Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 426: 427: Under what circumstances, everything is out of plan

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Suddenly, the demon gas soared into the sky, countless demon clouds obscured the sky and the sun, covering up the light in the sky, and galloping in one direction mightily.

The huge demon power rushed straight into the sky, causing the world to change color.

The Kunpeng Demon Master stood in the center of the team, his eyes flickering unceasingly.

He was thinking about why the troops he sent out actually failed.

After thinking about it, I feel that it should be foolproof.

A small dog clan can actually make the two big monsters of Taiyi Golden Immortal lose news. The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox is even more outrageous. He not only sent a big Luo Jinxian, but also three big monsters and many little monsters. After following, I never go back. I haven't played this before? It shouldn't be!

"What a waste! It broke my plan!"

Kunpeng couldn't help cursing in a low voice, "I can't even deal with the trivial dog tribe, the fallen nine-tailed celestial fox, and the phoenix. What use do I want them?!"

The pig demon on the side immediately said: "Master Demon Master, it is better to let me take the lead and kill the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox and the Dog Clan first!"

"Huh! Do you really think that I am so active to deal with foxes and dogs?"

Kunpeng glanced at the pig demon coldly, and sneered: "This is just an incidental thing! Fox and puppies, I can raise my hand to destroy them casually, my goal is... Tiangong!"

The pig demon showed a faint look, "It turned out to be going to invade the heavenly palace, the demon master really planned for a long time."

"What embezzlement? I call it back!"

Kunpeng immediately corrected and said, "The Heavenly Palace was originally a Demon Court. It belongs to my Demon Race. Can I call it an occupation?"

The pig demon said, "Master Demon Master taught me a lot."

Kunpeng said indifferently: "With your IQ, telling you this is boring. Let everyone speed up. Let's take a surprise and don't give our opponent any opportunity to prepare!"

Immediately, the demon cloud accelerated again, leaving a long path of demon energy in the air.

Half an hour later, the demon cloud entered a valley, and a huge shadow cast down, covering the entire valley.

The monstrous coercion poured out from the monster cloud like a tide, suppressing the many monsters in the valley to trembling, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Daji and Huofeng looked solemn, and walked out of the valley, staring at the demon cloud. Behind them, many monsters also looked up at the sky, with anxiety in their eyes.

"It's terrifying!" The black bear shrank his neck, "As for? Do we need to send so many people to deal with it?"

The wild boar spirit also stared with small eyes, and swallowed anxiously, "Xiaoqing, it's over, this time we are 80% finished."

Xiaoqing turned into a half-human half-snake, dragging a long snake tail behind him, twisting, and said: "Are you scared? Look at the monster cloud, there is also a pig demon. It seems that his status is not low. Acknowledge a relative and let you take refuge in any direction."

"Afraid? What is it that my old pig can get from the mortal world to the immortal world? It depends on the help of the demon emperor!" The wild boar suddenly looked straight, "We have worked together from the mortal world, but the elders! You let me recognize relatives? Is it possible to recognize a son back?"

The black bear spirit immediately praised: "Good point! Old pig, I want to take a look at you. I didn't expect you to be able to say such a high level."

Xiao Qing said solemnly: "Our three brothers and sisters, following Master Demon Sovereign all the way, saw the scenery that was impossible to see in our entire life, and even tasted the delicacy that I would never even think of, even though it was just a cruel. The soup is cold, but... it is also a great fortune! Let us go to this day, so far... how to fear death!"

At this moment, a vast aura from above the demon cloud crashed down, with strength and majesty, like a sky collapsed, crushing the trees around the valley, and many little demon were directly suppressed. Collapsed to the ground, the demon power was confused.

Xiaoqing's complexion was stagnant, and the courage that had just been summoned suddenly vented.

Xiaoqing couldn't help being weak and weak: "It would be great if Uncle Dog was here, and I will feel at ease no matter how many people come."

The wild boar spirit began to cheer himself up, and said: "Will the uncle dog do it? I think it should be. After all, it is not easy to raise me so fat and strong. There is no reason to make my meat cheaper for outsiders."

The black bear nodded in agreement, "You have a good point, and the bear meat in my body is also the same."

Above the demon cloud.

