Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 553: 552: Representational problems and deep meanings

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In fact, discussing with Xiao Daji is just a cutscene. She has always worked hard to do what the master wants to do, how could she refuse.

Sure enough, she was still the same line for thousands of years, and said softly: "I listen to the son."

greeted everyone from the Suffering Sect, and everyone returned to the Xia Dynasty and went to rest.

In this place where there is no mobile phone, Li Nianfan’s only remaining pleasure before going to bed is reading. Brushing the book "In and Out of Peace" before going to bed will not only help sleep, but also help keep the body and mind happy.

at the same time.

The place where the battle was just now.

A graceful black shadow slowly emerged from the night, it was the left envoy of the Jiemeng.

At this time, she still wears a grimace mask, but from the breath of her body, it can be seen that her mood is not good, and she is full of surprises.

Immediately afterwards, the void on her side twisted slightly, and a one-eyed old man with a wrinkled face slowly emerged from a body, wearing a gray-green curling hat.

The old man’s face turned green. It looked like a ghost fire in the night. It made people uncomfortable to look at. There was a deep scar in his left eye, terrifying and completely blind.

The sound like a broken gong banged from the old man’s mouth, “What’s wrong? Didn’t you say that the little white mice of the Suffering Sect were already in the cage? What about people?”

"Something happened!"

An icy voice came from Zuo Shi’s mouth. After a pause, she continued: “God’s Domain involves too many forces, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, maybe our League has been targeted, and my layout is already very good. It's perfect, I knew it, I should have come in person!"

The green-faced old man didn’t care: “It’s okay, some small characters are not worth doing it yourself.”

"It was originally a whim, but I did it casually, ready to add fire to the situation in God's Domain, but it was unexpectedly resolved by others." The left envoy seemed a little unwilling.

The matter of Kuqingzong is just a play of hers, but even so, it will still be uncomfortable to be inexplicably destroyed by others, and...if this move is completed, the effect will indeed be great.

The luck of the human race was broken, the Suffering Sect was directly disintegrated, and several experimental products of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could be captured. This kind of transaction is almost the same as that of a white prostitute.

However, nowadays, not only has he failed to succeed in white prostitution, but on the contrary, he has lost a few chess pieces, which is very depressing.

Zuo Envoy solemnly said: "This is not a good sign, what's your plan? Don't be careless."

"Hehe, everything is under control."

The green-faced old man smiled slightly, and his wrinkled face looked hideous. "This time the God's Domain has appeared, many monsters have spontaneously gathered together, which is more conducive to our capture. The layout of the city of Ten Thousand Monsters has been quietly unfolded."

"In addition, there is a very crucial piece of news. The dog that wiped out the heavenly realm of our three high-level members is probably from Dog Mountain!"

Left slightly moved, "Oh? Do you have ideas?"

"That's natural." The green-faced old man's one-eyed light shone sharply, and he smiled triumphantly, "Jie Jie Jie..."

Left frowned slightly, and his body slowly faded, disgustingly said: "Look less than this, it always feels unlucky."

the other side.

The people of the Kuqing Sect gathered together.

Although they were individually injured, their eyes were bright, and they were all very motivated, and they were having major meetings.

The experience of just a few days really refreshed their worldview.

"It's hard to imagine that we can meet an expert who can't even think about it, just like a dream."

Qin Chongshan’s eyes were complicated, and he sighed heavily, "We owe an expert another life!"

"Yes, the expert first restored Chuyue’s memory, then saved my life, and now saves our lives. The most important thing is that he also invited us to eat Chaos Lingguo and drink Chaos Enlightenment Tea. I feel that I don’t have to pay for this kind of great grace, and I will blush."

Ishino enumerated one after another, and the more he talked about it, the more he felt complacent, and unknowingly, he owed so much favor to the expert.

Everyone is also ashamed.

After careful calculation, the expert gave them so much, and they only gave the expert a double flying stone. The most important thing is...After the development of the expert, the double flying stone has evolved to an unknown height. In comparison, , The double flying stone they sent is actually a rubbish.

The elder sighed: "We are just like a trash, an unattainable figure of the superior, who is so friendly to me waiting for trash, ohhhh...think about it, I’m so passionate and want to cry. ..."

"Think about how I walked with an expert, and I still talked and laughed, really like a dream." Qin Yun's feelings were not great, and then said: "This is the state of mind of an expert, treat others friendly, So we should do something for the superior."

Qin Chongshan nodded hurriedly, agreeing: "As expected, it is my son. Speaking of being a father, I am in my heart."

"Just, what can we do for the master?"

Everyone was silent, frowning, thinking hard.

Like a person like an expert, even the water they drink is a chaotic spring, and the cultivation base is even more unfathomable. There is absolutely nothing they can do about it.

