Turbulent soul’s second chance

Chapter 1: 0. Prolog

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I took three of my friends on vacation to the beach after I was really stressed with my cliché life, really there is nothing interesting about my life.... well that's why most of my free time is used to read a lot of novels

Not many novels can keep me entertained, I always find myself not fitting in with the main character traits... I love the harem genre but most harem novels contain either a solid harem protagonist or a trash protagonist who suddenly becomes strong and decides on his fiancé, or is not very proactive .... too many complaints make me a little stressed

It's only when I'm with my girlfriend that my life is quite enjoyable, I respect women above all else and I never play games when it comes to women

My personality that always thinks ahead and adapts easily in various situations makes my entertainment taste too high and nothing can relieve my stress and it gets worse if it doesn't suit my taste.... Well there's one show that I like like kaifuku ekhemm .....that's why I took my three friends on vacation

And I was stuck in this situation, my boat sank on the way to shore leaving me who couldn't swim... I wasn't too panicked or worried because my life was in danger, there was nothing I could fight about plus the weather was not supportive with a rainstorm as if as if god spoke

'it's time for you to die'

Well I have nothing to regret in this life except my soul which is still churning as if it's screaming 'life damn boring' I let go of all resistance to my current state and let my body slowly sink

No matter how long I endure the feeling of sinking deeper and deeper and the water slowly filling all parts of my body I can't stand the excruciating pain as the consciousness slowly fades away

I can see not far above me are my friends who are doing the same thing as me, but I can faintly see their faces like saying 

'If you want to die don't invite us you damn vacation god damn it'

 well even though the words are a bit hurtful and make me sad for a moment , my sadness immediately disappeared when I saw my friends didn't swim up and let themselves drown...why did they drown when they could swim damn it, what an idiot friends why can I be friends with these people

The fat Mazin who is always active in the organization and at least can't stay still, always looking for busyness as if he is the incarnation of a true workaholic

Normie is average, if you need to explain then the easiest explanation is that she is an average person who can be found anywhere, nothing special except her very kind nature and all good things around her as if she has unlimited luck, really I used to be thinks he's some kind of harem cliché MC with an average look that drives all women crazy

Lastly is Rufle the loner otaku, well there is nothing I can explain everyone knows what a loner otaku is I was also a bit surprised how I got to be friends with him in the first place

'I'm happy under any circumstances my friend is always with me even though life and death situations are like this, it seems like dying like this isn't too bad at least not alone'

Eldian's body is completely filled with water indicating that he will soon die before running out of air he remembers his very ordinary and clichéd life 

'so boring sighh... I wish there was a second life although I'm not sure if there was, it's strange that I died in my soul who wanders about adventures stopped by a boring world, ahh... I'm out of breath I always love you Lara sorry to leave you so suddenly live happily'

. .
. . .

. . .

Suddenly the pain I felt all over my body disappeared to be replaced by a feeling of close comfort as if I was at home, I tried to think about what was happening opening my eyes and assessing my surroundings and…..

I can't help but think this is what I'm thinking about what will happen next, well I'm not really commenting much on this however you see here is a room.... no not a room more like a white endless empty room with someone sitting on it. in front of me

Even without thinking hard I could tell that he was a god.. how could it not be as if his clothes were made to say 

'hey little human I'm a god worship me or I'll kill you'

 just an idiot who can't judge this situation, well I've read all novels like this repeatedly angrily because of the stupid protagonist.... well I didn't expect that I'm now in that position

As if waiting for me to sit in front of him the god stood up and invited me to sit down and said

"I have listened to your request regarding a second life to be honest I can't immediately grant a request like this but this is an exception for a very strong soul like you who still thirsts for adventure" -God

I replied back and lowered my head slightly in response before I sat down in front of him

"Greetings Eldian is happy to thank you for listening to the request of a small human like me, I understand and accept all these situations with an open mind and I need information about what will happen to me... can you explain the details?" -Eldian

"Hmm as expected of a strong soul I like your professional nature under any circumstances, okay I'll explain the details you will be reincarnated into a world where swords and magic exist with your memories intact take it as a gift from me, there are many races there and all coexist the size of the world is also very vast than the earth you live in so there is a lot to do there that suits your adventurous spirit, there it's not like most novels you read like RPG systems or whatever but using aura as a measure of strength or the use of all kinds of activities there, everyone has aura but there are also those who can't use it

There are various elements there such as water, earth, fire, air, summoner and neutrals it's the common elements most people have them except neutral elements, it's something that someone who doesn't have any elements must have but there are also those who have neutral elements and other elements simultaneously, and there are rare elements such as ice, plants, sound, and blood the last and least of which are heroic elements such as darkness, poison, light, lightning.

