Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 488: 489: It seems that your vision is just like this

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The night gradually faded.

A huge auspicious cloud suddenly appeared, and it quickly fell from the sky to the ground.

The Jade Emperor himself went on horseback, with Yang Jian and the Giant Spirit God behind him, as well as six heavenly soldiers heading straight to the daughter country.

Hearing the orders of the masters, especially now that they are still trapped in the'wolf den' waiting for their rescue, there is no daring to neglect the slightest, and they rushed in at the fastest speed.

Their faces were dignified, they controlled the auspicious clouds floating above the Zimu River, their eyes were constantly scanning the river, and they released their divine consciousness to investigate carefully.

Yang Jian even opened his third eye, looking solemnly along the veins of the river.

"The rules here have been changed!"

The Jade Emperor spoke suddenly with a serious face, hard to see the extreme, with deep worries.

"Changed the rules?"

Yang Jian was taken aback for a moment, his heart beating wildly, and he said in a concentrated voice: "The rules here...seem to be set by the saint?"

"It's a saint!"

The Jade Emperor took a deep breath, and his pupils trembled slightly, "The journey to the west was the general trend. The nine-nine-nine-nine-eighty-one difficulty was the plan of the saint, and this daughter country came out of it. It was naturally a saint's method."

He didn't say it clearly, but everyone's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Since it is a saint's method, it is not something ordinary people can change at will. Only saints can deal with saints!

"My prehistoric continent, I'm afraid there is another uninvited guest..."

The Jade Emperor pursed his mouth, feeling a bit bitter, troubled, troubled autumn!

Empress Nuwa happened to be out again, and they really didn't have enough to see such great power.

It may also be that the saint of the prehistoric world has returned and is joking with everyone.

The Jade Emperor could only comfort himself in his heart, he knew that this might be minimal.

He suddenly said: "Yang Jian, Giant Spirit God, this battle is fierce, do you still follow?"

Yang Jian's black robe moved with the wind, and he chuckled softly: "Your Majesty, what did you say, how did Yang Jian, my Yang Jian, shrink back because of the danger? You are underestimating me, Yang Jian!"

The giant spirit **** stared wide-eyed, and calmly said: "The same is true for me!"

The road of monkhood is going against the sky, and it is dangerous everywhere, not to mention the road to becoming a fairy, it is more difficult, and it is difficult to go to the sky!

In terms of danger, they have gone through countless things, such as eating and drinking tea. There is no smooth road. Is it just a ray of life in the crack?

What's more... This mission is about an expert!

The good fortune that the masters bestowed on them, which one doesn't need to spare their lives to fight for? However, it is easy for them to obtain, the strength is like making a flame, flying upwards whizzing, they don't say anything, but in their hearts, they are already ready to die generously for the master!

If you shrink back when you encounter danger, what kind of style is this, and what kind of face is there to live in the world!

"Okay!" The Jade Emperor nodded, then glanced at the heavenly soldiers behind him, and said faintly: "You can go back."

However, none of them moved.

One of them said: "Your Majesty! This mission has not yet begun, there is no reason to return halfway."

Another said: "Your Majesty, there has never been a reason for the heavenly soldiers to retreat and the heavenly generals to march."

The Jade Emperor shook his head, and said softly, "You can't help much at all, so why bother to kill you in vain."

"Actually, my cultivation base is low, but... I also want to contribute to the superior!"

"Your Majesty, if Chaos is really coming to the enemy, someone who is not talented, is willing to fight, and die!"

At this moment, the three heavenly soldiers walked out, saluted the Jade Emperor and others, and said: "Don’t hide your majesty, my grandparents and grandchildren met with the master when they were in the mortal world, and received many favors from the master. Please, your Majesty must give us this opportunity and let us do our best."

"It turns out to be a friend in the mortal world."

The Jade Emperor showed a friendly smile and asked: "You are..."

The girl said, "It's Grandpa Pei An, Grandpa Gu Yuan, and Grandpa Gu Changqing. I heard my brother say that they gave the chickens in the yard."

"It's true that I didn't send it back to the fairy fairy." Pei An smiled and said: "I appreciate it."

The 囡囡 smiled and said, "Hehehe, the strength of that group of chickens is now higher than you."

