Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 578: 577: The key to widening the power gap

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Bai Chen's beard took off, hoarsely said: "The avenue context, this is definitely the avenue context!"

He stared at the strokes in the copybook, wishing to put his face on it, his eyes were about to fall out of his eye sockets.

Qin Chongshan was not much better than that, his whole body trembled violently, his face was uncertain, all kinds of emotions surged in his heart, panting heavily.

This kind of thing is too precious. The so-called Zhenpai exercises are just **** in front of this copybook!

It is conceivable that if it is left outside, there will be no doubt that it will instantly cause endless blood and blood. Even the power of the heavenly realm will be robbed. It is light to cause the blood and blood. I am afraid that the entire chaos will fall into it. Be confused.

Looking at the handwriting printed on the self-adhesive, Bai Chen felt distressed, his eyes were red, his tears were full, and his mouth was crooked, as if he was about to cry in the next moment.

He looked at the writing brush in Situ Qin's hand again, and finally only let out a long sigh, "Hey, violent death!"

On the side, Nuwa looked at Situ Qin with an enviable look on her face. This little girl’s blessing is really deep, and she can follow the expert to study, and she can already predict how terrible the future will be.

Bai Chen was fascinated, and only felt that every stroke in the copybook was so beautiful, so powerful, and depressing. He wanted to put his body and mind into it and give everything.

When you hear the Tao, you can die in the evening.

He involuntarily raised his hand and touched a stroke on the copybook.

However, before he touched the copybook, a horrible breath burst out from the copybook. Everyone felt the time and space stagnated, and their hearts trembled. Then they heard the sound of "chicks", a terrifying attack from that'one'. It shot out of Bai Chen's strokes, piercing Bai Chen's throat!

The powerful coercion exploded like a cannonball, blasting Bai Chen away.

With a "bang", it hit the wall of the courtyard, forming a big "big" character, and then slowly slipped down against the wall.

For help, [app] can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal the book tickets of your friends and vote for my book.

The robes on    are all crooked.

The scene fell silent for a while.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Bai Chen's forehead, and on the neck, there was a trace of bright red blood overflowing from the cut wound, making him almost suffocated.

Death has never been so close to him.

If it wasn't for that copybook to show mercy, then... at this time he has already been strangled by the spilled power of the Great Dao!


He only felt the qi and blood surge, and when his throat was sweet, there was blood pouring out of his body.

Suddenly, Daji heard a cold voice from the side, and said majesticly: "Swallow it back!"

Bai Chen didn't dare to neglect, almost without thinking, he closed his mouth tightly, forced a move of his throat, and swallowed the blood back again with a sound.

He didn't dare to have the slightest displeasure. He laughed with him, and said anxiously: "I'm sorry, I almost messed up the superiority of this place."

Huofeng shook his head, and said: "Without the permission of the master, the things here are not something you can touch!"

"Poor Dao lost his mind for a while, it is really rude, thank you for not killing."

At the copybook, he bowed deeply and bowed three times.

The others came back to their senses. They looked at the copybook together, and their hearts were ups and downs, especially Situ Qin, who was surprised to cover his mouth with a white tiger's paw, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe everything in front of him.

She knows that this copybook is especially precious, but she never expected that the strokes she faced with copying on her could burst out with such terrible power.

If it weren’t for the permission of an expert, then he would no longer know how many times he had died.

Too scared.

Qin Chongshan took a deep breath, and said in amazement: "Such a treasure, it has become a road of its own, and it really cannot be touched by ordinary people."

Not to mention the Chaos Supreme Treasure, that is, the Innate Supreme Treasure already has its own spirit. Not only can most people get it out of control, they will also suffer backlash, and this copybook is naturally even more so.

First of all, it is already a great fortune to meet, and if you want to get the recognition of such existence, it is infinitely close to the Arabian Nights. If you are a little careless, you will annoy the treasure, and you may be killed!

Bai Chen nodded with deep approval, "It's a poor way and overwhelming."

It is precisely because of this that they admire Situ Qin even more. If she had not been favored by an expert, how could she be qualified to write and draw on such a high-end copybook with such a high-end pen?

The gap between people is really too big, so big that I want to cry...

