Try again?

Chapter 18: 18: To be a beauty is tiring.

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From a distance, the village was not much. I could see a good portion of the buildings that were surrounded by a wooden wall that was around three meters tall. It was quite shabby for a village positioned in the vicinity of the forest.

The houses were not giving so much of an impression either, but maybe my opinion would be different after we would property enter the vulgar and I would be able to take a better look at them. Maybe the buildings from the center of the village were more impressive.

” Now that I think about it, you still have that collar on you... Wouldn't that be a problem? ” I turned around to Fiona and asked.

I did not think that the slaves would be free to roam where they want after all. We might get into trouble if we were to freely stroll through the village like that. 

” That wouldn't be a problem. I'll pretend to be your slave. ”

” Huh? ” I let out a weird sound.

”...” and she was looking strangely at me again.

Was it normal for me to have a slave? This was not what she told me before. Wasn't there a possibility even for me to be captured? How could I have a slave when I was a possible target myself?

” But I'm an elf as well... Wouldn't be that rather suspicious? ”

” It seems that you don't know that much about this country... You should pay more attention to these things or you'll get in dangerous situations from negligence. ” she retorted back at me. But she did not elaborate further...

’Give me material to work with, fluff! Ghyahh... Do you think that I'm not aware of my shabby common sense? What do you expect from a poor elf not even a month old? Goddamit, I want to scream my mind out loud soooo badly...’

But I did not. I still needed her... and still wanted fluff... and despite the relative cold shoulder, I felt strangely comfortable in her presence. 

And so, I decided that it was better to mix or rather, to shape some of the truth in the next answer. 

” Yeah, I don't know too much about it to be honest. But that doesn't change the fact that something is strange with what you proposed. ”

That reminded me that I was lying to her pretty much. Even if the situation was in such a way that I couldn't be honest in most of the cases, it still felt bad in a way. But the complete truth would probably create unnecessary trouble for both of us.

Maybe in the future—

’Wait, wait, wait... Is she smirking at me?’

I saw it. I definitely saw it. Her lips had curved slightly for a moment after she heard that.

Was she mocking me? She was, wasn't she? She was looking at me like you'll look at someone who asked how to walk or something. 

” I know that elves were not so fond about slavery but these people don't know that. They were mostly simple villagers. And because your kind rarely leaves that forest; you don't have that many chances to see one around. ”

” But you said that is dangerous even for me in this country. ”

” I said that is possible to be targeted by a noble or a slave trader who eventually will sell you to one of them despite the risks. We are pretty far from your forest for them to try. ” she said and turned her eyes back to the village pointing it to me. ” But for these people, it doesn't matter what you are as long as you have money. ”

I simply nodded my head and urged her to continue.

” In a remote place like this, the most you can expect to see outside of villagers are some adventurers and mercenaries since it's pretty close to the forest. But they were stopping just to supply, just like us. No need to worry. There's also chances to meet traveling merchants but the chances are even lower for that. ”

” I see. ”

” Compared with a big city like Tagar, there's not much for us to fear. ”

I wondered if there was any use in hiding my ears. In the end, I combed my hair around them somehow to hide them and pretend to be a human. But as Fiona reassured me, I started to doubt its utility. And if my hair was another elven symbol, that would be for naught, even more so if she would discover that I didn't know. 

” If that is all, let's go! No need to waste any more time here. ” I said and started to walk a little bit more confidently. 

After we came closer to the village, Fiona slowed down and started to walk with two steps behind. It was at that moment that I realized a critical aspect of the plan.

I was the master in our master-servant relationship. As such, I was the one that needed to speak and do all the important things. And I knew close to nothing about pretty much everything.

At the very least, the village gates were opened so my mood improved a little bit.

” Hey, who are you? ” came the voice of a man who was sitting on a little chair at one of the sides of the gate. 

He was in his early twenties with average stature and common looking face. He was wearing what you would expect from a commoner in a fantasy world. That, if you were to ignore the big mace that was resting on the wall behind him. 

’Probably the guard... I wonder if—

” Huuaaa... you can't see that I'm trying to sleep here, boy? Shut up and let them go already... ” another voice came from the other side of the gate. One that seemed to be from a much older man this time. He was apparently sleeping on duty.

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” B-But Roan, this... this is not like how we usually—

” Oh, shut up already. What the hell is not like usually? You are disturbing my sleep all the time for all those small details and... ” he stopped the moment he saw us. ” ...what the actual fuck! ” came shortly, after the initial shock. 

His relaxed attitude was blown in an instant when his eyes landed on me. His eyes were wide like two circles and his mouth was like a bigger one. It was almost hilarious. 

’You don't need to be that surprised... For fuck sake... I start to doubt this plan already.’

” Holy shit, Holy fucking shit... I don't believe this. Boy, why on earth did you not warned me about this faster. ”

” B-But I was about to... and you said that—

” No excuses here! ”

The younger one looked really perplexed there. I actually could feel his frustration from where I stood.

Despite the lack of motivation from earlier, the older one,  ironically, looked more like a guard than the younger one. He had a sword at his hip and was wearing a piece of leather armor; a chest plate.

” But Roan, what is... that? ” the younger guard asked the older one.

” You don't hear to shut up? You have done enough already. ”

” B-But she—

” Yes, yes, boy. She is a beauty! I can see that as well... ”

Oh my Holy Tree, there were so many wrong things about his statement. Let alone me, even that young guard was showing a dumb expression from what he heard.

As if not even caring about the circus from moments earlier, the older one cleared his throat and spoke to us. Or to be more exactly; to me.

” So, what brings an elf beauty to our small and remote village. Oh, and I can see that you have a slave there. What a lovely pair of master and servant. ”

’Ohhh... ohhh, my Holy Tree... give me the power to somehow make it out of this mess without pouring at him all the crap that's in my mind right now.’

While I was struggling to keep a straight face, he was literally winking at me. I was so stupefied that I almost grimaced at that. 

” Humm... what's the problem, little beauty? Do you need a strong man to help you with something? ” he said and literally flexed his biceps as he continued. ” I'm here to help you if that's the case... ”

” Ummm, Roan... She's not looking too nicely at you. I don't think that—

” Shut up, boy. I know what I'm doing. Trust me... You don't have the chance to meet an elf so often... Just wait to tell about this to my brothers and see what expressions they'll make. Ha ha ha ha... ”

’Ohh... hell no!’

This was going in the wrong direction. I had to put an end to it right there. 

” We are just travelers. I hope to buy some supplies from this village if it's possible. That is all. ” I said while putting an emphasis on the last sentence. 

He stopped laughing after hearing my response. I could feel his disappointment but that was for the better; definitely better.

” Fuaaa, what a shame... I thought it was my chance with the beauty... What a shame... ” he said while shaking his head.

As he was about to turn around, he stopped and looked back at us. To be more precise; he looked at Fiona. He did not seem to have paid much attention to her before. 

” Ahh, one more thing... You can go but you have to take that knife from the slave. She is not allowed to have one inside the village. ”

” Oh, sure. ”

I could guess why was like that. You couldn't let your slave in public places with a knife after all.

Fiona approached me and I took her knife. The older guard nodded at me to advance with an upset expression. I felt like I just dodged a bullet there. 

” Hey Roan, you let them go like this? Look at her ears, they are—

” Shut up. You don't see that I'm not in the mood for this... Don't wake me up for all the small things again. ”

”B-But that is not... That was not... ”

I could still hear their conversation from afar. At least we had successfully entered the village. I just hoped for what happened at the gate to be an isolated case... I did not know what to do if that was the reaction to the elven race in general.

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