Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 442: 443: The whole world embraced the thigh of an expert

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Take out the magic weapon?

Everyone was taken aback, and then their eyes suddenly brightened like a light bulb.

Especially the Giant Spirit God, he was so ecstatic that his mouth reached the back of his ear, and he was familiar with this operation.

Without thinking about it, he took out his two axes.

Here comes again, Master Shengjun is beginning to make merit!

Ao Yun also hurriedly took out his spear and rubbed it in his palm, his heart trembled.

The other immortals did not move slowly, holding their breath, as if a child was waiting for the teacher to present himself with an award, and his face blushed.

Kunpeng and Mosquito Dao Ren were a little dazed, don't know what the situation is?

The expert wants to give us something? what?

Without waiting for them to think about it, Li Nianfan raised his hand and waved, bursts of golden light poured down like a waterfall, wrapping up toward the crowd.

This time, the merits are quite a lot, and they are exceptionally rich, most of them belong to the mosquitoes, followed by Kun Peng and Lu Yue.

Merit, so many merits!

The giant spirit **** quickly caught it with his axe, surprised and a little ashamed.

The little **** just hit a wave of soy sauce, followed by lying down to win, and there are merit points, this is so embarrassing, it is really ashamed!

Take flight, take flight...

The axe in his hand was baptized by merit. From the original blue handle Xuanhua axe, a hint of gold gradually appeared. The blade of the axe seemed to be brightened, with a faint golden light flashing.

This Xuanhua Axe has been tempered by merit for the third time, and it can be regarded as a good spiritual treasure of merit, and its lethality is amazing.

Lu Yue took out his plague bell and tempered it with merit.

As for Kunpeng and Mosquito Man, they were directly defeated by this merit.

Especially the mosquito person, watching the dazzling gold surrounding her like a Juanjuan river, her eyes suddenly became wet, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she almost cried.

Fortunately, she was hidden under the black robe, no one could see the tears in her eyes.

Merit, I can also have merit.

She has a dreaming feeling, too dreamy.

She is a mosquito bred from the filth of the sea of ​​blood. She was born as a demon. She cannot be on the stage. No matter how she tries to fight for it, she can’t change the fact that she can’t change her feet. Recognized.

Once the amount of calamity occurs, she will be a victim properly, and she will be calculated and killed at will. Anyone can attack her under the slogan of the demon and guard, which also makes her extremely cautious. Hide in hiding.

Originally, it was definitely impossible for the merits to be distributed to her, but...this time it appeared beside her.

Isn't it said that experts don't like mosquitoes?

He actually rewarded himself selflessly...


The heart of the mosquito man was rippling, and he only felt a warm current flow all over his body. Is this the feeling of being recognized by others? Is this the feeling of moving?

She glanced at Li Nianfan with complicated eyes, and then three golden lotus leaves appeared around her body, absorbing merits.

Li Nianfan noticed the gaze of the mosquito channel person, and his heart was immediately proud.

This time the salary was paid and bought another wave of people's hearts and comfort.

As for the Kunpeng on the side, he was dumbfounded. His magic weapon was confiscated along with his body. Now he is a pauper and has nothing to temper.

After thinking for a while, he didn't waste it, "Then blend into the flesh. I happen to be retraining the flesh. It can also make me more fit for the way of heaven and evolve from Xiaodiao to Kunpeng!

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked at everyone with envy. They had known such a good thing a long time ago, they must have rushed over, and they had missed a piece of merit for nothing.

However, they also realized that what happened just now is probably not small, otherwise it would not be possible to attract merit.

"Okay." Li Nianfan clapped his hands, "That's it, everyone should behave well and keep going."

The many fairy gods headed by the giant spirit **** immediately showed excitement, and said in a pious and loud voice: "Thank you, Lord Shengjun!"

Li Nianfan waved his hand and said casually: "Okay, you are welcome, I have nothing to give, I can only give you some merit."

Everyone was silent.

Are you sure you are humble?

Li Nianfan paused slightly before landing on the rattle drum on the ground not far away and let out a whisper.

Then he walked over in surprise, picked it up, took it in his hand and shook it, and said in a funny way: "You can still see this stuff."

"Bang bang bang."

"Huh?" Li Nianfan frowned slightly, "That's not right, why is it such a heavy sound?"

He tentatively shook again.


Li Nianfan was stunned for a moment, and his eyes lit up, "Huh? Will he change his voice?"

It was another shake, "One more."


