Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 670: 670: Furukawa: Where's my knife?

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A vast breath waved in the chaos centered on the river current.

The Chaos Star Array is an array provided by Xingya, which is similar to the Zhou Tian Xingdou Array, but it is more purely broken.

This formation is like connecting the lights of thousands of stars in series, converging at one point, and bursting out the ultimate brilliance!

When Jiang Liu was fighting against the old cliff master who was about to resurrect Zhang Jianya, he received the willow twigs in the backyard of the quadrangle courtyard, so he was more able to withstand power. This is the core of the so-called formation.

Of course, there is the most important point, he is a woodcutter hand-picked by an expert, and he has been taught by an expert in kendo!

Ten thousand stars are connected, what a terrible power this is.

Daoist Junjun, Nuwa, Yang Jian, Xiao Chengfeng, Suffering Sect, Hundred Flower Sect, Baiyun Temple, and many other heavenly powers, plus the power of many Chaos Daluo Jinxian and saints converge, it is like the gathering of hundreds of rivers into the sea, magnificent Surging, directly achieve qualitative change.

"The sky does not give birth to me, the river, the sword is like a long night! The sword comes"

Jiangliu's whole person is bathed in glow, powerful mana overflows, and brings an astonishing aura. At this moment, it has caused a burst of avenue aura to surround it, and it can be a supreme combat power!

With a violent shout, the long sword behind his back suddenly unsheathed, the sword vigorously 30,000 li, turned into a terrible Changhong, and rushed towards Furukawa.

Xiao Chengfeng in the formation almost vomited blood.

Nima's, not to mention borrowing my power, but also borrowing my pretending force, it's too much!

Furukawa also frowned, attracted by the force of this sentence.

Unexpectedly, the little Seventh Realm would have two forced kings in succession, and the words of Sao made him look at him.

However, it's just that the ants work together, so dare you pretend to be forced?


His eyes were fixed on the river, watching the endless sword aura rushing towards him, indeed there was a purple-gold Changhong flashing away in his eyes, and the terrifying power burst out!

"Seven kills and robberies, eye-catching!"

The unspeakable overbearing force moved with Furukawa's gaze, and instantly swept Jiang Liu's sword energy away, and formed a suppressive force to directly shred Jiang Liu's body!


Jiang Liu screamed, blood soaring, but now he has the blessing of the avenue, becoming the body of the avenue, and the endless halo circulating, recovering his injury.

However, the Chaos Linked Star Array is connected to each other, and every damage is lost. The terrible injuries are directly shared among all the people in the formation. Even Taoist Junjun has a pale face and spouts a mouthful of blood. Many heavenly soldiers and geniuses are not even accurate. The holy realm, accompanied by bursts of screams, directly bounced into blood mist!

Above the chaos, blood and blood floated with pieces of flesh, and the smell of blood drifted away, dazzling and tragic.

The **** scene is right in front of you. The world eats the weak and the strong eats the strong, and the strong can suffocate the creatures with a single thought. What is the truth? Only strong!

Jiang Liu's eyes were suddenly red. He carried the power of this group of people, but failed to protect them. He felt extremely guilty.

It would be great if I was stronger!

It would be great if I could comprehend the magical powers of fighting against Furukawa!

He felt something in his heart and was immersed in the wonderful realm.

"A full house of flowers drunk three thousand guests, a sword of frost and cold fourteen states."

Jiang Liu's whole body, the mighty sword aura formed a terrifying aura. At this time, he already had the power of the supreme avenue, and his understanding of this poem was deeper. The long sword was hanging high enough to illuminate the entire chaos!

In his mind, the picture of Li Nianfan when he was writing this copybook could not help but surfaced.

Stroke by stroke, all that was revealed was sword intent!

There is chic, domineering, killing, arrogant...

He always knew clearly that the copybook written by an expert was definitely extraordinary, but at this moment, he realized that he had still far underestimated its value, and he hadn't even managed to get started.

The copybook is full of the atmosphere of the Dao, with the magical powers of the Dao!

Under the cover of blood and mist, his anger and killing intent rose, and the long sword whispered and trembled. The power of the great avenue gathered on the sword body, causing chaos and distortion.

"Extinction is too empty!"

The river stream screamed and screamed, and as far as the sword light came, everything was wiped out, and even the law was erased, and the space no longer existed. What I saw was only the domineering sword light!

The power of destruction was even distorted, trying to crush Furukawa.

"Ah! Seven kills and robberies, fist kill!"

Furukawa roared, his face solemn, but without the slightest fear, crazy fire surged in his eyes instead, raising his fist to face the sword light!

The sword beam that covered the sky and sunk down like a curtain of hanging sky, colliding with Furukawa’s iron fist, and actually resisted the river’s kendo supernatural powers.

