Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 629: 629: Sword Master Nineth Body

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Vitality secret realm.

A big battle broke out, causing the world to roar, and the rules were chaotic.

Many forces have joined forces to reverse the trend and press and beat the Zhangjian Cliff. Even though the Zhangjian Cliff has been passed down through the ages, there are many people, and the masters are like clouds, they have fallen into the disadvantage.

It’s just that the mood of the people of the major forces is not relaxed, because a dark cloud is shrouded in their heads.

In the dark cloud, the Sword Master, who had been completely covered by blood, exuded extremely terrible pressure, his murderous aura was like a dragon, straight into the sky, turning the sky into blood red!

Arrays of **** air currents have begun to flow in this secret realm, floating above the void, making many people feel impetuous, and there is a faint urge to kill.

"His power is terrifying, and he is still getting stronger crazily!"

"Hurry up and stop him, you can't let him go on!"

"Break his state of enlightenment!"

Everyone felt the breath of Peng Bai on his body like the ocean, and his mood became more and more heavy. An old man stepped into the sky with deep eye sockets, and the years passed on his body, and he slapped his palm toward the sword master!

He is a great power in the realm of heaven, who has survived a long time. When he was young, he was also a man who led the times and suppressed a world.

With this palm, the power of the heavens flowed, like the wrath of the heavens, coming personally, wanting to suppress this unknown.

However, when this palm fell on the side of the sword master, countless invisible sword energy emerged instantly, turning into a blade storm, shattering that palm into invisible.

Also at this moment, the closed eyes of the Sword Master slowly opened!

At this moment, the world seemed to be still, and everyone seemed to see the blood in the sky from his eyes. There was a world in his pupils. The world was full of killing, and blood and water were like a sea, rising to the sky!

"Success! Hahaha, I succeeded!" The sword master laughed loudly, his eyes full of madness and excitement.

His power broke through the previous barriers. He should have awakened the supreme soul sleeping in his body, and since then he is no longer himself!

However, this time, with the help of Killing Kendo, his strength soared, and at the same time suppressed the supreme in his body!

"Old immortal! You have been dead for endless years, accept the facts, you are destined to be suppressed by me!"

Sword Master’s face was full of hideousness, but the next moment, he was taken aback for a while, smelled a strange smell, and almost died on the spot.

hurriedly fell from the air, his face became more hideous, almost crazy.

"Ah, who dare to insult me ​​like this?!"

The body of the sword master was trembling, and he was on the verge of collapse. He smelled his body, and after soaking in that fart for so long, his flesh seemed to stinks.

He is the ninth-generation sword master of Palm Sword Cliff. He is unparalleled in luck and talent. He is destined to be the protagonist of heaven and earth. Now he has reached the peak with half his foot. How can there be such a black history?

A great shame!

"Ahhhhh! I want to kill you all!"

He is crazy and feels that his soul is not clean anymore.


Unmatched sword energy spewed out like a volcanic eruption, turning into a terrifying storm, sweeping towards the surroundings, wherever it passed, the space was directly torn apart, and the surroundings turned into a black space crack!

The people around, including the disciples of Zhang Jianya, were also crushed instantly, and there was no residue left!

"Be careful, everyone!"

Taoist Junjun and Nuwa shot at the same time, and the powers of the heavens and powers of the major forces also shot, with a solemn face, suppressing the breath of the sword master!

It’s just that, even if everyone joins hands, I still feel exhausted, my body recedes slightly, and I can’t breathe.

"Congratulations to the sword master, congratulations to the sword master, you have achieved the great road!"

The people in the palm of the sword cliff knelt and spoke in unison, full of enthusiasm and awe.

"Not yet, it's almost."

The Sword Master’s voice was faint, his breath fluctuating, and he said coldly: "Everyone in Palm Sword Cliff will take orders! Kill everything here and help me climb the avenue!"


The aura of the disciple of Zhang Jianya instantly rose, and his voice was like thunder, rolling round and round.



For a time, the killing intent skyrocketed, surpassing all the previous ones, and the light of mana soared into the sky like a canopy, turning into an endless vision, causing the world to blast.

Daoist Junjun, Nuwa, and Qin Chongshan, including a total of six heavenly powers, besieged the sword master, forming an independent heaven and earth cage under their joint efforts. The powers of the heaven and the earth are intertwined with each other, and the aura of destruction allows everyone to do it. Palpitations.

囡囡 and others fought with the sword attendant and his disciples who held Jianya.

They follow the master and get a lot of care, and they are strong enough to rule the roost within the same level, and they are invincible.

