Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 626: 626: Going downhill

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The eyes of the Second Sword Servant suddenly condensed, staring at Luo Huang and Luo Shiyu, extremely cold and full of scrutiny.

Luo Huang and Luo Shiyu's heart sank, and their blood coagulated.

They naturally knew that there was something extraordinary in this neighborhood, and it was extraordinary beyond imagination, but they didn't intend to say it from the beginning.

At this time, they became the target of public criticism, and their hearts were surging. In an instant, they were ready to go to death generously.

Second Jianshi squinted his eyes and asked, "Dianlong Xianchao, as an aboriginal of God's Domain, has been living near here. Tell me, what is there!"

Emperor Luo calmly said: "My lord, this is also the boundary of the Dragon Immortal Dynasty, so I will come over to check the situation from time to time, and there is nothing unusual."

The Second Sword Servant's eyes widened, and a flash of brilliance lit up, penetrating Luo Huang's chest straight, and flying it out, nailing it to a big tree!

The blood was like a pillar, swaying all over the way along the way.


Luo Shiyu was shocked and shouted, but the next moment, her body was lifted by an irresistible force, floating above the void.

"I'm not in the mood to waste time with the ants. You only have one chance to talk or die!"

The whole body of the Second Sword Servant was full of killing intent, and a series of sword qi wrapped Luo Shiyu, making him feel like he was in a mountain of swords, experiencing thousands of needles, wounds began to appear all over his body, and blood flowed every inch!

Luo Shiyu gritted her teeth, her delicate body trembled lightly, making a muffled sound.

The Second Sword Servant asked coldly, "Quickly, what do you know?"

Luo Shiyu's face was pale, and the breath of his whole body instantly fell to the extreme, he inhaled quickly, and said intently: "No, know, Dao!"

She closed her eyes, her heart was very calm.

This matter is trivial, but it is already what I can do for the superior. If I can die for the superior, my life is also considered valuable!

The second sword servant said indifferently, "Then I will tear you inch by inch with sword aura!"

At this moment, a streamer suddenly lased, and the momentum was booming, causing the world to shake.

The streamer appeared black, like a whirlpool, making everyone's eyes trance, and even their eyes could be absorbed.

The Qi of the Heavenly Qi was all led by it, and gathered towards it, at an extreme speed.

In a blink of an eye, he approached Luo Shiyu.

Second Jianshi sneered coldly, "Want to save people from my hands?"

Luo Shiyu was in his sword aura, he only needed a thought, enough to make Luo Shiyu no place to be buried!

Just as he did it, the dark shadow did it at the same time.

At this time, everyone could see clearly that there was a little girl in the black brilliance.

She slowly raised her little hand, and there was a whirlpool above her palm, like the mouth of a giant beast, capable of swallowing the heavens and the world!

This little hand pressed on the Jian Qi that wrapped Luo Shiyu.

Suddenly, the endless sword aura was completely out of control, like dust, swallowed by the little girl!

The little girl took Luo Shiyu, backed back, and confronted the people in the palm of the sword cliff.

Luo Shiyu's qi was like a gossamer, her whole body was covered with wounds, and there was still sword qi raging in her body. Her eyes lit up slightly, and she said weakly: "囡...囡囡."

The girl was full of apologies and said, "Sister Shiyu, I'm late."

Long Er also walked out, his eyes full of concern, "Sister Shi Yu."

"Palm Sword Cliff, I didn't expect you to chase here and hurt someone!"

Jiang Liu stared at the Second Sword Servant, his eyes were cold and sharp, and his momentum continued to rise, "You are seeking your own way, you know that you have offended someone you shouldn't offend!"

Luo Shiyu and Luo Huang are old friends of the masters anyway, and they actually end up like this, holding the sword cliff indestructible, what face does he have to do for the masters.

"Oh roar, I offend someone who shouldn't be offended?"

Second Jianshi smiled.

Everyone who held Jianya also laughed.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" The second swordsman's eyes were full of jokes, "I want to see how you destroy us!"

"By the way, let me tell you again, these two people have my sword aura in their bodies, and they will definitely die! Hahaha..."

Gangliu and Die'er, plus two little girls, also pretended to look like they were awkward and coaxing. Are they not recognizing themselves?

Luo Shiyu's eyes were a little red, and she whispered: "Nunnan, Long'er, we are afraid we can only go here, goodbye."

Luo Huang vomited blood in his mouth and gasped, "Thanks to you for coming in time, we won't be lost. If we can, please go to the underworld to say hello. Didn't they keep calling us to be the errand? So, we can still Continue to do a little bit of effort for the master."

