Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 595: 594: Steady word, golden holy liquid

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The first treasure house.

"Okay... a lot of magic weapons!"

Qin Chongshan and others saw their eyes straight, feeling the breath of the magic weapon, and they were excited.

I saw that above the void in this space, there are one treasure after another, at least the innate treasure and the treasure of merit!

Innate Treasure, this is the ultimate treasure that can be bred in the world of heaven, and it is an indispensable treasure for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Take the Chaos Clock as an example. If the quasi-sage is hiding in it, it can also block the bombardment of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. And you should know that it is impossible for the quasi-sage to completely refine the innate treasure, at most it can exert 30% of the power. !

Dao Chang Tianhong, as a mighty power in the realm of Heavenly Dao, in order to protect everyone, the whisk that was destroyed by the West Shadow Guard was nothing but a natural treasure.

After all... Chaos Lingbao is too hard to find, and if you have the innate treasure in your hand, it will be considered a facade.

You must know that there are only a handful of innate treasures that were bred from the previous prehistoric world, and here, looking around, there are hundreds of innate treasures!

is worthy of the Secret Realm of the Great Avenue, so many treasures are placed on the first floor, I am afraid that he just collected and played, which is equivalent to superfluous things...

Taoist Junjun respectfully said to Da Hei: "Dog...Master Dog, so many magic weapons should belong to you."

No one dared to disagree. Let alone Da Hei's status, they saved their lives. Moreover, being able to enter the secret realm is also the credit of Da Hei. Although the treasures are good, they can't give birth to a trace of greed.

"This can also be an algorithm treasure?"

Da Hei shook his head, his eyes filled with disdain, and he waved his hand to show that he didn't look at him.

He is going to look for things that his master is interested in, as well as a plan to destroy the world alliance.

Looking at Da Hei's casual look, everyone was speechless.

But after another thought, it was relieved. Around the expert, any sundries might surpass any of the treasures here...

Although it is more heart-warming, it is a fact.

Taoist   Junjun immediately smiled bitterly and said: "Uncle Dog naturally looks down on it, but we are superficial and superficial."

Then, without saying anything, they were full of excitement and began to search here.

It’s like picking the stars. You have spent your old life and put every magic weapon into your bag. With so many magic weapons, you can’t use them alone, but if you bring them back, you can directly make your own sect strength soar!

Just rush to this, this wave of secret realms will make a profit, not comparable to ordinary secret realms.

Of course, these innate treasures cannot be picked casually. Each one contains a layer of prohibition, and the magic weapon will all resist.

But it’s not a big deal to everyone, after all, everyone is their own, and there will be no competition.

Soon, this place was wiped out, and the division was clear.

Da Hei looked at the empty treasure house, with a thoughtful look in the dog's eyes, and said, "After all, this is the first treasure house. If you don't leave anything, it is impossible to justify."

The God of Cookery suggested: "Uncle Dog, should we leave some magic weapon?"

"Are you sick? Give your opponent a magic weapon?"

Da Hei rolled his eyes and mocked mercilessly, then he said: "I want to inspire them and let them continue to be passionate."

It smiled, raised its paw, and began to write in the void.

"Being here shows that you are very good. If you continue to work hard, more excitement awaits you!"

After finishing writing, it looked at it and was very satisfied with its own work, and said: "Okay, you guys follow closely, don't say this dog will not take you."

After the words, it took the lead and once again opened the way with its pants, as if walking on the ground.

at the same time.

The group of   jiemeng is still moving forward with countless restrictions.

Spells are overwhelming, contending with the forbidden light, and moving forward.

Before reaching the first treasure house, one-third of the manpower has been lost.

But everyone’s enthusiasm is not diminished, "Everyone will work harder, and victory is ahead."

The West Shadow Guard was the left envoy who looked at the soulless house, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this is the Secret Realm of the Great Dao. We have the Shinto Thunder Slashing Sword given to us by the leader to be able to enter. That dog can enter at least for a short time. Not coming!"

From the moment he entered the secret realm, he noticed that the left envoy was a little absent, and his eyes looked back frequently, obviously fearful of something.

Obviously, several consecutive missions failed, which dealt a big blow to her and made her lack even the most basic self-confidence.

Zuo Zuo pursed his mouth and said, "I know."

