Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 576: 575: My host never miscalculates

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, I turned out to be a master of immortality

No way, no way...

Zuo Shi’s heart sank to the bottom, the majestic power of the realm of heaven and earth, could not help but pray in his heart.

However, a philosopher once said that the less things you want to happen, the more things will happen.

The world is often so cruel.

Then...He came.

The first thing that catches the eye is a bald dog with no long hair. The red and white skin is exposed, but the face is full of seriousness. The combination of weirdness and seriousness adds a sense of joy.

However, Zuo Shi couldn't laugh, because she felt a huge threat from the dog.

"Someone will come over at this time?"

The green-faced old man and another great power of the heavenly realm naturally found these uninvited guests, and looked at the visitors cautiously.

However, after seeing everything clearly, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The bald dog with only the leader is a bit difficult to deal with. Other people are not in the realm of heaven at all. Even if they are seriously injured now, they are not afraid.

Da Hei stepped forward and walked in the chaos. The dog's eyes looked like electricity, and he locked directly on the green-faced old man. A cold voice came out, "I remember your breath, and the culprit that night was you!"

The green-faced old man frowned, not afraid, and said with a smile: "Hehe, as expected, it's you, the dog nose is still very good."

Daji and others did not speak, but silently looked at the situation in front of them. When they saw the gluttonous glutton that was locked by the chain and hung in the chaos, the eyes were all condensed.

As the saying goes, it is better to come early than to come by coincidence, they did not expect to come so coincidence.

was originally going to come over to catch the gluttonous food, but just happened to collide with the people of the Jiemeng. If he came one step later, then the gluttony would be taken away by the people of the Jiemeng. If he came earlier, it might be a disaster.

And now, it is the gluttonous being arrested, and the people of the world alliance seem to have suffered heavy losses. This is undoubtedly the best time to appear.

This wave of opening is very dreamy and refreshing.

Looking at their complexions, Zuo Shi seemed to see through what they were thinking. Under the grimace, there was a wave of fluctuations in the eyes, and he tentatively asked: "Do you think that in this case, you can be our opponent?"

Daji's face was calm, and she spoke lightly: "Originally, we came here for gluttony, but since we happened to meet you, then we will kill you together."

She is only the cultivation base of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but she said this to the three great powers of the realm of heaven, and in a natural tone, anyone who listens to it will feel funny.

In fact, all three of Jiemeng really laughed.

The great power of the Heavenly Dao realm disdainfully said: "Only you? If you want to be a oriole, you must have the strength to be a oriole! Who gives you the confidence?"

"Okay, you have destroyed the stronghold of our league in Ten Thousand Demons City, and learned the whereabouts of Taotie, and pursued it here."

The green-faced old man spoke, his eyes were deep, as if he had seen everything through, he said: "I admit that I was careless before, because I overlooked a vital figure, that is the so-called sage of merit!"

"If I guess it is right, the sage of merit is just a cover."

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of Da Ji and others shrank suddenly, revealing an unbelievable look. Although it was only a moment, it was still noticed by the green-faced old man.

He narrowed his eyes and became even more contented, and then said: "All our plans fall short at the last moment. One time can be said to be a coincidence, two or three times, the proper one is aimed at! The Lord of Merit! ...It's so hidden!"

"Even this time, we were almost done! I used the most pinnacle method of the god-descending technique to deal with that meritorious monarch. Not only did I fail to harm him, but I also suffered a serious injury and even delayed arrest. The deployment of gluttonous gluttons has caused heavy losses in this incident, and at this time, you just rushed to come, wanting to come... is it also the plan of the sage of merit?"

What he said was all speculation, but he said it in an extremely determined tone. The analysis was sound and well-founded.

Daji and the others' complexions moved slightly, unexpectedly there were such twists and turns in them, but at the same time, there was a trace of sorrow in their hearts.

It turns out that the actions of myself and others have always been under the master's chess game!

Think about it carefully, and it really is.

And hearing the analysis of the green-faced old man, their hearts still showed a trace of fear.