"Sister Shiyu, Uncle Luo Huang, since we are here, you can't die."

Long'er spoke, and then said to Die'er: "Sister Die'er, please take out the extra golden sore medicine on your body."

Die'er nodded without hesitation, "Oh, good."

She and Jiang Liu were seriously injured, and Li Nianfan directly gave them the excess gold sore medicine, so that they could recover more thoroughly, unexpectedly it happened to be used here.


Long Er raised his hand, and the warm water covered the golden sore medicine, covering Luo Huang and Luo Shiyu.

Not long after, the injuries of the two of them began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their breath stabilized quickly.

"How is this possible?!" The smile on the face of the second sword servant froze, his pupils widened, and he growled in disbelief, "This is impossible!"

The others who held Jianya were also shocked.

"Recovered, actually recovered!"

"What kind of elixir is this? Even the sword wound of the Second Sword Servant can be cured!"

"Unbelievable, it is impossible to do it even by relying on the law of heaven."

The wound caused by Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is naturally not recoverable by ordinary means, not to mention the sword wound of the Second Sword Servant, which is enough to split the law, and there are few elixir that can heal between heaven and earth.

"The magic medicine, the magic medicine against the sky!"

"Great opportunity, there must be a great chance behind this!"

"Take them down and ask them the big secrets they know!"

"We are going to develop!"

Everyone's eyes were fierce and excited.

"So, it's no wonder that your injuries are healed."

The Second Sword Servant stared at the river, eyes bursting with light, "This attachment must have a secret realm that we don't know. Tell us quickly, and you can leave a whole corpse!"

The old man can't wait to say: "Quickly tell me, where is the old chrysanthemum?!"

Jiang Liu calmed his eyes and stepped forward slowly, "Only you are not qualified to know!"

"act recklessly!"

The second sword, the long sword, came out of its sheath, and the monstrous murderous aura went straight into the sky, and it swung a sword of destruction against the river!

Jiang Liu's eyes were calm, his sword vigorous all over his body, and he rushed forward, "The enemies of the past shall be reported today!"

"Sister Die'er, take good care of Sister Shiyu and Uncle Luo Huang, let's help!"

囡囡 immediately couldn't help it, gearing up, and immediately stepped up into the air!

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She was full of vigor, and went straight to the sixth sword!

"Little girl, ridiculous! Let me come!"

A disciple of Zhang Jianya strode out, watching her eyes full of contempt, and rushing over with a long sword in her hand.

His whole body has endless long sword visions rolling, splitting the space, extremely sharp!

The girl raised her hand with a calm face, and grabbed the long sword with her bare hands!

She was surrounded by swallowing power, and when she got close, the sharp sword energy was instantly swallowed by the swallowing power and turned into invisible.

Afterwards, Nun Nun grabbed the long sword in one hand, and punched the man with the other hand, punching him in the **** fog, shaking his soul, and destroying the soul!

"This little girl is so strong!"

"Everyone join hands and go together!"

The girl laughed, and continued to rush forward excitedly. She came straight to a person again, stretched out a small hand, and a hoe, and hoeed towards that person!

The man greeted him with a sword, but the sword energy around his body was easily broken by the hoe. After a round, he let out a scream, was hoeed by the **** and fell from the air.

Long'er greeted the Seventh Sword Servant. She was surrounded, her face was dignified, and she took out a watering scoop in her hand.

The whole body rolled forcefully, and the scoop emitted a halo, and water began to roll in it. With the wave of Long'er, the water flow suddenly turned into a curtain of water that covered the sky, and went to cover the people in the palm of the sword cliff!

The water curtain collapsed like the sky, stalemate with the many long swords in the palm of the sword cliff, faintly still overwhelming.

"Where are these two children sacred? They are so powerful."

"The **** and scoop in their hands are not mortal things, what is the origin?"

"The artifact, the scoop and the **** are all artifacts!"

"The big secret behind them is just to shock the sky, kill, kill!"

The second sword was stepping on the flying sword, like a king over the world, surrounded by sixteen long swords, staring at the river with gaze.

Jiang Liu raised his hand and pointed. The eight flying swords seized from the Eighth Sword Servant last time flew out suddenly, making a whisper, and surrounded the Second Sword Servant!

The Second Sword Servant sneered and said, "Eight-handed flying swords actually want to fight against my sixteen-handed flying swords, using the Heaven-defying Sword Formation that I hold Sword Cliff. Are you too naive?"

"Neither the number of swords nor the number of swords can decide anything. It is people who decide the victory or defeat!"

