Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 621: 621: The blood of the sword servant stains the sky

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Sword Cyclone stands in front of you, standing upright in the sky, like the Optimus Pillar collapsing, rolling towards the river, lifting the sword energy that is enough to cut everything, you can cut the universe!

Jiang Liu holds the sword in both hands, the brilliance is not visible, it is just a horizontal approval, and it looks a little small.

"The waist must be steady, the momentum must be heavy, the hands must be firm, and the eyes must be set!"

Jiang Liu’s brain was empty, and his mind was just whirling the words of an expert teaching himself to chop wood.

At this moment, the sword cyclone looked like a big tree in his eyes. Although it was big, it was still a tree.

"Chopping wood swords!"

Jiang Liu’s eyes burst with brilliance, and the long sword collided with that sword cyclone!

At this moment, the whirlwind tore apart and roared wildly, like a chaotic beast, trying to swallow everything.

However, it is always invincible, no matter how huge, it is still cut apart under this diseased sword of the river!

is like a huge piece of paper, pierced by a knife, and then split!

The whistle of the whirlwind seemed to have turned into a scream at this moment, the sword cyclone seemed to collapse like a towering jade tree, and it was annihilated since then!

The magnificent vision of heaven and earth dissipated and turned into a breeze, the overflowing sword aura collapsed every inch, and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's strong attack was just repulsed!

Under the whirlwind, the long sword of the river is still advancing, the brilliance is restrained, and the momentum is not diminished, but it gives people a sense of strong oppression.

Opposite him, the Eighth Sword Servant opened his eyes wide, and his pupils were filled with incredible expressions. He gritted his teeth and cut out a sword likewise!

He yelled and cheered himself up, "Die me!"


The mighty sword energy shook the fields, and it was thousands of miles away!

The body of the Eighth Sword Servant is like a rootless duckweed, with his legs rising from the ground, flying upside down in the air, spurting blood from his mouth, and bringing out a red bridge.

"The Eighth Sword Servant... was actually defeated!"

"How is it possible? Zhang Jianya is known as the number one in kendo, and he holds the world in kendo, how can he be defeated by kendo?"

"Unbelievable, who is this sword repair? Where did it come from?"

The crowd onlookers exclaimed, with disbelief.

Jiang Liu Jian pointed to the Eighth Sword Servant, and said calmly: "I'll use you to sharpen the sword, but unfortunately, Zhang Jianya...I'm not as well-known as we meet, and I'm a little disappointed."

The Eighth Sword Servant wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up slowly.

"Kang Dang!"

He raised his hand, and a wooden long box stood beside him.

This long box is made of blood-red wood, with a long sword pattern engraved on its body, and there are dots around it, like a star arrangement.

There are red lights in his eyes, but he is staring at the long sword in Jiang Liu's hand, "This sword in your hand contains the inheritance of my sword cliff. Today, the thing will return to the original owner!"


Jiang Liu smiled and showed disdain, "I have this sword, as a true heir. If you didn't come to see the master of the sword, but you still tried to **** it, dignified sword repair, how embarrassed to say this Waiting for words?"

"Your instrument is destined to not go long!"

After the words, he took the sword and walked towards the Eighth Sword Servant!

At this moment, he looked like a sharp sword slowly unsheathed, pointing straight to the Eighth Sword Servant.

"Boy of the frog at the bottom of the well, you are far from the road of kendo!"

The vigor of the Eighth Sword Servant rose in an instant, he raised his hand and pointed at the sword box, "Miao Miao Dao, connected with a sword, cut off the yin and yang, and suppress the universe!"


One long sword after another shot out from the sword box, bringing up bursts of brilliance, each sword was like a thunder that pierced the sky, shining through the sky.

The long sword surrounds the void, swallowing light, making the world silent. Within a hundred thousand miles, even the air becomes sharp. Whenever you enter this place, there seems to be a long sword standing on your neck.

"Eight swords are flying together, it is the Heaven-defying Eight Sword Formation of Zhang Jianya!"

Someone shook their heads and trembling in fear: "It's not the Eight Sword Formation, it should be the Ten Thousand Sword Formation!"

Another interface explained, "It is rumored that this sword formation has no upper limit. Half a month ago, the five sword servants who held the sword cliff besieged the power of heaven. It is rumored that there were hundreds of swords volleying in the sky, covering the sky, and the sword energy entered the chaos and smashed the endless stars!"

"Each of these swords are drawn from chaos, and they can be called killer tools. It also contains the unparalleled sword intent of the sword cliff. In the same level, who can stop it?"