Sure enough, as a philosopher said, behind every powerful boss, there is often an incredible **** luck for others...

This is the key to widening the gap in strength...

Situ Qin carefully looked at his copybook, weak and weak: "Senior..."

Bai Chen immediately showed a kind smile, and solemnly said: "What is your name, senior! I am your Grandpa Bai! I am wronged in the future, even if I come to your Grandpa Bai!"

"And your grandpa Qin!"

Qin Chongshan speaks unwillingly, and said with a serious face: "My Bitter Feeling Sect and your Royal Beast Sect are close friends, brothers and sisters, and the princess of the Royal Beast Sect is the princess of my Bitter Sect!

Situ Qin couldn’t help but twitched his mouth when the two old men were teased, and whispered: "Grandpa Bai, Grandpa Qin..."

"Oh, good boy!"

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen smiled, they were even happier than their own grandson called themselves.

"Qin, I saw at first glance that you are very human, and the future is limitless!"

"The face of heaven and man, the face of heaven and man!"

Nuwa who was eating melon silently rolled her eyes, quite speechless.

The two old men are shameless!

If I remember correctly, you still sighed with emotion before, right? Start to please now?

It is because you can see that the rise of the little girl is unstoppable, so you can quickly show it right?


But at this moment, there was a sound of opening the door, making everyone a joke, especially Bai Chen and Qin Chongshan, who were playing tricks, jumped up, sitting in a tight stretch, and did not dare to breathe.

is here, the master is here!

Li Nianfan was carrying a wooden bucket in each hand, with clothes in the middle, carrying a pile of fruits, and swaying over, seeing the person coming, his eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "Oh, what do I say about the sound of the piano? Stopped, I still feel that the yard is quite lively. It turned out that it was Xiao Daji who came back, and there was a visitor, Empress Nuwa, long time no see."

Nuwa was flattered, and quickly replied: "I have seen Lord Shengjun."

Qin Chongshan was also busy and said, "I have seen Master Shengjun."

Bai Chen straightened his clothes, trembling and in awe, "Poverty-stricken Baiyun watched Bai Chen, I have seen Master Shengjun."

Unlike other people, it was the first time he visited an expert. Not only did he know that the expert was powerful, he was also taught by the copybook. The awe in his heart would not be mentioned. If he did not try his best to restrain him, he I can't wait to kneel down and kowtow...

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Li Nianfan nodded, and said casually: "It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Bai, hello."

He walked slowly to the pond in the yard and poured all the lychees in his arms into it.

This pool of water has the effect of a refrigerator. It is simply the best place to soak lychees. Feeling the coldness in the water, and looking at the soaking lychees in the water, Li Nianfan felt that his saliva was about to flow out.

After that, he put down the bucket with longan and cherries in his hand, and he can eat at any time.

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen looked at the litchi undulating in the water and the fruit in the two buckets, and their brains immediately went into a state of downtime.

Poor, they feel complacent when they eat a petal of orange, but only when they come to the expert did they know that Chaos Spirit Fruit can be measured by wholesale, and even...there are very many types.

And still hugging the Chaos Spirit Spring, without joking, in this scene, I dare not do it in my dreams.

Combined with the surrounding environment, they instantly have a feeling of civilians living in slums visiting super local tyrants.

"Sit all, sit down quickly."

Li Nianfan walked over to greet him, and said enthusiastically: "It's a coincidence that you have come. It just so happens that the latest varieties of fruits are ripe. I can give you a taste."

Bai Chen and others quickly and sincerely said: "Thank you, Lord Shengjun."

Li Nianfan easily noticed that big glutton who had fallen into peace, and curiously said: "Little Daji, is this the surprise you want to give me?"

"Yes, son." Da Ji smiled, "This is delicious."


Li Nianfan was taken aback for a moment, and then he was surprised. This game is really special, and indeed a pleasant surprise.

This is a fierce beast, claiming to be able to swallow the sky and the earth, but is it going to be eaten by me now?


He hurriedly walked over, looked around carefully, couldn’t help but said, “Grasping this will waste a lot of heart, right?”

Daji opened his mouth and said, "Fortunately, Empress Nuwa, Fellow Daoist Bai, and Fellow Daoist Qin have also contributed a lot."

