Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 480: 481: Unforgettable shock for eternal life

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Gao Yue's body trembled, her pretty face pale, extremely anxious.

The bull demon gasped hard and said hoarsely: "Yue'er, don't worry about me."

Gao Yue's face was sad and angrily said, "Sun Yun, I can't think that Qingling Mountain is a group of honest people! I really misunderstood you before."

"A mortal is nothing but grass, and I spent so long in Qingling Mountain playing with you, you should feel honored! It's a pity that you don't know how to promote it and you are looking for death!"

Sun Yun smiled coldly, lifted the long sword, and lay it on the neck of the bull demon, "give you three breaths, tell me where the baby of the Gao family is!"

"Look, here."

As soon as she stretched out her small hand, the golden hoop suddenly appeared in her hand, and then slightly raised and fell on the court. The golden golden hoop, overflowing with gold, immediately dazzled everyone's eyes.

"This, this is..."

Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, with a guess in their hearts, their heartbeat accelerated, and they wanted to stick their eyes.

Sun Yun even led Qinglingshan's disciples to fly over, raising his hand and preparing to take it.

But she heard her smiling and saying: "Give me, big, big, big!"

As her voice fell, the golden hoop suddenly swelled and soon surpassed the house in height, like a pillar supporting the sky, and then fell towards the stupefied Sun Yun and others.

On the golden hoop rod, there was a flickering light, and the weight was more than several times heavier. The terrifying power pressured the air to make a "whoop" popping sound, making Sun Yun and the others look drastically changed at the same time.

They didn't rush to think about it, they sacrificed their magic weapons, the magic was dazzling, and the time flashed, forming a shield, barely blocking the golden cudgel, but it was already extremely difficult and unable to move.

The nun's figure flashed, and with a light jump, she was already standing on the golden hoop, and then sat down casually, laughing and watching the suppressed group of people.

Jokingly said: "How about this baby, doesn't it taste bad?"

"Devil, do you dare to be an enemy of Qingling Mountain?"

Sun Yun blushed, and shouted coldly: "Anyone who is acquainted, let me go now, hand over the baby, kneel down and beg for mercy, I can spare your life."

"court death!"

Nunnun's face sank. Except for Li Nianfan's obedience to everyone else, she was a fearless witch with a bad temper and cold eyes. She raised her hand and slapped on the golden hoop!

Immediately, the pressure on Sun Yun and others increased several times again, and it contained a mana shock, shook them all with blood in their mouths, and they were seriously injured in an instant.

If it hadn't been for Li Nianfan to tell her not to kill casually, these people had already been crushed by the golden cudgel.

She glanced at all the immortal cultivators present, and scolded: "My baby is here, I will ask...who else?!"


A power that was completely disproportionate to her small physique radiated from her body, like a landslide and tsunami, and immediately flooded the entire Gao family, leaving everyone out of breath.

"Mahayana period...the peak?!"

"I'm afraid it has reached the strength of the heavenly immortal realm."

"His—this little girl's appearance is fake."

Everyone was shocked by her age. The point is that she is too young and too young. At this age, she is a genius who can cultivate to the Golden Core stage, and even if she is talented against the sky, she will at most be out of it. She... Mahayana period?

Are you born a monster? Let's hang up.

If they knew that this was just the tip of the iceberg of 囡囡's strength, they would lose their eyes.

This was also specifically explained by Li Nianfan.

What's the point if the strength displayed by the 囡囡 is so high that it scares the people hidden behind the scenes?

"Awesome. At a young age, it has reached a height that many people can't achieve in a lifetime. It's really shocking."

Sect Master Qingling Mountain, wearing a white robe, suddenly appeared above the void, with a misty breath exuding his whole body, staring coldly at her daughter.

Except for him, in the surrounding void, immortal cultivators suddenly emerged one after another. They were all good at cultivation, but they were all the elders of Qingling Mountain, already surrounding the entire Gaojiazhuang.

The masters of the entire Qingling Mountain can be said to have come out in full force, they do not feel exaggerated, after all... this time the treasure is really too precious, too precious!

The term fairy is no longer enough to describe it. Looking at the whole world, it is a very good magic weapon, something that immortals will be jealous!

Once obtained, Qingling Mountain's comprehensive strength will be greatly improved, so it cannot be overstated!

The girl still glanced at her mouth, disdainfully said: "Old man, just relying on your group of people's cultivation is not enough."

The old man did not refute.

