Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 440: 441: Accidentally stabbed

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Outside Nantianmen.

After many monsters and immortals went out and greeted the heavenly soldiers in the heavenly palace, they drove away.

Due to the lack of manpower in the underworld, the black and white impermanence and the bull head horse face did not delay, and left one after another.

The Giant Spirit God followed Da Hei, with a humble attitude and respectfully sent out of the Nantian Gate.

Before the banquet, he did not know how to call Da Hei a dog. Although Da Hei didn't say anything, his heart was still very empty and he had to make up for his mistakes.

Who is Da Hei, that's an expert's pet dog!

Especially, after this banquet, the expert made the word extraordinary even more vivid.

Although the masters call themselves mortals,... the food they eat and the air they breathe are all extraordinary. It can be said that the things that the masters don’t care about are great for them. good fortune.

Originally, the big plan of kneeling and licking had already been brewing in my heart. However, I actually offended the expert's pet dog very ignorantly. If it said something ill of me in front of the expert, then how can I mess with the giant spirit god?

Therefore, he panicked and tried his best to restore his image in front of Da Hei. He has been following Da Hei, preparing to **** him all the way, and see if he can deepen his feelings by the way.

In addition to the people who left directly, many people, even though they were out of the Heavenly Palace, were actually in groups, just chatting and chatting with each other cheerfully.

A meal of Kunpeng soup made everyone recover from their injuries. While shocked, they were more naturally ecstasy. They only felt the unspeakable comfort of the whole body. The peak of life was just like this.

Even at this moment, I still feel like a dream and illusion, and I dare not think so in dreams.

"This kind of blessing is really the first time in history, Master Shengjun is really kind to us!"

"The life without encountering Lord Shengjun is not a complete life."

"Originally, I thought Master Shengjun helped me to wait for me to break the seal, reset the heavenly palace, and bestow merits. It was already an extremely remarkable thing, but it was naive. It turned out...all that was done by Master Shengjun casually. That's it..."

"Weakness limits our imagination."

"The most important thing is that being so strong, but willing to hide the cultivation base, and get along with us ants friendly, this state of mind is even more impressive."

"The big brother's world, we naturally don't understand."

"Hehe, what is this? You don't understand how great Master Shengjun is."

Lu Yue was mingled among the crowd, with a look of admiration on his face, and fiery eyes in his eyes, "Master Shengjun casually said that it is the sound of the great road, and it is the realm that we will pursue throughout our lives, you Do you understand the nature of this world? I understand! Lord Shengjun taught me casually!"

The more he speaks, the more excited he is, and the more he is proud and piety.

This meal also allowed him to break through the shackles of the Taiyi Jinxian and become Daluo, but he was not surprised at all, but took it for granted.

Although the time to get acquainted with an expert is still short, the gains obtained, even in words and deeds, are much more powerful than self-cultivation.

I thought that at the beginning, I had been pitted and pitted, and after all the hardships, I would be happy for a long time to improve a little. At this time, I looked back and suddenly calmed down. I really didn't know the vastness of this world!

Can you break through with a meal, can you believe it?

Now I can be regarded as having seen the world.

Lu Yue suddenly felt detached.

At this moment, Ao Yun slowly ascended forward, with a smile on his face, nodded to everyone, arched his hands and said: "Friends of immortals, please allow me to perform one for you. Dragon tail!"

Then he introduced the magic trick, the original broken arm started to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and behind the butt, a tail gradually emerged.

Looking at the familiar hands and tail, tentatively clenching his fists and wagging his tail, Ao Yun burst into tears in his eyes, and said excitedly: "I'm back, old friend."

Everyone immediately applauded, their eyes full of sorrow.

They can basically feel Ao Yun's mood. Most of the people present have experienced great calamity, and there are many things that have affected the foundation. Just like the plague **** Lu Yue, the cultivation base is regressed, the soul is damaged, and many people seek a breakthrough. Finally, he was lost, and now he was saved by this bowl of soup.

"Cut, you guys sigh, you have to thank me if you want to thank you!"

Kunpeng, who has grown from a canary to a big eagle, stood not far away, staring proudly at the emotional crowd, and said with pride, "My ancestor's fleshy fragrance, right? Tsk tusk, unknowingly, my ancestor Suddenly, his value skyrocketed."

