Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 457: 458: Brothers of my generation, what a fight

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"Caught me?"

Old Ancestor Styx didn't panic at all and looked at everyone with a sneer, "It's up to you?"

If he hadn't completed the layout, he would wait here voluntarily, unless the saint shot, who could catch him.

Countless blood **** children are countless clones of him. Who dares to arrest him?

The ancestor of the Styx swept across everyone, and said lightly: "Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Yang Jian, is this the full strength of your Heavenly Palace?"

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are the same as him in the late quasi-sage, Yang Jian is only the first-time quasi-sage, and the mosquito-dao man is the quasi-sage, even if it is head-on, the strength of the two sides is almost the same.

The Jade Emperor said majesticly: "Of course not."

As soon as his words fell, the mosquito person beside the Ancestor Styx rose up without warning, his jade hand raised lightly, and several blood-red streamers shot out toward the Ancestor Styx.

However, before these streamers touched the Ancestor Styx, a blood-colored lotus platform emerged, blocking all these streamers.

"How naive, is it still useful to attack at our level?"

The ancestor of the river snorted coldly and raised his hand to the mosquito man. The two blood swords of Yuantu and Abi were like two poisonous snakes, strangling the mosquito man from both sides!

Three golden lotus platforms emerged from Mosquito Man's body, blocking the two blood swords, and then retreated quickly.

"Okay, very good!" The ancestor Styx's eyes flashed fiercely, "Mosquito Jing, I didn't expect you to have betrayed me a long time ago, and that's good, I didn't want to keep you! Blood River Array... Get up!"

The ancestor Stygian laughed wildly and raised his hand with a wave. A burst of blood suddenly lit up under his feet, forming a huge and special pattern. In the next instant, the blood burst into the sky, forming a pillar of blood supporting the sky.


Not only this area, but countless places around are filled with pillars of blood soaring into the sky, and a blood-red halo enveloped the sky. From the outside, this area of ​​thousands of miles seems to be wrapped in a blood-colored film. Just like a **** giant egg.

"Since you are gathered here, I will find you if it happens to be saved, let me all die!"

The icy mouth of Styx, as soon as his words fell, a turbulent sea of ​​blood rose from under his feet. These seas of blood came from the abyss, deep in hell. Once they appeared, a vicious atmosphere emerged. The resentment and killing aura soared to the sky, making the world and the earth discolored.


The blood was surging, and at this moment, the pillar of blood that supported the sky became more dense, and there were lines on it. These lines, like blood vessels, float on the pillar of blood, and the pillar of blood seems to be alive. In general, it became a part of the body.


The sea of ​​blood is endless, descending from the underworld to the mortal world, flowing along the pillar of blood to the sky, and then overflowing from the pillar of blood, beginning to spread to the sky!

The entire mortal world has been messed up. From the ground, these blood seas are flowing and spreading little by little, just like... the sky has become a river, a river of blood!

With the sky as the curtain, the blood shadow shines on the world.

The Jade Emperor’s complexion changed drastically. From the ancestor of the Styx, he felt a tremor, more anxious, and said angrily: "Styx, what did you do?!"

Such a big movement properly affected the expert.

"What do you do? Jade Emperor, you have been a child of Dao Ancestor for countless years. What realm do you know about Daluo Jinxian?"

The ancestor of Styx laughed triumphantly, "My name is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! And I am going to a higher level now, you will have the honor to witness the birth of a miracle, hahaha..."

At this moment, the Queen Mother's eyes saw the two figures in the sea of ​​blood, her pupils suddenly shrank, her heart and liver trembled, and she exclaimed: "That, that is..."

"It's Zhundi and the body of the two saints!"

The Jade Emperor's voice was also trembling, only that his scalp was numb, and his whole body was chilly.

Zhundi and Jiuying are the two great saints of Buddhism, but they were killed by the demon **** Luohu, but their bodies were still immortal, but they were unexpectedly obtained by the ancestors of Styx.

And... The ancestors of the Styx actually tried to swallow the saint with a sea of ​​blood, which is really crazy.

"Is this how Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian feels?"

Styg felt the crazy power emerging in his body, and his body began to swell. At this moment, he seemed to merge with the overwhelming sea of ​​blood. The overwhelming blood became part of his body. With the help of the sky-covering blood, he could Clearly feel what is happening in the world surrounded by the sea of ​​blood.

At this moment, he felt that he had become a heaven and a Tao!

Too powerful, too fascinating.

"Everyone do it together!"

