Truthful Blabbermouth

Chapter 13: Gods Love You, Don’t They?

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   Sitting in an overly ornate chair, the child observed the office they were in.



   A high ceiling, a crystal chandelier with magic imbued aquamarines hanging from it, paled drawings of nature on uneven walls, three shelves filled with documents and books, a cabinet showing off horns, swords, medals and other spoils. Behind a waist high desk was Angeline.



   The child was too preoccupied by her stories and excitement to actually remember her face and stature. She now donned a pair of glasses wired with bronze. It was easy to see that a skilled craftsman made that frame. Her hair was in a loose braid, the same bronze curly ends going everywhere. A charming smile, round cheeks, and green eyes with large eyelashes.



   And she was in a frenzy at the moment.



   Locker offered his help in clearing up her desk full of unending stacks of documents, but she firmly refused before literally pushing them over to the floor to make room for his case. He was startled, but decided it's better to stay still than offer unneeded help. So he sat down on a simple chair next to the child.



   If Locker were to say to the child that the chair it was sitting in was purely ornamental and probably extremely precious, the child would be scared out of its skin, so he stayed quiet on that side too. This resulted in just the sound of Angeline scribbling and making new forms while muttering about biases.



   A while later, she lifted her head to look at the child. "Okay, I'll need you to sign these documents, then we'll go over everything that happened just then in the stone room." Locker swiftly took over and read the documents aloud for the child, making Angeline understand that the child was illiterate.



   This child really was a mystery. After briefly explaining what documents were about, Locker took the pen and wanted to sign, but the child stopped him. Locker was surprised when it took the pen and signed by itself.



   But what name did it put? Angeline grabbed the documents.




   "A. S.? That's it? You need to give me your full name, baby. This won't do." The child shook its head and looked at Locker.



   "Miss Angeline... the child doesn't have a proper name. It started learning the alphabet a couple of days ago. Then it chose two letters that would represent the beginning of its name and surname after it thinks up an appropriate name." Angeline was baffled. It was illiterate, it didn't have a name, it was just a bag of bones, abnormally shy as it didn't want to speak to her.



   "All right then. But the parent's signature..."




   "Don't worry, I'll sign it. I'm representing it as a guardian here, after all." Locker said with some pride and fondness.


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   "I see. Alright, alright. You win. So, let's go over your words, okay?" She received a huge nod from the child. It just seemed so excited.



   "Okay, baby, let's see...wait, what is this? Why is your 'Govor' word crossed out? That only happens when a person is... Oh, dear. You're mute. And here I thought you were just a shy little bean. I'm sorry." The child felt uncomfortable with this development. It didn't want any apologies.



   It wanted to say it's fine. Its mouth opened, but only a pitiful mewl came out. Feeling embarrassed and pathetic, the child curled in the chair and didn't move, burying its head in the nook of the chair.




   Angeline bit her tongue. Damn it all, couldn't she not comment on everything for once? She hurt a defenceless child this time. Some sympathy started dwelling in her heart for this child. It was mute too, on top of all other limitations.



   But the gods rewarded it with many talents. Maybe it will all be better as the time goes by. She hoped it would be so, and decided to let the matter go.



   With a lengthy sigh, she leaned over and patted the child's head. "It's alright. I didn't mean to be so rude. Let's just forget this and go over your talents. Isn't that a nice idea?"



   Locker let her do as she wanted. He was aware that the child needed more contact with people. Seeing that the child agreed, Angeline sat back down and started listing from most miscellaneous words to the ones important.



   "You've got a lot of miscellaneous words in your description. You've mastered the Hair-weaving skill... What, how? Ah, it doesn't matter..." The child blushed, remembering all that time it spent grooming and playing with Ariel's hair because it was so pretty. "Your Drawing skill is pretty bright too. My, can you draw me after this as a present for me? In exchange, I'll tell you some more stories about the founders and their friends. Great! I'll remember that.

Then, your talent in magic is remarkable. 'Iluzija', 'Priroda', even 'Vreme'... Absolutely splendid, baby. It makes me wanna keep you here forever! But I know that's not possible, so let's continue. 'Svet'...ughh, this element always bugs me! Which is the correct one? Well, nevermind, we'll find out later. Any way you put it, it's a top-tier element to possess. Gods do love you, don't they?"



   After another half an hour of murmuring and going over words with the child, Angeline finally finished with that part. She told them to wait a bit and went out of the room. Locker, who was silently sitting up to that point, leaned towards the child.



   "Kit, can you remember all of this? Also, are you feeling well, you seem pale." The child first nodded then patted it's stomach shyly. "So you're hungry. No wonder. Interaction with the stone can be exhausting, although you wouldn't feel the aftereffects immediately. Don't worry, just hold on for ten more minutes and we're out. We'll come here another day. Then you'll play with Angeline more."



   Locker seemed satisfied and wanted to tell the child that they'll try something new in the town that afternoon, but the child became ashen white and it tried taking Locker's hand while looking sorrowful. "Kit, what is-"



   "I'm back, baby! Let's just..." The moment Angeline entered the room, the child slid to the floor.

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