chasing the MC to every world they go to while stalking and acting all possessive, and that's just scary. We also have the ones where you are given tasks to make the target fall in love with the task giver, which is just strange as you are not the task giver. Is that even called love? After all, wouldn't the other party notice a change in personality or attitude if you left after your mission was over? Or are you saying that I will leave only after the body's lifespan has elapsed? Wouldn't that mean the original task giver is watching someone else take over their body and all the people around her don't notice, and the person also takes away the person they love for the rest of their remaining life?"

"Or let's say you are given a task to kill someone, and this is another living, breathing person. How is it that you believe people can do this so easily? Even if the person getting killed deserves it, why can't the law just handle that? After all, the MC always seems perfectly fine with taking away someone's life and away from the people around them. At this point, the task-takers are not even human. Even if they were at one point, as you read along, the story so easily strips their humanity away, and they become murderers and deceivers as they trick different people into falling in love while completely disappearing, or they completely take over the task givers' lives without the task giver ever accomplishing anything."

The system immediately understood where the host was coming from and immediately replied stating [Host it is not what you think rather than losing their humanity is more like they had to do it for the greater good of the world. After all, for every task the task takers carry out the better it is for the world they visit.]

"Well, I don't care about the world after all am going to cease existing very soon."

"So would you kindly disconnect and return to the administrator and tell them I don't need this job and that I never submitted a job application so they should find someone willing to go through the stress? After all, I would rather live my life for myself rather than for someone else or for some goal like saving the world."

[Very well then host, you would be sent out of this space and straight into reincarnation as you have wished.]

[... Disconnection in the process ...]

Hecate immediately felt at ease as she was finally going to get her well-deserved rest and end. She was even beginning to feel joyful but that didn't last long.

[... 10%, 35%, 55%, 73%, 88%,..., process forcibly interrupted by the administrator.]

[... To the intervention of the administrator the host has been forcibly bound to the system and the first task has been forcibly issued.]

Hecate was frozen for a minute before she let out a string of curses aimed at the administrator.

"You fucking bastard, how there you fucking do this to me, I swear I will make you fucking regret, just you wait I promise to run a pole through your ass, mark my words"

The system could only silently pray for the administrator as it sent Hecate to her first task.

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