"Awesome, awesome, I can change the voice by voice control, but it's been a long time since I have encountered something with voice control." Li Nianfan looked at the rattle in his hand, and immediately fell in love with it. It is indeed a mythical world.

Others looked in their eyes, expressionless, trying not to make their faces twitch.

Of course, this was not aimed at Li Nianfan, but at the shaking drum.

You guys are too capable of pretending! A moment ago, you almost killed us all. Now the expert is here, what kind of garlic are you pretending to be, and what are you selling?

Dididi, why don't you babble?

The reason why they have such a mentality is purely because of envy, jealousy and hatred.

It is such a great honor to be able to enter the expert's eyes and be played as a toy by the expert! This rattle is going to fly!

Although this drum is a superior innate spirit treasure, but...the toy that can become a master is still a great luck!

If you don’t dislike it, master, please shake me, I will also change my voice...

"Why did someone throw such a fun rattle on the ground?" Li Nianfan played for a while and asked, "Did you drop this thing?"

Everyone shook their heads without hesitation, "No, no."

As long as the brain is okay, it is certainly impossible to stand up.

Li Nianfan smiled, "That happened, so I just accepted it. The workmanship is pretty exquisite, and it can be used by children."

The Queen Mother smiled and said: "Since it is a matter of no owner, and it can be liked by the holy monarch, then everyone is happy."

Li Nianfan nodded, and then said, "It's okay to see that everyone is okay. I should also tidy up and call Xiao Daji to leave, so I will leave first."

The Giant Spirit God took the lead to clear the way for Li Nianfan, "Send Master Shengjun!"

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Then, the Queen Mother of the Jade Emperor exchanged a few words with Li Nianfan and watched Li Nianfan leave.

Until Li Nianfan disappeared from the sight, the giant spirit **** was an exciting spirit. He licked the dog and rushed to Da Hei, bowed at ninety degrees, and said sincerely and respectfully: "Little **** giant spirit, thanks to the dog for help. Grace."

Others also followed one after another, hurriedly said, "Thank you, Uncle Dog, for your life-saving grace."

The mosquito man bowed nervously and nervously: "Thank you, Uncle Dog, for your help and...for not killing."

"This is my master doesn't want you to die, little mosquito, please do it for yourself."

Da Hei held the dog's head proudly, then turned around and walked away with catwalks, "Xiaotian, come back to the doghouse with me."

"Everyone, you and me can be considered old friends, so you can do it for yourself."

The snarling dog slapped the dog's fur terribly, and then hurriedly followed up, "Master Dog, let the little one clear the way for you."

The Jade Emperor looked at the swaying buttocks of the Roaring Sky Dog, and he couldn't help being covered with black lines. He hummed, "Puppy is proud of it.

Erlangshen is the child born to a mortal from Yudi’s sister. Naturally, the relationship between Jade Emperor and Erlangshen is not very good. The same is true for the snarling dog. Now... the snarling dog dares to show off in front of me!

On the side, the giant spirit **** was fascinated, "Envy!"

If you can follow the dog, it will definitely be more squeaky than the snarling dog. Hey, if I am also a good dog, I will definitely be more pampered than the snarling dog!

The Jade Emperor squinted at the giant spirit god, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and muttered: "Huh? What did you say?"

The face of the giant spirit remained unchanged, and he did not panic or rushed, and immediately resolutely said: "The puppy is determined, the dog is bullish, your majesty is wise!"

"Everyone goes back to the High Heaven Hall and tells me what happened just now!"


Xiaotian followed Dahei towards the dog clan, working hard as a dog licking dog along the way, fighting spirit in his eyes, excited.

It has always known that the dog master is very strong, and the master dog owner is very strong, but today, the master dog master hosted this feast, and the dog master killed a quasi-sage peak at random, giving the snarling dog a more intuitive the concept of.

All in all, it's beyond imagination!

To be the big red dog in the eyes of Uncle Dog, Roaring Sky Dog feels like he is going to float.

Da Hei suddenly said, "Xiao Tian, ​​are you very happy?"

The snarling dog slapped flattering flattery, "Today I saw the big king take action. It was really shocking. It made Xiaotian's admiration to the extreme, and he couldn't help feeling a little excited."

Da Hei nodded, "Oh, then I just have a bad news to tell you, let you hedge."

"Wh... what?"

"Those Kunpeng soup you pack and bring out will not last long and your spirituality will soon be lost. Drink it as soon as possible."

Da Hei's tone was dull, but he was full of lethality, instantly making the smile on Roaring Sky Dog's face stiff and petrified.

