Truthful Blabbermouth

Chapter 9: To Live Again

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   The eve the child said goodbye to its old way of living was the eve it first understood the meaning of celebration.



   It looked around while standing in the corner of the tent that was used as a boot during the day. It had a cup of sweetened milk in hand, drinking leisurely, observing the crowd.



   People were bustling around, no one rested for even a minute. Women were bringing alcohol and cutting meat while chatting with strangers and friends alike about their day. Men were standing outside the tent, roasting the fourth suckling pig of the night. Children ran after each other, playing catch with bean balls and wrestling with dogs that waited for leftovers.



   The child was withdrawn, preferring not to make people notice that it was there. But it knew that it wouldn't be discovered. At least for now.



   Murdock was the only one who stayed at the marketplace, other traders and farmers left the moment the sky began to dim. Locker was sitting in a corner behind a wooden pillar, drinking a pint of honey dew with satisfaction.



   After the handshake, Murdock told the child his travelling plans. He said that the child was free to leave at any moment as long as it informed him. This was so he could help a little, though he didn't say that to the child. It was very obvious that the child wasn't used to acts of kindness or just plain help, making it seem even more pitiable.



   They would be leaving the village tomorrow midday and going south, the opposite of the child's orphanage. If Murdock were to be honest, he originally planned to pass by the orphanage because that route was faster and the roads were better.



   Nonetheless, he changed his plans accordingly that afternoon with Locker. They would be taking the roundabout road that will take them to the same route where the orphanage is, they would just arrive at that place a couple hours later than expected. They wouldn't see the church nor the orphanage, making it easy to miss the rotten priest.



   Their next destination, recalled the child, was List. A mid-size town with over fifty thousand permanent residents. As it was famous for its fur and hide quality, the town was a must stop for any trader and merchant going south. It didn't know anything about it until Murdock explained.



   The child saw Locker's eyes darken when he heard that the child didn't even know about such a famous trading city. It sighed, knowing that the days ahead, although better, won't be carefree. Gaining knowledge was a priority. It couldn't speak, but it could learn how to write and read.



   Yes. At thirteen years old, this child still didn't know the universal writing and reading system. It was familiar with the principles the God of Knowledge set, but had no idea how to differentiate letters and recognise any words.



   The God of Knowledge.... A dignified middle-aged man with some whites on his temples and down the dark brown cascade of hair. That's how he looked in the child's hallucinations. His name was Saren.






   The child mouthed the word, shaping each letter individually, but no sound came out. As expected. A mute will be one till the end. Even in the hallucinations it was only able to let out ambiguous animal-like sounds when trying to communicate with Ariel.



   That guy was the God of War? It seemed impossible. Always indulgent and ready to joke, holding it in his lap, letting it play with his mile long hair. Although just a vision, Ariel was the biggest help the child got, right from the very beginning. The child started remembering that day, when its thoughts were roughly interrupted by Murdock's holler.



   "Aye, friends! Lis'n to me. Tomorrow, we're headin' to List. Find me the best fur and beautiful hide! That's all, now, Mili, start the music! We shall dance tonight!" He held his speech upright and confident with a smile on his face. His cheeks were red from the honey dew.

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   Experience does shape the man, thought the child.



   Maybe one day.... Maybe.



   The kid intended to slip out while people were dragging the tables out of the tent. Unfortunately, or at least that's what it thought, Locker caught it.




   "And where do you think you are going? You're going to stay and watch people have fun, Gods know that's what you need. Back inside, come on," Locker murmured while dragging the child back in. Just a moment later music floated through the air and hit every cell inside the child. Energetic, lively, gaily song charmed the kit in seconds.



   The orphanage didn't have musical instruments. Here, a woman was strumming a violin, a man sat in front of a piano, forming a melody which was followed by a simple lyrics about the charms of countryside girls and soft soil beneath them. Men laughed, women shrugged, but took the lead and stepped onto the dance floor.



   Skirts and dresses were twirling while women, obviously experienced, danced in circles and jumping like rabbits every fifth step. Four in a group, they would form a circle, twirl once in place, four paces clockwise, and then jump! Twirl in place, four paces back, and jump!



   Men didn't hesitate much and soon joined them, speeding up the rhythm. They would clap, break the circle to pull the girl to their side, putting their hands around their waists to hold them up when jumping. Groups of four soon became pairs, gender and age irrelevant, just to dance, just to enjoy.



   The woman with the violin sped up, and so did the kit's heartbeat. Smiles, laughter, energy, happiness, dance, hugs. All that within reach. Is it real? Is it safe?



   Before those questions even took form in the kit's mind, a hand grabbed it and pulled it into the dancefloor.




   "I caught her! I caught her! Uncle Murdock, she'll open the performance tonight!" Murdock was short of dying from laughter. Locker just chucked, but didn't move to help. He waved and mouthed 'Dance freely'.



   The child was in a bind. How? Should it imitate them? While it was deliberating what to do, the dancefloor soon became empty, leaving it in the centre of attention.



   The music started again. A twirl, four steps, and jump. The child felt its blood boil and feet itch. It was fun. So simple, yet so fun.



   "Add some variation, your own steps and moves! Show us your passion, your soul, your freedom! Remember!" Murdock's words hit the child in the heart. Feeling its eyes tear up and mouth tighten in a smile, the child jumped once again, energized by those words.



   Just following the strumming and the furious keys, the kit let go of shyness. It was time to live again. Fire burned once again. A hearty sound filled up its mind and marked the beginning of a new chapter in life.


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