Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 632: 632: What an expert gave is definitely extraordinary!

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In the courtyard.

"God's Domain Fighting Conference?"

Li Nianfan looked at Taoist Jun Jun in surprise, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

"Yes, Lord Shengjun."

Daoist Junjun smiled and said, "The last time Nuwa Empress said that Lord Shengjun regretted not seeing the spells of the major sects, we paid attention to it. Who knows, it just happened that the major forces in God's Domain are preparing for the Fighting Conference. Isn't it a coincidence?"

Li Nianfan laughed immediately, "Hahaha, it's a coincidence, it's a coincidence indeed."

Taoist Junjun saw Li Nianfan laugh, and laughed along with him, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

It seems that the expert is very satisfied. Fortunately, I understand what the expert means, haha, I am really a little clever ghost.

But then, Li Nianfan was a little worried and said: "This competition...should not be something ordinary people can go to?"

Taoist Junjun said hurriedly: "Don't worry, Lord Sage, our Heavenly Palace has also joined this contest, and we are preparing with the various sects. As long as you nod your head, you will definitely be able to go."

"Oh, it turns out that Tiangong is also the organizer of this time, yes."

Li Nianfan laughed, "If that's the case, then I'm definitely going to join in the fun."

The primordial land has expanded into the realm of gods, attracting many existences in the chaos, and the major sects have come to develop here. It can be described as a hundred flowers blooming, and there are thousands of Taoisms. It is a rare event that Li Nianfan can miss.

Li Nianfan asked curiously: "Where is the location of the competition?"

Taoist Junjun said, "It's within the Central Territory, in the Sky Cloud Canyon."

Li Nianfan found the location of Tianyun Canyon on the map and nodded, "It seems that it's not too far away."

Junjun Taoist said: "Yes, the venue is being prepared, and the major forces are laying out secret realms, so that the contestants can boldly display."

Since it is a fighting method, the destructive power is naturally terrible. If the secret is not set up, it will cause great damage to the surrounding environment. Of course, the most important thing is that it is not conducive to providing an excellent viewing environment for the master.

Li Nianfan thought, and muttered, "Are you setting up a secret realm?"

To be honest, he wants to see how the secret world is arranged...

Bored people like to join in the fun so much.

He opened his mouth and tentatively said: "Can I go and see?"

Daoist Junjun was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Yes, of course! It's just a small matter, I will arrange it for you now."

After speaking, he got up and couldn't wait to inform everyone.

Li Nianfan opened his eyes and smiled, "Then it will work."

After another moment, a golden auspicious cloud rose, and Li Nianfan carried Daji and Huofeng towards the Tianyun Canyon.

Tianjun Canyon is actually a huge cliff bottom with high mountains on all sides, just like a huge gap opened by the earth during an earthquake.

The canyon is the ground at the bottom of the crevice.

Unlike ordinary canyons, this canyon is extremely large and deep, with gurgling water, which is like a small world with beautiful scenery.

Moreover, the high mountains on all sides are soaring into the clouds, with white clouds floating. For some special reasons, white clouds are also floating above the canyon. It seems that white clouds have become the sky of the canyon. It looks like a cavernous sky. It is an excellent natural tourist attraction.

During this time, ushered in the bright moment of the canyon, which became the focus of all major forces. All the top figures gathered for the purpose of arranging the venue of the competition.

The Jade Emperor was standing in the field, and the masters of the various forces were making plans with heart.

But at this moment, they all moved their minds and looked at the sky above the canyon.

There, Taoist Jun Jun is coming quickly, his face is eager.

"Quick, quick, the expert is coming to inspect the work, everyone is ready! Also, please remember what I explained to you earlier!"

Everyone is the master of the same sect, with a high cultivation base, and a heart like water, but at the same time, they are suddenly shocked.

"What? The expert is coming?!"

"I'm going, why didn't I say it earlier? I'm not mentally prepared at all."

"Are you going to see an expert so soon? So nervous!"

"How should I behave? Let's all work together."

If everyone outside sees this situation, I'm afraid that their jaws will fall to the ground.

This is where the bigwigs of all parties are, it is clearly a group of elementary school students waiting for the teacher to inspect the work.

The Sect Master of Hundred Flower Sect stroked the hair on his forehead, and quickly looked at his proud figure, his red lips lightly opened, "I knew I would wear more beautiful clothes."

Another suzerain couldn't help but smiled: "What's the matter with clothes? Do you think this is a beauty pageant?"

