Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 598: 597: Lord of All Souls, come and find me!

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, I turned out to be a master of immortality

"Other idlers, wait, leave!"

The white-robed old man raised his hand and waved a little, and the secret space was twisted for a while, and before the West Shadow Guard and the others could speak, he rejected them all.

Then, the screen turned, ascending the ladder disappeared, and the white-robed old man appeared in front of everyone.

Taoist Junjun and others salute respectfully together, "I have seen seniors."

"If what I expected is good, you must have other opportunities, and you are not weaker than me!"

The white-robed old man's eyes were burning, watching everyone, especially the spatula in the hands of God Cook, staying for a while, and then looking at the **** on the side, his eyes thoughtful.

I am not weaker than you, we think it is better than you...

Taoist Junjun just thought about it in his heart, nodded and said: "There is indeed another chance."

The old man in white robe asked, "Do you know whose secret realm it is?"

"Senior, what we encountered is not a secret realm, but a powerful senior." The God of Cookery said with a pilgrimage in his tone, and said piously: "It is this senior who has guided me to practice the way of food, otherwise, the juniors will be millions. Can't pass the test of the predecessors."

"living people?!"

The pupils of the white-robed old man suddenly widened, and said in surprise: "Then where did your spatula come from?"

The God of Cookery said: "The same was bestowed by the senior, and there are many similar magic weapons there!"

The white-robed old man stared at the God of Cookery, "They are all chaotic spirit treasures?"

The God of Cookery nodded, "Both!"

At the same time, he silently added a sentence in his heart, there are many more!

"The living supreme, there is a living supreme in my chaos!"

The white-robed old man’s eyes were shining brightly, and there seemed to be tears flickering, and the phantom trembled with excitement, and whispered: "I'm afraid it will not stop! So many years have passed, maybe it has reached that point!"

His eyes were bright, he suddenly grabbed the God of Cookery, and tremblingly said, "Is this person a woman?"

Everyone can hear him, his tone is full of tension and admiration. This emotion was released by him and even infected everyone. Vaguely, a phantom of a graceful woman appeared in front of everyone.


The God of Cookery shook his head and solemnly said: "It's not a woman, but a man."


The white-robed old man was stunned, and exclaimed: "How is it possible? Who else is there besides her?"

Taoist   Junjun said: "Senior, we can also testify. It is indeed not. Can you tell us who the woman you are talking about is?"

The white-robed old man frowned, his eyes showed reminiscence, and he said: "She is the lord of all spirits. We call her the lord of spirits. She rises in the dynasty and lives in the eternal age, an invincible woman who is constant pressure on the world. !"

As the white-robed old man fell into the memory, the picture in the secret realm changed accordingly. Backward in endless time, unknowingly, a river appeared under everyone's feet.

The river is wide and has no end. The current is very fast, roaring like beasts, and everyone feels an extremely simple breath from the river.

Silent, but enough to annihilate everything, unstoppable, unbreakable!

This is the breath of time.

Yun's eyes widened, his face could not hide his surprise, "This is the long river! Is the senior taking us back to the past?"

The old man in the white robe did not speak, but looked forward deeply.

In the next instant, everyone went upstream along the long river of years, entered a period of time, and placed themselves above the ancient chaos.

The chaos at this time does not seem to be much different from the chaos today. Just when everyone is looking at the surrounding environment, the chaotic space fluctuates and exudes a supreme aura, which is dignified and fierce戾 makes people awe and shake their minds.

After that, a creature walked out of the void. He... is not a human being.

The skin of the whole body is red gold, the figure is tall and straight, it is more than one foot high, the long purple hair shawl, the eyes are purple and blue, and there are double pupils inside, which seem to penetrate everything!

The moment he saw him, the muscles of Taoist Junjun and the others tensed suddenly, as if they had seen a natural enemy, and their hearts were full of hatred and defense.

At the same time, the opposing party's powerful coercion also made them feel a little uneasy.

The white-robed old man opened his mouth and said: "He is a creature of an ancient race, feeding on the monks' mana and Tao."

The creature of the ancient clan has a baby in his hands, walking in chaos, passing through one world after another, and finally, after choosing a world, throw the baby in his hand and fall into one of the worlds!

