Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 401: 402: Love Jie, what's wrong with this world

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"You are Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng?"

Li Nianfan was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the two carefully.

These two people were the direct cause of Zhao Gongming's death. It can be said that they existed in order to restrain Zhao Gongming.

During the Conferred God Period, Zhao Gongming was holding 24 Dinghai God Pearls. It can be said that he walked sideways under the saint, so he could not raise his head with the burning lantern, but on the way to chase burning lantern, he passed Wuyi Mountain and ran into Cao Bao. Playing chess with Xiao Sheng.

These two people are just a mere distraction, and their cultivation base is not worth mentioning, but they are holding the treasure of money, which is the most valuable merit, and under the wrong circumstances, they have tied Zhao Gongming’s 24 Dinghai God Pearls. Long Suo was beaten down, causing Zhao Gongming to lose two great treasures inexplicably, and he was instantly at a disadvantage.

But I didn't want to, in myths and legends, the two ‘little people’ who played the most important role were actually in front of me.

Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng were stared at by Li Nianfan, and their backs became cold, and they were anxious: "Holy King knows us?"

"I've heard of it. Although I am a sage of merit, I am just a mortal. You don't have to be so nervous." Li Nianfan couldn't help but smiled, and then said: "You seem to be Zhao Gongming's subordinates."

In the mythology, Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng also entered the list of the enshrined gods. What is interesting is that they became Zhao Gongming's subordinates, which should be used to repay the cause and effect of the enshrined gods.

Xiao Sheng is the Tianzun Zhaobao, and Cao Bao is the Tianzun Nazhen, who specializes in welcoming auspicious and fortune, and businessmen trading. He mainly manages the money of mortals, and he is a small official in the heaven.

Xiao Shenggong said: "Master Shengjun is right, we are the true monarch of Dragon and Tiger Profound Altar...that is, Zhao Gongming's subordinates."

Li Nianfan curiously asked, "Where is the true monarch of Xuan Tan?"

Cao Baodao: "True Monarch Xuan Tan was a disciple of a saint back then, and his cultivation is much stronger than ours. He is gone in the disaster."

Li Nianfan nodded, could not help but have some doubts about the original disaster.

So many masters died, and even the saints could not escape, and the order was chaotic. This was obviously more terrifying than any previous catastrophe.

This is strange.

Li Nianfan retracted his thoughts and asked, "You were just managing mortal wealth?"

"If you return to the holy monarch, it is exactly." Cao Bao said: "If it is for money to harm others, it will be recorded in the karma. Of course, the redeemer can also offset part of the karma. At the same time, we will also control the fortune. To keep it on track."

Xiao Sheng said nervously: "In fact, we were also busy just now. Unless our personal karma is too special, we don't need to care too much. Please forgive me, Lord Shengjun."

Okay, so it was during office hours...Watching the video?

Li Nianfan laughed, "Okay, don't be nervous, I'm not your boss, just take a look."

The main job of the God of Wealth is actually to avoid chaos in the wealth of the world, which is the source of chaos. Once the fortune is chaotic, the world will inevitably be in chaos, but it is reasonable... work is still very easy.

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Work hard and strive to be paid to you by the end of the year."

When Li Nianfan left, Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, and silently wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads. Is this the aura of being a big brother? It's terrible, we don't dare to breathe.

But immediately afterwards, Cao Bao was taken aback for a moment, and said strangely: "Xiao Sheng, just now...Do you know what the salary that Shengjun meant?"

Xiao Sheng thought carefully, "Paying a salary, how does it sound like paying a salary in the world?"

"Payment?" Cao Bao's brows wrinkled slightly, and then his eyes suddenly burst into light, and he trembled with excitement: "As a sage, the salary he said, no, doesn't mean merit... merit, right? ?"

"His—you really look like this when you say that."

Xiao Sheng's pupils stared, and he was so excited that he began to pace in the hall, "We are also stabilizing the fortune of the mortal world. At any rate, we have some credit, eight achievements! Work hard, work hard, and strive to get more merit by the end of the year! "

"What merit, Shengjun said, it's called salary!"

"Right, right, for wages, work hard, fight!"


After walking out of the God of Wealth Hall, Li Nianfan went to other fairy palaces and gradually understood the work of the gods.

