Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 600: 599: A group of witty blacks, no choice left

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The huge dog paw phantom stands horizontally between heaven and earth, majestic and majestic.

Gradually, disappear with the wind.

The world has regained its tranquility.

Taoist Junjun and others stood behind Da Hei, staring at Da Hei's back. There has never been a moment, like this moment, that the back of a dog is so great.

Uncle Dog is still your Uncle Dog, no change at all.

It’s a pity, it lacks the elegance of a dog's hair dancing with the wind, and a little less feeling.

"Thank you, Uncle Dog, for your life-saving grace."

"Master Dog saved us again."

"Master Dog is mighty."

"From the moment Uncle Dog stood up, I knew that the wave was stable."

Qin Chongshan and others immediately slapped the flattery, very smoothly and courteously.

Da Hei waved his hand coldly, “You’re welcome, people from the Alliance, I naturally saw one kill another.”

Qin Chongshan looked into the distance and couldn't help but said: "That left envoy runs so fast, Gou Dao has rich experience, and let her escape again."

"Flee? Just her?"

Da Hei glanced at his mouth, "I didn't let her go, she could survive? I just watched her counsel her like an old friend, it's kind of interesting, besides, I have other calculations."

Taoist    Junjun asked curiously: "Uncle Dog let her go, does it have any deep meaning?"

"Haha." Da Hei's dog showed a smirk, and said: "Every time she goes out, she sells her teammates to the bottom, and goes away alone. Repeatedly like this, do you think Jie Meng? What would your leader think?"

Lao Yun’s eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "This person must not stay! I would rather kill by mistake, not let it go!"

The Jade Emperor also nodded again and again, "It's a good strategy to kill with a knife!"

Da Hei rolled his eyes, and said contemptuously: "What a scheming ass! She is just a scum, is it worth my brain to borrow a knife to kill someone?"

Everyone was ashamed.

Zuo ambassador is also a great power in the realm of Heavenly Dao at any rate, and the power of Heavenly Dao is far beyond the average, and he has become a scum in Da Hei's mouth, so what is it to wait for others?

The scum is not as good as...

"Small, the structure is smaller."

Da Hei shook the dog's head, and said: "Zuo Envoy will definitely want to redeem her merits and give their leader an explanation, and the only thing she can handle is the Spring of Life!"


Everyone thought for a moment, and at the same time they took a breath, and their pupils widened.

Thinking is extremely scary, thinking is extremely scary!

Since the leader of the world alliance wants the life spring, Zuo Shi is in a situation where there is no way to retreat, so she has to take out the life spring on her body. Even if she knows that the life spring is mixed with water, she can only do so. do!

Because, only in this way can she save her life!

And once she gave the life spring to the leader, wouldn't the leader of the world alliance...


Thinking about it, I feel exciting!

You deserve to be Uncle Dog. Not only is he powerful, but he is also first-class in calculations. Although the leader of the League has never appeared, he is obviously a super power, but he is still calculated by Uncle Dog. Moreover, I might drink everyone’s urine...

It is a pity that this matter should not be publicized, otherwise it will definitely be a big news sensation to the entire chaos.

Taoist Junjun and others were convinced, and said sincerely: "Compared to the pattern of Uncle Dog, we are really insignificant!"

The **** dog's mouth is slanted, enjoying the praise of everyone, I am big black, just lazy, but as long as I dare to provoke me, I will be witty!

"Let's go, I have to hurry up and offer the cocoa tree to the owner."

The God of Cookery immediately said: "Yes, I have to quickly bring that sword to the master."

The Jade Emperor and the others looked at the God of Cookery with envy, and they were able to freely go to the residence of the master. What a great honor, not to mention that the God of Cookery could still be taught by the master, and his strength was immeasurable.

They opened their mouths and said: "We won't go, and we can't bother the expert."

This wave has been tainted by the light of Uncle Dog, and it has already gained a lot. If you follow to go to the mansion of the master, it seems to be insatiable, and they naturally have to take good care of this.

Everyone parted ways.

Above the Heavenly Palace.

Many heavenly soldiers and generals looked at Yang Jian withdrawing their gazes, and immediately leaned in curiously: "Jerlang Zhenjun, how is the battle going? Are the Jade Emperor and the others okay?"

"It seems that the movement has stopped. Is the fighting already over?"

"Is the fighting process very exciting?"

Shen Erlang glanced at the crowd, a sense of self-satisfaction arose spontaneously. This is the beauty of having three eyes, envy it.

He smiled and said, "I need to ask? There is an uncle dog, can something be done?"

