Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 573: 572: Gluttonous battle

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The world of cloud shortages.

Compared with the previous glorious world, today's Yunhuang world can become too miserable.

First experienced the Great Black's cessation of land compensation, the world's origin was taken out of one-third, the spiritual energy was thin, the avenue was incomplete, and even the saint's fruit status was two less, and it was even more difficult to prove the Dao Hunyuan.

Next, a group of children didn’t know that the sky was high and the earth was thick. They thought that they would be able to coax if they called the Father God, and they lined up to rush to the Honghuangxing Master to inquire.

Who knows, it’s a food delivery.

All the people who went there never went back, and even the father was cold.

Offended the big brother, this wave is directly over the calf, originally with the power of the realm of heaven as the backing, there are 15 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, eight saints, now there are only six Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, three A saint.

However, they did not dare to have the slightest resentment, and even even to think of revenge. During this time, the whole world was silent, and they only hoped that the boss would not come to make trouble.

Fortunately, everything is not too bad. The big brothers are not the killers. They haven't been looking for it for so long, which made them breathe a long sigh of relief.

In this case, not only can't scold the enemy, but also boast that the opponent has a lot of adults.

At this time, six Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and three sages gathered together, representing the peak power of Yunhuang today, and their eyes were looking at the situation in this world with complicated eyes.

The old man in white shirt said: "Fortunately, with our concerted efforts, this world has finally stabilized temporarily."

The black robe man beside    began to speak: "It's just... as the Tao is incomplete today, we stay here, unless there are special circumstances, I'm afraid it will be difficult to make progress."

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of another purple-clothed fairy, "Tianmu Daoist is going to travel to Chaos?"

The black-robed old man was silent for a moment, "I want to go to God's Domain."

"Holy area?"

The others were all taken aback, and then a trace of fear appeared in their eyes at the same time.

They know the location of God's Domain better than anyone else, and it is precisely what they did not look at back then.

As for why the realm of the gods became the realm of God, they don’t know, but when they think that their father and **** are dead, they feel that the realm of the realm is weird and terrifying, so they can't help but list the realm of God as a forbidden place deep in their hearts!

Once they go to God’s Domain, people will know that they are from the Wild World, and they may die. The most important thing is that there must be great horror in God’s Domain!

In short, it's weird.

"I know what you are worried about."

Taoist Tianmu's face was indifferent, and he paused and said: "However, since then, Honghuang has not visited the monk again, which means that the other party should not take us to heart, and in the realm of God, there are better conditions for cultivation. The monks of my generation are always seeking the way against the sky, how can they stop because of the trace of fear in my heart?"

There was a hint of approval in the eyes of other people, and they were just about to speak, but they were suddenly interrupted by a voice——

"Hehe, good point! But now, you don't need to go to God's Domain, you can also have a greater chance!"

As the voice fell, a green-faced old man with a one-eyed hunchback appeared above the crowd.

This old man appeared extremely strange, without the slightest warning, even Tiandao seemed to ignore its existence. Although he was laughing, the breath radiating from his body caused everyone's breathing to stagnate, and the scalp numb for a while.

This breath... even stronger than the Father God!

The power of the realm of heaven? !

The heart of the old man in white shirt was beating wildly, and he respectfully said: "Dare to ask Senior?"

The green-faced old man opened his mouth and said: "I am the right envoy of the Alliance, and your Father God was originally under my command."


'S command?

The heart of the white-shirted old man and others gradually sank to the bottom. They naturally heard the news about the Jiemeng. They did not expect that the Father God actually joined the Jiemeng, and now he is approached by the Jiemeng, and I don’t know if it is a blessing or a curse. .

He swallowed a bit nervously, and tentatively said: "I don't know what the seniors are here?"

"Me." The green-faced old man laughed strangely, and said leisurely: "Don't you want to take revenge? Let me tell you that just three days ago, I had beaten that **** dog to half death, if not An irresistible change occurred at the last moment, and it is now captured alive!"

Everyone looked at each other, and they showed shocked expressions, and then their eyes changed constantly. They were not fools, and naturally they could hear the meaning of the green-faced old man.

Fairy Ziyi said carefully: "What do seniors want us to do?"

"What I want you to do is simple."

