Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 624: 624: Swallow a bowl of chicken soup into my stomach, my life is my fate

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The group of colorful butterflies that came with it stuck to the sunflower, and also fell into a sluggishness.

Is this a dream world?

I can't even dream of living in this environment.

Flowers, plants, and trees are all sacrifices to spirits, and mud and water are unimaginable existences. Even if only one grain of soil is on the ground, it is a priceless treasure. In the past, even if they got such a grain of soil, they would probably laugh. Crazy, Shenkui will laugh madly...

Their brains buzzed and were shocked.

And the creatures living here, is that piece of flower surrounded by bees?

Each one makes them produce a kind of suppression of blood.

Chaos Alien!

The proper Chaos Alien Species!

Nun Nu and Long Er, who were in charge of the backyard, ran over and exclaimed when they saw the sunflower and the butterfly.

"Wow, brother, these butterflies are so beautiful, are they new here?"

"This flower is very curious, but the color is so gorgeous!"

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "This flower is a good thing, not only gorgeous, but it can also produce melon seeds. This is an artifact that relieves boredom. It is delicious and can play time."

He had already begun to fantasize about his future life of eating melon seeds while reading the newspaper.

Unexpectedly, the world of cultivating immortals can even have sunflowers, which is really unexpected.

He confessed: "This sunflower is a little malnourished, you should take good care of it."

"Hmm, don't worry, brother."

"Wrapped on us, we are already professional."

"Professional?" Li Nianfan couldn't help but smile, shook his head and said: "You are far from being a professional."

In Li Nianfan's eyes, Nun Nu and Long Er are always playful children. Letting them take care of the backyard is actually just letting them do things while playing, and they don't have the word professional at all.

She immediately refused to accept it, puffing her cheeks and said angrily: "Brother, are you looking down on us?"

Even Long Er, who has always been well-behaved, looked at Li Nianfan seriously, "Brother, we are all serious about doing things."

"Oh, it seems you are still not convinced."

Li Nianfan looked at their sulking appearance, couldn't help but stretched out his hand to squeeze their cheeks, and then said: "Okay, you come with me, I will convince you."

"Huh, it's impossible!"

Nun Nun and Long Er wrinkled their noses, and they had decided in their hearts that they would not accept it no matter what!

As soon as Li Nianfan took Nun Nun and Long Er out of the backyard, Shen Kui and the group of colorful butterflies became restless and began to worship the dock.

The colorful butterflies flew cautiously among the flowers, flying along with the bees.

The **** sunflower is turning the flowers respectfully and nodding to the surrounding plants.

"Hello seniors, newcomers report, please take care of me."


Li Nianfan returned to the inner courtyard and went straight into the utility room, followed by a sound of ‘ping-pong-pong’.

Not long after, I saw Li Nianfan come out with a book that looked relatively heavy.

The cover is green with some wrinkles. With a flick of the hand, there is a cloud of dust flying, and a line of typing "A Handbook of Agriculture" is printed on it.

"The combination of learning and practice is the most useful."

Li Nianfan handed the book to Nun Nan and Long Er, "Hey, what's written on this is professional, remember to study hard."

Nun Nun and Long Er are still sulking, looking at the flip of the book.

However, when they turned to the first page, their gaze was a pause, because of the brilliance that emerged from the entire page.

The rich golden light gleamed from the book, but it didn't sting their eyes, but was kind of gentle.

The powerful Dao Yun spilled out, surrounded by endless laws, forming waves of visions, roaring around.

This is the movement that only occurs when the treasure that caused the chaotic vibration is born.

This book, the content recorded in it is only enough to reverse the chaos!

The first page, the matters needing attention of cultivated land.

Nun Nan and Ryuuji stared at the content on it eagerly, from the posture of holding the hoe, to exerting force, and the position of the cultivated land, etc. Everything was explained in detail, as well as pictures.

"This... the movement of plowing the land fits the avenue, enough to be a magical power!"

"This is not plowing the land, this is clearly plowing the road!"

"It turns out that we are so far from professional."

"It turns out that the gesture of milking is like this, and the direction and strength must be determined."

"It's no wonder the cows in the backyard didn't cooperate with each other before milking."

"Doing so will make chickens and peacocks lay more eggs? Learned"


As a mummy, Jiang Liu sat quietly not far away. Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the familiar scene in the book. He was shocked and couldn't help but said, "Master Shengjun, can I take a look at it together?"