Then he praised: "You didn't see that, the dog's paws go down, it is shocking, weeping ghosts, no matter how awesome, you have to become worms, don't say much, then let me come Tell you in detail..."

At this time, Da Hei has returned to the courtyard with the God of Cookery.

Li Nianfan was not in the inner yard. Da Hei asked the chicken who was trying to lay eggs, and the answer was that he was in the backyard, so he rushed toward the backyard excitedly.

Li Nianfan, Daji and Huofeng are picking fruits.

This is a good activity to increase interest. Therefore, it does not use spells, but like ordinary people, it is more like playing in the mountains and forests.

"My son, apply a little more force, it's almost a little bit, just push me up and on top."

At this time, Li Nianfan was holding Daji's waistline, holding her high to reach for the apples on the tree.

Beautiful scenery.

It’s a pity that it was destroyed by a bald dog that broke in suddenly.

"Master, master!"

Da Hei ran over excitedly, still dragging a tree in his mouth, inviting credit: "Master, see what I brought you back!"

"Oh, did you bring the baby back?"

Li Nianfan smiled, his eyes fell on the tree brought back by Da Hei, his eyes lit up, "This is... the cocoa bean tree!"

He hurriedly looked at it carefully, his eyes brightened as he watched, and he smiled and said, "Yes, Da Hei, you are really a tree-seeker, even the cocoa bean tree was found for me! It's amazing, praise!"

Cacao tree is not a fruit, but the portion is too heavy!

Cocoa beans can be grown and used to make chocolate!

This is a super snack, especially a good chocolate. It is a luxury in snacks. I thought it was impossible to eat chocolate in the world of cultivation. The dog of Da Hei was really not in vain, so he brought me some abruptly. Surprise, not bad.

"It's not too late, I have to plant it quickly."

Li Nianfan was a little impatient, and immediately began to choose a place for farming.

Waiting to plant the cocoa tree, he didn't even wait, went to the sundries room, took the ripening agent, and then dropped it on the cocoa tree.

Immediately, the cocoa bean tree, which had no fruit at all, began to appear cocoa beans. Then, from a few to several bunches, and then from a few bunches to one piece, the whole tree was covered with cocoa beans. ...

The God of Cookery witnessed the whole process from the sidelines, and his heart was full of flavours.

Think about it when they were in the secret world, there were very few beans hanging on the cocoa bean tree. They broke their heads to grab them, and suddenly felt like they were waiting for someone like a clown.

"The quality of this cocoa bean is really good."

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Li Nianfan smiled, and said to Daji: "Little Daji, with this, I will be able to make you a new snack soon, which is much better than candy!"

Daji and Huofeng smiled and curled their eyes, and said softly, "Thank you, son."

Some cocoa beans were picked at the scene, and Li Nianfan and others returned to the inner courtyard.

The God of Cookery took out the black long sword and respectfully said: "Master Saint, this is the little **** who was lucky enough to obtain from a secret realm, and its content contains a kind of kendo inheritance."

"For me?"

Li Nianfan was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but shook his head and said, "This thing is useless to me, and I can't practice."

He glanced at God of Food, a trace of sorrow appeared in his eyes.

I want to come to the God of Cookery and Dahei to enter the secret realm together, the cocoa bean tree and this long sword were obtained from the secret realm.

Because the God of Cookery has been guided by him for so long, he will think of giving himself the treasure he has obtained as a sign of gratitude.

This secret realm is probably an ordinary little secret realm. As for the cocoa bean tree and this long sword, they should not be regarded as very good things.

After all, Li Nianfan understands the details of Da Hei, it's nothing more than a puppy demon, as for the God of Cookery... just by name, he is not good at fighting.

This is after all the wishes of the God of Cookery, so just accept it.

And since there is a heritage in this long sword, for ordinary people, it must be a treasure that can be met but not desired. If you meet a close friend in the future, it is very enjoyable to be able to personally create a sword repairer.

Li Nianfan straightened out the context in an instant, and said with a smile: "Also, since it is brought, I will accept it, thank you."

The God of Cookery immediately smiled contentedly, and said hurriedly: "It's good if you don't dislike Lord Shengjun."

Li Nianfan suddenly said: "By the way, God's Domain has been quite dynamic recently, is there something big going to happen?"

A few days ago, the stars in the secret realm fell on the earth, causing a huge shock. Not long ago, there was a golden flame soaring through the sky, which was slightly magnificent.

Li Nianfan felt the same, so he was a little curious.

Sure enough, the expert knew well, knowing that something big was going to happen.

