Truthful Blabbermouth

Chapter 3: A Frequent visitor

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"Hey, who is that child? I can't really see clearly. A lesser angel?" A young man mused while watching a child play with the vines of the blue wisteria tree while some of the lesser angels lay around, resting and keeping the child safe.



There was only silence to his left, but he felt that condescending smirk. Ticked off, he turned to his right and looked directly into Saren's eyes. He expected an answer from him.



"A mortal." An answer came from his left, startling him. He whipped around in surprise and looked closely. It was, indeed, a mortal child. Then he turned his head to his left, looking at a loosely dressed Ariel. "Why are you so alarmed? You know that they visit occasionally, especially when their soul is strong enough." The God of War answered his initial question and others that whirled in his mind. It was rare for him to be this... well, this welcoming to inquiries. It seemed as if he wanted more questions thrown at him about the child. 



"What is it doing here, playing so leisurely? Shouldn't it be scared, wanting to return down below? Look at it! No trace of anxiousness on its face," the young man grumbled and continued pouring questions at Ariel.



Before he was finished, he heard a screech of delight and a wolfish howl. The child ran straight toward Ariel. He tried stopping it, but the child just dodged and jumped into Ariel's lap. The young man gulped, fearing for the child's destiny, but nothing happened. Ariel adjusted the child so it could sit comfortably and leaned back so it could lean on his chest. The child did so without hesitation and started imitating the wolf's yelps and howls at Ariel's face. Then it grabbed the god's hair and started grooming it.



  Ariel never took care of his hair no matter how many times the gods mentioned its peculiarity. Seeing the child take out a wooden comb made of blue birch and start loosening Ariel's bird's nest of hair made the man wonder whether the Ariel in front of him was real. Ignoring him, Ariel started conversing with the child. Actually, the child whined and giggled while Ariel talked.



 "What are we doing? Don't tell anyone, but we are skipping the annual conference. It's quite boring. Every year we talk about the same things, the lands and disasters, you know. Also, the matters of countries and beasts concern us so we give our reports on what happened. This year there was nothing of importance, so we skipped it. Hm? Yes, even Saren, the famous God of Knowledge, imagine that!"



The child comically widened its eyes to show surprise. Ariel grinned and Saren chuckled at the child's theatrics. Then it looked at the man between Saren and Ariel. It didn't know him. It has visited this place so many times, but it hasn't seen him before. After a moment of pondering, it went back to tidying Ariel's hair.



  It loved the shine it had when every hair was in its place. It looked like fire with icy blue ends and dark red tresses. It came down to the floor when untangled. The child could see the nuances of red, crimson, brown, and golden when the sun shined on Ariel's hair.



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  Locks and curls framed Ariel's heart-shaped face, accentuating his red eyes, aquiline nose, and scar across his left cheek. When the child saw the scar, it caressed it and looked at Ariel with eyes full of pity.



  A cackle came from the side. "Don't pity him, he deserved it. He went down below and got into a fight with a petty demon, then fought him not using his powers. Although he won, he earned a scar. It's not that glaring now, but at the time... It was gross. I thought he would be ugly, but my words proved wrong. Angels and goddesses just chased him even more, proclaiming that he is the bravest. I had quite a laugh, but Ariel ra-"



The young man had no chance to finish his mocking words when Ariel overturned his chair and sent him to the ground. He could see that the child was curious, but he didn't want it to know his rather embarrassing stories.



  When the child finished with Ariel's hair, it nestled back into his lap, and before it appeared a glass of juice. It clapped, took the glass, and drank it all at once. Brelle's cherry juice was not to be missed, especially when it was mixed with some of Saniel's honey. It was sweet and refreshing, making the child relax. Then it looked at the young man that was still on the ground, seemingly flabbergasted. It just pointed at him and turned its face toward Saren.



"Oh, dear one, he is one of us. Quite mischievous as you may see. He likes joking around. He is the God of-" Saren was interrupted by a sudden call from a distance. He turned toward the child, took in its appearance, and stood up. "I'm sorry, it seems that the conference is over and the God of Musings needs me. I hope we won't see each other soon." Saren said this with a gentle smile, but his eyes were clouded at that moment. He turned around and hurried off.



  The young man stood up, tidied up his crumpled top, and sighed. He turned toward the child. "Allow me to introduce myself."



The youngster had short white hair with a few stray locks that went to his shoulders. He was dressed in strong colours and wore a sapphire bandana on his hand, making his white top even more exaggerated. He had iridescent eyes and an amused smile.



Theatrically, he bowed to the child and declared who he was in a grand manner, his voice raising in pitch as if he was announcing the next act in some sort of an attraction.



"I'm the mischievous God of Foolishness, Amrei. Nice to meet you, jumper."

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