Everyone needs to bring out their aura and imagine what he wants to manifest so that it can be manifested mostly using spells if your imagination is lacking or aura is insufficient, that's why aura with more aura is stronger and vice versa, aura makes things easier and prolongs life somebody

Aura is also different for each owner because the color is different for everyone in other words the aura reflects yourself, there is also no skill because it all depends on your imagination you can do anything if your aura is sufficient and your imagination reaches, basically spells are just a cover for who don't have enough imagination to make it

You are reading story Turbulent soul’s second chance at novel35.com

Well I guess that's enough I'm sure you'll understand what I mean is there something you want to ask before I send you there? "-God

I was paying close attention to the god's explanation earlier and without realizing it I got quite excited about this, HA how not excited to be given an opportunity like that... everyone would want it if they were in my position ekhemm I need to control myself dammit

“I understand all your explanations and general information regarding that world but I still have some anxiety, can I?” -Eldian

"Of course say what you want, I'll grant it if it's something I can do" -God

Hearing the god's answer I smiled widely from ear to ear, I was thinking when I was alive what it would be like to be a beautiful woman

I uphold gender equality and I always respect all kinds of women no matter ugly or beautiful, always remind my mother when I see women in trouble, I hate myself for not doing anything for them and I'm also a little attracted to yuri.... ohh yaeah yurii the sacred relationship between two women, I realized myself also read quite a lot of yuri genre novels

Maybe because of my background with divorced parents because of an idiot father who cheated on me with my mother with a lot of debt, I started to hate men who play women or other perverted bastards, I understand perverted feelings towards women because I am also a man but I don't understand those who openly expose themselves that they are perverts

'Well let's not think about it anymore now I'm dead and the next life is waiting for me to leave all the past and move forward, maybe this god read my mind and already knows what I'm going to talk about' Eldian thought

"As you think son sorry I read your mind but this is something out of my control, no need to explain anymore I know what you want so can you explain in detail?" -God

Okay as expected of a mind-reading cliché god...I'm not even surprised or angry, I'm confused whether I'm the weird one or someone else because every novel I read is always different

"Well I guess my statement can't be fulfilled without there being an equality of benefits for both parties so I suggest a mutually beneficial relationship with you, I want to customize my own character and elements and if possible I also want an impressive background.

Meanwhile I will also accept any task that you will give, I will do it to the best of my ability and avoid all kinds of risks that result in failure of my task will not disappoint you, you can rest assured of that" -Eldian

Maintaining my professionalism with a deep tone of hope and sincerity, I can see the god in front of me whose name I don't know slightly raise the corners of his lips.

"Hahahaha okay I will accept your statement I will give you a task and I will grant your request, I'm also curious what kind of appearance you will create, about the task you will do there is no task for you I will say it when the time has come.. Well now is the time grant your wish son quickly tell me what you want I don't have much time" -God

Took a moment to think I imagined myself as a beautiful woman with white hair blue eyes, well that appearance is a cliche in stories like this but no doubt it is beautiful

Throwing away that thought I started imagining with various models of various hair colors, eyes, and characters that I like on earth, one of which is Ramen Shogun... Hmmm I think I've found what element to choose but I'm still unclear about the appearance I want

I don't like to make people wait and I don't want to make decisions that I regret, I take the middle ground and make decisions about my character

"I don't know anything about women's bodies and going into details one by one would be very troublesome so I'll mention the specifics with the help of my imagination and the element I want to pick up is lightning.

My appearance will be that of a beautiful young girl who will reach the peak of her age towards adulthood around 17 maybe?... her average height is pale white skin shining and clean of course, the hair ehmmm between white as smooth as snow with getting down slowly turning blue light and ends in a glossy mauve 

'well I'm having a hard time explaining it cause all I imagine is hair like a damn rainbow'

With a well-proportioned body with a cute face innocent and sexy at the same time with a sharp gaze, cherry red lips, long eyelashes, eye color between purple blue pink? and

 'what is this I can't explain, I hope my zodiac picture is sent to the gods'

followed by a straight glowing straight line in the eye veins, for breasts and buttocks I want big but not interfering with my activities 'I try to imagine an hourglass body shape as good as possible'

Well at least that's the character I want although the description is a bit strange and a bit exaggerated I hope you can grant this request" -Eldian

God found himself busy in his own thoughts, seemed to be thinking about something very serious showing on his expression and then returned to his professional expression and looked at Eldian.

"To be honest I was a bit surprised by your choice, I will grant as I promised, I will send you to a random location because your condition does not allow choosing a location, I have also transferred various information in your new body later about who you are and basic information in the world. that and...

Well I have to congratulate you for attracting the attention of 2 gods, we will give you my divine protection and... Ahh sorry for not introducing myself introduce myself I am the God of War maybe you can guess from the clothes I'm wearing okay no time I will send you now, the time has exceeded the set limit

Take care of yourself and enjoy your life and don't make yourself regret what you did I will always watch over you" - Dewa

Before I could answer I felt dizzy before fainting where I heard something before it finally disappeared

"I hope you like my little gift, I'm sure you will like it"

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