But at this moment, there was a burst of coercion in the sky. The terrifying power made everyone feel shocked. The hairs of the whole body instantly exploded, and the blood solidified.

Then, there was a dark shadow in the sky falling rapidly, and it fell to the ground with a "boom".

There are three golden lotuses around the shadow, and bursts of mighty aura spill out around it. Although it falls to the ground, it still makes people frighten.


In the next instant, nine pillars of fire soaring into the sky descended from the sky and directly circled everyone in. The moment the pillars of fire fell to the ground, they began to rotate and connect with each other to form a closed loop, sealing the surroundings and the sky.

The thin old man was holding Shaogu in his left hand and the crystal spear in his right, his figure slowly condensed in the field, his eyes coldly looking at everyone around him.

Finally let out a contemptuous laugh, "There is such a weak world of heaven, which is my place to play."

The mosquito person stood up slowly, and said solemnly: "He doesn't belong to the prehistoric world, let's join hands!"

Doesn't belong to the prehistoric world?

Everyone was stunned for a while, the giant spirit **** didn't need to think about it at all. He conditioned his reflex and said without hesitation: "Bold! Where is the evildoer, dare to spread wildly in the palace, and not quickly kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"Where is the guts of ants clamoring?"

The thin old man didn't even glance at the giant spirit god, raised the spear in his hand and pointed at the giant spirit **** slightly.

Above the tip of the gun, the power of the law is mighty, and there is a streamer shooting out, the streamer is not strong, but the terror contained in it is to make everyone change its color.

Facing this blow, the giant spirit **** didn't dare to move, his face was pale, his whole body was cold, and he couldn't even think of resisting. At this moment, he even thought about how to go to the underworld and walk through the back door and reincarnate. .

"Dog basin protector!"

The long hair on the Roaring Sky Dog had already done this, but he performed better than the Giant Spirit God, screaming out of fear.

Then he raised his hand and patted the ground, and the pink dog pot immediately rushed out, rotating on the top of his head to form a shield.


It's a pity that the dog basin is like a decoration, and when it is irritated by the streamer, it is directly shaken out, and its effect is minimal.

Fortunately, at this moment, the other gods came back to their senses one after another, their hearts jumped, and they immediately counterattacked at the fastest speed. The whole body was full of mana, forming a shield in front of the giant spirit gods, especially Kunpeng and Lu Yue, both of them. All of them are in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, with mana surging out, and dare not have the slightest reservation.

If it were just the giant spirit god, their reaction would not be so big, but the dog beside the giant spirit **** is the expert's pet dog. If it is not blocked, it may be killed by the giant spirit god. .

That's a big deal. How do we explain it to the experts?

Finally, under everyone's concerted efforts, they blocked this blow.

However, no one dared to breathe a sigh of relief, and all of them looked so solemn that they did not dare to breathe.

Others are just a casual blow, but they need everyone to do their best to defend together. What kind of power is this?

Cold sweat overflowed from everyone's foreheads.

"The quasi saint...the pinnacle!"

Kunpeng's eyes narrowed, and his mood suddenly became heavy. From the thin old man, he could feel the breath equivalent to his previous self.

If he could still challenge him during his peak period, he would be far behind now.

"But... no matter what, you must keep the superior dog!"

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At this moment, this is the consensus reached in everyone's mind.

Involuntarily, their eyes were locked on the skinny old man, full of precautions, ready to protect Da Hei at any time.

The skinny old man glanced at the Giant Spirit God in surprise, obviously misunderstanding, and sneered: "Oh, it seems that this big guy has a lot of origin, so many of you are actually nervous to protect him."

Kunpeng solemnly said: "Mosquito people, we will join hands, there will be a trace of life!"

The mosquito road man glanced at Kunpeng, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and said in surprise: "You actually know me?"

Kunpeng said: "Nonsense, I am Kunpeng."

The mosquito man said noncommittal: "A small eagle is so embarrassed to call himself Kunpeng? This seems to be the style of mortal men."

If you are Kunpeng, where are there so many troubles.

"Joining hands? What a ridiculous idea. A group of ants teaming up is also ants."

The thin old man sneered disdainfully, and the rattle in his left hand began to swing.

"Bang bang bang."

The sound of the drum was like a wave, and it spread out in an instant, covering everyone in it.

