Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 524: 523: The pros and cons of people, the split demons

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Above the vast sky.

The power of the laws of the two silhouettes around the body is mighty, and between the wave of the hand and the raising of the legs, there is a great power, and the power of the law of formation spills out, and the mountains and rivers are instantly wiped out, and the rivers and lakes are dried up. .

The incomparable aura is constantly flowing out, causing the surrounding space to be distorted, and the terrifying fairy gas incarnates into a vast ocean, boiling and raging.

They were shocked at the same time, this world was really countless times stronger than that of the prehistoric. Before they played against each other, they definitely needed to go to the chaos.

Just that strength is enough to penetrate the previous world, sink the land of thousands of miles, and the space will crack and cause the disaster of world destruction!

However, now the space is stable and has not cracked. Although the damage caused on the ground is still great, the endurance of the aftermath is enough to withstand the fierce battle of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"Luo Hui, calm down first, I really have nothing to admit!"

Hongjun waved his Taoist robe, and said with a calm face: "It's true that I just woke up. All this has nothing to do with me."


Luo Hui sneered, he had already seen everything, and said in a low voice: "Old Hongjun, who doesn't know that you are old and cunning and calculate everything, I shouldn't have believed you in the first place! Let's talk, what method did you use to make Honghuang look like this? Conspiracy?"

"Luo Hui, you know me. If this is the case, I definitely can't do it."

Hongjun frowned, feeling bitter and shocked, and said helplessly: "Moreover...I was originally a fit for my body, but now I woke up, I was separated from Heaven..."

Who am I going to talk about?

I am the victim!

Like Luo Hu, he fell into a deep sleep inexplicably back then. He used to sleep for a few years without any harm to them, and it was fleeting in the blink of an eye, but who would have thought that a good night's sleep was like a journey through and the changes were too great.

Now that I think about it, it may be the inexplicable evolution of the Primordial World that made them fall asleep.

"I don't care, you agreed with me that Limozu is the protagonist of heaven and earth, you and I share the predecessor, and use this to understand the great road!"

Luo Hui was angry with Peng Bai, and said in a low voice: "Now I wake up from my deep sleep and find that my demons are not only weak, but oppressed, you must give me an explanation!"

"The Demon Race has become the protagonist of the world?"

Accompanied by a voice of doubt, the figures of the six Daji were slowly revealed in the void, and their eyes looked at Luohu and Hongjun at the same time.

Da Ji said coldly: "Jedi Tiantong is your plan?"

Luo Hui and Hongjun were shocked, their eyes flashed slightly when they looked at the person coming.

"Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Nu Wa? You are all here."

Hongjun looked at the incoming person in surprise, and then his pupils shrank, even more surprised.

Nu Wa's body is no longer the breath of a saint, but... Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

The aura on the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother is also much stronger, and there is a feeling that sooner or later they will enter the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

As for the three Yun Shu, their strength also shocked them.

This this……

His face was a little dumbfounded.

Originally, he woke up, thinking that it was just the world that had changed a lot, but in fact, he was a little smug in his heart.

Because he feels that his strength is the ceiling of the current world, Honghuang has become like this. For him, the benefits are huge. With his strength, he can enjoy it alone.

Unexpectedly, just so abruptly, a large group of masters surrounded themselves, among them, there were their own acquaintances...

His mentality suddenly became unstable.

Luo Hui's mentality is exactly the same as Hongjun's, with a heavy heart.

In fact, he came to Hongjun this time to settle the accounts. After all, the demons were just the same tool for him. Now that the world has changed greatly, good fortune is much stronger than before. This is the top priority.

He said that he would find Hongjun to settle the account, but he was thinking of sharing more benefits and forcing Hongjun to give in!

But... the script seems to be wrong, some other characters have been added...

Hongjun asked Nuwa, "What the **** is going on?"

On the side, the Jade Emperor said, "Taozu, you should answer Fairy Daji's question first."

At the same time, he winked wildly at Hongjun.

Hongjun suddenly felt a sudden in his heart. He didn't dare to neglect, he pondered for a moment and said: "Jedi Tiantong is indeed our handwriting, but I have no choice but to do this. After all, I am integrated into the way of heaven. The stronger the world, the better for me..."

It turns out that Hongjun has been developing the predecessor according to the script he designed, shaping the saint, and developing silently, trying to make up for the incompleteness of the predecessor.

It's just that he didn't expect that Luo Hu, who was defeated horribly by his hands that year, did not die. He has been hiding in a sea of ​​blood, and he will come back after he recovered from his injuries!

Moreover, this time he took the means Hongjun had to compromise with, that was beyond the chaos!

Once Hongjun refused to allocate this world to him, then he would leak out the location of the prehistoric world and inform him of the chaos. In this way, welcoming the prehistoric world is likely to be a disaster.

Hongjun had no choice but to compromise. Therefore, even if Luohu destroyed Buddhism, he did not make a move.

Luo Huixiu wanted to use the Jedi Tiantong to destroy the human race with the demons and replace it, thereby enhancing his strength.

"Cut, it's superb-sounding, don't you also want to use the laws of heaven left by Pangu to improve your strength?"

Luo Hui smiled coldly, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, turned around and walked away, "Everyone is just a different way. Let's look at each method in the future, I won't accompany you!"

"The master doesn't like the demons. Since I met you, don't leave!"

Daji's complexion remained unchanged, her tone of voice was indifferent, she lifted her legs, swung her white skirt slightly, and her body disappeared in place, blocking Luo Hu's body.

"Hahaha, there are too many people who don't like my demons! I want to go, in the world, who can stop me?"