He was also a Mahayana monk, and although the number and cultivation level had the upper hand with the addition of the major elders, the nun's hand was holding the wishful golden hoop. Even if he could fought, it would be a hard fight.

However, he didn't panic at all, holding his chance to win, squinted his eyes and smiled: "Little girl, I have been a fairy from Qingling Mountain, and I am not an ordinary fairy. Now I am a heaven soldier in the heaven, with a godly position! I want this treasure to honor our ancestors.

If it's cognition, let go of the baby, we can assume that nothing has happened, and we will let the past go. This is good for everyone. "

"What about the Heavenly Soldier? Is this girl really afraid of you?"

The girl snorted coldly, and said very domineeringly, "If you don't have the strength, get out! The baby is mine, you can grab it if you want it!"

The old man's brows frowned, his eyes flashing with anger.

The little girl is in trouble, she has no brains, she doesn't know how to advance or retreat!

The ancestor had specifically explained to him, if possible, try not to let him take action in person, after all, as a heavenly soldier, he is restricted by the rules of heaven, so he dare not be too blatant.

However, Nun Nun did not listen to the scare, and played the cards according to common sense.


Abruptly, a faint sigh came from the void, "Stubborn!"

Walking through the prestige, I saw a figure slowly emerging from the sky, wearing armor, stepping on auspicious clouds, and slowly landing.

An aura of Pengbai radiated from him. This aura was not coercion, but an innate power. He stood there and looked superior, because he had transformed into an immortal!

Enough for the cultivator to look up.

The face of Qingling Mountain's sovereign immediately flushed, and he said excitedly: "Old ancestor! Welcome to ancestor!"

The other people in Qingling Mountain were naturally too excited, with a look of admiration on their faces, shouting together: "Welcome to the ancestors!"

"Ancestor, my ancestor from Qingling Mountain is here!"

Sun Yun was still pressed tightly by the golden hoop, looking up at the figure in the sky blankly, vomiting blood in his mouth with excitement, and laughed: "Hahaha, here comes the ancestor, the demon girl, It's over, you're over!"

"What a fool."

Nuan glanced at him calmly, showing a devilish smile, "I don't want to kill you anymore. It must be interesting to wait and see if you are scared to death."

"Scared me?"

Sun Yun was amused, and said sarcastically: "I think it is not me who is scared, but you, it seems that you have been scared to be confused."

The girl was expressionless, turned her head and looked towards the sky.

Everyone in Gaojiazhuang also raised their heads, looking at the figure in awe, holding their breath, not daring to breathe.

The old man of Qingling Mountain stepped on the auspicious clouds, under the high order, his eyes were hot and looked at the pillar-like Ruyi golden hoop, his eyes burst into light.

Excitedly said: "It's worthy of the legendary Wishful Golden Cudgel, the ancient Lingbao, great, really great!"

All his wealth combined is not as valuable as this wishful golden hoop, and with this magic weapon, his combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, and it may be expected to go further, how can he not be excited.

Such a treasure was born, it would not be in vain for me to go down in person, but unfortunately... there are still some flaws.

His eyes fell on her, frowning, a little unhappy.

Originally, he didn't want to do it himself. After all, his identity was different. Once it was leaked out, it would be a sin against the rule of heaven, but for this kind of treasure, the risk was worth it.

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The Sovereign of Qingling Mountain flew up and said respectfully: "Ancestor."

The ancestor nodded lightly, "Well, this is a good job."

The lord was overjoyed and said: "Thank you for your ancestors' appreciation. It is my honor to be able to serve the ancestors."

The ancestor waved his hand and said calmly: "Let's make a formation."

As soon as the voice fell, the mana surrounding the group of people in Qingling Mountain suddenly burst out, soaring into the sky, and they formed a closed cage, like flowing water, enveloping the entire Gaojiazhuang. In it.

"This, this is..."

Everyone panicked, feeling a little uneasy, and feeling isolated from the world.

"I didn't want it in the first place, I blame her if I want to."

The ancestor pointed to her daughter, and then sneered: "If I have to force me to show up, no one will be able to live! This formation can cover the secrets of heaven, and you can go on the road with peace of mind!"

He is very decisive in doing things. He doesn't want to waste time. He only needs to raise his hands to razing the entire Gaojiazhuang to the ground.

However, there was a low drink from the crowd——


The ancestor frowned and looked at Li Nianfan.

Qingling Mountain Sect Master said, "Old Patriarch, this guy and that little girl are in the same group!"