Li Nianfan casually said, "Of course."

Jiang Liu leaned over immediately, his eyes bright.

The part they saw at this time was exactly the part where the wood was cut.

Jiang Liu's brain burst into clarity, staring at the pictures and teachings in the book.

"It turns out that this is the correct posture for cutting wood."

"There is also a path to find for cutting wood, and this path is the avenue!"

"This is the wood-cutting magical power leading to the highway!"

He had been chopping wood for so long. He thought he had already seen the path for the first time. With a single-handed chopping hatchet, he even killed the Eighth Sword Servant who held the sword cliff. Now it seems that it is the frog at the bottom of the well!

This "Agricultural Encyclopedia Handbook" is too precious, it can be called the first book of chaos!

However, in the eyes of an expert, these books of God are nothing more than learning about agricultural planting. No matter how precious things are, they will become routine when they are around an expert.

Li Nianfan didn't bother seeing that they were so interested in agricultural knowledge, just smiled and watched.

After they finished watching, Li Nianfan began to ask what happened to Jiang Liu.

Jiang Liu's eyes were full of guilt, and he said with shame: "Master Shengjun, I have failed your expectations and even lost the sword you gave me."

Li Nianfan comforted: "Losing the sword is a trivial matter, as long as you are still alive."

However, Jiang Liu obviously didn't think so, his eyes were dim, and his heart felt even more distressed. The expert must be disappointed in himself.

Li Nianfan noticed Jiang Liu's emotions and couldn't help but frown.

This upright young man is likely to hold the idea of ​​the so-called sword is there, and the sword is dead, but he can't let him down like this.

After pondering for a moment, he opened his mouth and said: "This time losing the sword may be a good thing for you."

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Jiang Liu was taken aback for a moment and looked at Li Nianfan suspiciously.

Li Nianfan continued: "Jiang Liu, you may not have noticed by yourself, you take the sword too seriously."

"You think that sword is your foundation. That sword can bring you strength. That sword has your heritage. You rely too much on that sword. It is your source of confidence."

"Swordsman, you should take the sword seriously, but...you have to make it clear that this sword is not the other sword!"


Jiang Liu's pupils shrank suddenly, and the color inside them was changing, and the whole person seemed to be empowered by Daigo, with a layer of goose bumps all over his body.

This sword is not the other sword.

This sword is not the sword in the hand, but the sword in the heart!

The expert is right. I rely too much on that sword. That sword is a divine sword, and it contains supreme heritage. I hold it and think that I have reached the world. With this mentality, I Kendo will never reach the top!

Also, what an expert meant is that the kendo in that sword is the supreme kendo, and what I want to go should be my own kendo!

Losing the sword is a good thing, a great thing!

Jiang Liu's breathing was rapid, and the breath of his body was ups and downs, and his mana was like boiling water, boiling in his body, making his blood hot.

Just this simple word is comparable to countless years of hard practice, and it may even be a truth that will never be understood in this life!

Worthy of being an expert, he pointed me again!

Tears flashed in Jiang Liu's eyes, and he was so touched that he could not resist the tears and said hoarsely: "Master Shengjun, I seem to understand."

Li Nianfan felt the change in his mood and couldn't help but laughed, and then said, "It's fine if you understand."

"Remember, the key to kendo is people. A grain of sand can fill the sea, and a grass can chop the sun, moon and stars. Is sand strong? Is grass strong? No, it's the people who use them!"

The expert means that the swordsman himself is the most powerful sword!

Jiang Liu flushed, and said excitedly: "Master Shengjun, I will definitely become the Supreme Swordsman!"

Seeing Jiang Liu regained his passion, Li Nianfan was immediately filled with relief. The chicken soup from his previous life was awesome!

It can be said to be: a bowl of chicken soup is swallowed, my life is my fate!


Above a star.

Here is the world of Ten Thousand Swords!

The whole land of stars is filled with swords, all kinds of swords!

Every sword gleamed with a faint light, illuminating the star, and making the sky of this heaven and earth overflowing with the cold light of the sword.

Even in the chaotic space beyond this star, it is an ocean of sword aura, and anyone who comes close to it will be stirred into powder, even meteorites are no exception.

The second sword came to serve Yujian, stepped carefully on top of this star, walked in awe among ten thousand swords, and came under a high platform.