The main purpose of Tiangong's existence is to avoid the chaos in the Three Realms. The gods are not in charge of major and minor matters. Of course, you can control them, depending on your mood.

The main responsibility is to make timely adjustments when there is a wrong direction to prevent catastrophe. Under normal circumstances, it is still very idle, but once there is an uncontrollable situation, it is the hands-on action and the dispatch of troops. The troops are dispatched.

At the same time, Yuelao Palace.

A young girl was holding a pile of red wool in her hand, her eyes widening, splitting one by one.

There are more than a dozen thread ends in this pile of red threads, which are almost twisted.

The girl's eyes were already bloodshot, she looked like she was about to collapse.

"Dead knot, dead knot, dead knot again! What's the situation?"

With her mouth pursing, she almost wanted to cry without tears, and sighed: "What has happened in this world for so many years? Are the feelings so complicated? Please, let me seal it again."

After taking it apart for a while, instead of straightening out, it turned from a twist into a hemp ball...

"He loves her, she loves him, and he loves her and her... Ah-let me die!"

The girl threw the hemp ball, completely collapsed, turned her head to look not far away, and sat on the old man at the door.

The old man had gray hair and very little hair volume. He was wearing a red robe, scratching his head with his hands, frowning, and staring at a booklet in his hand, looking as though he was in distress.


The girl looked at the old man pitifully, and said sadly: "I failed..."

The old man turned his head and glanced at the hemp ball in the girl's hand, the corner of his mouth twitched, and then raised his hand with a wave, a pair of golden scissors fell in front of the girl, "Nothing, cut it."


The girl excitedly picked up the scissors and clicked, feeling comfortable, and suddenly felt that the world was clean.

But before she could breathe a long sigh of relief, two of the clay figures with complicated sentiment just now sprang out two red lines quickly, and then quickly tied them together.

"After slashing the chaos with a quick knife, can you confirm true love so quickly?" The girl's eyes lit up slightly, but when her eyes fell on the two clay figures, her pupils shrank suddenly and raised her hand to cover it. Own mouth.

She calmed down, picked up one of the clay figures, and touched the lumps of the clay figure as if confirmingly. Then, she picked up the other clay figure and touched it, and there were lumps...

"These two... actually have lumps!"

The girl was clutching her mouth tightly, her eyes were complicated, she was unbelievably mixed with panic, but more of it was... faint excitement.

"It has changed, the world has changed so much."

There was a tremor in her voice, which seemed to be caused by excitement, "Master, what should I do in this situation?"

"You have to ask, cut."

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"Cut? Where to cut?"

"Cut the thread, where do you want to cut?"

"Oh..." The girl seemed disappointed.

The old man scratched his head, and suddenly realized that there were a few more hairs falling out, his eyes were red immediately, and he immediately said angrily: "Hurry up, cut it, and follow me to the underworld!"

The girl was taken aback, "Master, what are you going to do in the underworld?"

"Go find the theory of tautou horse noodles! Too bully! They are deliberately trying to make me bald!"

While talking, he took the girl and ran towards the door, but when he arrived at the door, his steps were abrupt and he ran into Li Nianfan full of heart.

"Holy... Lord Shengjun!"

The old man's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he quickly bowed his hands and said: "Little God Yue Lao pays homage to Lord Sage."

Xiao Luo also saluted along with him, "Xiao Luo sees Lord Shengjun."

Li Nianfan returned the courtesy and said with a smile: "Yue Lao, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Hey, Lord Shengjun, you are here at the right time, and you give a comment. Is it true that the underworld is not done properly?"

Yue Lao was simply full of resentment and distress, so he handed the booklet in his hand to Li Nianfan, complaining: "Is there such a good way to set up love and robbery? Kicked it to me, what can I do?"

Li Nianfan opened the pamphlet, but saw a passage written on it: Although there were many calamities in the past nine generations, the road of love was bumpy, and the obstruction was like a moat, but the ending was satisfactory.


Why is this so familiar?

Is it Yun Yiyi and the monk rebooting?

"Look, look." Yue Lao said with grief and grief: "The obstructions are all in the sky, and the ending has to be satisfactory. Isn't this contradictory? The key...Like this kind of love, I have to prepare for them The ninth generation! I don't have enough hair to think about."