"When you enter this sword formation, the young sword repairer is afraid of hanging."

Everyone is staring at the eternal massacre formation with wide-eyed eyes. Even though they are not in the formation, they can still feel the frightening destruction.

I saw that the eight flying swords circled the top of the river, like a spirit snake, the sword aura dragged out a long tail, turning this space into a sea of ​​swords.

The biting sword aura that overflowed constantly pressed against the river, collided with his sword aura and confronted each other.

Jiang Liu was in it. From the outside, he seemed to be shrouded by thousands of sword shadows. Every sword shadow cut through the space, making him seem to be in a broken space.

The long sword in his hand was waving, the sword light was as mighty as the waves, but it was quickly suppressed by thousands of sword shadows.

Jiang Liu held the sword intently, raised his leg and took a step, he was ready to show his posture, stepping out of the eight swords.

It’s just that, as soon as he took the first step, one of the long swords shot out, as if traveling through the void, pointing straight at his front door, blocking his path.

Each of these eight long swords is like a master of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, mobilizing the power of the law to suppress the river flow, not to mention getting out of trouble, even moving can not be done. Can only barely protect himself with his own swordsmanship.


While watching, someone suddenly exclaimed and said hoarsely: "The young swordsman does not seem to be trapped, but is practicing swords!"

Such remarks are appalling, making all listeners scalp numb and trembling.

However, when they went to watch the court with this kind of thought, their pupils dilated rapidly and blood flowed all over the body. They couldn't believe it.

"He... he really seems to be practicing swords with this!"

"Sword sharpening, he said the mountain sharpening sword from the beginning, but he didn't expect it to be true."

"From the beginning to the present, he has become more and more relaxed, and...from the beginning to the end, there is no wound in his whole body!"

"Unbelievable, this is the Heaven-defying Sword Formation. Within the sword formation, if you stir it, otherwise, even the sky can be subverted, and this young man will actually be used to practice swords!"

"Where did he come out? He must be a personal disciple of a hidden super boss in the chaos!"

There were different opinions, and the voice naturally came from the ears of the Eighth Sword Servant, making his face even more gloomy.

"Dog bastard, dare to sharpen my sword with me, you are not qualified!"

He roared, the sky full of killing intent swept across the sky, and his whole body was surrounded by a layer of blood-red vision, killing the waves, the sword Qi was rolling, and he stepped into the sword formation!

Raise your hand

The eight long swords in the void trembled in unison and screamed!

Sword Qi is boiling at this moment, and a beam of light suddenly rises between the sky and the earth. This is the light of a huge sword, standing in the air, floating above the sword formation, surrounded by colorful visions, and it will fall at any time!

As soon as this sword came out, the sword's strength was indescribable, making the eyes of all viewers tingling, and those with insufficient cultivation level would leave blood and tears, and the Taoist heart was damaged!

Seeing this sword is like seeing death.

This is a sharp sword suspended above the head, which will kill you at any time!

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

This is the gathering of the sword intent of the Heaven-defying Sword Formation, which has surpassed the level of Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian, making everyone in the audience afraid.

Just when everyone's hearts were roaring, the giant sword did not stop, and fell straight from the air!

This fall, when piercing through everything, cutting life and death!

Jiang Liu is right under the giant sword, and he is under much more pressure than outsiders. At this moment, the space around him is all blocked by endless sword intent, and the surrounding laws are trembling. Under the sword light, there is confusion. !

However, he was not in a panic, holding the hilt, raising the long sword, facing the huge sword!

The huge sword is huge, and the roaring vision makes the sky pale.

And he is like an ant looking at the sky, full of desperation and unwilling to resist.

However, I don’t know if it was an illusion. Everyone looked at the river and actually gave birth to an illusion that he could block this sword!

In his body, there seems to be a strange power circulating, he is sharp, he is unstoppable, he is the king of swords!

This is an undefeated temperament.

"Then...what is that?"

Someone exclaimed.

A little black air flowing around the river, this feeling is like ink waving on white paper, leaving writing.

The black air is cool and unrestrained, but it is like the heaven and the earth, which resonates with the road, and makes people feel awe in the bottom of their hearts.

The airflow of these writings forms the background and sets off the river current.

"So strong sword intent, where did this kendo boy enlighten the way?"

"What are those words? I tried my best, but I couldn't see through them."

"Unpredictable and terrifying!"

The next moment, from the long sword of the river, a strong glare suddenly shot out, and the blazing white light enveloped the fields, making people invisible.

A sword of light and cold fourteen states!

Where the cold light passes, they are all sword domains, and ten thousand swords bow their heads!