Facing the ancestor of the Styx River at this time, the Jade Emperor and others heartily felt a panic of fear and fear, and they did not dare to neglect, and they shot together, all kinds of magic decisions and magic weapons were overwhelmingly pressed towards the ancestor Styx.

"Hehe, the power of ants, dare to fight with me?"

Styx smiled coldly, and immediately there was a huge **** palm slapped towards everyone!

All the attacks were annihilated under this palm, and the rest of the palm was undiminished, and everyone was shot directly into the air.

The Jade Emperor and the others were surrounded by a sea of ​​blood. There was a bodyguard spirit treasure shimmering around them, resisting the rolling sea of ​​blood, and the surrounding killing aura turned into mighty force to suppress everyone, if it were ordinary The immortal is in this environment, even if it is Da Luo Jinxian, he will be shattered by the blade of this endless killing aura!

Fortunately, the Jade Emperor and others have the treasure of body protection.

Da Ji's pretty face was cold, and when she raised her hand, the golden Eastern Emperor Bell covered it, and the killing air bombarded the bell with a clanging roar.

The Jade Emperor's Haotian Tower was on top of his head, and the Queen Mother was wrapped around her body by a picture of the mountain and river. The fire phoenix took out the off-ground flame flag, the flag flew, and the endless flame formed a shield.

The Roaring Sky Dog took out the dog pot and put it on himself and Yang Jian's head, "Don't worry, master, I will definitely protect you!"

Yang Jian's expression was not very good. He had just broken through the Quasi-Sage when he was full of spirits, but there was no great bodyguard spirit treasure, and he had to rely on a dog to protect him.

"Styghe, what do you mean? Even me?"

Qiongqi stirred his wings, his whole body was powerful, resisting the endless killing aura with difficulty, he had already had multiple wounds on his body, and loudly questioned the ancestor Styx.

"Come on, you and I are all demons. Simply blending together is the best team!" The old ancestor of Styx laughed, and the blood turned into a tentacle, like a long whip, like lightning, and will be poor in a flash Qi to pierce!

Seeing that Qiongqi seemed to be dying, everyone quickly said: "Hurry up, protect the food of the superior! Want fresh!"

Holding a three-pointed two-edged knife, Yang Jian raised his hand to cut off the tentacle, and the Jade Emperor quickly dragged the Haotian Pagoda, covering Qiongqi in it.

I? food?

Qiongqi was dying, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

The ancestor of Styx wanted to swallow it, and the Jade Emperor and others desperately saved it because it was the food ordered by someone?

Individuals want to eat themselves.

How come my dignified ancient fierce beasts are mixed up with food? What happened to this world?

"It's really a bunch of fools. At this time, they are still thinking about what food. You have no chance, die!"

The ancestor of Styx smiled tauntingly, and the waves of blood raged to the sky, once again condensed into a giant palm, covering the sky and the sun, falling from the sky, and slapped towards everyone.

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Compared to the sea of ​​blood, everyone is too small, just like a swaying boat in the sea, which may capsize at any time.


Above the sky, a sea of ​​blood formed waves and was tossing, like the roar of a demon.

In the mortal world, whether it is a mortal or a monk, looking at this **** sea and sky, they feel a sense of powerlessness. Countless people either hide at home, come to the Chenghuang Temple, or go to various temples to pray for blessings.

There are countless monks who gritted their teeth to the sky and entered the sea of ​​blood, wanting to use their weak mana to reduce the power of the sea of ​​blood.


The precept and foolishness is solemn, with countless Buddhist monks, surrounded by Buddha's light, with the golden wheel behind his head, soaring into the sky and sinking into the sea of ​​blood. The Buddha's light gathers into a big Buddha, suppressed in the sea of ​​blood.

In the underworld, Po Meng's complexion was solemn, and he united a kind of ghosts to gather on the banks of the Stygian River. The mana was rolling and mighty, ready to suppress the sea of ​​blood from the root!

Po Meng's eyes showed a look of shock, with a hint of unbelievable trill, "What Styx shows...is the power of a saint."

The surface of the East China Sea.

Suddenly endless waves appeared, and the bursting sound continued to resound. There was a huge blue dragon dashing towards the blood sea sky, followed by endless sea water!

The sea water poured out from the sea, forming a scene of a large dragon absorbing water, and wanted to submerge this blood-colored sky!

Around, Xiao Chengfeng and Ye Liuyun, with numerous heavenly soldiers and generals, resisted the blood water that wanted to invade the mortal world, beheading the endless blood **** child and Shura.