"This, that..."

The snarling dog scratched his dog's head vigorously, and shook the dog's hair all over his body. The dog's ears drooped, and he was at a loss and said, "My lord, really? Is there any way I can bring it to others? Eat, me, this..."

"Really." Da Hei nodded.

Seeing the snarling dog turned from an excited dog to a sad dog, Da Hei's mouth showed a refreshing smile.

Raising his hand and turning it over, a plastic packing box appeared in his hand, "Now, use this, the owner said, you have to pack the box, you must be right."

Roaring Sky Dog looked at the packing box in a daze, stupidly raised his hand to take it, and his mood was like a roller coaster, from great sadness to great joy.

Tears rolled in its **** eyes and choked up: "Thank you, King..."

Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor sat on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, listening to the reports of the people, his complexion changed constantly, from shock, to even more shock, to extreme shock, taking turns taking a breath with the Queen Mother.

"The dog raised by an expert is actually a dog sage?!"

The Jade Emperor sat there and digested it for a long time before he could accept this fact, "Yes, what a superior existence is, absolutely above Dao Ancestor, it is not unusual for him to raise a dog sage."

Damn, it's no wonder that the Snarling Dogs dare to fight doggedly, so I really dare not offend...

He coughed lightly, turned the topic off, and focused on the dead, unnamed old man with a solemn expression.

He opened his mouth and said: "From outside the sky, deep in the chaos, belonging to another quasi-sage of heaven..."

After a pause, he shook his head bitterly and said: "Sure enough, in the endless chaos, far more than a prehistoric world has been born."

The mosquito person said immediately: "You know?"

"Know a little bit." The Jade Emperor took a deep breath and said, "You were born in the wilderness, you should know how this world came from?"

Mosquito Dao people said without hesitation: "Pangu God created the world, and his flesh and blood turned into an ancestral witch in the past, it is famous, and no one can match."

"Your Majesty, I have heard an expert talk about this."

Ziye couldn't help but interject: "Along with the Great God Pangu, there are a total of 108 demon gods. In the end, the Great God Pangu understood the true meaning of the creation of the world, and this has opened up the world and created a wild world."

She did not mention the topic of Tao Zu stealing the fruits of the prehistoric world.

"That's right, in fact, Daozu is also one of the 108 demon gods."

The Jade Emperor nodded, and then his voice fell abruptly, and he said in a condensed voice: "Then have you ever thought...that the 108 demon gods can grow up again, and they can also open up the world?"

"Think more deeply, in the entire chaos, there are only one hundred and eight demon gods? Can other demon gods who don't know can also make the world?"

A simple sentence made everyone present feel scalp numb, and a great fear came to their hearts, "This, this..."

It was like a frog at the bottom of a well, suddenly jumping out of the bottom of the well, seeing the world outside, suddenly enlightened and extremely frightened.

Yes, Pangu can make the world, but can't other people also make the world?

"When I was a boy next to Dao Zu, I occasionally heard Dao Zu recalling the past. Dao is endless, as strong as Dao Zu. He also wants to break through the needs and seeks the ultimate of Dao. Moreover, his sense of urgency is stronger, and he speaks. The most common sentence is...there is a sky outside the sky!"

The Jade Emperor sighed and said with a heavy tone: "Obviously, Dao Ancestor knew that there were many terrible existences in the chaos, and I didn't expect that another person of heaven would find it here."

"It's my fault." The mosquito person felt embarrassed. "Our world seems to be hidden by the heavens, but I was attracted by it."

"Fine, the person is dead, I just hope that there are no hidden dangers left."

The Jade Emperor paused, and then said: "But...I know there is a great power beside us who is not part of the prehistoric world!"

Everyone frowned, and the next moment there was a flash of inspiration, and at the same time they thought of a person.

The giant spirit **** immediately said: "It's an expert!"

"Yes, this is very obvious."

The Jade Emperor nodded, "With our world, do you think it is possible to give birth to a powerful existence like an expert? To put it bluntly, an expert has already transcended this world too much, and you don’t have that. Questions?"

Everyone shook their heads, deeply agreeing.

Ziye asked in confusion, "What is the reason for the expert to come here?"

"Game world, travel around the world!"

The Jade Emperor obviously had an answer in his heart, stroking his beard, and said: "You can regard the expert as a big man who travels through thousands of worlds. He can travel anywhere in the chaos at will, and we are a great man. The world is nothing but **** luck and was chosen by him, which made him stay on a whim."

"It's our entire world, embracing the thigh of an expert!"

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