In other words, if it wasn't for the blue-faced old man who encountered the backlash of the expert using the god-descending technique, then the loss of the world alliance would be far from so great, and the people who came this time, it is very likely that it is not the people of the world alliance at all. Opponent, that is really dangerous.

The expert is truly exhaustive. Although he did not personally appear on the scene, he settled the situation and protected himself and others once again!

Powerful and invincible!

In his heart, Qin Chongshan was even more in awe of the superior, and said coldly: "You still have a bit of a brain, such a character as a superior is not what you can imagine."

"Hahaha, it's a pity, this time he finally miscalculated!"

The green-faced old man smiled coldly, looked at the five people, and said coldly: "Although you have more people than us, and we are still injured, but...you only have a dog in the realm of heaven, maybe you are still imagining it from our hands Take away the gluttony?"

"But I'm a little curious, what do you want to capture gluttony for?"

Huofeng's body has already begun to beating flames, and his face is cold and said: "It's okay to tell you, gluttony is an ingredient selected by my master, waiting for us to bring it back to cook!"


The green-faced old man was taken aback, and then his face became even more ugly, "Do you think I'm so fooled? It seems that I have to catch you first, and then ask a good question!"

Da Hei was already unable to wait, raised his dog paws and patted the green-faced old man straight, "What the hell? Just slap to death!"

The green-faced old man snorted coldly, and said to the great power of the heavenly realm: "I and Zuozhi will work together to solve this dog, and the others will leave it to you!"

"It's easy!"

The man stared at the five Daji, with a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth, and he rushed out without hesitation. He raised his hand and grabbed it, and a huge phantom of the palm appeared in the chaos, covering Daji and others.

Put the palms together like a mountain of five fingers, trying to pinch the five people.

He is a great power in the realm of heaven. Don’t think it’s just a palm phantom, but he has created a small world in this palm. In this palm, he is the master. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is equivalent to ants and can be pinched at will. dead.

With their bodies in the palm of their hands, Daji and the five felt the pressure from heaven and earth, just as mortals were crowded out by heaven and earth, and the space would crush them.

They looked dignified, and at the same time they offered a defensive magic weapon to resist the pressure of the sky, just like propping up a small sailboat in the boundless wind and raging waves, resisting it with precarious wind and rain.

On the other side, Da Hei is alone, fighting with the left and right ambassadors.

Da Hei would not pity the jade at all, waving his dog's paw, scratching the left envoy's body everywhere, and flying around, but it itself was also stabbed with many holes, the battle was simple and violent, and the collision continued.

The green-faced old man did not use the god-descending technique. His state was underestimated, and he didn't even dare to face the **** head-on. He could only harass in a circuitous way, but every attack was extremely terrifying.

He was surprised at Da Hei's strength, and even more surprised at the change in Da Hei's strength.

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I can't understand why this **** dog has just got off his hair, so the fighting power can soar?

Can hair removal make you stronger? Or does this dog possess a gift for hair removal?

The only one to watch the game on the scene is gluttony.

It loses strength, has given up struggling, and is falling into a life of doubt.

I am a dignified glutton, a fierce beast in the chaos, a great existence walking sideways.

But now, one wants to catch me back as an experiment, and the other wants to grab me back as a food ingredient?

Even to fight for my ownership, I fought...

When did I become so bullied? Who are these people, Nima is so cruel!

The green-faced old man was targeted by Da Hei, and his condition was getting worse and worse. He couldn't help but urged the great power of the heavenly realm: "Don't waste time, quickly solve them!"


The man simply recovered, and then said coldly: "It's over!"

Between his backhands, he once again slapped everyone!

Under this palm, wind, rain, thunder and lightning are intertwined, the power of the five elements is mighty, and the endless laws roar, like the end of the world, the destruction of heaven and earth, rushing to everyone!

Qin Chongshan, Nuwa, and Bai Chen are all pale, feeling the tremors from their souls, and they have a sense of powerlessness facing Haoyue as a firefly.

The realm of Heavenly Dao is equivalent to Heavenly Dao, and they, after all, are ants living under Heavenly Dao. Although they are only a different level, they are different from each other, and their ability to resist is the limit.

"You are wrong, my master never miscalculates!"