The three of Pei An suddenly coughed awkwardly, "Ahem, ashamed, ashamed..."

Can this blame me?

Don't look at who the chickens lay the eggs, if we can, we really want to exchange identities with them!

Woo woo-

People are not as good as the chicken series, which is too shocking!

On the side, the Jade Emperor suddenly sent out with feelings: "Hey, giving it to an expert chicken, it really makes people feel complicated!"

He was also deeply moved and said that he could fully understand.

Some time ago, they teamed up to give the peacock to the expert and help the expert lay eggs. That was an envy of the peacock!

The position of Jade Emperor is not as good as the one who lays eggs for an expert, hey~ uncomfortable, I want to cry.

The girl said: "Okay, my daughter country is too dangerous, I have to go find my brother quickly."

She was a little anxious and didn't know what happened to her brother.

The Jade Emperor hurriedly said: "Yes, Fairy Nun Nun hurried over, don't delay!"

Nuan nodded, and immediately drove the cloud away from the team and flew towards her daughter's country.

The Jade Emperor looked down, and ordered: "Everyone is going to investigate separately, and whenever there is an abnormality, send a signal in time!"


The speed of 囡囡 was very fast, and the sky was still bright, so she came to the sky above the daughter country and rushed directly into the palace.

To a maid eagerly asked: "Where is my brother?"

The maid obviously got the queen's confession and said: "Young Master Li is resting in the room, and the girl can wait in the hall."

Nunnun frowned, "No, I am going to see my brother now."

The maid said hurriedly: "Your Majesty and Young Master Li are resting, so you shouldn't disturb them."

"What? Rest together!"

There was a thunderbolt in the blue sky, and the girl was stunned. "The queen is in the same room with my brother?"

The maid replied: "Not only the queen, but also the national teacher and general."

"What? The four of them?!"

She could hardly believe her ears, her teeth were biting her mouth, tears flashed in her eyes, and she said in a low voice, "It's too much! Take me over!"

I shouldn't have left, knowing that these women have bad feelings about their brother, like wolves and tigers, didn't this leave give them a chance?

I'm sorry brother, oooooo-

The maid was so frightened that she didn't dare to fail, so she could only walk towards the room with her nanny.

As we approached the room, we could hear the conversation of men and women in it, and occasionally chuckles could be heard.

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Her footsteps suddenly became extremely heavy, her heart sank to the bottom, and she stopped at the door of the room, afraid to open the door.

Started to fill up the various pictures in the room.

It's almost light up this day, and all night, there was still such a movement. Is this still a human?

It seems that the opponent has succeeded.

I'm sorry sister Daji, sorry sister Huofeng...

She was very sad, and finally gritted her teeth, raised her hand and pinched a magic trick, directly unlocked the door, and then suddenly opened the door.

"Kang Dang!"

The sound of the door opening echoed slowly, and the four people in the room suddenly became quiet, and the girls were also directly stupid.

She was already prepared, but... will you show me this?

I asked in a daze, "Brother, what are you doing...what?"

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Thrilling flying chess, very interesting new game."

Nun's mouth opened slightly, and she was surprised: "You are playing chess this night?"

"Yes, it's so fun, I forget the time."

Li Nianfan looked at her daughter and asked, "I'm back so soon? Has anyone come to the palace?"

The girl sighed for a long time, smiled immediately, and nodded and said: "Here, we are investigating the cause, but there seems to be a lot of trouble."


Li Nianfan stood up, pondered for a moment, feeling very curious, and said: "Just come, I want to see."

Whether it was drinking water from a river to get pregnant, or the effect suddenly failed, it was enough to make Li Nianfan curious.

Li Nianfan said to the queen: "Your Majesty, I have been with you for a while. I believe that the water in the Zimu River will return to normal in a short time."

This time, the queen didn't stop it anymore. After one night of getting along, the most basic trust between people was established.

He opened his mouth and said: "Well, I believe Master Li, this flying chess... can you give it to me?"

"A gadget, just take it if you want."

Li Nianfan waved his hand indifferently and walked outside the door. Over there, the queen couldn't wait to call another person to continue the flying chess battle.

at the same time.