At the same time, Daji and Huofeng had already attacked from both sides. They froze and froze, the terrifying atmosphere of the Great Dao roared, raising their hands as a killer move, and pressed down towards Furukawa!

"Three supreme combat power, is this the peak power of your seventh realm? Hahaha, come on, kill!"

Furukawa was besieged and killed by the three people, and seemed to become even more excited. There was bleeding in his purple-gold pupils, and a frenzied breath overflowed, "Isn't there a spiritual master? Where is she, let her come together!" Let me swallow you all up!"

He screamed while beating, and he wanted to kill all the supreme in the seventh realm with the power of one person!

I have to say that he is very arrogant, however, his strength is really too terrifying, in this case, he did not fall into a disadvantage.

He has a breath of madness brewing, as if he is in a life-and-death struggle, which will make him ferocious and powerful.

"You don’t know how to kill. When I was still in the realm of heaven, I swallowed thousands of creatures in the first realm, biting their flesh and blood, and stepped into the realm of the great road! For countless years, I have been fighting again. The Seven Realms were on the verge of death countless times, but in the end, all the opponents were eaten by me! Wait a minute, I will definitely let you experience the feeling of being bitten and swallowed by me bit by bit!"

Speaking of excitement, Furukawa laughed wildly.

His heart of killing was awakened, and there was a perverted mood in it, which made him crazy, and his combat power rose instead of falling.

"Swallow the sky!"

His body suddenly resembled a black hole, and a horrible breath descended on him.

Everyone's hearts beat at the same time, and they had a foreboding that this would be an extremely terrifying magical power.

The three Daji wanted to retreat, but Furukawa's body was surrounded by three chains of gray energy, which were wrapped around them at an incredible speed, suppressing their power, and dragging them toward Furukawa.

Furukawa's hair was flying, his body was violent with blue veins, his face was grinning, his teeth were bared, and he seemed to be expecting meat.

Daoist Junjun and the others had a heavy face and recognized this trick.

This is simply the signature tactic of the ancient tribe. Those people in the ancient tribe like to take out something called the God Devourer at the last moment to connect the people to the power of devouring the people. Unexpectedly, Furukawa's big tricks are similar.

But I have to say that this supernatural power is quite domineering, and even heaven and earth are prey.

"Frozen forever!"

Daji's face was cold, she raised her left hand, and the ring on her ring finger radiated a blue light towards Furukawa. The extreme ice cold had no path, and it fell directly on Furukawa. It was just an instant that a knot was formed on his body. Layers of hoarfrost, with layers of ice beginning to condense!

"Extinction is too empty!"

Jiang Liu also mobilized all the power of his body, once again displayed his strongest supernatural powers, and the mighty sword energy slashed straight towards Furukawa's head!

Furukawa was extremely arrogant. He raised his palms and lined up towards the Great Tribulation and the River Stream respectively. A majestic voice came out, "Seven Killing Tricks, Palm Killing!"

However, at this moment, a bright golden light suddenly flashed, piercing the boundary of time and space, and came with a terrible aura of destruction. There was no way to dodge it. He suddenly came to Furukawa’s face. Pierced through the eyebrows!

Then two golden lights flashed, piercing through Gu He's abdomen and chest!

This was a magnificent killing, and even Furukawa couldn't respond, and he was already hit hard!

It was Huofeng who made the move, using the hardware jewelry Li Nianfan gave him when he got married.

The treasure of the avenue is actually the treasure of the avenue again!

Furukawa's eyes widened, his origin still immortal, his body trembling.

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He was careless.

Fighting against the magical powers of Daji and Jiangliu, he ignored Huofeng, and he didn't expect that Huofeng still hides such a terrible killing treasure.

The treasure that can annihilate the origin of the avenue!

His body began to split from three wounds, and blood was flowing down.

Jiang Liu and Daji naturally wouldn't give him any chance. The brilliant sword light strangled Furukawa away, and the extremely cold ice froze every inch of Furukawa's body.

"Ah, you can't kill me at all, I am immortal!"

In the terrible attack, Furukawa's body became broken, but he was still alive.

He roared, the strength on his body was still mighty, and a ray of essential aura radiated light, healing his wounds.

Everyone looked at Furukawa, their hearts sinking, with a look of horror on their faces.

This is actually unkillable, is it true that Furukawa is immortal?

"I will make you pay!"

Furukawa roared frantically, dragging his remaining body away from the battlefield, regardless of his own injuries, raised his hand and shouted, "Where is the Demon Sword? The sword!"

He is still arrogant, his breath is not embarrassed, and his murderous aura is like a rainbow.

All because, he still has the strongest trump card to destroy the world magic knife!