Condescendingly, Kunpeng smiled disdainfully, and said indifferently: "That nine-tailed celestial fox has some ways to summon so many monster races, but they are all mobs, so don't worry! As the ancestor of the monster race, I think that the nine-tailed sky fox and the fire phoenix are also outstanding in the monster race, and I can give them another chance!"

"Master Demon Master, I understand!"

The pig demon immediately understood what Kunpeng meant, stepped forward, and said loudly: "Kunpeng is the ancestor of my demon clan. Now the demon emperor is uncertain. Kunpeng is the one who the demon emperor should do his part. Nine-tailed celestial fox, fire phoenix, you two The demon is also the king of the demon race, don't make mistakes, the ancestor Kunpeng showed kindness and is willing to give you a chance, and don't quickly lay down his weapons and surrender?"

Daji had a cold face, stared at the sky, and said, "Impossible! If you want to fight, then fight!"

"Oh, goodbye then."

Kunpeng chuckled lightly, without further delay, gently raised his hand, volleyed, and slowly slapped down towards the valley.


In an instant, a mighty pressure fell on the heads of all the monsters in the valley, and a destructive aura burst out. Before it arrived, the highest mountain in the valley was silently turned into powder, which was completely annihilated!

This breath is invisible and innocent, but it appears in the hearts of everyone, making them feel flustered and violent, as if they will be annihilated in the next moment.

At this moment, a picture scroll suddenly appeared on top of Da Ji's head, and then the picture scroll slowly spread out, and the image of mountains, rivers and seas evolved, floating above the void, turning the aura of the Kunpeng Demon Master into invisible. .

"Shanhesheji map?"

Demon Master Kunpeng's eyes flashed, but his complexion remained unchanged. When he raised his hand, there was a large golden seal lying quietly on his palm. As Kunpeng waved his hand, the seal was swelling in the wind. It was big, and it became the size of a hill in a blink of an eye. It was clearly visible, with the word "Shaanxi" printed on the bottom of this seal!

"Boom boom boom!"

As soon as the golden seal came out, the void began to burst as if it could not bear its weight.

As the Great Seal fell, there was a powerful pressure pressing down, even if it was far away, it still made people feel difficult to breathe, as if the sky was collapsing.


The golden big seal hit the world evolved from the map of the mountain and river, and instantly annihilated the images.

However, what followed was a whole new world, with high mountains and thick earth, like a big world, continuing to resist the attack of Dayin.

Kunpeng raised his hand, Fan Tianyin flew back to his hand, and said coldly: "Mother, do you think I can't recognize your breath when you hide?"

"Da da da!"

Accompanied by the sound of horseshoes, three pegasus with snow-white wings floated from a distance, with unicorns on their heads, and a golden car wheel behind them. As they moved forward, behind the car wheel There is also the circulation of colorful brilliance, noble and spectacular.

Inside the carriage, the Queen Mother's voice came out faintly, "Daoist Kunpeng is so inspiring, what are you planning to do?"

Kunpeng sneered, "Is my monster clan's affairs, is Tiangong planning to take care of it too?"

The Jade Emperor walked out of the carriage with a smile, and said, "Hahaha, Daoist Kunpeng said and laughed. I was out to relax with the Queen Mother. I happened to meet this matter, so I was curious to take care of it."

Looking at the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, Kunpeng gradually narrowed his eyes.


I believe in you and I am a pig!

Will the dignified Jade Emperor and Queen Mother leave the palace at will?

Also, what is behind you? What do you do with so many heavily armed heavenly soldiers?

His mind turned sharply, the current situation was obvious, and Tiangong was clearly out against him.

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This shouldn't be it. It's only right that one's actions are concealed, and all he knows are his own people. How could Heavenly Palace come over? Moreover, even the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother are here, and this level of attention is really puzzling.

Moreover, even though he planned to attack Tiangong, he hadn't taken any action yet. At present, he was only coming to attack the Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox. Tiangong himself couldn't wait to send out the chaos?

what's the situation? Why can't I understand?

Not normal, too abnormal.

Kunpeng suppressed the doubts in his heart and said in a low voice, "Although I don't know why, these still don't affect my plan. Since it's here, let's solve it together!"

