Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 602: 601: My ancestor is too stable

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"Grandpa, grandpa!"

The young man hurried away, turned his head and shouted anxiously, tears falling down his cheeks, floating in the chaos.

Behind him, bursts of horrible aura manifested, the sword aura was endless, the mighty overwhelming the sky like a rainbow, the chaotic and dazzling explosion light kept shining, producing distortions, the black hole vortex was constantly manifested and then annihilated, just like one after another. A world is born and dies!


The young man was injured by the unmatched aftermath. His whole body was in pain like tearing, and blood spurted from his mouth.

If it hadn't been for his grandfather's protection under the cloth around him, he would have already turned into a dust in the chaos.

His eyes are loose and his thoughts are flying.

In his heart, Grandpa is omnipotent, enough to be born and die!

However, his grandfather would still tell him, "The vast chaos, life and death are nothing but a cloud of smoke, no matter how invincible people, there will be a day of disappearance, and your own heaven will eventually need you to support it yourself!"

His eyes condensed, and he wiped away tears, speeding up the pace of fleeing.

God's Domain, will there really be life?

After a while, a figure stepped out, like a shadow, erratic, like a bolt of lightning in the chaos, moving quickly.

It is Nanyingwei!

He laughed loudly, his vigor broke through the chaos, his whole body roared and he chased out in the direction of the boy, "Where is the little boy going?!"

"Everyone, I have always been good at speed. Leave the messy things to me, go and return!"

The voice fell, and he had already turned into a stream of light, disappearing into the chaos.

Among the crowd, Zuo Envoy couldn't help but raise his eyes, watching the direction he was leaving.

Now she has a shadow on God's Domain, and she can avoid it if she can avoid it. She never dared to chase away, and she didn't know if this colleague could return.

at the same time.

The coast of the East China Sea.

An old man in a white robe is walking along the waves with two little girls.

The old man's breath is not obvious, his body is still a little rickety, and his face is white with beard, white hair and long eyebrows, covering part of his face. It is inconspicuous and has a very low sense of existence, which is easy to be ignored.

The two little girls are Long'er and Nun Nun. They happily followed the old man towards the Luoxian Mountain Range.

In their small hands, they each carry a rope, and behind them are big monsters. They are all sea monsters selected after careful selection.

There are two-meter-long Taiaolong, and three-meter-wide king crabs. In addition to rare seafood, there are also delicious dragons, which are delicious enough to make people drool.

These big monsters, who dominate one party and are enough to set off a monstrous wave, are like ordinary ingredients, dragged away by two little girls, and the scene is very visually impactful.

Long'er blinked his eyes and looked at the old man curiously and said, "Ancestor, is this your true face?"

"Silly boy, can this be? Who doesn't have to prepare a few faces when walking around the rivers and lakes?"

The old man smiled kindly, and then said, "You must take what I said to your heart. The technique of escape is the first, the technique of avatar is the second, and the technique of change is the third. These three techniques must never be left behind. Cultivation is the most important thing! The other techniques are all clouds, which can only be quick for a while, not for long."

Ryuer began to say, "I don't think it is, it's not mighty at all."

The old man said earnestly, "Don't correct those bells and whistles, safety first."

Long'er asked again, "Ancestor, we are here to cast demons and slayers outside, why do we take us to my brother's side?"

Although they like to stay with Li Nianfan very much, the outside world is also very exciting. It is very interesting to slay demons and demons. Recently, they have also mixed up a lot of names outside, which is very interesting.

The old man said, "Are you stupid? How many people dream of having a cup of tea with an expert. You can stay with the expert, but you still come out to lower the demons and eliminate demons, and your brain is broken?"

囡囡 can't help but say, "But grandpa, we have already gained a lot from my brother, and we can't digest it in a short time. You can also polish yourself by reducing demons and eliminating demons."

"That's right... Your brother Bai Ceng's chance is wrong!"

囡囡 stared at the old man, grabbed his beard in one hand, and asked, "People can gather honey, cows can produce milk, or they can lay eggs. Do you have milk? Can you lay eggs?"

"Shallow, shallow thinking!"

The old dragon was stunned for a moment, and then sternly said, "Is it because I retreat all year round to be happy? Isn't it to accumulate strength? Work hard to cultivate and make yourself more effective!"

"Your little ones have short-sightedness. You can't wait to come out like you, seem to be helping the master, but the solution is just a small favor. When you encounter a big crisis, what can your cultivation base do? It is not high at all. People really share their worries!"

