Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 673: 673: The little fox transforms into a shocking change

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Li Nianfan held the little fox in his arms and dragged it for a while before he let go of it reluctantly and let it go.

In fact, he was also curious in his heart. He didn't know what the little fox would look like after being transformed, especially when he realized that he had never seen a monster transformed, and he was about to open his eyes.

The little fox said nervously, "Sister, then I have lost my shape?"

Its eyes were full of pity, and it was very scared when it happened, and a little flinched.

Daji is very strict, and there is no room for negotiation: "Go! You have proposed the transformation yourself, and you are not allowed to back down!"

Li Nianfan comforted: "Little fox, be good, there will definitely be nothing wrong."

Everyone came to a mountain wall in the Luoxian Mountain Range. Under everyone's gaze, the little fox turned his head three times and slowly searched for an open space.

It said pitifully, "Sister, if I can't hold it anymore, you must save me."

Daji nodded, "Yeah."

The little fox then raised his head and looked at the sky. Then, the breath of the whole body slowly flowed out like a tide, and a layer of white light was shrouded in the originally white fluff, which looked quite holy.

The nine tails were raised high, swaying in the void, igniting a strong demon wind, blowing the surrounding trees to hunt and hunting, and the leaves fluttered.


Above the firmament, a heavy black cloud enveloped it, making the entire Luoxian Mountain Range gloomy, and the day was like night.


Within the clouds, thunder and lightning flashed like a silver snake dancing wildly in the dark clouds. Looking up, the thick dark clouds seemed to be covered with a giant lightning net, which was shocking.

Although the thunder and lightning has not yet fallen, the billowing power has already been surging down like a tide, suppressed in the world, as in essence, turned into Mount Tai and pressed on top of the head!

Li Nianfan was even frightened by the momentum, and couldn't help but worry: "Little Daji, is Little Fox really okay?"

Daji's eyes are also full of dignity, and her mouth is said: "Its talent is the strongest among the nine celestial foxes, and there is no big problem with crossing the catastrophe."

She looked at the little fox in Tianwei Center and said that it was a fake not to be nervous.

However, the little fox had countless opportunities with the young man. If this is not enough to survive the catastrophe, I am afraid that no one in the world will be able to survive.

Daji said again: "My son, it is also good for the demon race to transform into a tribulation. Thunder and lightning can help reshape the body. This is an opportunity that will affect future achievements."

Li Nianfan nodded, but stared at the air unblinkingly, and the lightning was obviously about to fall.

The little fox was standing under the robbery cloud, and the wind was blowing its hair continuously and dancing wildly, as if under innumerable pressure, his body bowed slightly, looking at the sky uneasy.

Its eye sockets were already moist, and it was so scared that it almost cried.

It weakly opened its mouth and said, "Well, let's make a discussion, or I won't get through this catastrophe, will you go back?"


It was a muffled thunder in response.

Immediately afterwards, a bright lightning pierced through the sky, directly pierced out of the thick dark clouds, and fell on the little fox's head with lightning speed, and slashed straight down!

Wherever this thunder passed, the space was distorted, making people unrealistic, a terrible thunder and lightning force overflowed, making the surrounding laws too far away.

The entire void seemed to be split into two by this thunder, and it was split apart.

Situ Qin's face changed slightly, and she was shocked: "Above the law, this is... the Chaos God Thunder?!"

Qin Manyun's eyes were filled with worry, "Although the little fox's cultivation base is very high, the appearance of the Chaos God Thunder on this day is too exaggerated."

The Chaos God Thunder is the strongest thunder and lightning in the world, and even the power of heaven can smash to death!

Even the breath of Chaos God Thunder is enough for the little fox to drink a pot.

Daji's face was extremely solemn, and the magic power of her whole body was mobilized, and she was ready to desperately save the little fox if it was in danger.

Li Nianfan also frowned, worried.

As a sage of merit, he was familiar with Chaos Divine Thunder. This was something he often used to deceive people, and at the same time he knew how terrifying the Chaos Divine Thunder was.

He couldn't help but start thinking about it, "If the little fox can't stop it, maybe I have to persuade and persuade this day. After all, I am the sage of merit. The Chaos God Thunder originally protected me, so I shouldn't kill me on the spot. ."