The baby sinks into the ground, in the most central position of the stars, absorbing the nutrients of the world. As time goes by, the long river spans hundreds of thousands of years.

The star began to decay, the aura withered, and the Taoist rhyme was lacking. Then, the life span of the creatures in the whole world was greatly reduced, and the anger was sucked away by life. On the other hand, the baby grew up little by little and became nearly fifteen or six years old. .

Ten thousand years have passed, this world has no life, billions of creatures have not even left scum, reduced to an abandoned star in the vast chaos.

The baby is already close to two meters, walking out of the abandoned stars, looking for a new world in the chaos.

"An ancient clan, devouring vitality, so that it can feed on the monks' mana and Dao. Once it appears, it will bring great calamity, and it will be the enemy of all creatures in the chaos!"

The old man in the white robe emphasized again, his tone was deep, and he couldn't express his hatred.

Everyone nodded together. They didn't know much about the ancient tribe before, but now they finally know why it is a catastrophe. This is a group of people who treat monks as food!

And Chaos can be regarded as a farm!

But at this moment, an overbearing and holy breath rose, and across the endless distance, it had the power to suppress the world, and in the void, a slender hand was condensed.

The child showed fear and wanted to avoid, but how could he succeed.

Jade hand patted it, and immediately annihilated it in the long river.

The next moment, the space trembles in the chaos, and the three ancient creatures walked out quickly, carrying an extremely cold murderous aura, and angrily besieged and killed the woman.

The three ancient tribes had their cultivation bases against the sky. Every move made was unbearable even the chaos. They were punched out of a big hole, forming a black hole turbulence, and annihilating the creatures of the world.

Although the woman could not see her face clearly, at the moment she saw it, there were two idioms left in people’s minds, graceful and graceful!

She is one enemy against three, never letting the wind fall. She is covered with a layer of shining white light. She is born like the protagonist between heaven and earth. Three people suppress!

Chaos in the universe, a shocking battle broke out.

Daoist Junjun and others witnessed this battle from countless years ago. Although they knew that it was nothing to do with them and others, the whole body's hairs were still erected uncontrollably, and they felt a burst of horror.

In this kind of battle, they don’t even talk about intervening, even if they watch from close range, they can’t bear even the slightest aftermath!

At this moment, the woman did not retreat, but moved forward, took the initiative to enter the siege of three ancient tribes, and then raised her hand, and a black flag appeared in her hand!

The banner is spreading in the wind, it is pitch black, without any patterns printed, but it makes people feel that there are countless worlds printed, just like the chaos on the other side.

At the moment the banner appeared, the expressions of the three ancient tribes changed drastically, and they offered their weapons one after another, and at the same time they retreated violently.

At the same moment, the woman held the flag in both hands and started waving!

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The first dance.

The avenue was like water, and the ripples that turned into terror spread in all directions, slashing on the weapons of the three ancient tribes, making their weapons directly annihilated.

Immediately afterwards, dance for the second time!

One wave has not broken up, and another wave rises. The ripples of the avenue are like a pair of invisible big hands, crushing everything they touch!

The three ancient tribes showed horror, and were then shattered by this force, and since then they dissipated.

However, the woman did not stop.

The flag continued to dance, igniting the sun, the moon and the stars, across the chaotic worlds, releasing a wave of avenues, passing into every corner, causing the chaotic sea around the chaos to boil!


The entire chaos seemed to have nothing else, only the figure of the woman dancing the flag, the chaos vibrated and began to change drastically!

Chaos Hai was actually pushed out by her!

A hundred feet, a thousand feet, a thousand feet!

The entire chaos has been expanded because of her!

Old Yun said in awe, "This is the Lord of All Souls, the Spirit Lord!"

"So strong."

The Jade Emperor swallowed a mouthful of saliva, only to feel the blood boil all over his body, a surge of warm blood surged upwards.

He was fortunate enough to have seen two drastic changes in his life!

For the first time, it was an expert who used the endless chaos and thunder as a guide to condense the rain that nurtured living beings, and create a realm of gods!

The second time, it is now. Before witnessing the endless years, a graceful woman, for the creatures in the chaos, rose against the trend, holding a banner, dancing out the endless road, and opening up the chaos!