The Zimu River winds and flows, surrounded by green mountains and green waters.

Above the sky, there are many auspicious clouds flying by, patrolling around.

The three of Pei Anzu and Sun walked together, passing a low hill, their eyes swept slightly, but they saw a figure among the green trees.

The figure stood at the foot of the mountain, facing the river, standing very casually, without the slightest concealment.

It was also at this moment that he slowly turned his head and looked at the three of Pei An.

Just a glance, obviously did not exude any breath, but a monstrous coercion appeared out of thin air, as if the violent wind roared, making people unable to breathe.

It's as if the ants feel the human gaze, and when they hit their hearts, they will feel a sense of tension if they are not controlled.

For an instant, the three of them had cold hands and feet, and their brains were almost blank.

It seems...this kind of existence, they are not qualified to take a look.

However, after a while, Pei An's stiff body trembled slightly, and her voice was extremely hoarse and inaudible, "Look...found it!"

The three of them snorted, but there was magic power flowing on their bodies, forming a beam of light, rushing into the void.

In normal times, this thing is naturally easy to do, but at this moment, it seems to consume all their strength, just a small move, they will collapse.

"Huh? Such a strong Taoist heart."

The man was a little surprised. The three of Pei An were not even Jinxian. Although he didn't do anything, the gap was still like galaxy and gravel, which was immeasurable.

Seeing myself, I must be afraid to move, but I can still do something, which is really amazing.

He didn't know that Pei An and the three people got along with the superiors, their visions had already been detached too much, and the mood was determined by the visions, and that was how they could stabilize.

In just a moment, the surrounding auspicious clouds flew one after another. The moment they saw the man, without exception, they all showed a terrified look, their limbs were cold and unable to move.

The Jade Emperor's face was pale, his eyes looked at the man carefully, and he clasped his fists and said, "Dare to ask fellow Taoists, what is the so-called coming to the wild world?"

His soul trembles, this pressure has surpassed the saints of the prehistoric world, and is infinitely close to Hongjun Daozu!

The man took a sip of his wine and said with a smile: "If I say it is destroyed, how will you be?"

He just said casually, but the pressure on the Jade Emperor and others doubled. The surrounding air was squeezed and the space solidified, making it extremely difficult to even speak.

Say what you say!

"Then we have only one battle!"

The Jade Emperor spoke in a cold and stern voice, and tried his best to mobilize the mana, the Haotian Tower was on top of his head.

At the same time, Yang Jian and the others were all blue veins bulging, their complexions flushed, and their mana was running.

The man continued to ask: "Do you dare to shoot at me?"

"Why don't you dare?!"

Yang Jian trembled all over, trying hard to act, but he shouted, broke the pressure, held a three-pointed two-edged knife, and said firmly: "As long as there is a breath, I will fight to the death!"


The body of the giant spirit **** was also trembling, resisting the innate pressure of the saint, his pupils widened like a copper bell, "the same for me!"

Their mana slowly overflowed with difficulty, very small, and compared to their usual, it was nothing but fireflies, but it showed their determination!

The man did not speak or act.

Just looking at the lake for a long time, with memories.

At the beginning, my own world was in a catastrophe, so why not the whole world...

Fight to the death!

But, I ran away...

Thinking of this, his fists couldn't help clenching slightly, his eyes were deep, as if he saw the scene where his world was destroyed again, and his heart fluctuated.

The long sword behind him emits a burst of light, "Hey~ Brother Feng, forget it, don't tease them."

"Courage is commendable." The man sighed in a deep tone, and then couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Your world is really amazing."

Since he came into this world, he has seen a lot of extraordinary things, and he has also seen many extraordinary people, which is really unexpected.

Obviously it is a broken world, but it gives him a sense of eye-opening, which is really strange.

Suddenly, his expression changed and he curiously said, "That man seems to be just a mortal, right? And you... If I guessed right, he should be the master of this world. I didn't expect that a mortal could invite you Come."

He naturally knew that Li Nianfan asked her daughter to invite people over, but he really didn't expect that what a mortal asked could be a bigwig in the world, and he felt a little unscientific.


The Jade Emperor shook his head, but a sense of pride emerged in his heart, "It seems that your vision is nothing more than this!"

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