This knife is more powerful than the killing of the Great Dao Treasure. It is his killing knife, and it allows him to display the magical power of the sword, which can kill all enemies!

This is a real magic knife, enough for him to crush the enemy in front of him!

However, he frowned.

After shouting for a long time, he didn't get the slightest response.

This is simply unbelievable, the Demon Slayer is one with him, in countless years, this has never happened.

The three of Daji didn't have time to watch his performance, they all killed him with grim faces.

Furukawa ran away while shouting, "The Devil's Blade, the sword is coming!"

Unfortunately, the knife still didn't come.

He was anxious, looking at Da Ji and others who were chasing him and asked loudly, "Where is my knife?"

"Where did my knife go?!"

What responded to him was the ruthless magical powers of the Daji trio.

Furukawa's face was gloomy, and he dodged in the air with difficulty.

He closed his eyes and began to sense the breath of the Demon Slayer. The next moment, his eyes opened suddenly, and his eyes lit up slightly.

"Found it, it's there!" He flew in the direction of Demon Sword without hesitation.

No matter what the Demon Blade is suppressed by something, as long as you converge with it, there will be nothing to stop you in this seventh realm!

He is fast, and the distance between the stars is just a thought, raising his leg across the void.

The direction went straight to God's Domain.

"No, he flew in the direction of an expert!"

"Be sure to block him!"

"He will disturb the expert!"

Everyone was trembling in their hearts and anxious to the extreme.

Daji and Huofeng's body trembled lightly, their cheeks flushed, and the whole body's mana was unreserved. They even burned their blood to try to block Furukawa.

The terrifying supernatural powers one after another moved towards the suppression of Furukawa, causing the entire chaos to tremble.

Rao is so, but still can't stop the Furukawa who is eager to escape, after all, the strength of Furukawa surpasses them too much.

In just one hour, Furukawa crossed the endless distance of chaos and arrived at the outer sky of God's Domain.

He did not stop, strode in one direction.

At the same time, he laughed wildly: "Hahaha, you can't stop me, when I take the Demon Sword, I will let you know what despair is!"

"Damn it, **** it!"

"Quick, quicker!"

Daji and Huofeng hurriedly attacked their hearts, spouting a mouthful of blood from their mouths at the same time, only hating themselves for being weak.

Other people also have split eyes, and their hearts and livers are about to jump out.

Naturally, they are not afraid that Furukawa will get the Demon Sword, and they will die. What they are really afraid of is that Furukawa will affect the entry of the Supreme. Once the realm of the Supreme is broken, they can hardly imagine the consequences. It is really hard to redeem!

I knew it earlier, I would rather give the World Extinguishing Demon Sword to Furukawa than to put the Extinguishing Demon Sword to an expert!

Extreme regret in their hearts.

Master, we are incompetent, sorry for you!

At this time, the realm of God was shrouded in the night, and in the sky, the brilliant brilliance swept across like a shooting star, falling straight in one direction.

In the courtyard.

Qin Manyun and her four daughters stood in the courtyard, their complexions were extremely solemn, and their eyes revealed a firm determination to die.

"Although we are not strong enough, as long as we can hold Furukawa for a little time and let Fairy Daji and Fairy Huofeng catch up, that is the greatest glory of life!"

"Let's go, you must not let Furukawa come closer for half a step!"

The eyes of the four girls were slightly condensed, and at the same time they turned into a escape light, rushing towards Furukawa!

At the same time, the World Extinguishing Demon Sword that was originally abandoned in the corner moved slightly. It slowly floated in the air, spinning around in the void, and then went straight into the sky!

"Come on, come on!"

Furukawa felt that the distance of Demon Sword was getting closer and closer, and he was excited, and shouted as he ran.

When he noticed the four of Qin Manyun who came straight to him, he couldn't help but sneered, "Four little ants in a mere delusion are also trying to stop me? Praying man arm as a car!"

He was just about to raise his hand to obliterate at will, but saw a streamer rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed, and instantly surpassed Qin Manyun's four daughters and came to him.

"Hahaha, my big sword is finally here!"

Furukawa was overjoyed, looking at the Demon Sword flying towards him as if he was looking at a child flying towards him.

He is ready to open his arms to welcome his child.



With a soft sound, the Demon Sword of Extinguisher kept going all the way, traversing the sky, and pierced Furukawa's chest straight...


Furukawa let out a whine, lowered his head in disbelief and looked at the Demon Sword inserted in his body.

But I saw that there was a piece of yellow paper pasted on the blade of the sword, and an old monk sitting cross-legged was printed on it.

The old monk's eyes were drooping, his face filled with compassion, and he faintly spoke, "Amitabha, the benefactor, Lao Na is here."

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