Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 417: 418: It's a pity not to grow chickenpox

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Lu Yue's brows jerked, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, but he did not lose his mind.

He asked, "Who is here?"

The disciple opened his mouth and said, "In addition to the fairy who came last time, he also followed another fairy and a sword-wielding celestial general, and also the bull head from the underworld."

"It seems that after escaping last time, I went to find a helper." Lu Yue smiled coldly and continued to ask: "Do you know how they resolved it?"

"They put a kind of medicine into the well water, and then gave it to people." The disciple said, his wrist shook, and a bowl appeared on it. The bowl contained brown liquid, which looked very ordinary.

Lu Yue took the bowl of water, and then placed it in front of him to look at it, and then he leaned over to smell it, his face was pondering, and his eyes suddenly became cloudy.

The disciple immediately showed curiosity, "Master, what's wrong with this bowl of water?"

Lu Yue glanced at his apprentice lightly, his expression unchanged, "I can't see anything for the time being, but... it's clear after a try."

He waved to the patient just now, and the patient flew in front of him again, and then poured the bowl of water into it.

"Hehe, really naive."

Lu Yue shook his head and couldn't help showing a mocking look, "Even if my previous plague can be cured, I can release a new plague, but it's useless..."

His words stopped abruptly, stuck directly in his throat, his pupils shrank suddenly, and looked at the patient just now in surprise.

However, the red bumps on that person's face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the physical condition has been significantly improved.

"This... how is this possible?" Lu Yue's face was filled with inconceivability. Could this water cure more than one plague?

He said solemnly: "Is this water still available?"

"Yes, I know this water is not ordinary, so I made a bucket specially." The disciple raised his wrist again, already carrying a wooden bucket in his hand.

Lu Yue looked at the patient, and the mana in his hand surged again, causing him to be infected with another plague. However, with only a bowl of underwater belly, the plague was cured again.

It has been used three times in a row, but without exception, a bowl of water can be cured.

At this moment, Lu Yue's whole body trembled, starting from the soles of his feet, a chill hit his forehead, and the hairs on his body exploded.

Nemesis, this is my nemesis!

He felt a terrible fear, and Dao Heart was almost unstable.

Seeing this situation, the two old men were so excited that they knelt to the ground and kept worshipping, "Shennong, Shennong must have appeared!"

They looked at the bucket of water, almost fanatical in their eyes, already forming a complete brain supplement chain.

It must be that Shennong couldn't bear to see the plague rampant. This time the manifestation changed the well water and became a piece of water that could cure all diseases.

Too great, too sacred!


A monstrous hatred burst into Lu Yue's eyes, and the breath of his whole body continued to overflow. There was a gray air flow all over his body, and the third eye on his forehead was already red.

"At the beginning, I sprinkled the plague on the soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty. The reason why I fell short was because Jiang Ziya went to Shennong to get a medicine guide, which made me enter the list of conferred gods, and I was controlled by others!"

Lu Yue seemed very reluctant to recall this memory, his voice was extremely cold, "Shen Nong Hundred Grass Scriptures, and this water, could it be that Shen Nong was born again? And... even more so?"

He knew very well that the previous Shennong Hundred Grass Scriptures were not this one, and it was far worse, and it was even impossible to make water that could solve various plagues!

The last loss can be attributed to Shennong’s great medicine, but this time, it can be said to be a direct attack on Lu Yue’s Daoxin.

"Regardless of whether you are really Shennong or not, I, Lu Yue, must meet you well this time!" Lu Yue suddenly let out a big laugh, with a kind of excitement in facing the challenge, "You can solve the plague of mortals, then I The plague that can infect immortals, can you solve it? Come on, accept my challenge!"

When the voice fell, he directly left everyone present and went straight to Lan'er and them.

He couldn't wait, but he was not scared at all. Some were just crazy, because he knew very well that his Dao Heart was on the verge of collapse, and even questioned the way of the plague.

At this moment, he urgently needs to prove that he cannot cross this hurdle, his Dao heart will collapse, and once he has crossed this hurdle, he will definitely be able to walk out of a completely different path from the past.

The heaven and earth in the Shennong Hundred Grass Scriptures, as well as the water that can solve all diseases, must contain things far beyond my imagination. I have to find out, it doesn't matter if you die!