"Everyone raise your spirits!"

Xiao Chengfeng slashed out with a single sword, pierced directly through the battlefield, strangling the blood **** in a straight line in front of him, and shouted loudly, "My brother, what a fight!"

Behind him, a group of heavenly soldiers shouted immediately, "My cultivator, what a fight!"

"Hahaha, okay! It's this momentum, follow me!" Xiao Chengfeng laughed, lifted his sword and walked into the sky!

Ye Liuyun was on the other side. Not only did he not complain about Xiao Chengfeng this time, but also shouted: "Brothers, monks of my generation, what a fight!"

"My brother, what a fight!"

This loud shout, resounding everywhere, resounded like thunder, loud and enduring.

More and more people joined, regardless of strength, the blood in the heart is generally the same, the endless mana gathered into a big hand that drags the sky, supporting this sea of ​​blood like the sky!

Yang Jian looked at the dog who was struggling to support it, and suddenly said, "Yu Tian, ​​I haven't reached the point where I need your protection."

Roaring Sky Dog looked at Yang Jian worriedly, and calmly said: "Master, don't think too much, my dog ​​basin is bestowed by an expert, and after two times of merits, it is very stable, and it can break my defense. He is powerful. !"

"That's good, protect yourself!"

As soon as Yang Jian's voice fell, his figure flashed and he was integrated into the blood sea. On his forehead, the third eye opened wide, and the light of evil spirits enveloped the whole body. Holding a three-pointed two-edged sword, he swung the endless blood. Sea cutting.

Roaring Sky Dog was anxious, "Master!"

"court death!"

The ancestor of Styx's eyes condensed, murderously angry, "The resistance of the ants is so funny! The Jedi Tiantong Great Tribulation, hasn't it made you remember?"

"In my blood river formation, refining for me!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Between the heaven and the earth, all the blood sea is like wild beasts, roaring, and it is like the anger of the sky, thundering, rolling, wanting to swallow everything.

Yang Jian was directly beaten by a big wave, vomiting blood, and instantly depressed.

The body-protecting spirit treasure on everyone's body is also indeterminate tomorrow, and will be overthrown at any time, becoming the end of the mountain.

"Hahaha, hahaha—"

Accompanied by the wild laugh of the ancestor of Styx, his body gradually merged with the sea of ​​blood, and the blood and water converged into a huge blood man made of blood.

The blood man stood on top of the earth, exuding the ultimate killing air, arrogant waves, overwhelming, and even the world would be eclipsed in front of him.

"Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's power..."

The voice of the ancestor of the Styx is like the heavens talking, rolling and reverberating between the heavens and the earth, shocking into the eardrums of people, "I finally know why the way of heaven repels demons. As long as this world is completely destroyed, my way of killing is It's complete! Hahaha-coming soon, coming soon!"

In the courtyard.

Li Nianfan sat in the courtyard.

Looking at the sky full of blood, my mind was restless, and my eyes were full of worry.

Such a great power can almost be described as ruining the world, Daji and Huofeng take care of it, how?

Probably not the opponent at all.

He pursed his mouth and couldn't help but said, "Xiao Bai, in this situation, do you think this sea of ​​blood will calm down?"

Xiao Bai looked at the sky, with a gleam of light in his eyes, as if analyzing the sea of ​​blood.

Then he said: "If the master wants to, Xiao Bai can purify the blood."


Li Nianfan knocked Xiao Bai's head and couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, "What a silly robot, do you think this is ordinary sewage? Be careful to purify yourself to death."

He took a deep breath and looked at the sky.

There, countless streamers soared from the ground, blasting towards the sea of ​​blood in the sky, with mighty mana, blooming in the sky like fireworks, gorgeous but short.

In the void, there was also a vaguely unwilling roar.

This is countless monks fighting against heaven and fate.

Li Nianfan sees the enthusiasm of Peng Bai, blood is surging, such a mighty scene, generally only seen in the finale of movies and novels, now it is naturally difficult to be in it.

It's a pity that I have nothing to do, so I can only call 666 silently.

"Little Daji, Momo."

As soon as he spoke, the whole person was taken aback, and shook his head bitterly, "Well, I'll do it myself."

Laying paper, grinding ink, lifting pen.

Li Nianfan let out a long suffocated breath, and wrote all the words——

This time he wrote slowly and solemnly.

"When there is no storm or rain, you can see the moon and the moon!"

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