Daji, with a calm face, slowly raised her hand, "It's definitely over!"

In her hand, the ring emitted a milky white halo, and the strange aura came, making Da Ji's aura soaring, like a sharp sword, soaring into the sky, directly piercing the blockade of the power of the heavenly realm!

is also slapped out with a palm!

"Crack, click!"

A huge ice palm rose into the sky, facing the man!

In this huge ice palm, there is a trace of the power of the avenue, and its horror is even more terrifying than the powerful attack of the heavenly realm, and even the surrounding chaotic space seems to be frozen!

"This is... the treasure of chaos?! And it also contains the power of the great road?!"

The man's face changed horribly, and he let out a sharp roar in his mouth, he couldn't believe it.

However, his shock was not over yet, Huofeng also raised his hand.

The golden jewellery on her body exudes a dazzling brilliance, and it also releases its breath, transforming into a golden flame dragon, engulfing it towards that person!

"The treasure of chaos again?!"

The person's face was frightened and twisted, his body was cold, his scalp was about to explode, and he started to retreat without hesitation!

However, this kind of realm attack contains the chaos rules, how can it be easily avoided.

Fire and ice were originally two completely repelling elements, but at this time they merged together to destroy everything in front of them in a destructive posture, and then shrouded in the power of the heavenly realm.

In an instant, the person was in extreme shock and horror, and dissipated between the heavens and the earth, leaving no trace.

Qin Chongshan and others were dumbfounded, swallowing their saliva and said, "Ok...what a powerful magic weapon."

Nuwa, who knew her inside story, took a deep breath and exclaimed, "The Chaos Supreme Treasure made by an expert is really terrifying, and it's incredible!"

As for the left and right ambassadors, watching all this happen, they almost stared out their own eyes, feeling cold in the bottom of my heart, and lost their voice in fright.

The green-faced old man was blank, and immediately shouted out his most urgent thoughts, "Hurry up and take me away!"

However, as soon as his voice fell, he discovered that the left envoy had already flickered a few times, and his body was jumping and moving at an unprecedented speed, and disappeared into the depths of the chaos in the blink of an eye. There was no nostalgia, and he did not bring his head back. .

He was stunned, turned his head helplessly, and saw Da Hei's dog face almost touching his face, staring at him cruelly with wide-eyed eyes.

Suddenly the chills flew, "I'm cold!"

He is really cold. Da Hei is not a person who likes to torture people. He directly crushed the life origin of the green-faced old man. Since then, a powerful heavenly power has been wiped from the world!

In the endless chaos, not many people know it, and a great battle has ended.

Daji said: "Let's go, you have to quickly transport the fresh ingredients to the owner."

"Yes, yes, what Fairy Daji said is quite true."

"Let us carry this gluttony. I am best at this kind of rough work."

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen hurriedly responded, vying to express themselves.

Whether it is Dahei, Daji and Huofeng, their strength has refreshed their cognition again, giving them the most intuitive feeling, and naturally they are more in awe.

Furthermore, they came here this time. To be honest, it was like a show. They didn't help at all. Now it seems that they came here to act as porters.

On the other side, the left envoy sprinted all the way, swiftly speeding, teleporting and moving, using all available means, instantly spanning the endless distance, hiding in a dense cluster of stars, and then dared to take a breath.

"It's terrible, it's too dangerous. Fortunately, I've been on guard and slipped fast enough." Zuo Shi thought with great fortune.

In fact, when the green-faced old man began to analyze the extraordinary of the superior one by one, her heart began to sink gradually, and she was ready to withdraw at any time.

There are so many misfortunes they have recently experienced. They have never done a thing, and often changes will always happen in an impossible way.

The green-faced old man has no points in his heart, and he consciously has the chance of winning. She is different. She feels that this matter will definitely not be that simple, especially when the green-faced old man sets a flag.

This teammate of his own can be used as a reverse indicator.

Facts proved that she was right.

When Daji said that "my master never miscalculates", she did not hesitate to start a strategic retreat.

"That meritorious monarch is very, very difficult! I have to go back and report to the leader!"

She murmured, her figure flashed, and she disappeared into the chaos again.

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