Xiao Chengfeng held a long sword, and the sword light swept around like a laser. With one sword cut, a fierce sword light fell like a sky collapsed, smoothing everything, and instantly slaying a dozen disciples of Zhang Jianya.

"Hehe, just because you dare to draw your sword in front of me? I am your sword ancestor, who has slashed the power of heaven with a sword!"

Xiao Chengfeng laughed loudly, his sword aura was compelling, and his sword momentum caused the swords of all the disciples in Zhang Jianya to tremble slightly.

囡囡 held a **** in his hand, and every time he smashed it, he ignored the law and turned the law upside down. No one can stop it.

The giant spirit **** held a double axe in his hand, and his body rose to more than three meters high. The powerful force cut out, directly disrupting the Heaven-defying Sword Formation of the swordsman on the cliff.

This is an even more tragic battle. The blood has stained the ground. These are not ordinary blood, but the blood of immortals!

The blood swayed, with their will and unwillingness, making the blood here extraordinarily strong.

The Taoist Junjun and Nuwa cooperated with each other. They had many magic weapons, and there were no shortage of powerful magic weapons. They tried to suppress the sword master, but the effect was not good.

The Sword Master is too strong, and the whole body is surrounded by the aura of the Great Dao. This is a qualitative leap, belonging to another level of power.

"Not good, his aura is still growing!" Daoist Jun Jun's face sank, and he said in a condensed voice.

Qin Chongshan said uneasy: "Does he really want to prove the Tao?"

Someone said anxiously: "Quickly, it can't go on like this, let's use the strongest magical powers together!"

"Ten Thousand Laws in Troubled Times!"

"Life is dead!"

"Kill the gods and destroy the souls!"


The light of supernatural powers shines, pulling the power of endless laws, just like the destruction of the world and the withering of sentient beings, this is the power of destroying the world.

"Feast of Killing!"

The sword master’s long hair flew, his original black hair also turned blood red, his eyes were also blood red, and the corners of his mouth were filled with evil smiles. When he raised his hand, the blood-red sword vigorously killed everyone's magical powers!

"Not enough, not enough, almost!"

The Sword Master was a little crazy, his breath became violent, his mouth murmured, and his eyes lost his senses.

This feeling is as if it is about to arrive at **, it is obviously only a little short, but it is not touched, and it makes people crazy.

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

"It's almost, it's almost!!!"

He suddenly left the battlefield, his body was like a red glow, and he rushed into the crowd to kill him!

"Puff puff!"

In an instant, whether it was a disciple of Zhang Jianya or not, a large part of it died directly, blood and blood flying all over the sky, bloody.

The sword master's body was stained with blood, and he roared wildly: "No, why still can't?!"

"Because your Tao is simply wrong!"

A voice suddenly came, Jiang Liu's eyes drooped, and he looked straight at the sword master.

"The sword of killing is not just killing, but it needs to know why to kill!"

The river stream slowly spoke, and the breath of the whole body caused the sword master to tremble slightly between the killings, as if he was about to let go!

He has obtained the Sword of Slaughter. He has been enlightened for a long time. He naturally has the induction and has learned a lot.

Jiang Liu continued: "Senior Supreme is killing the ancient race with a sword, and the chaos and endless creatures guarding his face. His sword refers to the ancient race, and what he wants to kill is an existence stronger than himself!"

"And you just blindly kill, and you kill all beings who are weaker than you, how can you prove?!"

"This this……"

The Sword Master's pupils widened, his body trembled, and he involuntarily stepped back two steps, his brain buzzing, and he was in a state of absence.

"Good chance, kill him soon!"

Daoist Junjun and others' eyes lit up, and they each displayed their magical powers and bombarded the body of the sword master.

This time, the sword master did not resist, and was enveloped by the light of destruction, and his body was directly beaten into powder.

However, before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the surrounding blood surged, and the Sword Master’s life origin was shining brightly, and the body was gathered again.

"Ignorant boy, you don't understand me, why do you blame me? I just want to show the killing to the end!"

Sword Master's body was full of arrogance, a phantom vision slowly emerged behind him, and a feeling of extreme danger lingered in everyone's hearts.

"One life!"

The illusory voice came from the sword master’s mouth, majestic and majestic, and a sense of vicissitudes of time suddenly emerged, as if someone came across the river.

At this moment, the sword master's breath suddenly changed, becoming extremely sharp, and moving forward!

"The sword smashes the eternal!"

The sword master lifted the sword and slashed at a mighty power in the realm of heaven!

The face of the great power of heaven changed wildly. He felt the crisis of death, and he wanted to retreat and couldn't retreat. Then, his body was already split!