The Jade Emperor smiled coldly, "Why, fellow Daoist Kunpeng is still going to eat with us?"

"What's wrong?" A sudden voice sounded, and a blood-red light blasted out, and the figure of the blood sea ancestor slowly emerged in front of everyone, behind him, followed by a group of Shura, all Murderous, full of murderous tyranny.

The ancestor of the blood sea laughed wildly, "Jade Emperor, I let you go last time, this time the heavenly palace will completely dissipate between heaven and earth!"

"Don't talk nonsense, take this opportunity to annihilate them in one fell swoop!" As soon as the voice fell, the Fantian Seal in Kunpeng's hand had already flew out and smashed towards the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother waved her hand, and the picture of Shanhe Sheji immediately wrapped around her body, and the world evolved one by one to form a defense. At the same time, she pinched a magic trick, and a hairpin on her head flew out and pierced towards Kunpeng. !

"Hahaha, the treasure of defense, mine is better than yours!"

Kunpeng smiled contentedly, and a golden light shone from his body, covering his whole body, forming the appearance of a golden bell.


A bell rang. Although it was not heavy, a sense of magnificence and atmosphere spread into everyone's ears, and the void rippled with waves, seeming to have the resonance of heaven and earth!

The queen mother's hairpin hit the golden light, but it was easily bounced back, and it was impossible to break the defense.

"East Emperor Bell!" The Jade Emperor's complexion sank, and he felt a thorny moment. "After the death of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, this clock has been missing, and it is in your hands!"

Kunpeng smiled complacently, and said proudly: "Eastern Emperor Bell, innate treasure, defense first! Even if it can block the saint's blow, I will stand and let you fight, and you still hurt me!"

At the same time, the Yuantu and Abi of the ancestors of the Styx River also turned into Li Mang, staggering towards the Jade Emperor!

With a thought on the Jade Emperor's heart, the Haotian Pagoda was immediately suspended above his head, and the Heavenly Sun Sword in his hand picked up Yuantu and Abi against it.

"Huh?" The ancestor of Styx could not help but frown, and he became a little surprised and uncertain.

The sword in the Jade Emperor's hand has become a successful De Lingbao. How can I feel that his cultivation base is stronger than last time, and the Queen Mother seems to have more control over the rules of heaven and earth.

The previous fight was not like this.

He condensed his mind and suddenly became serious.

The fighting of the four quasi-sages is so powerful that just a trace of aura is enough to annihilate the surrounding world. If they were allowed to do this, the immortal world and even the mortal world would be directly broken.

Back then, the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn were fighting each other, which broke the prehistoric world and created boundless karma, and the three tribes fell into decline.

The Jade Emperor four naturally did not dare to create more cause and effect. In the fight, each of them was tearing apart the void and wandering in the chaotic world. Although it seemed that they were fighting in front of them, under the law of space, each of them The aftermath of a blow was actually transmitted into the chaotic void, otherwise, this area might be instantly transformed into nothingness.

As for the others, they are already fighting together.

For a time, Lingbao and Fajue burst into the air, various spells soared into the sky, and the sky fell in disorder. This valley instantly became a ruin, flooded by the sea of ​​fire and water, and all the flowers, plants and trees disappeared.

Although Tiangong has joined, the disadvantage of Daji's side is still obvious, because of the lack of Da Luo Jinxian!

On the Yaozu side, there are three big Luo Jinxians!

"Fairy Daji, don't panic, let's come too!"

But it was Ao Cheng and Ao Yun who came to support, and a large group of shrimp soldiers and crabs followed behind them.

In this way, anyhow, no more losses in terms of quantity.

"Leave this bull to me!" In Lu Yue's hand, the gray plague clock shook slightly, and suddenly made a strange sound. The surrounding little demon was suddenly stunned. The gray plague poison was like a mist, facing towards A bull demon in the realm of Luo Jinxian enveloped him away!

"Huh!" The bull demon snorted coldly, and two huge water waves sprayed out from his nose, directly engulfing the gray mist, holding a long stick, Lingbao, and attacking Lu Yue!

Ye Liuyun, Ao Yun, Ao Cheng, and Lan'er joined forces to deal with another great demon in the Great Luo Jinxian realm.