West Shadow Guard proudly said: "Besides, I am different from Zuo Shi and East Shadow Guard. I do everything with one word, steady! This wave is safe and secure! Cooperating with me, you will definitely be able to regain your confidence."

No matter who you are, you can’t avoid stepping on others to uplift yourself. If you are strong, you will be sorry if you don’t pretend to be forced.

Familiar words made Zuo Zhen's heart tremble slightly, and she quickly comforted herself. It must be that she was thinking too much.

"Look, this first treasure house is not coming soon."


Along with the secret realm being broken open, everyone felt their bodies loose, and their eyes suddenly opened up.

Some monks have opened their mouths, their eyes are beaming, just waiting to see the baby, and let out that exclamation.



what's the situation?

How is    empty?

The smiles on everyone's faces gradually disappeared.

"Where is the magic weapon?"

"That's it?"

West Shadow Guard also stunned, feeling astonished.

Someone exclaimed excitedly, "Look, everyone, there is a line in the sky."

Soon, everyone noticed which line of text Da Hei left with different expressions.

"I understand!"

Xiyingwei’s eyes shone brightly. He knew some of the secrets of the year, so he thought more about it, and said with a smile: "Don’t be surprised, the owner of this secret is from an extraordinary origin. He must have fought with people back then, fighting fiercely. All my magic weapons were destroyed, so this didn't leave any magic weapons."

"That's it!"

"It is reasonable and reasonable to let such a strong person fall. Obviously the battle is very fierce, and the magic weapon is damaged completely makes sense."

"The owner of the secret realm was afraid that we would be uncomfortable, and he left such a sentence to comfort us, which is really touching."

"Look at these words, it seems that there is a rhyme in the rhyme, which is really extraordinary. I even feel a little bit of it."

"At first glance, this handwriting knew that it was left by the mighty power, and people couldn't help but want to worship."

"Hurry up, there must be a monstrous baby waiting for us behind."

Although they have found nothing, they are still in high spirits. They are full of energy one by one, desperately marching towards the second treasure house.

At this time, Da Hei and others have fallen on the ground of the second treasure house.

Here is a green grassland, with the fragrance of birds and flowers, the sun is warm, and the clouds are fluttering. In the center of the grassland is a pool of blue waves.

Tianhong Daoist is very knowledgeable, looking at this pool, he immediately exclaimed in amazement, “It’s so rich, the vitality is like a rainbow, and the aura is self-reliant. This is definitely the spring of life!”

Anyone can hear the excitement in his tone.

It is enough to see the preciousness of this spiritual spring to be able to make a great power of heaven so gloomy.

Rainbow Dao Master continued: "The Spiritual Spring has the magical effect of reshaping the Taoist body and gathering the soul again. It has the ability to resurrect from the dead, which is equivalent to the second life! And... it can make up for the wounds of the origin of life!"

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This is equivalent to the flesh and bones of life and death, but the target of the Spring of Life is not mortal, but the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and even the realm of heaven!

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, expecting: "Dog...Master Dog, can I go take a sip?"

Da Hei calmly said: "Please feel free."

"Thank you, thank you!"

Tianhong Dao grew up overjoyed, and ran over it impatiently, and began to drink with small sips.

He was injured by the West Shadow Guard before, and the origin of his life was damaged, and he could just use the life spring to make up for it.

Others also hurriedly followed and drank excitedly. The wounds of the body and the soul were all healed and refreshed.

Da Hei walked over without hesitation, took a sip from the dog's head underneath, then frowned, and vomited out on the spot.

boringly said: "The taste is too ordinary, not as good as the tap water beside the owner."

Rainbow Daoist saw this scene, almost thought he had read it wrong, this dog actually looks down on the Spring of Life?

This vision is too high, no mine at home can not do such frantic things.

"It seems that there is a fountain of life in the things that the people of the world alliance want to look for."

The **** eyeballs grunted, a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he asked, "Do you want this stuff?"

"Yes, yes!"

Qin Chongshan and others took out special treasure bottles and quickly filled them up.

Da Hei looked at the remaining life spring in the pool, his hind limbs slightly lifted, and then, a trickle stream traversed a beautiful arc and fell in the pool...


The Taoist Junjun is stupid.

Qin Chongshan was stupid.