This sword seemed to split his eternal years and annihilated it into dust!

The great elder who palmed the sword cliff suddenly spoke, and roared with a trembling voice: "It is the magical power of the first generation of sword masters! He called the first generation of sword masters!"

Many people's expressions changed drastically, and they had heard about the situation of Zhangjianya, and they were shocked: "Is this the magical power of the first generation of sword masters? It's too strong, it can kill the years!"

But when he listened, the sword master spoke again, "Second life!"

His breath changed again, becoming dark and illusory, like a poisonous snake, exuding a deadly breath.

"Sword bites Yin and Yang!"

is another magical power.

The   Sword Master raised his sword, pointed at another Heavenly Dao Power, and a gray sword aura instantly descended, penetrating the life origin of that Heavenly Dao Power!

The great elder exclaimed excitedly, "This is the magical power of the second generation of sword masters!"

The nine generations of sword masters in Zhang Jianya, each of them is a stunning and brilliant figure, and will leave a thick and colorful stroke in the chaos. The magical powers they understand and the power contained in them are not what ordinary people can resist.

However, everyone at this time obviously has no time to shake the sky. Their faces are full of fearful expressions, and they are cold!

The Ninth World Sword Master, every life has a magical power, who can stop it?

The great power of heaven present is afraid that it will die!

Long Er held the wicker in his hand, and said worriedly: "Sister Liu, what shall we do?"

This willow branch is just a branch of the willow tree planted by the water in the backyard pool. It belongs to the first batch of plants in the backyard, and even Gou Long dare not pretend to be in front of it.

Long'er also obeyed the old dragon's instructions to take good care of the plants in the backyard, and at the same time have a good relationship with the willow tree, so that he can get a wicker as a gift.

In the words of Lao Long, this is definitely a life-saving artifact.

"This branch contains part of my divine power, I can save it to you, but it can only last for half an hour."

A divine thought came from the wicker, and then, it emitted a green gleam, turned into brilliance, and sank into the middle of the river's eyebrows.

The next moment, Jiang Liu’s entire body was covered with a layer of green fluorescence, and the aura of the whole person rose rapidly at this moment, and terrifying power grew at an indescribable speed!

"Three generations!"

The Sword Master shouted out the third life, and slashed towards Nuwa with a sword, "One sword dies!"

Nuwa did not dare to neglect, the lotus lanterns surrounded her body, and the sacred flame soared into the sky, forming a guardian shield, condensing the strongest defense.

The aura of destruction came, and the powerful force directly tore the defense of the Baolian Lantern open, and then descended towards Nuwa!

This is the power that can extinguish all spirits, it cannot be resisted!

But at this moment, Jiang Liu stepped forward and appeared in front of this dying sword spirit, holding the sword in both hands, still acting like chopping wood, slashing out!

A simple and unpretentious sword, but it slashed the nirvana sword aura!

Jiang Liu stood up and said to the sword master: "With the help of other people's kendo magical powers, after all, it is not perfect enough."

"Consummation? Boy, you don't understand anything!

The sword master smiled, but looked extremely desolate, his eyes were crazy and bitter, "The ninth sword master, every life has its own kendo! But no one can be consummated, just because... we carry the cause and effect of the reincarnation of the Supreme! "

"Hahaha, I am going against my fate, and you are also going against my fate. It depends on who can finally control your own destiny!"

The Sword Master roared wildly and came to kill towards the river!

Jiang Liu felt the power beyond imagination in his body, his eyes sank, he took a deep breath, and also rushed out!

Nuwa and others also moved forward together, once again joined forces to surround the sword master.

Jiang Liu and the sword master are both sword repairers, their attacks are as sharp as the ultimate killing, the sword intent is raging like a tide, the secret realm of vitality bursts directly, and the mountains in a radius of thousands of miles are smoothed one by one, more On the other hand, his sword intent rushed out of the clouds, reached the chaos, and annihilated the stars!

Jiangliu as the main attack, with one hand cutting firewood and swordsmanship, it looks unremarkable, but it contains the trajectory of the great road, which is enough to cut everything!

In addition, he got Li Nianfan to instruct the swordsmanship, the Taoist heart is strong, the sharpness is revealed, and he has the potential to make Wanjian surrender!

Cooperating with Nuwa and others, there is already a tendency to suppress the sword master!

"This wave of Friends Jiang Dao is really full of limelight. It really makes me envious."

Xiao Chengfeng can only serve as a melon-eating crowd, shouting 666 behind him.

Eyes enthusiastically said: "Why don't you attach divine power to my body? With my swordsmanship, I can surely press that sword master on the ground. It feels good to think about it!"

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