Xiao Chengfeng, Da Ji and Huofeng were dealing with the pig demon.

The pig demon looked a little silly, but his strength was extremely terrifying. He carried a red flag behind his back and was swaying against the wind. His body actually swelled a little bit and became a three-meter-high giant. Pig demon!

Daji removed the Xuanshui ring from her wrist and raised her hand. The Xuanyin divine water immediately surrounded the pig demon like a surging sea wave. Then the water instantly solidified into ice, but it was movable. ice!

Xuanyin Shenshui was originally cold and corrosive. After turning into ice, the thick cold air formed a mist. The mist alone was extremely corrosive and floated into the air with a sizzling sound.

Cold ice is like a white python, biting towards the pig demon!

The pig demon raised his hand, and the red banner behind it immediately rose into the air, and then stood in front of it. When the wind exploded, a sea of ​​fire suddenly burst out. These flames were very special, beating endlessly, and seemed to have life.

Touching the cold ice, it was just a breath of time, the cold ice began to melt and re-turn into water, and then the mysterious water in the flames evaporated directly, disappearing!

The flames were fierce and swallowed towards Daji!

Huofeng's eyes condensed, and the wings behind him stirred. The Phoenix was really cremated into a huge Fire Phoenix and struck with the flames. However, the Phoenix True Fire also showed signs of dissolution.

Xiao Chengfeng's complexion sank and couldn't help saying: "This flame is so weird!"

"Hahaha, old pig, I am a flame flag off the ground. I have the ability to chaotic yin and yang, reverse the five elements, and invade all the ways! The ancestor Kunpeng specially rewarded it to me, just to make this battle win beautiful!"

The pig demon laughed, and the banner was unfolded, and the flames rose to the sky, turning into a fire dragon and roaring at everyone, "The three Taiyi Golden Immortals are no more than ant ears in my eyes!"

"My sword is not necessarily worse than yours!" The long sword in Xiao Chengfeng's hand dropped out and turned into a brilliance. It plunged straight into the flame, and cut a path from the flame. Came to the pig demon's body.

The pig demon raised his hand, waved the flag, and blocked the long sword from flying, but his eyes flashed, "Gongde Lingbao? But it's still far away."

It sneered, and the banner in his hand danced wildly, and the endless flames began to fly like a snake, and there were many fireballs flying towards Daji and three people, like countless meteorites falling, surrounding everyone.

These flames are too terrifying, and they have the ability to reverse the five elements. The ordinary magic arts fall on them, and they are directly burned like paper. The temperature is no less than that of the Phoenix real fire, and the destructive power is amazing.

For a while, the three of Daji could only cope with it and were in a panic.

On the other hand, the battle of the four quasi-sages is also bigger and more intense. The magical treasure is overflowing. Even if the aftermath is transferred, the place where it is located is constantly broken by the powerful pressure and transferred to the chaos. Aftermath, I don’t know how many broken stars were shattered.

However, each of the four of them has the treasure of defense, and each of them is also attacking the Lingbao. At this level, it is too difficult and too difficult to tell the victory and defeat, and it can only make the other party a little embarrassed.

The ancestor Kunpeng glanced away, and saw that his side had the upper hand, but his face was not so good.

Originally, his plan was foolproof. First of all, he didn't know why the wind was leaked, so that Tiangong and the others were prepared so well. Secondly, when he thought of the Nanhai Dragon and Qilin clan, his heart was twitching and cursing stupid.

If they are joined at this time, do we need to say more about the outcome? Even if the heaven is empty, they can attack the heaven at this time, but it's as simple as searching for something.

How can it be as difficult as it is now.

"Stupid pig, stupid pig!" The ancestor Kunpeng became more and more angry when he thought about it, and couldn't help screaming and roaring, teammates of pigs, proper teammates of pigs!

The pig demon, who was still swinging the flame flag off the ground, suddenly stopped, and then quickly stopped and flew towards the Kunpeng Demon Master, "Master Demon Master, you call me?"

Kunpeng was stupid, almost suffocated with anger, "What are you doing here? Didn't you give the nine-tailed celestial fox a chance to breathe? Don't hurry and kill them! Why are there stupid pigs around me? !"

"Yes, I am a pig."

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