The green-faced old man smiled slightly, "Since this world is already incomplete, it is a waste to keep it. It is better to use waste. As the experimental site of the world alliance, the benefits are naturally indispensable to you!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically at the same time, their lips were pursed, and their hearts filled with anger.

Once this place really becomes an experimental site, then all the creatures in this world will undoubtedly become experimental objects, whether it is humans or monsters, it will directly become purgatory.

And these countless creatures, but regard them as patron saints, believe in them, and among them are their disciples and Taoism!

If it weren’t for the strength of the green-faced old man, just by these words, they would have long since died with them!

The old man in white shirt forced a smile, "Senior said and laughed, since our father is a member of the Alliance, then there is no reason to deal with his own people."

The green-faced old man was expressionless and said coldly: "Yes, since your Father God has joined the Realm League, then this realm should naturally be managed by the Realm League, not to mention that he is dead, even if he is alive, Dare to question my decision! I also care about his face, so I won't move you!"


Tianmu Taoist screamed coldly, with firmness in his tone, "I want to make my Yunhuang world a testing ground for your world alliance, my Tianmu is the first to not agree!"

"I admire your courage, but now it's the wrong place." The green-faced old man crouched, looking insufficiently majestic, seemingly casual and said: "I can give you another chance."

"It’s the same for several times, I don’t agree!"

The Taoist Tianmu said with a calm face, "Father God died because of your world alliance, but now you are avenging your grievances. What you have done is frantic. No wonder everyone shouts and beats in the chaos. It is simply an extinction of the rat generation! Even if I die, it is absolutely impossible for me to die. Go with you!"

"Ha ha."

The green-faced old man sneered, just raised his hand, and the world changed drastically. The entire sky was still at this moment, and huge laws flowed from the old man’s fingertips, which had already suppressed the laws of this world. , Arbitrarily oppress the Taoist Tianmu!


The heavens and the earth roar, with ripples.

The heaven of the cloud world wants to stop it, but it can't last for a moment and is also suppressed, and the surrounding space is even more imprisoned!

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

Everyone's cultivation base is monstrous, but at this time, they can't move even a bit, and they can't even speak. In their eyes, the hands of the green-faced old man are like the endless sky falling down, and no one can resist.

Tianmu Taoist was suppressed without suspense, and was caught in front of him by the green-faced old man without any resistance.

"Want to die? Such a good experiment, how can I be willing to let you die in vain?"

The green-faced old man raised his hand, and a dark pill flew into the Taoist Tianmu's mouth. Then, he raised his hand and patted the Taoist Tianmu's forehead.

An inexplicable path of exercises began to flow through the body of the Taoist Tianmu. Just enough, it caused the Taoist Tianmu to convulse and twist his face, seeming to endure great pain!

After another moment, his eyes turned crimson, and there was a tyrannical red mist rising all over his body.

The green-faced old man is like throwing a dead dog, throwing away the third-eyed old man at will, and facing each other, he said: "In the cage!"

After that, with a calm smile on his face, he looked at the rest of the people, as if nothing had happened, and said lightly: "What about you?"

The white-shirted old man looked at the Taoist Tianmu who was locked in a cage like a dog, looked at his painful and struggling appearance, a deep pain flashed through his eyes, restrained himself with all his strength, and said in a hoarse voice: "I Willing to help seniors."

Fairy in Ziyi also bit her lip, "I am willing too."

"That's a shame." The green-faced old man looked at the Ziyi Fairy and said meaningfully: "The greatest pleasure of our world alliance is to watch the fairies go crazy interacting with the monster beasts. I hope you don't let me catch the opportunity! "

The fairy in Ziyi suddenly trembled, lowered his head, and trembling said: "Dare not dare."

This trick is a perfect interpretation of the cruelty of the world of cultivating immortals, and no one dared to raise objections.

The green-faced old man asked Jiemeng to go to the cloud world to arrest people unscrupulously on the spot, and then took out a transparent crystal ball with his wrist.

Inside the sphere, there is a fluorescent flicker, and when you look carefully, it seems that there is a world flowing inside the sphere.

"There is also the origin of the cloud world, I have a purpose, I have to pull out half of it!"

He is not discussing at all, but speaking out by way of notice.