Li Nianfan took a few steps forward slowly, walked out of the crowd, and sighed: "Hey, I really don't want to see this kind of scene, but it's a pity...As a heavenly soldier, you are more cruel than I thought. "

"Who are you?"

The ancestor looked at Li Nianfan up and down, and suddenly showed a look of uncertainty. He seemed to be a mortal, but his tone was surprisingly loud, unlike what ordinary people could say.

"Who am I?"

Li Nianfan shook his head, "It's just an ordinary mortal."

He looked at the sky, and if there weren't even the people of the heavenly palace, he could only let the 囡囡 take action, cut first and then play.

"Are you just a mortal?"

The ancestor was suddenly angry, and he actually said so much to the mere ants, it was simply a big stain in his life.

"Wasting my time, it's almost death!"

"It's you who are looking for death! Wow!"

A thunderous sound blasted from the void, rolling in, echoing between the world, mixed with eager roars, making people's ears buzzing.

In the next instant, the giant spirit **** followed, his eyes widened and full of anger. Behind him, there were countless figures standing, all overwhelming, making people afraid to look directly.

The auspicious clouds that are treading together are all big and thick.

"Giant... Giant Spirit God General?!"

The ancestor's face suddenly turned pale, his strength just disappeared, full of panic.

His brain was blank, and he couldn't figure out why he would suddenly alarm the giant spirit gods.

The giant spirit **** did not bird him at all, just a small transparent.

Falling down quickly from the air, he walked quickly to Li Nianfan's side, and bowed in a respectful voice: "The little **** is too late for help, and I ask Master Shengjun to forgive me."


Sun Yun was stupid.

The lord of Qingling Mountain was stupid.

Everyone present was stupid.

The ancestor's brain exploded directly, and the whole body was trembling uncontrollably as if struck by lightning, and a bone-to-body chill suddenly enveloped his body.

The cold sweat fell like rain, ticking.

Saint... Lord Saint?

Even the giant spirit **** has to bow and salute!

I actually offended such a terrifying existence?

It's over, everything is over!

At this moment, another terrifying coercion rolled in, and an equally thick auspicious cloud stopped in the void.

A sword light penetrated through the auspicious clouds and fell directly in front of Li Nianfan, "The little **** Xiao, who is late for the rescue by the wind, also asks Master Shengjun to forgive him."

Before everyone was shocked, two more auspicious clouds came.

"The little **** Yang Jian (Ye Liuyun) is late for help, and I ask Master Shengjun to forgive him!"


Everyone in the room took a breath at the same time, and some of the people with weak heart capacity even fainted with shock.

This, this, this...

I have never seen such a spectacular sight in my life, and I dare not even dream of it.

What kind of person is it that can make the Heavenly Palace go to war and attract so many heavenly soldiers and generals?

It's terrifying, it's incredible!

Sun Yun opened his mouth wide, and Tian Ling Gai was almost lifted up with fright. The goose bumps all over his body were beating layer after layer. The extreme fear drowned him and suffocated him!

He didn't know what the holy monarch represented, but... so many heavenly soldiers and generals were real, beyond imagination.

The degree of horror was beyond his reach.

At this moment, how much he hopes, as the daughter said, it is a relief to be scared to death, it is too scary, he wants to cry...

Everyone in Qingling Mountain was so frightened that they all collapsed to the ground, clutching their hearts, hovering on the verge of death.

They really felt that what is called an ant? No, at this time they are not even considered an ant...

As for the ancestor, he was already numb by the shock, and he couldn't even control his body, shaking violently.

I'm just a small celestial soldier, how can He De, alarmed a hundred thousand celestial soldiers...

At this moment, he only wanted to do one thing, and that was suicide.

In fact, he did the same.


A mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, his seven orifices bleed, and his body fell from the air, exhausting his vitality.

A moment ago, the immortal who made people look up to him... actually committed suicide!

Everyone in Gaojiazhuang will never forget the shock they experienced on this day.

Under monstrous fear and despair, death is often a relief, but unfortunately, it is not applicable in some situations.

Above the clouds, Hei Wuchang coldly snorted: "A guy who does not know how to live or die! If you dare to offend an expert, it won't be a pity to die a hundred times! He has to be arrested!"

Bai Wuchang nodded in agreement, "Yes, just give him a set of 18-layer **** package!"

PS: Unknowingly it's the end of the month, don't waste the monthly pass, vote for me, thank you~~~

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