On the high platform, a young man sat cross-legged.

He has a handsome face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and looks young, but the aura of his body is far greater than that of an old monster who has cultivated for countless years. Behind him, the glow of light is like a rainbow, turning into the appearance of a sword, surrounding him. .

Seeing this young man, the Second Sword Servant immediately saluted in awe: "Worship the Sword Master."

The sword master opened his eyes, did not speak, just raised his hand and pointed towards the second sword.

The next moment, the killing sword in the hands of the Second Sword Servant dropped out and fell in front of the sword master.

"What a sword of killing, you did a good job this time!"

The sword master looked at the Slaughter Sword, with a rare trace of excitement in his eyes.

This sword is too important to him, it has an extraordinary meaning!

Even... is closely related to his fate.

He held his hand on the hilt of the sword, closed his eyes, and the wisps of sword intent began to surround him, causing the long sword above the entire star to tremble.

Although this sword intent is not overwhelming, it is like a king, even if it is just a sliver, it cannot be compensated by the quantity.

After a while, the sword master's eyes opened, and the light within them flickered.

Sure enough, this sword contains the inheritance of the Great Dao Supreme!

He realized the killing kendo!

He opened the mouth and said: "Sword Servant, you go to take out the Hunyuan jade bottle in the treasure house to create the vitality secret realm, and at the same time announce to the public that my Zhang Jianya is willing to open the vitality secret realm for three days for everyone to practice!"

The Second Sword Servant's heart was slightly startled, and couldn't help but said, "Sword Master, really want to use the Hunyuan Jade Bottle?"

They have inherited the sword cliff for countless years, and they have broken out of the chaos, with countless treasures, and the Hunyuan jade bottle is the most important!

Because what is contained in this bottle is the chaotic aura that they have accumulated over the years at Jianya!

The chaotic aura can be met but not sought. Every strand is of great help to cultivation. If the Hunyuan jade bottle is really opened for three days, then the chaotic aura in the jade bottle will be properly consumed, and, Is it just for public use?

He really couldn't understand.

The sword master's eyes faintly glanced at the Second Sword Servant. In the void, it seemed as if a silk thread was drawn, and the strong sword intent crossed out, causing the Second Sword Servant to snorted, and blood and tears flowed from the eyes!

He quickly respectfully said: "Subordinates take orders!"

At this moment, the phantom of the old man ginseng emerged from the side of the Second Sword Servant, and said: "Sword Master, I can get this Slaughter Sword, I have the greatest strength, you don't forget our original agreement! "

"I can let the disciple of Zhang Jianya cooperate with you, but it's your own business what you should do and whether you can catch the opponent."

The sword master said coldly, and then said: "Next, I must die. During this period, no matter what happens, no one is allowed to come near!"

The Second Sword Servant said with interest: "Subordinates retire."

Soon, the entire God Realm was boiling.

"Zhangjianya wants to open up the mysterious realm of vitality? Really?"

"So I can rub a wave of chaos aura, which has plagued the bottleneck for three thousand years, and a breakthrough is hopeful!"

"Chaos spiritual energy, Zhang Jianya is actually willing to go, you have to go for everything!"

"Not long ago I heard that the Eighth Sword Servant of Zhang Jianya was killed by a young sword repairer."

"I heard that the boy had a terrible end."

"This is expected, but it's a genius."


"What do you think of Zhang Jianya's move?"

The Jade Emperor sat on the High Heaven Hall, looking at everyone.

"Having no good intentions! It must be Hongmen Yan!" The Giant Spirit God widened his eyes and said crudely.

Yang Jian said, "Palm Sword Cliff injured the expert woodcutter. This is an irreconcilable contradiction. Its positioning is the enemy of our Heavenly Palace!"

Ye Liuyun nodded and said, "Chaos aura is sparse and ordinary for us, we don't want to go there specially for this, but we have to find a place for the expert woodcutter, so this time we are not You can't go, no matter what plan Zhang Jianya has, we destroyed it!"

"I've long wanted to compare swords with the man who holds the sword cliff! That kid in Jiangliu is not interesting enough, he can do it alone, if he takes me, why would he be abused by the man who holds the sword cliff?"

Xiao Chengfeng was furious, "My uncle's sword will definitely teach Zhang Jianya to be a man!"

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