As soon as the voice fell, he pinched a magic trick, and the heavenly path of the cloud world manifested, making a roaring sound, and the sky was dark for a while, and the sun and the moon were dark.

However, all resistance is in vain. A heavy source of power forms a bright starlight, which converges toward the crystal ball, making the fluorescence in the sphere brighter.

The old man in white shirt and others saw this scene, their bodies trembling faintly, humiliation and anger filled their chests, all bowed their heads, and did not want the green-faced old man to see his eyes.

The green-faced old man also ignored these ants. After collecting the power of the original source, he smiled slightly and left the world of Yunhuang directly.

only left a sentence in the void, "When I come back, if you find that you are not dedicated, then...you have no need to live!"

He didn’t worry at all about what betrayal Baishan old man and others would dare to do, even if he really dared to do it? When I came back, I slapped it to death!

The green-faced old man stepped in the chaos, never stopped all the way, and kept walking in one direction.

Naturally, his speed needn't be said much. For that matter, he also walked for a full three hours before he came to a galaxy and slowly landed on a red star.

Above the stars, people from the Alliance have long been waiting, and Zuo Shi, wearing a grimace mask, was among them.

Seeing the green-faced old man came back, she said: "Successful?"

"Does this still need to be asked?"

The green-faced old man showed a smile on his wrinkled face, raised his hand, and took out the crystal ball. “In this world source stone, I have extracted five different world origins, and the power of origin contained in it even exceeds A complete world! For gluttony, it has a fatal attraction, and it will definitely be easy if you use this to attract it!"

The left envoy was taken aback for a moment, frowned and said: "You let me attract?"

Gourmet is not generally strong, so the risk of catching Gourmet is naturally not small.

"Except for you and me, no one on the scene can have the strength to escape from the mouth of gluttonous, and the needs of others leave a prison for gluttonous, as for me..."

The eyes of the green-faced old man suddenly showed a fierce light, and he said grimly: "I just took advantage of this time to slaughter that hindering meritorious monarch!"

Thinking of the saint of merit, the green-faced old man's heart can't stop the hatred.

After practicing for so many years, I have never felt so aggrieved! So he didn't want to wait for a moment.

It takes at least a day for the left envoy to attract gluttonous guests. During this period, he can just use it to make arrangements and easily curse the sage of merit!

Zuo Zuo hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

She also suffered a big loss in the hands of the sage of merit, and it is naturally the best to be able to remove it.

Things are certain, the people of Jiemeng started to take action.

The green-faced old man made a jealous smile, and carefully took out other materials that he had meticulously calibrated, and started the layout.

Because of the endless distance, the difficulty of sedition is not the same, and the sacrifice will be great. It almost emptied the family of the green-faced old man, but he felt it was worth it.

He sighed with pain: "Can make me pay such a big price, the sage of merit, you will live a lifetime in vain!"

"If the leader knows that I have removed this shit-chucking stick, there will be no less rewards if you want to."


At the same time, in the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

These two days are the happiest two days for the monsters in the city, because from time to time they can be baptized by the sound of an expert piano, and the realm is advancing by leaps and bounds like riding a rocket. Who is not happy?

The brother-in-law of the demon emperor is so powerful that we can get the leadership of this demon emperor, this is also a good luck!

It's all covered.

At this time, Daji and Huofeng are discussing matters with Da Hei.

"The boys of the Jiemeng are going to catch gluttony?"

Da Hei’s eyes flashed bright, full of resentment towards Jiemeng, and he coldly said: "Catch, I must catch it! I Dahei has contacted Jiemeng. For nothing else, I just have to fight against them. , They want gluttony, then I just can't let them succeed!"

A smile appeared on Daji's face, "With the help of Uncle Dog, this time I will be more confident in capturing the gluttony!"

This news was obtained after she destroyed the stronghold of the Jiemeng, and obtained the approximate location of the Taotie.

This is the ingredients hand-picked by the owner, and the gluttony must be caught before the people of the alliance can get it!

Huofeng opened the mouth and said: "On the side of Tiangong, I have asked Yao Mengji to inform that Taotie is a giant of chaos, and his strength should not be underestimated. It is safe to send more people."

Daji frowned slightly, and said eagerly: "I have to speed up, maybe the Jiemeng is ready to do it!"

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