Jiang Liu said in a simple and unpretentious manner, and his momentum did not decrease but increased. He said indifferently: "Speaking such naive words, it means that your kendo cultivation is still far away!"

The second sword servant immediately yelled, "Looking for death!"

Sixteen flying swords stirred the world, forming a vortex of laws, trying to engulf the river.

Jiangliu's eight flying swords pierced the sky, and each of them split the vortex apart, with unmatched power!

Every battlefield is extremely fierce, the sword intent that soars into the sky makes the heaven and the earth pale, the gorgeous mana pierces the sky, the vision is like a rainbow, and the sky is falling in disorder.

The group of hostages held by Zhang Jianya regained their freedom, and they backed away, frightened.

"It's hard to imagine that they can actually contend with Zhang Jianya."

"What is the origin of these three people, they are unknown, I have never heard of them!"

"The Eighth Achievement of the young man who uses the sword is the last time he killed the swordman of the Eighth Sword Servant of Zhang Jianya, and the other two little girls are afraid that they will also be named Shenyu.

"They also seem to belong to a certain force, and it is absolutely impossible to imagine that God's Domain is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

"However, Zhang Jianya's background is too strong, I'm afraid they are not opponents yet."

Seeing that the Second Sword Servant could not take Jiang Liu and the others, his face surged, and his red eyes roared: "The disciples of Zhangjian Cliff, let's build a sword formation against the sky!"


Countless long swords soared into the sky, full of void, and the dazzling sword light was like a canopy, shining with awe-inspiring aura, extinguishing the sky.

The face of the second sword servant showed a hideous color, and the light of destruction enveloped Jiang Liu and them.

In addition to the Second Sword Servant, the Sixth Sword Servant, and the Seventh Sword Servant, the disciples of the sword cliff can also naturally join the Heaven-defying Sword Formation. At this moment, their power has reached the limit of their joint hands, and the suppressed breath seems to make time and space still. , Makes people breathless.

"Against the universe, chaos yin and yang, kill life and death!"


The void was distorted, and the monstrous power gushed out, directly engulfing the three people of the river. At this moment, they were like dust on the edge of the sea, facing the huge wave coming from Pemby.

The three Jiang Liu felt the pressure, and their bodies trembled slightly.

However, they did not retreat, but closed their eyes and fell into a wonderful state under this pressure.

They thought of the "Agriculture Handbook."

Nuan held the **** in her hand and performed a standard hoeing action.

Ryuuji held the scoop and watered it accurately.

Jiang Liu picked up a long sword and prepared to chop wood.

The whole body of the three of them began to have a strange rhythm, which made the endless sword aura to avoid its sharp edge.

"Oh my god, what is this action? Seeing their three poses, I seem to feel the circulation of the road."

"It's so strong, it's terrifying, they must be brewing a strong blow!"

"No, my sword aura is out of control, it's completely suppressed!"

In the next moment, Nun Nun began to **** the ground, Ryuuji began to water, and the river began to chop wood!

The sky collapses, the law is turbulent, and the road emerges.

The breath of horror swept out like a storm, turned into an incomparable force of suppression, and went to suppress the person holding the sword cliff!

"What kind of power is this, unmatched, unmatched!"

"Supernatural power, this is a supernatural power that is a hundred times more terrifying than the Heaven-defying Sword Formation!"

"Ah, I'm dead!"

The disciples of Zhang Jianya kept screaming, and in an instant, half of them were directly annihilated as fans!

The three sword servants spouted blood from their mouths, their faces were shocked, and they backed away in a panic.

The Second Sword Servant roared anxiously, "Senior Spirit Sacrifice, please help!"

"Hey, useless things, I have to consume my strength in the end!"

The old man sighed, a phantom slowly emerged, and the power of the heavens rolled, suppressing the offensive of the three Jiangliu.

The ginseng must move, entwining towards the three!

"Ginseng still wants to bully me?"

Long Er hummed, and raised her little hand, a slender willow branch appeared.

The turquoise brilliance flows, the leaves seem to flow like water waves, and the holy breath radiates, easily making the tentacles of the elderly ginseng all still!

"Sacrifice? What kind of sacrificial spirit is this?!"

The old man screamed in horror, and the ghost turned his head and ran away without hesitation!

However, the wicker moved with the wind, and gently waved in the direction of the old man's ginseng.

This whip spanned the space, close to the end of the world, and the soy sauce was on the phantom of the old ginseng!


The phantom dies at the sound, turning into green smoke and dissipating.

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