At this moment, everyone felt that their bodies became extremely heavy. Even the soul was imprisoned by an invisible cage. An unimaginable sense of exhaustion began to arise from the bottom of my heart, and even displayed The mind of magic can not be born.

On the spot, it was reduced to fish for slaughter.

In the eyes of the old man, these people are just ants that can be trampled to death with their hands. They don’t even need to pay attention. They regained their eyes on the mosquito man, the crystal spear in his hand raised slightly, and then directly dropped out and shot at the mosquito man. Away.

The mosquito man drew the magic trick, and the mana shareholders of the whole body poured into the three lotus leaves, causing the three golden lotus to merge with each other, and finally turned into a huge lotus leaf, wrapping itself in it.


The spear and the lotus leaf were in a stalemate, and the breath swelled. Only the aftermath directly shook the shields of the surrounding gods and spewed a mouthful of blood together.

Mosquito Dao Ren couldn't help but glance at Kunpeng who was also in apathy, and couldn't help but curl his lips, slandering in his heart.

I was still calling myself Kunpeng one second, but not the next second. Are you here to be funny?

Her face was heavy, and she swept the surrounding pillars of fire for a moment, feeling even more disturbed, and she didn't know if she could escape.

No matter, run!

Her six wings spread out behind her, her body turned into black mist, and she began to jump!


The crystal spear followed closely, and the two were constantly changing their positions in the flame cage. However, the mosquito man could only linger on the edge of the cage, obviously unable to break through the cage at all.

Her heart gradually sank.

Also sinking were the hearts of the people around, with imaginary characters on their faces.

Now that their souls are blocked, their actions are more difficult, and they can only watch the mosquito man and the crystal spear perform.

It can be imagined that one person can't move, but two people are fighting around them with big swords in their hands. What kind of mood it is like.

Every time the mosquito man jumps around them, their hearts will be reminded, for fear that the spear chasing the mosquito man will bend and pierce themselves easily.

It's just dancing with death, one word, exciting.

This is the quasi-sage's spear, pierce it, and it's cool.

Two big brothers, take a moment, don't hurt the innocent...

The thin old man sneered, like a cat playing with a mouse, "I'll see how long you can hide!"

He flicked his fingertips and shot his spear.

The mosquito person's heart is getting more and more anxious. At this moment, she once again turned into a black mist and disappeared, and the spear followed closely, turning sharply, fast, and just about to chase, she was stuck on Da Hei's ass.


Time seems to freeze.

The mosquito man stopped and got a short gasp.

The skinny old man flashed his eyes, feeling that there seemed to be some problems with this bundle.

The others' eyes widened, their eyes were cracked, and they were panicked to the extreme.

"Do not!"

They shouted inside, a feeling of coldness arose, making their backs chill.

However, the imaginary tragedy did not happen.

Da Hei still stood in place, the dog's face wrinkled slightly, with a hint of displeasure.

It seems... it was watching the play well, but was interrupted suddenly and expressed unhappy.

It raised its dog's paw, touched its **** in doubt, held the spear in its hand, and said lightly: "Who stabbed me just now?"

This is... all right?

Everyone was dumbfounded, feeling that their brains weren't enough, and they fell into a crash state, completely blank.

"This, this, this..."

The thin old man couldn’t wait to stare out his eyeballs, his face was filled with disbelief, and then, a panic of extreme panic turned into a chill all over his body, making his scalp numb, goose bumps crazily bulging, and directly turned into Stammered.

He has absolute confidence in his gun, and there is no question of its destructive power, and the gun itself is still a top-grade innate spirit treasure. This situation can only show a fact, an extremely terrifying fact!

The **** dog looked at him calmly, "Did you stabbed him?"

"I, I, I..."

The frenzy of the thin old man no longer existed. Looking at the black dog face, he felt a panic. He swallowed with difficulty. While stepping back slowly, he bit his head and said: "No, not intentional, no Carefully stabbed..."

How can this be?

What kind of dog is this?

How could such a **** dog be raised within a broken heavenly way? !


Da Hei nodded, and then raised the dog's paw slightly. The spear was like a javelin, and it was flung out casually, aiming at the old man.

This time the speed was too fast and too fast, and there was no trace at all. The old man only felt a great horror, and before he had time to react, he felt a tingling in his chest.


With a soft sound, the spear penetrated directly from the old man's chest!

"Oh, I'm sorry, I accidentally stabbed..."

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