The more I think about it, the more anxious I get, and I can’t help but beat my chest. Why haven’t I found myself so useless before? As long as you can share the worries for the superior, even if it's just a small thing!

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A moment later, Qin Chuyue suddenly blessed her soul and exclaimed, "Netherworld Ghost Emperor!"

She was extremely excited, her eyes burst with brilliance, and she hurriedly said: "Father, when we visited Gao Ren, Gao Ren told us about the resentful spirit. Do you remember that? The expert asked Is there a problem?"

what is the problem?

Everyone was taken aback for a moment and began to remember.

Qin Chongshan frowned and murmured: "The expert asked us how these resentful spirits came into being..."

His whole body was suddenly shaken, his beard trembled violently, as if he had discovered a new world, and he trembled with excitement: "I understand, I understand!"

"How did the resentful spirits arise? This is just the most apparent question. We can change the question more bluntly, and that is-where is the source of these resentful spirits!"

"And if the expert asks this question, then how can it only float on the surface? It must have a deep meaning! This requires us to consciously further a question, that is-can we contain these grievances from the root!"


The great elder and Ishiye took a breath together, suddenly opened up, and suddenly enlightened!

"That's how it is, that's how it is!"

"High opinion, great opinion of the suzerain! This seems to be just a common question, but it contains the will-oriented of the superior, and it is a hidden command. Fortunately, it has been analyzed by us, otherwise the superior might be disappointed."

"Chuyue, worthy of being my daughter, quite as wise as my father back then."

Qin Chongshan laughed loudly, suddenly feeling heroic, "Now that I know the instructions of the master, then everything is easy to handle, I declare that the next focus of our Affection Sect is to stare at the ghost emperor!"

Ishiye and the Great Elder are equally full of passion, "Although the ghost emperor is strong, we must...destroy it anyway!"

The next day.

Li Nianfan is sitting in the courtyard, playing Go with Daji.

Just then, the door opened with a creak.

Huofeng walked in from outside, followed by Yao Mengji and Qin Manyun, who were extremely excited.

Originally, the crisis of the Xia Dynasty was lifted, and they shouldn't stay here for too long, but since the expert stayed here, it was naturally impossible for them to leave.

Even if they can’t listen to the master’s teachings, as long as they can get a little closer to the master, it’s a kind of supreme glory, not to mention they are waiting for the command of the master and follow the command of the master at any time.

Knowing that the master did not leave, they did. Obviously they would not make such a mistake.

Originally, they were only expecting one-tenth of a million. They never expected that the expert actually summoned them. This feeling is really flattered, and their heads are dizzy, and they want to cry with excitement.

Yao Mengji and Qin Manyun said respectfully at the same time: "I have seen Gongzi Li, Miss Daji."

"Old Yao, Girl Man Yun, morning."

Li Nianfan replied. He felt very cordial to these two old friends. He still remembers that Yao Mengji was unkempt and decadent before he passed the catastrophe, but now he has become a fairy.

Even Qin Manyun is about to enter a fairyland.

They were witnessed by Li Nianfan and grew up with Li Nianfan. They are naturally kind.

Li Nianfan smiled and said, “I’m sorry to disturb you so early in the morning.”

Yao Mengji immediately said: "Young Master Li is polite. We are already very busy, so let's talk if you have anything."

Li Nianfan said: "I, Xiao Daji and they seldom go out. They are not familiar with the world today. They plan to find the little fox, but I don’t know where it is. I wonder if Old Yao knows the way?"

"This is naturally recognized."

Elder Yao breathed a sigh of relief. He could help the expert with this matter. He smiled and said: "Little fox is the demon emperor. When God's Domain was just formed, all the powers of the original prehistoric parties used the heavenly palace as a link to communicate. The fox’s place is called Ten Thousand Demons City."

Li Nianfan said strangely: "The City of Ten Thousand Monsters? Is it the city of monsters?"

Yao Mengji nodded and said: "It is exactly the city built by the little fox commanded by the demons. It is the base camp of the demon emperor."

Li Nianfan couldn't help but laughed, "Little fox is quite a mess."

He looked at Yao Mengji and said, “I don’t know if Mr. Yao has time. If possible, please take us to Ten Thousand Demons City. If you are not free, then you have to draw a map to the Ten Thousand Demons City.”

Can I be on the same road with an expert?

The hearts of Yao Mengji and Qin Manyun suddenly throbbed, feeling the supreme glory adding to their bodies, and they couldn’t help themselves.

This is almost equivalent to the Chosen Son, is there any wood?

This choice fool knows how to choose, and immediately he didn’t think about it and couldn’t wait to say: “When you have time, you are naturally free. To be honest, we already have a plan to go to the City of Ten Thousand Monsters. Isn’t it a coincidence?”

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