These are all unspeakable feats, this is the miracle of chaos!

The strong... as it should be!

Just when everyone was intoxicated, the dancing flag's figure suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of everyone.

Vaguely, everyone seemed to see a pair of eyes.

What kind of eyes are those, clear as water, holy and noble, even if they are chaotic, they are not deep and cannot be described in words.

Can she see us? !

This pair of eyes saw through the endless river of years, condensed the endless road, and fell on everyone.

The brains of everyone went blank, and the river of years began to roar, speeding up its flow, and bringing everyone out.

The scene in front of me dissipated, only a sound came from my ear.


"Go and find her! Did you hear that? The spirit lord let us find her!"

Everyone returned, but no matter how difficult it was to calm their hearts, they were ups and downs like ocean waves, with shortness of breath.

"If I didn't die, I knew, how could the spirit master fall?"

The old man in white robe exclaimed with excitement, staring at everyone, "It must be the spirit lord is about to be born, and there will be big things happening, go find her, you go find her quickly!"

Old Yun said: "Senior, are you not with us?"

"I'm just a strand of broken soul, coexisting with the secret realm, and I will soon dissipate."

The white-robed old man shook his head without any sadness on his face. With a wave of his hand, a black long sword suddenly shot from the depths of the secret realm, floating above the void.

Above the long sword, an extreme killing aura overflowed, and every trace contained a strong offensive, and even the space seemed to be unable to withstand it, and there appeared one after another crack!

The sword is mighty, like a black hole, shattering everything that is close to you! No light can come in!

Kill the treasure!

Swordsman kills the treasure!

Looking at this sword, everyone felt a sense of horror.

On the tip of the long sword, there was a few drops of crimson blood stained, and a trace of terror radiated from the blood, which made people frightening.

"This sword is called the Sword of Slaughter! It is conceived from the chaos, carries the way of killing and cutting, and goes with death."

The old man in white robe looked at the long sword, with a soft light in his eyes, proudly said: "I have used this sword to kill two supreme members of the ancient clan!"

The hearts of everyone jumped, watching the blood stained on the long sword, in awe.

The white-robed old man waved his hand, and the long sword was suspended in front of the God of Cookery, "Since you have passed my test, this sword should naturally be given to you. It contains my kendo heritage!"

After a pause, the old man continued: "However, your cultivation of the way of food is far from my way. This inheritance is actually not suitable for you."

The God of Cookery understood his heart, and said: "Senior don't worry, the younger generation will only follow his own path. After going out, he will find a suitable heir for the senior."

The ability to obtain this sword is basically the merit of an expert. He naturally does not dare to be greedy, so he made up his mind to hand in this sword when he returns. As for whom the expert wants to pass on, everything is up to him. The arrangement of the superior.

And, what about the inheritance? Isn't it good for me to follow the master to practice him?

"Thank you."

The old man in white robe smiled, and said a thank you.

"By the way, this token is our original token. It should be able to help you sense the location of the spiritual master. This matter must not be delayed. Please take your heart!"

He said very solemnly, and sighed: "That's the only thing that can help you."

Everyone stopped speaking, and felt a bleak.

"Let's go." The white-robed old man waved freely.

The scene in the secret realm has once again become the original appearance, a forest, a small wooden house, and a few playful animals moving around, calm and warm.

The white-robed old man turned around and entered the wooden house. Then, the secret realm began to disappear like the wind.

The bodies of everyone trembled together, and then bowed respectfully, "Senior respectfully!"

At this time, outside the secret realm.

West Shadow Guard's face was gloomy, and the people with the alliance guarded around the secret realm, only waiting for the God of Cookery and the others to come out.

"Even if they get the supreme inheritance? In the end, everything about them is still mine!"

Xiyingwei’s eyes flashed with cold light, and his whole body was lifted to the apex, and he said in a deep voice: "Set up a formation for me, once they come out, kill them immediately!"

Zuo Shi was frightened watching from the sidelines. She never wanted to stay here. She was terrified and wanted to run away. However, whenever she went to persuade Xiyingwei, Xiyingwei was angry. Roaring, "You are not the one who eats shit, of course you don't understand our pain! Today those people must die!"

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