"That... I'm sorry." Li Nianfan groaned for a moment, and apologized: "If it's no surprise, these two people are my friends, and I asked the underworld to take care of them."

Yue Lao suddenly turned into a statue, stupid and motionless.

His mouth was breathing cold, his toothache, his heart was cold, and his brain was about to explode.

What did i just say? What am I doing? Am I going to be cold?

"Then what."

Yuelao’s voice was full of crying, and she almost cried with fright. He trembled: "I suddenly felt that this passage was well written, and it was written so well! As Yuelao, I have been Looking for this kind of challenge, isn’t it just love, this is my strength, such challenging content, interesting, so interesting, I’m already getting excited, I’ll make a good idea, Master Shengjun, don’t worry about this. Properly guaranteed."

Li Nianfan couldn't help but laughed: "Yue Lao, you don't have to be like this, I am not a tough person."

"It's hard for a strong man?" Yuelao's lips were trembling, his liver trembling, and he quickly said: "Why? It's not difficult at all. I am so happy, I am so happy to do it in my heart."

Li Nianfan said: "Yue Lao, I have some thoughts about this love robbery, you can refer to it."

Yue Lao said without hesitation: "Sir Shengjun, please say, the little **** will definitely listen."

"Master, let's ask Master Shengjun to go in and sit down first."

Aside, Xiao Luo reminded in a low voice that she couldn't help taking a peek at Li Nianfan, and saw that his face always had a friendly smile on his face, not knowing why her master was so afraid of him, so handsome.

"Yes, yes, look at my brain." Yuelao suddenly realized and nodded hurriedly, "Master Shengjun, please, please."

"Then bother."

Li Nianfan stepped into the Moon Lao Palace, his eyes couldn't help but to abandon the pile of clay figures and red lines, and some thoughts came out, but he was temporarily suppressed.

Xiao Luo was already trotting and made a cup of tea for Li Nianfan.

Li Nianfan said: "Yue Lao, love and robbery really need technical content, but I have a few short stories about love twists and turns, I hope I can help you."

Yue Lao said sincerely: "I sincerely ask Master Shengjun to teach me."

His hair really can't hold it.

"The first story, "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai"..."

Immediately, Li Nianfan recounted famous love stories from previous lives such as "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", "Xu Xian and the White Lady", and "The Story of the West Chamber".

Basically, they are short stories, which are not complicated to tell, but love, hatred, and hatred are in place.

From the beginning to the end, the little tears on the side kept sobbing, and as for Yue Lao... the smile on his face never disappeared.

Even holding a writing brush in his hand, taking notes, excitedly said: "Okay, these stories are great! Xiao Luo, don't just cry, write them down, write them down quickly, these are precious materials, you can use them later. In practice, more people will pursue love."

Li Nianfan's heart moved slightly, and suddenly felt a little weird. From now on... These poignant love stories will not be born because of me, and will be passed on?

"Master Shengjun is really a great talent. Each of these stories is touching, enough to be passed down as a good story, and helped me Yue Lao Gong a lot."

Yue Lao's words are not flattering, they are true admiration and gratitude from the heart. With these templates, it will be much easier in the future.

Gao Ren is too powerful, even the love story is portrayed so profoundly, it is simply amazing, can there still be problems in this world to hold him back?

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "My friend has to worry about Laoyue Lao."

Yue Lao's complexion was straight, and he immediately promised: "Master Shengjun, don't worry, this matter is on my body. I will personally arrange it and give them an unforgettable experience."

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the expedition.

Li Nianfan was not idle, so he was naturally ready to follow the grand scene of the "Heaven Soldier and Heavenly General" descending demons.

On this day, at the gate of the Nantian Gate, a total of 3,000 people were gathered.

Although some of the cultivators have not yet become immortals in order to make up the number of people, they still cannot make up 3,000 in three days.

But... The Jade Emperor's wave of operations once again opened up Li Nianfan's horizons.

Among these three thousand people, there were close to two thousand people, who had been conjured by his method of using scattered beans into soldiers.

This is very shameful.

The leader of the Taihua Taoist is the incarnation of the Jade Emperor, and most of the heavenly soldiers behind him are the Jade Emperor’s Sandou Chengbing. This event is basically the Jade Emperor himself singing a one-man show.

In order to protect the face of Tiangong, he also took great pains.

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