The giant sword fell into the white light, and everyone could not see exactly what happened inside it.


Only a roar of roars came from it, and then, a figure flew upside down from the white light, with several sword wounds on the whole body, and blood was splashed.


The Eighth Sword Servant landed, with his mouth wide open, looking at the white light in horror, and at the same time it was full of heat.

"What kind of kendo is this? It is indeed the inheritance of Dadao Supreme, it is my sword cliff!"

It’s just that he knew he was defeated, and he shouldn’t stay here for long.


Take a deep breath, make a decisive decision, raise his hand, Yujian volleys, and the three round-faced cultivators shoot away into the distance!

Jiang Liu holds the sword in one hand, held up by the invisible sword intent, and walks in the air, the speed is also fast to the extreme, like an arrow from the string, straight into the sky!

He was bathed in sword light, surrounded by sword light phantoms, and the aura he exuded was stronger than just now.

Swordsman, indomitable.

He has won this battle, and his momentum has naturally reached the peak, so he should sharpen his sword with blood!

Looking at the rapidly approaching river, the faces of the three round-faced cultivators were distorted with horror, and shouted unwillingly, "Ah, we are the disciples of Zhang Jianya, dare you"

The bright sword light flashed, and a sword sealed the throat!

The three people froze in the air, their pupils enlarged rapidly, and then there was blood blooming around their necks, and the primordial spirit died!

The speed of the    river flow was not affected by the slightest, and it continued to step towards the sky, getting closer and closer to the Eighth Sword Servant.

His whole body is shining brightly, and the sword light tears through the void, causing many anomalies. The brilliance is like rain, covering the Eighth Sword Servant!

The Eighth Sword Servant's complexion darkened, his eyes solemnly looked at the river, and the eight long swords surged out as soon as he drew the technique in his hand, surrounding him, forming a shield.

The sword light is shining, I want to shatter everything that is close!

The river flies to the front, swinging the sword to break the sky, it is still a simple chopping, the simple and unpretentious method of chopping the hatchet, breaking the defense of the eight long swords!

The Eighth Sword Servant screamed in horror, "Who are you?"

"I am a woodman!"

Jiang Liu said indifferently, and once again raised the long sword in his hand.

The Eighth Sword Servant's eyes are about to split, "No! If you dare to kill me, Palm Sword Cliff will definitely live with you!"

The sword light did not stop, piercing through his chest, the sword light tore his body, engulfing his soul, the blood of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian swayed in the sky, like a red flower in full bloom.

Gorgeous and dazzling.


His sword box and the eight long swords fell on the ground, immediately attracting countless fiery eyes.

This is the ultimate killing tool, which can be placed in the same rank, and its strength is greatly increased.

However, they swallowed their saliva. It was impossible to fight the idea of ​​these long swords. Not to mention that these long swords were the spoils of the river, and that these long swords were things that held the sword cliff.

After that, they set their eyes on the river stream that landed from the air, speechless for a while, shocking and complicated.

No one would think of it.

The Eighth Sword Servant of Palm Sword Cliff, just died like that!

Died in this inconspicuous place, in the hands of a kendo rookie born out of nowhere!

Jiang Liu put away the sword box and the eight-handed long sword. This is indeed the same good magic weapon, and it is the treasure of swordsmanship, and the sword formation contained in it can be used for reference to him.

He returned to the Zheng's house, pouring and drinking freely.

People around him kept a distance from him, for fear of being misunderstood by the person holding the sword cliff, and causing the fire to burn.

Jiang Liu didn't care about it, and recalled the gains and losses of this battle in his heart.

This time the harvest is not small. The sword is not sharp but not sharp. What the expert said is really in one sentence. The sword is used to kill!

Although the sword in his hand contains the inheritance of the Great Dao, it is contaminated with the cause and effect of Zhang Jianya.

The expert gave me the long sword. It is very likely that I have seen everything early, and even if I have this calamity, this sword palm is actually a sharpening stone arranged for me by the expert?

The power of the expert is really unimaginable, I must not let the expert down!

But at this moment, a beautiful shadow came and sat directly beside Jiang Liu, picked up the flask, and said: "This son, the little woman will pour you wine."

This is a woman, wearing a light green tulle skirt, long hair shawl, delicate features, spring eyes, little Qiong nose, cherry mouth, she has a gentle breath.

It can be said that it is always suitable to wear light makeup and plain makeup without applying pink, daisy, and crescent eyebrows.

The first glance at her will make people feel that they see the elves among the flowers, which contains a hint of agility.

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