Why is my way of the plague so vulnerable to you? I do not believe!

At the same time, in another village not far away, Lan'er and the others showed a relaxed smile watching everyone's recovery.

Xiao Chengfeng smiled and said: "My Lord Shengjun is amazing. As long as he makes a little shot, there will be no use for Xiao Chengfeng, hey."

Bullhead held a fork in his hand and said, "Don’t you know that a large-scale plague broke out in the mortal world not long ago, and it was also quelled by Lord Sage. At the same time, he re-established the path of medical treatment for the human race. Luck has soared, but it is a pity that Shengjun is too low-key. He doesn't like to leave a name, and he even borrowed the name of Lord Shennong."

"Master Shengjun is naturally low-key, otherwise he will not always stand up to the identity of a mortal, let alone have an intersection with us." Lan'er said, looking a little inferior.

"Lan'er, it's no wonder that you didn't even dare to breathe when you saw Master Shengjun."

Chang'e smiled and said, "No matter how powerful, Master Shengjun wants to communicate with others, just like I was alone on the moon palace, let alone a mortal at that time, even a rabbit, I would like to turn myself into A rabbit communicated with him. Since Master Shengjun is a game world, that one will do his best to play with him."

"What Fairy Chang'e said is extremely true, and the summary is too reasonable."

Xiao Chengfeng nodded in incomparable approval, "The gift that Lord Sovereign gave us is really too great, probably this is to please us with mortals, and the gifts we give freely are to mortals.

At this moment, his gaze condensed slightly, watching the bull head quietly picking up a bowl, and then scooping a bowl of water from the wooden barrel, and he couldn't wait to gulp down and drink it.

He stayed for a while and said: "Niutou, what are you doing?"

"It's delicious, it's delicious! This medicine is actually a bit sweet."

Niutou was satisfied, and quickly scooped a bowl again, "I haven't eaten Master Shengjun's food for a long time, but I want to die. It is also great to drink some of this medicine to relieve greed, you don't know, I am in the underground ...Bitter!"

"Do you want a bowl?"

Chang'e shook her head and said with restraint: "No, we just ate Lord Shengjun's fried dough sticks and soy milk before we set off."

Niutou's eyes turned green all of a sudden, and he kept patting his thigh, "Envy, envy! It's good to be alive."

However, the next moment, everyone's brows suddenly wrinkled, and a dignified color appeared in their eyes, and then their bodies flashed, and they appeared outside the village, looking up into the distance.

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There, a strong gray air current was approaching fast like a tide, and at the same time, a huge breath was already locking everyone in.

"come yet!"

The corners of Xiao Chengfeng's mouth curled up and he let out a sneer, his thumb was slightly on the scabbard, and the long sword immediately came out of the scabbard and turned into a stream of light, directly submerged in the gray air current.


With a soft sound, the long sword flew upside down.

"We haven't even gone to find you, you've come by yourself!"

Xiao Chengfeng flew up, raised his hand and grabbed the long sword, and his whole body was submerged in the gray air, followed by a flash of sword light, and the sword shadow heavy.

From the gray air current, two long swords shot out like a spirit snake, entangled with Xiao Chengfeng.

These two long swords flew in the air, but behind their tails brought a long series of gray air currents. When they were fighting with Xiao Chengfeng, this series of gray air currents had already left a series of dense traces in the air. .

Lu Yue's figure slowly walked out of the gray air, with a cold voice: "Tell me, where did your medicine come from? Did Shennong give it to you again?"

Xiao Chengfeng said coldly: "You are not qualified to know!"

Niutou was very knowledgeable, and said: "General Xiao, be careful, this refers to the plague sword, which carries plague poison."

"Hahaha, no matter what the poison is, I will break it with my own sword!" Xiao Chengfeng laughed loudly, and the mana around his body formed an extremely sharp barrier to block the poison.

"My old bull is here to help you too!" With the fork in his hand, the bull head directly joined the battle without ambiguity.

"Hahaha, hahaha..."

Lu Yue laughed, and waved his hand, a big gray seal was thrown out by him, like a Mount Tai, pressing straight towards the bull's head, but he did not lose the wind with one enemy and two.