The God of Cookery was not surprised, nodded, and said gravely: "I heard that the entire chaos will have a catastrophe!"


Li Nianfan was taken aback, and he felt incredible when he heard it. Can his fragile bones be able to hold it?

This is really bad news.

He quickly estimated the amulet and connections around him, stabilized a little, and confirmed: "Very scary?"

The God of Cookery nodded, "It's scary!"

Li Nianfan waved his hand, “I don’t care about this thing. Anyway, the sky is falling and there is a high support. I only hope that by then, there will be no strong people who can't avoid it."

Da Hei heard Li Nianfan's words, he immediately turned around, twisted his **** and ran straight to the backyard.

came to the pool in the center of the backyard, and jumped directly into the water without saying a word.

Seeing the golden dragon in the water pool, he rushed over with a dog, lifted his forelimbs, like a human, and pinched the golden dragon by the neck.

spit out bubbles and shouted: "Counsel the dragon, you are not allowed to go! You should go out of the mountain too!"

"Calm down, calm down." Jin Long corrected: "I am not Gou, I am in retreat. I will come out when I am invincible."

"Invincible your sister!" Da Hei shook Jin Long's head, "How long have you been lying down and rubbing the master's chance? Just now, if you heard the master's words, you almost named your name! You don't have any points in your heart? "

Da Hei angrily said: "I was bullied for a while, and all my hair was lost. Do you still want to go wrong? I won't agree!"

"Say, can't you get out of the mountain?!"

"Come out, I'm out!"

Jinlong also heard what Li Nianfan said, so naturally he did not dare to disobey, "I will do something now."

A golden light flashed from the pool and disappeared above the sky.

at the same time.

is still above the red star.

The leftist kept on horseback all the way, didn't even dare to look back, tried all his best, even increased his speed by vomiting blood, and ran here in one breath before daring to take a long breath of relief.

survived, I survived the great horror again!

She feels a little bit cried.

Many times after the rest of her life, she was frightened, and at the same time, she understood the value of life, and it’s good to be alive.

The dog is terrible, and the owner behind it is even more terrifying to the extreme. If you are an enemy, you seem to die!

Now I really don’t want to do it, I just want to beat soy sauce...

However, she knew that this was not the time to think about other things, because there was a more serious problem waiting for her.

How to explain to the leader?

The left envoy walked on top of the stars step by step, before arriving at the gate of the palace, feeling anxious in his heart.

"Why don't you come in?"

Inside the hall, a low voice came.

Zuo Shi's body trembled slightly, and stepped into it nervously.

She did not dare to look up, but faintly felt that in this hall, besides the leader, there seemed to be another person.


The leader's eyes sank, and he said hoarsely: "Are you the only one coming back? Where are the others?"

The left envoy bit his scalp and said in a trembled voice: "The other group...the group is gone."


Although the leader was somewhat prepared, he was shocked. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the left envoy, with a cold light flashing, and his whole body was even more like a tiger, and opened his mouth towards the left envoy.

Wave after wave, what wave is this?

Each time the loss was painful, and then only the left envoy escaped back. Unknowingly, the high-end combat power of the world alliance has been brought to the brink of extinction by the left envoy.

The left enlightened horrified, his heart froze, and he said: "Leader, we have encountered that bald dog again in the secret realm, no... But I didn't get nothing, I brought the fountain of life."

The leader's eyes lit up, "Oh? Take it out."

The left envoy raised his hand and held a jade bottle, but this hand was trembling slightly, and sweat even appeared in the palm of his hand.

Only she knows what is in this bottle.

Just now, she has no choice.

The leader raised his hand, and the jade bottle flew in front of him, opened the lid, looked at the liquid inside, and suddenly smiled.

then wondered again: "This breath is from the life spring, yes, it's just... the life spring is clear and dusty, and the blue waves are flawless. Why is the bottle so yellow?"

The left envoy pursed his mouth and was about to cry. He forcibly suppressed his anxiety and said: "Back to the leader, there is a pool of life spring in the secret realm, with a layer of yellow floating on the surface, and the subordinates think this is the golden holy liquid in the life spring. , And collected them all."

Gold holy liquid is a fart, this is out-and-out urine! But dare I say it?

I actually lied such a big lie to the leader! To die, to die!

"That's it! You did a great job."

The leader nodded, and then led out a part of the life spring, floating in front of him, then opened his mouth and swallowed...

Zuo Zuo watched all this happen, and suddenly the brain went blank with a thud, faith collapsed, and there was no scum left.

Only one sentence left in his mind: "Invincible leader, I drank pee!"

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