Sect Master Hundred Blossoms Hu Mei's eyes widened, "You know what a fart! The expert has two wives, which shows that he is not a way of abstinence, and knows how to appreciate the beauty of the world."

"Compared to you horrible old men, I am a woman or a superb beauty. This is an innate advantage. If I can be admired by an expert, even if I am just a dual monk for a night, I can do everything in a single ride. Juechen!"

"You are beautiful, but you want to be more beautiful, save it, and be careful of an expert betraying you for a crime of blasphemy!"

"Okay, shut up! Everyone works fast, behaves better, and is always ready to welcome the master!"

Immediately, everyone put on their faces one after another, looking very serious, but they were obviously a little absent-minded, waiting for something.

Gradually, a ray of golden light appeared in the sky above the canyon, and then slowly enlarged.

Here comes the master!

Everyone's heart raised their throats in an instant, and they screamed inwardly.

He pretended to be discussing the problem, frowning and thinking.

"I think it should be."

"No, that's it."

"How about putting this here?"

"Master Shengjun is here!"

The words of the Jade Emperor interrupted everyone's "hard work". Immediately, everyone raised their heads and looked at Li Nianfan, who was stepping on auspicious clouds, and greeted them respectfully.

"I have seen Master Shengjun, and two fairies."

"Hello everyone."

Li Nianfan replied politely. Daji and Huofeng followed him, and his strength was not bad, so he also had the confidence.

The Jade Emperor began to introduce everyone to Li Nianfan.

Li Nianfan, a member of Baiyunguan and Suffering Sect, met. Situ Haoyue of Imperial Beast Sect was Situ Qin’s father, and he was a half acquaintance. In addition, there were Huang Deheng, the emperor of Luo Tian dynasty, and Hua Nongying, the lord of Baihua Sect, and Meteorite Valley. Elder Meteor Taoist...

These are the pinnacle powers in the world they are in. After coming to God's Domain, they are also top powers. There is at least one Heavenly Dao power in the sect.

Everyone exchanged greetings for a while, which made Li Nianfan feel comfortable.

Friendly, really a group of friendly people, completely different from what is written in the novel, there is no one who looks down on himself.

At least everyone was smiling on the surface, without ridicule and blank eyes.

It's a big sect, and the quality is very high.

Li Nianfan didn't want to disturb their work, and said, "I'm just here to join in the fun. You don't have to worry about me."

He glanced at the layout of the canyon and found that it was really a treasured geomantic place, and it was simply a natural venue for competitions.

The site selection is very careful.

This group of people is laying out on the original basis, using advanced spells to set up barriers, and at the same time, to build stands.

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The Jade Emperor sent the layout to Li Nianfan, "Master Shengjun, we are all vulgar people. You came just right. This is our preliminary plan. Can you please see if you have any suggestions?"

The other people also gathered around, listening intently.

"You're polite, I can't talk about advice."

Li Nianfan smiled, then picked up the plan and looked at it.

"Yohoo, you guys are actually planning to build the stadium building here, you have a lot of money."

Li Nianfan couldn't help but speak, and then changed his mind to think that these people are all bigwigs, and it is estimated that the house has been built after raising their hands, which is really nothing.

"If it is a building, I think it is possible to adopt the architectural style of the arena, so that the players can perform better and the audience can be more."

Naturally, Li Nianfan couldn't be overwhelmed by the design layout. He soon designed a very magnificent arena, including the stands, tables and chairs inside.

"Smart, really smart!"

"This design, absolutely!"

"Such a magnificent stadium, being able to compete in it is an honor!"

"Master Shengjun is really talented!"

A burst of flattery came from everyone's mouth, in addition to pleasing Li Nianfan, it was indeed admiration.

Li Nianfan was not surprised, and smiled and said, "It's good if everyone can see it."

The architectural style of Cultivating Immortal World is far from his previous life, and the level of magnificence can be impressive.

The Jade Emperor continued: "Master Shengjun, you will look at the game schedule again."

Li Nianfan shook his head, "I don't need this. I don't know my strength. Just look at the arrangement."

Next, everyone took the lead in arranging the barriers for fighting.

The realm of fighting this time is defined by Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and they are all powers of the realm of Heavenly Dao, and the enchantment jointly laid can absolutely guarantee nothing wrong.

Later, Li Nianfan also saw them building houses with all their strength, raising their hands, the mud surging, and the trees flying over, unspeakably chic.