囡囡 was stunned for a moment, and was suspicious, "Really?"

"Hehe, just say the recent catastrophe of the Jiemeng and the Ancient Clan, can you help? Why I came out is because I have seen the troubles of the masters, so I came to look for you!"

Lao Long paused, and continued, "Also, you said that the purpose of lowering demons and eliminating demons is to digest the gains. In fact, you can exercise and practice yoga in the expert's place. The effect is even better! I think you are obviously fun! , You have disappointed the expert too much!"

Lao Long's words immediately made Long'er and Nun-nan ashamed, and they lowered their heads in shame.

囡囡 whispered, "Is brother really upset?"

Lao Long sighed, “Hey, let’s say nothing else, the hair on Da Hei’s body is so sad that it falls out!”


Ryuer and Nun could not help exclaiming, tears swirling in their big eyes.

囡囡 made a small face, and resolutely said, "I will work hard and become stronger sooner! I must help my brother to knock down all the bad guys!"

Long Er nodded solemnly, "Me too!"

"This is just the truth, you staying with the master, helping the master to carry water and water the flowers, are countless times better than working hard outside!" Lao Long showed a relieved smile.

The little hairy kid is a good fool.

Of course he wouldn’t tell them that the reason for letting them hurry up to practice is to let them support the sky sooner.

Da Hei let him out of the mountain, breaking his life, but he was as witty as he soon had other plans.

Goudao has clouds under the big trees to enjoy the cool.

The sky fell again and there was a high top.

As long as you make the people around you strong enough, then you can continue to feel at ease.

But at this moment, Lao Long's old face moved slightly, and he glanced in the distance without a trace, and then he drew it in his hand. In an instant, countless cryptic water vapors lurked around, always paying attention to the movement of the tens of thousands of miles. .

Two streamers lased from far away, and in a flash entered the outer sky from the chaos, and the figure straddled the sky, coming straight in this direction.

Boom boom boom!

As they move forward, the law must give way, like a thunderstorm, causing a terrible momentum.

Nan Yingwei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he chased from behind, like a hunter playing with prey, jokingly saying, "Boy, if you can't escape, give me grass if you don't want to die!"

The young man tightened the grass in his hand, with blood gushing in his mouth, he could feel that the shield that had protected him all the way was on the verge of dissipating.

But...what's the matter with death, I will never give in to this group of people!

At this moment, he saw a figure appearing on the sea in front of him, and when he fixed his eyes, it was an old man with two little loli.

immediately felt very anxious and reminded loudly, "Old man, hurry up and leave here with the child. Behind me is the Jiemeng people, it's dangerous!"

Hearing this, her eyes suddenly brightened, and she was eager to try, "Grandpa, the man from the Jiemeng behind, hurry up and kill my brother to share the worries!"

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Long Er also looked forward to saying, "Ancestor, it's time for you to take action."

The old dragon pondered, he was weighing it in his heart, striving for stability.

There are no other ambushes in the tens of thousands of miles, and there is no power fluctuation in the rear. There is a high probability that I will be alone and no other accomplices. If I shoot, there are 37 kinds of spike plans, 95% sure to be perfect.

But...Wait a little longer and see if you can improve your confidence.

But after listening, Nan Yingwei's cold and violent shout came, "Stop, give me grass, give me grass!"

Lao Long's face sank in an instant.

The people of the World League are really rampant! It's so shameless!

In broad daylight, so unscrupulous, an old man swears, intending to force a young man to do something wrong!

There are still two children beside me, how can I let him speak bad words?

immediately stopped hesitating, and suddenly raised his hand with a wave.


The sea surface immediately exploded, rolling out countless drops of water, shooting out towards the boy!

These drops of water were shining, their speed surpassed the rules, there was almost no possibility of dodge, and they appeared in front of Nan Yingwei without warning.

Nan Yingwei was in the pursuit, only feeling a flower in front of him, seeing a burst of strong light, and the endless drops of water dazzled him.

The next moment, these water drops hit him directly, directly piercing all his, and even the mark of life was broken.

Nan Shadow Guard did not even hum, just like a bird hit by a bullet, falling straight down from the air, without a trace of breath, and died extremely simply.


The boy was stupid.

His eyes widened, his gaze landed dullly, thinking that he had hallucinations.

The great power who chased his heavenly realm all the way was killed by an inconspicuous old man who waved his hand for a second? !

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

Sure enough, as Grandpa said, there are endless opportunities for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in God's Domain!