"A group of little hairy children actually wanted to arrest me. The Three Realms have not had my deeds for too long. Could it be that they have forgotten my legend? I was the first in the practice of Jiulong Island. If you ask the name of Nina, what is the name of Lu Yue, the fame is spread across the sea ."

"Weak chicken, that's it?"

Xiao Chengfeng was not shocked and rejoiced, his face began to have a sense of superiority, and he shouted with excitement, "Then you know who I am? I have spent three thousand li in my life, and Yijian has been a master of one million. The heavenly sword immortal has three million. , You need to lower your eyebrows when you see me! The current sword **** Xiao Chengfeng!"

Lu Yue's eyes sank suddenly and he gave a cold snort.

In the act of pretending to be compelling, he was not even better than his opponent, which made him very angry, and shouted in a low voice: "If this is the case, then I can only persuade you and ask!"

The mana of his whole body suddenly became mad, and then, from behind he actually separated his hands again, followed by another pair, and on his body, three heads appeared!

Three heads and six arms!

The **** of the plague sword and the Xingtian seal flew into his hands as a stream of light. In addition, the other three arms held a clock, a flag, and a gossip platform.

At this moment, the gray air current roared into the sky like a dragon, and then it began to beat the surroundings like a wave. It was just a moment, and it enveloped the surrounding gray world. These gray air seemed to have life, but it was still Wiggling.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying aura emerged from Lu Yue's body, which immediately suppressed everyone from acting rashly.

"Hehe, little girl, just call these helpers, do you really think I'm just an ordinary Taiyi Golden Fairy?"

Lu Yue's master let out a sneer, and then said: "A long time ago, I was considered a first-class master among Daluo Jinxian. If it weren't for being sent to the list of gods, why is the current cultivation only like this? I just want to restore my peak cultivation base. Since you dare to stop me, let's calculate the old and new accounts together!"

With the voice Gan Luo, the gossip platform in his hand flew directly out and sank into the ground. Immediately, in the earth, endless gray gas began to gush out, but it actually formed a gossip area, blocking everyone.

"Wow, wow!"

"Dingling, Dingling!"

In addition, the stereotyped plague flags in his hand began to wave, and the plague bell began to oscillate, with bursts of sound in the ears, making everyone feel dizzy, and the gray air roared toward everyone. Impact away!

These gray qi actually ignored Xiao Chengfeng's body protection mana and rushed in.


Xiao Chengfeng let out a muffled snort, and then, on his cheeks, countless chickenpox jumped out in an instant. In a blink of an eye, the appearance was broken, and the whole body was weak and dizzy.

The bull's head didn't do too much. It was obviously a bull's head, but it was covered with chickenpox, which seemed very funny.

Poorly, the two of them didn't know their changes. They laughed together when they saw each other's shame.

The gray waves of air kept roaring towards Chang'e and Lan'er like crazy beasts!

The small faces of Chang'e and Lan'er were instantly pale, and there was no way to go back. They were like little white sheep waiting to be slaughtered, pitiful, weak, and helpless.

They almost cried when they saw Xiao Chengfeng and the look of turning their heads. If their faces were covered with chickenpox, it would be better to die than life, so what face would they have to go to the Sage?

Lu Yue laughed excitedly, seeming to have some special habit, and said: "Hahaha, what a beautiful face, it's a shame not to use it to grow chickenpox."

Chang'e's voice was full of crying, "Go away, go away!"

The gray gas is getting closer.

Lan'er was breathing fast, but his brain exploded at this moment, operating at an unprecedented speed.

She thought of disinfectant, and then, a picture suddenly rushed into her mind.

That was the scene of Master Shengjun holding the spray, with a "sizzle", lightly spraying two mosquitoes in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian.

The image impressed her too deeply and it was impossible to forget.

Spray, to spray!

The disinfectant given by Lord Shengjun.

Looking at the gray gas that was about to rush in front of her, she quickly took out the disinfectant, and then tightly closed her eyes tightly, raising her hand to press!


A cloud of spray spurted out, touching the gray air current.

The next moment, without warning, from the beginning of the spray, all the gray gas in this area began to quickly dissipate, leaving no trace.

Lu Yue didn't even react, and he froze before his laughing mouth closed.

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