Hua Nongying, the lord of the Hundred Flowers Sect, has a graceful figure, wonderfully vines when casting spells, and a sacred and noble mana. Surrounded by colorful glow, visions are bright, and I don't know from time to time illusions. Li Nianfan always feels that he is showing off his figure.

The key is that she would blink at Li Nianfan from time to time, the fox-mei-like eyes are full of lightning, and there are all kinds of emotions.

Li Nianfan couldn't bear it, and blurted out: "Sect Master Hua, if your eyes are uncomfortable, I suggest you drop a little eye drops here."


The other sect masters didn't hold back, they laughed directly.

Eye drops?

Hua Nongying was also stupid, and said blankly: "What is eye drops?"

"Uh...this is it, if you want, take it?"

Li Nianfan also froze for a moment. He didn't go through his brain just now. Following the words of his previous life, he felt embarrassed and took out eye drops.

"Sect Master Hua, don't take it to heart. I just said in passing that eye drops are just for relieving eye fatigue and increasing eyesight. It's useless."

Hua Nongying's heart was beating wildly, expecting: "Should I really give it to me?"

"of course."

Li Nianfan was just curious about Hua Nongying, and handed the eye drops over.

The other sect masters were still laughing, but at this time their smiles directly froze on their faces.

Damn it!

This is also ok? !

After blinking a few eyes, the expert gave something to the flower to make a shadow?

Li Nianfan said: "Everyone, I will leave first. I have some ideas about the layout of the stadium. Come and try it tomorrow."

Everyone respectfully said: "Master Shengjun walk slowly."

When Li Nianfan left, the other people couldn't sit still, and gathered around Hua Nongying, looking at the eye drops in her eyes.

Someone couldn't wait to ask: "What is this?"

Taoist Junjun said: "What an expert gives is definitely extraordinary!"

"Friends of Hua Dao, try it out quickly."

Hua Nong Ying was also excited holding the eye drops and slowly opening it, but she didn't feel the aura overflowing.

"Eye drops, do you want to drip them into your eyes?"

Hua Nongying pondered for a moment, but revealed a firm color, raising her hand to drip the medicine into her eyes.

In an instant, a refreshing sensation flowed into the entire eyes, numbly, filled with all the meridians in her eyes, making her eyes lively.

After getting used to it for a while, she slowly opened her eyes.

At this moment, her eyes clearly burst into golden light!

Everyone was waiting for the result, staring at her eyes. At this moment, their bodies stiffened at the same time, and they lost consciousness.

It seems that there is only this eye left in the whole world, smart and beautiful. A look can let others know what it means and let people do things for it.

The next moment, everyone shuddered in unison, waking up from their absence, and their faces were full of horror.

They are not fledgling boys, their Dao heart is firm, but... they just lost their minds!

Moreover, the time of absence is not short.

This is almost impossible in their realm. Properly enough is deadly. One hundred deaths are enough!

All Hundred Flower Sects are women, and there is a kind of Taoism called the Eye of Brightness, which can affect the Dao Heart of the opponent and make it appear absent, but it is not so powerful.

Obviously, the reason for this is all because of the eye drops!


"A god, this eye drops is a god!"

"Hua Nongying stepped on shit! This is directly rewarded by an expert?!"

"Is this an expert? A careless loss is a great good fortune that can make people faint!"

"Quick and cold, is a woman's innate advantage so great! Is there any heavenly reason? Is there a king's law?"

"This eye drops is simply the gospel of the magical powers of eyesight, and it has a heaven-defying effect on cultivation!"

The Jade Emperor was also shocked. The treasures of the masters are really endless, and there are so many varieties and countless!

If Yang Jian and Clairvoyance knew about this eye drops, I'm afraid they would be crazy!

"Envy and cry, can Sect Master Hua give me a drop, I can exchange it for you with Innate Treasure!"

Hua Nongying quickly collected the eye drops, and said: "A drop is impossible! You don't understand how I feel now, I even saw the traces of the Dao between Heaven and Earth."

"Hmph, these eye drops are not enough for our Hundred Flowers Sect. Where can I change it with you? This is a gift from an expert, so don't make any wrong ideas."

Some sect masters were envious and jealous, and immediately turned and eagerly headed towards their sect.

As soon as they arrived at the sect, some disciples came to please.

"Master, you are back, sit down, I will make tea for you now."

"Sect Master, I will beat your leg."

"Don't, you are my master, teach me how to flatter, how to lick, hurry!"

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