Everyone was dumbfounded and fell into a dullness.

Urine... Urine? !

A bubble of dog urine fell in the spring of life? !

Violent and violent!

They held their small hearts at the same time, their eyes were splitting, and their hearts were so painful that they couldn't breathe.

Da Hei calmly closed his legs, "Add some material, it is a gift to the little boys of the Jiemeng, do you want to give it too?"

These words made everyone's hearts beat wildly, and there was an inexplicable excitement unexpectedly, and they were eager to try.

Pee into the spring of life, such a crazy thing, this cow is enough for me to blow for a lifetime!

And, anyway, Dahei is peeing, we don’t pee white or pee...

"When you say that, I really have a little urgency."

"How about... form a group?"


Originally because of them, the height of the pond has dropped, but now, also because of them, the height has returned.

Da Hei once again left words in the void, "This spring is extremely precious and must not be wasted."

"Next stop, let's go!"

An hour later.

The sound of blasting came from the void, the aura flickered, the restriction began to loosen, and the group of people in the world alliance were struggling to overcome the difficulties and approached.

The further inward, the stronger the ban, Xiyingwei and Zuoshi also had to accompany everyone to find a way to break the ban.



"This is the biggest opportunity in our life. I would rather die than miss it!"

"It's almost a bit, I can smell the fate, it smells good!"

Compared with the time when it arrived at the first treasure house, the number of people at this time has been reduced by half, and each body is decorated with colors.

Finally, the dawn began to appear, as the space fluctuated, they came to the second treasure house.

"What a rich breath of life, there must be great luck here!"

"The life spring is actually a life spring! The owner of the secret realm did not lie to us, the second level really has a big treasure."

"So many springs of life, this is something that only chaos can nurture! We posted it!"

Everyone quickly came to the edge of the pool, their eyes shining, hungry.

"Hey, why is there a little yellow in this spring of life?"

"Gold Holy Liquid! I understand, this must be the most essential part of the Spirit Spring!"

"It's worthy of being a spring of life, this smell is the upper part, just smelling it makes people refreshing."

"You can drink this spring and earn this wave of blood!"

West Shadow Guard and Zuo Shi also came to the pond and said with a smile: "Very well, this is the life spring that the leader needs!"

Others didn't dare to fight, and said: "It's not you, we can't get here, this life spring should be enjoyed by you first."

"Count your acquaintances."

Xiyingwei smiled slightly, raised his hand and manipulated a group of life springs into his mouth, smashed it twice, and tasted it carefully.

Satisfied with the mouth: "The entrance is sweet, full of vitality, and rich in aura. It is undoubtedly an authentic spring of life. Would you like to try it?"

Zuo Shi was faintly uneasy, and her recent encounters made her extra cautious, and she said: "I don't need it for the time being. Let's pretend to be the leader."

Someone flattered and reminded: "Two adults, the golden holy night floating on the life spring is definitely extraordinary!"

"Talk more! Do I need your reminder?"

Xi Yingwei smiled arrogantly, "Don't think about this golden holy liquid, don't miss a drop, fish it all, and give it to the leader!"

Wait until the bottle is filled, then it's the other person's turn.

Everyone could not wait for a long time, and got the approval of Xiyingwei, and then they roared in excitement and poured into the life spring together.

"Grungy Grungy"

"Ah, it's so cool! Is this the smell of the life spring? I feel that my life has been transformed."

"It's worthy of being a fountain of life, and the injuries I suffered just because of breaking the ban are actually healed."

"Huh? While this spring water is sweet and sweet, it also has a hint of salty taste, which is so strange."

"Is it not good to have a smell? Maybe this is the characteristic of the life spring."

"Rewind everything that you have drunk. Don't be too greedy. Let the people behind us taste it!"

"Grungy Grungy"

Half an hour later, many people's stomachs were bulging, and they were wiping the corners of their mouths contentedly. Their cultivation base was not low, so they were given priority to drink Lingquan.

Behind   , the part of the people who were at the bottom of the cultivation base were licking the bottom and inner wall of the pool that had already been dried.

"Look, there is still a line in the void, let us not waste it."

"Hahaha, the owner of this secret realm is really a wonderful person, can you still use him to say it? Such a precious spiritual spring, I lose a drop if I waste a drop, hiccup~"

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