As soon as these words came out, the three of Bai Chen suddenly felt ashamed and did not even dare to connect.

Ashamed, Bai Chen and Qin Chongshan were just porters. As for Nuwa, they just followed a wave of soy sauce and called 666 to go...

Li Nianfan arched his hands, "You guys are really interested."

gluttonous appearance is quite peculiar, with horns on his head, black face with four eyes, a mouth occupying half of his body, and four hooves underneath. Just looking at his looks gives people a fierce feeling.

What makes Li Nianfan difficult is how to eat this stuff?

First of all, the mouth must be cut off. In this way, the body is directly reduced by half...

"The horns on the head are a bit like antlers. They can be used as antlers. Maybe they are still a big supplement.

"As for the meat on the body, there are two ways to eat the most common and infallible ways. The first is to make dumplings. Most of the meat is suitable for making dumplings, and the other is roasting! Almost all meats. They are all suitable for roasting, and they will taste pretty good."

Li Nianfan was too lazy to study how to eat, and immediately decided, “Four hoofs are used for roasting, and the rest of the body is chopped up to make cabbage gluttonous dumplings!”

Speaking of it, I haven't eaten dumplings for a long time, and I'm drooling thinking about it.

Li Nianfan said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, drag the glutton off to deal with it, first make a leg and make it into a barbecue, and I will entertain the guests."

"Okay, my honorable master."

Xiaobai nodded, dragging the gluttony, and then went down and got ready to go.

Li Nianfan asked Daji to fetch the fruits and some cakes, and asked everyone to eat and talk.

at the same time.

Amidst the chaos, a giant spirit boat with a magnificent body is traveling steadily, facing the realm of God.

Above the deck.

A young man was sitting cross-legged, and a dark green guqin was placed in front of him. He did not play but stroked it lightly.

Behind him, an old man with white beard and white hair stood restlessly, pursing his lips, with anxiety.

The old man’s eyes looked at a direction in the chaos, his eyes flashed constantly, and his heart was full of clues, fighting between heaven and man.

The last time he saw the specific location of God's Domain shown on the star map, he felt familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he almost cried out. Isn't this his hometown?

How can my hometown be God’s Domain? The star map must be wrong!

If you make a wrong position, you get a wrong position, but you also marked your hometown. Do you want to be so unlucky?

He looked at the young man, his heart was extremely panic, if he really let the emperor go to the prehistoric land, he found that it was just a broken world, not the realm of the gods, in a rage, it would be enough to let the predecessor be overwhelmed!

Finally, the old man sullen his heart and gritted his teeth and said: "The emperor, the subordinates think...that the position shown in the star map is not the location of God's Domain. I implore the emperor to reconfirm it."

Only following the emperor can you feel its horror.

This spirit boat has been wandering in the chaos, looking for opportunities for chaos, at the same time, if he finds a small world, the emperor must go in for a while.

In his eyes, it doesn't matter whether the world is strong or weak, just to confirm one's own way with various ways, which is equivalent to searching for opponents in chaos.

Whenever he encounters an interested opponent, he will suppress his own realm and use the same strength to discuss the truth with the opponent, hoping to improve.

But in fact, everyone who sees through this approach knows that he wants to step on countless people's different ways to achieve his own way. Although he seems to control his realm, he still cannot lose.

It's like a college student who challenges elementary school students, saying that it's just a competition with elementary school students to do elementary school problems.

In fact, the outcome is already doomed.

The college students not only won, but they also learned a variety of different problem-solving methods from different elementary students to improve themselves.

In fact, talking about Tao is much more cruel than doing questions!

Naturally, the old man didn’t want his world to be exposed, and he didn’t want to see his world being destroyed. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to his hometown, he resisted the fear in his heart and bit his scalp to speak.

"You came to see me just to say this?"

The youth's face didn't change a little, it seemed to be just a calm questioning.

But the next moment, his fingers tick the strings lightly.


The voice was very soft, but the old man was struck by lightning, and his body flew out inexplicably, hitting the spirit boat heavily, convulsing his whole body.

The sound wave seemed to be echoing in his ears, making him tremble, and the soul was almost on the verge of annihilation.

"It's good to practice alchemy obediently, don't you really think that you are qualified to speak in front of me?"

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