Luo Hui laughed wildly, with murderous intent bursts in his eyes, with crazy killings, and roared: "Little girl's film has some deeds, but she is not qualified to stop me! Get off!"

Before the words fell, the sharp-killing spear in his hand was shining with pitch-black light, and the terrifying aura condensed into a long black dragon, which pierced towards Daji!

Da has raised her hand, the ice crystals gathered in front of him, and an ice wall immediately condensed.


The spear pierced through the ice wall, and many pieces of ice shot around, and the tip of the spear pointed straight at Daji's face.

Daji stood still in place, without sadness or joy in her beautiful eyes.

But it was this calm attitude that angered Luo Hu even more. The black light in his eyes flashed, and the killing energy was so strong that the wind in the sky started to roar.

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"Looking for death! The Gunslinger was born for killing. It fits with my way of killing. No one dares to harden its edge. It's just a small ice wall, so I can't help it!"

Luo Hui roared in his heart, the strength of his whole body gathered, and his strength increased a bit!

The overflowing power turned into a wind, turning the mountain behind Daji into powder! After that, it stretched for 100,000 miles, and the ground in a straight line was directly flattened to form a path!

It's just that, with such a powerful force that is unimaginable, when facing this ice wall, it appears to be weak and powerless!

No matter how hard Luo Hu tried, he was stuck in the ice wall forcibly and couldn't even penetrate.

I don't know when, the tip of the Killing Spear was actually covered with a thin layer of frost.

how can that be? !

Luo Hui's eyes widened, his mind trembled, and he felt a sense of powerlessness deep in his heart. This was a suppression from absolute power.


Layers of frost began to spread rapidly above the Gunslinger.

Luo Hui's eyes were quick and quick, he let go of the Gunkiller without hesitation, turned his head and ran.

"Now that I said, you can't leave!"

There was coldness in Da Ji's eyes, and the jade hand gently lifted, the frost-covered sharpshooter was like an arm, turned his head and aimed at Luo Hu.

As she stretched out her hand, the frost spear shot out!

A long frosty path was left along the way, gorgeous and terrifying.

Feeling that terrible power, Luo Hu's complexion changed drastically and his scalp was numb. Unfortunately, his twelfth-rank merit black lotus disappeared with the fall of the demon lord's big crater, and he could only rely on mana.

The spear penetrated its mana, with an unstoppable breath, step by step!

On the other side, Huofeng couldn't wait any longer, the fiery red wings spread out behind him, his body turned into a flame, and he disappeared instantly.

Everyone only felt that their brains were white, and when they recovered, there was already an extra flame path in Luohu's abdomen!

As he snorted, a layer of flame instantly rose from his body, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into ashes and evaporated into the void.

Hongjun's pupils widened, watching this scene helplessly, and taking a breath in silence with extreme caution.

In just three breaths, Luo Hu just evaporated?

He and Luo Hu are not newcomers who have just entered Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. For countless years, the Taoism has been very deep. Although there are factors that Huofeng and Daji joined forces, they are still very scary.

If you can kill Luo Hu, the proper one can also kill yourself.

Hongjun's face suddenly turned blue, and his whole body shuddered.

Seeing Hongjun's reaction, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother showed a slight smile without a trace, feeling somewhat superior.

Daozu, are you ignorant, haven't you seen the world?

It's just Luo Hu, you haven't seen Uncle Dog make a move, pinching more than a dozen Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian with one paw, just like playing.

Hongjun trembled his lips and said with a smile: "Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, don't you quickly introduce to me, who are these two powerful and beautiful fairies?"

"They are Fairy Daji and Fairy Huofeng." The Jade Emperor paused, and said: "Now that Honghuang can become like this, it's all their husbands."

Hongjun's heart was so shocked that he was shocked, but his flattering words were not affected at all, and he opened his mouth.

"I knew that Honghuang was able to escape the catastrophe of the Jedi Tiantong, and there must be an expert behind him. I did not expect that this time not only escaped the catastrophe, but also got a blessing in disguise. The husbands of the two fairies are really impressive. It is a magical skill, please allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to you on behalf of the entire Honghuang!"

After the words, he raised his hands, his face was very solemn, and bowed to Daji and Nuwa piously.

Then he said: "The two fairies have a high level of cultivation. They punished Luohu and other evils, and benefited endless creatures. It really makes me admire, please accept me again!"

After that, there was another bow.

The Queen Mother of the Jade Emperor, including Nu Wa, were all dumbfounded.

As a Taoist ancestor, Hongjun has always been aloof, unpredictable, and respected. This has been the case for countless years. He has never overturned a car.

Damn, I didn't expect it to be a two-faced person, flattering words are smoother than anyone else.

It turns out that you are such a Taoist ancestor.

Sure enough, no matter who it is, there are positives and negatives. The positive is a brilliant image, and the negative is a dog...

It turns out that the essence of the world is to lick each other.

at the same time.

Another place.

The Great Demon King led the people of the Demon Race together excitedly waiting for Lord Demon God to return in triumph.

His eyes were full of expectation, as if he had seen the glorious future of the Mozu.

However, at this moment, the bronze statue of the Demon God at their center suddenly made a "click" sound.


Everyone stared eagerly, as if they couldn't believe the facts before them, they rubbed their eyes in unison, and then looked intently—

The hot hearts burst open immediately.

"Master Devil... passed away?"

"No... isn't it?"


This sudden death method is not much worse than the demon lord back then.

My demons must have been targeted, which is too unreasonable. From the beginning of the mountain, nothing has gone smoothly.

No, it's not just bad, it's terrible headwind.

Give it back to others?

The Great Demon King collapsed, "This world is too dangerous, my demon... is too difficult!"

"No, I have to ask for it!"

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