The rest of his life, the intertwined emotions of fear and excitement made his whole body tremble violently.

"Oh, the grass in your hand is not bad, there is not yet in the expert's backyard."

The words of the old dragon shocked the whole body of the young man, and he recovered.

hurriedly saluteed respectfully, "Thank you senior for your life-saving grace, this grass is called the sacred grass, please don't dislike it, senior."

He is not stupid, he naturally heard what the old dragon meant, so he did not hesitate to offer it out.

The reason why he just desperately defended the God Grass is because the people in the world alliance wanted it, but he didn't want the people in the world alliance to do so.

"A child can be taught."

Lao Long nodded, raised his hand and took the Nourishing Herb and gave it to Long Er, then looked at the body of Nan Yingwei in the distance and said with a smile, "It turns out to be a chaotic black feather finch. Here are seed plants, seafood, and birds. If they all live together, it will bring the superior to a higher grade."

"Hee hee, home delivery, it's so sweet, my brother will love it..."

Ryuuji and Nun Nun immediately ran over and strung the chaotic black feather finch together.

Seeing the old man preparing to leave, the young man finally couldn't help but knelt directly in front of the old man, and said, "Senior, junior Jiang Liu, please accept me as a disciple!"

Lao Long didn’t even think about it, so he shook his head, “I won’t accept you.”

Jiang Liu did not give up and said, "Senior, the ancient clan has appeared, the chaos will be chaotic, and the younger generation wants to do their best!"

The old dragon still shook his head, and said to Longer himself, "Let’s go, follow me and go back to the master!"


Jiang Liu has heard Lao Long mentioning Gaoren several times, and his heart is shaken.

The old man’s cultivation base is even higher than his grandfather, so what kind of existence does the expert in his mouth have?

Look at the big demon strung together in the hands of 囡囡 and Ryuuji. It is even more short of breath. Is this all game for the expert? Even that chaotic black feather finch is included?

It can be seen the degree of respect for this expert.

He gritted his teeth and immediately followed.

Just after the four of them left, where the chaotic black feather sparrow fell, a lot of feathers were scattered here, one of which was shining with light, with a halo flowing, and a trace of the soul attached to it.

"Fortunately, life-saving is my strong point. I have the ability to Nirvana, otherwise I will really die!"

The Queen of the South Shadow Guard was terrified. Thinking of the attack just now, she still had lingering fears.

The person who shot has already touched the edge of the avenue, I'm afraid it is not weaker than the leader!

"This place shouldn't be long..."

He suddenly felt a moment of uncertainty, and looked up, only to notice that above the sky, he did not know when an old woman was standing.

Why is there another old woman?

Isn’t the old man just now?

Is this God's Domain so dangerous?

Just when he was still stunned, the old woman had already raised her hand, and a flash of fire passed by, sweeping all the black feathers on the ground and turning them into nothingness.

Following, another middle-aged man came here. He chopped off a few divine thunders and wandered around carefully, making sure that there were no omissions, then turned and left.

This wave of precepts and deeds of Lao Long is very in place, making Long Er and Nian Nuo look at him differently.

Jiang Liu was also shocked, and the worldview was impacted. This super power is indeed stable in doing things, but it is also too...

But when I heard, the old dragon said earnestly, "These powerful people are really too powerful and terrifying, and I almost became the master. You must cultivate well, and save me personally. The ancestors are all too old. ,too dangerous!"

Jiang Liu couldn’t help but glanced at the old dragon, thinking in his heart, if his grandfather could be like the old dragon, or if he knew him earlier and learned a one-and-a-half trick, he might not die...


Jiang Liu silently followed the old dragon all the way, and the old dragon turned a blind eye.

Waiting to reach the foot of the Luoxian Mountain Range, Lao Long stopped then and said, "The expert does not like to disturb, you can't follow anymore, and you can't go up the mountain at will. You should go back and forth quickly."

After the words were finished, she stopped taking care of the river and took Ryuer and Nun to the mountain.

Jiang Liu looked at Lao Long’s back, but bowed deeply and respectfully.

He knew in his heart that Lao Long seemed unintentional, but he was actually mentioning him!

can let him know the existence of the expert, and can also lead him to the foot of the mountain, which in itself is a great love!

"Grandpa, I found the opportunity of God's Domain. I must be recognized by an expert to support my own sky!"

Jiang Liu took a deep breath and sat cross-legged at the foot of the mountain...

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