Tune Somnia

Chapter 15: Interlude II: Party II

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6? Years? Prior?

Dominus's Castle After

Lyrica cursed under her breath as she walked back to the party. Fucking Brioche. Join a cult for all I care. And so on. The main room was much more empty, most of the guest and such injured or gone home. Lyrica walked angrily over to the refreshments and just took the pitcher of lemonade for herself. Not like anyone would have told her off at this point. No one cared, and she had just saved a lot of people. Like everyone. 

That being said, if it wasn't for those two rune users using those runes to better focus the result of her using that sword caster, all she would have accomplished would be killing herself. She took a swig of the pitcher and spat it out. Sour. Ugh. She placed the pitcher on the floor and began for the door before stopping. 

Right, where was she supposed to go now? She had no home left, after all Brio was told to cut ties with her- and she was certain her only other friend would be told the same. Deidre... she would take it well. After all the two were fighting and Deidre was mad at Lyrica for being Lyrica. As in acting the way she did. She wasn't aware of Lyrica as a person- though she had jokingly used the name as a way to get letters to each other before when the other was grounded- which was an unfortunately common occurrence. Regardless, she did wish she had said goodbye now. She hoped Deidre would have the same regret.

Twins, really? She shook her head, did it matter if Deidre cared about her or not? After all the two were unlikely to ever meet again. What exactly would have happened if she had stayed back? Deidre was already initiated in the weird elitist cult, so any orientation wouldn't happen. Or maybe it would be a mission regardless. That would have hurt more. Lyrica cared more about Deidre than her brother, even when still pissed over her hiding the fact her mother killed their parents from Brio and her.

A hand tapped on her shoulders. She turned around to see the girl that was accompanying the two rune users who had helped Lyrica out earlier. "Excuse me, you are Lyrica Galahad correct?"

"No. Lyrica Protothea." She said without thinking. She knew that the Galahad name felt wrong but Protothea brought up bad memories as well.

"Hmm, interesting. Fate already turns. I am Zurah. You were quite impressive earlier."

"Oh? Thank you, but it was mostly-"

"-Mors and Faira, yes. Tell me, what is it you plan to do?"

"You speak like you know me, Zurah."

"I am from a family of fortune tellers. Worshippers of wild gods. I can taste the fates on you. Where you go next will change many things."

"Oh, a scam artist. A cheap trickster using psychology to trick idiots into believing the can read minds or see the future. Very well, where should I go Zurah?"

Zurah smiled, "Well, you could join me, love- kidding. The fates won't allow that, yet. However, over in the east is a woman you should meet. Named Hazel, dark blue skin and dark hair. Hard to miss in that section of the continent. Or anywhere really."

"And why should I do that? Is she my one true love?"

"No, she is merely a person the fates wish for you to meet."

"If I meet her, I meet her." Lyrica responded before bidding farewell to Zurah and walking out of the castle.

Zurah watched her leave and smiled, "And I am fate's weaver, Lyrica. Oh Goddess, soon all will be set for your return. Your court is almost back together and they'll all answer to your will as we do."


???? Time Period

Unknown Place


Deidre shook her head. Lyrica smiled back at her. Her blade was raised at her neck, the light blonde hair of her friend resting on the cold steel. "Heh, shit. She was right. Our reunion ends in tragedy."

"You killed them!"

"Self-defense. Or can only you use that excuse?" Lyrica smiled. 

"Even if the dream is over, I won't let you live!" She yell slamming her blade full force into Lyrica's neck. She caught her friend's body as she fell, grabbing her head and holding it as she cried, and cried and cried.

Deidre awoke, the Cysgod attendant helping her up. "How was your dream?"

"I cannot remember."

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"What was it about?"

"I cannot remember."

"Who was in it?"

"Myself and a stranger.

"Does the name Lyrica mean anything to you?"

Deidre hesitated a pain in her chest growing. She swallowed and then said, "No, nothing."

The attendant smiled, "Excellent. You have passed the test. Your loyalty is no longer in doubt Deidre Kaga. You may return home." The attendant bowed and let the girl leave.

"Lyrica." She said letting it rest on her tongue. She didn't like that name. Her head screamed at her when she heard it and it made her chest burn with pain. And still... She shook her head. When was Brio and... um... When was Brio going to be back? It had gotten boring without him.

The attendant watched her leave, and looked down at their book. Such an annoying thing to do. But Deidre was such a softy when she had actual friends, and that meant in battle her berserk blood wouldn’t activate. Shame to loose a  living disaster for her, but his Rune User’s sibling wasn’t very loyal to the land- the attendant shook his head. Enough talking to himself. It was bad to keep Kaga and Galahad waiting for their briefings. And this disguise was getting old as well.





"Well, well. How odd. You haven't been this way before, have you? Ugh, ignoring me still are we?"

"I am ignoring you because this is clearly another failure."

"For you. I have just made a brilliant play to make my main piece much better."

"Oh? And you did what uncle?"

"Had the Male Rune User kill his brother."


"Apologies, I am still unsure why she finally realized it recently."

"That is what time does. After all, we've evolved from our wars early on to this."

"Yes, thanks to the cult leader girl, such a weird girl. I mean wanting that bitch of a goddess back? I'd rather the twins be released."

"The other aspect would be annoying but workable. So, then. I will see you in six years."

"Of course. And I will win."

"The Dreamer will reset the world once more."

"That is the best you can ever hope for."

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