As for the little fox, he was so scared that he was so scared that his hair became a hedgehog, stupefied on the spot, letting lightning strike him.

"This little fool!"

Daji yelled anxiously with a calm face, and she shot out.

But obviously it is too late.

The thunder smashed the little fox without any hindrance, and enveloped its small body. The dazzling light made people blind to the little fox, and the electric light enveloped the fields.

However... as Guanghua dissipated, everyone was stunned.

The little fox blinked, looked around blankly, then looked at his body, his face was stupid and cute.

"I... Am I still alive?"

"And not hurt at all?"

It tried to move its limbs, shook its body again, then shook its nine tails, and finally jumped.

"Hey, my whole body doesn't hurt at all..."

Everyone stared blankly, thinking that what they just saw was an illusion.

That kind of massive thunder and lightning, it seems that even the heavens and the earth are about to be split apart, the real destructive power... this is it?

Who did you pretend to show?

Daji's figure stopped in midair, and then silently retreated.

The little fox stood on two feet and waved excitedly: "Sister, I'm fine, I'm actually fine~"

Da Ji's black line.

You are fine, if it weren't for the son, you wouldn't even have a single hair left!

Li Nianfan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Yes, it's all right, I was shocked."

Qin Manyun and others took a peek at Li Nianfan, thinking in their hearts: You hope the little fox is okay, how can Chaos and Thunder make it happen!

Then, in the eyes of everyone, the brilliance of the little fox's body became more and more intense, and milky white light began to emerge at the joints, and its upright body was gradually elongated, obviously beginning to have a tendency to transform.

Thunder shaping!

And it is chaotic thunder and lightning shaping!

Qin Manyun and others felt speechless for a while, Chaos Thunder didn't hurt, but the benefits were a lot.

This is where the Chaos God Thunder is, it is clearly a chance to fill the body, but it makes people look terrifying, just for a cutscene...

Is this the benefit of knowing the big guys? The back door opened properly.

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com


Then, the second thunder and lightning crashed down, and the momentum was even more terrifying than the first. The dark sky was as bright as day, and the light of thunder and lightning almost swallowed the world.


The little fox seemed to have turned on the invincible hook, and there was still nothing wrong with it.

The brilliance of the body has become stronger instead, the original white hairs have begun to converge, and the limbs have begun to have the tendency of hands and feet.

Little fox's head melon seeds hadn't figured it out yet, and he was shocked: "It turns out that my body's defense is so invincible."

Then, its mouth grinned and raised its forelimbs, "Help me temper my hands again to look better."


The thunder and lightning slashed on its small hands with great precision. Then, a pair of soft and boneless slender hands were transformed. Just looking at these hands, it seemed to have some kind of magical power, which made people feel perfect.


Thunder is still there.

The momentum is majestic.

The creatures in the tens of millions of li all felt the power of heaven, and many monsters slumped directly on the ground, their bodies languishing and shivering.

"Which gangster is crossing the robbery? This must have been punished by heaven. It's too cruel."

"What a heaven-defying thing has to be committed to get such a terrifying thunder robbery."

"I have lived such a big life. It is the first time I have seen such a terrible tribulation. I am afraid that those who cross the tribulation are more ill-fortuned."

"It's not saved, it's not saved properly, God is really cruel."

They want to break their heads and won’t guess, this **** is bluffing...

With the nine thunders smashing down, the form of this tribulation was almost finished, the tribulation cloud slowly dissipated, and the sunlight pierced down again.

And in the place where the little fox crossed the robbery, it was replaced by a woman, a woman who was so beautiful that it was almost evil.

The exquisite willow leaf eyebrows are curved, natural and exist from a smiling angle. In the black eyes are the temptations and charms that are not easily detectable. The lips are as delicate as roses, and the face of the allure is full of temptation.

The skin is like white fat, crystal clear like jade, like winter snow, and its brilliance is bright and clean.

The figure is the devil to the extreme, like the best handicraft between heaven and earth, this body is truly a flawless body created by heaven and earth.

As for why Li Nianfan analyzed it so well, it was all because there was no thread on the little fox's body after the catastrophe. This really caught Li Nianfan off guard and saw it accidentally...

However, Li Nianfan really did not expect that the little fox would become like this after being transformed. He thought it would be a little loli similar to Long'er.

Moreover, the appearance of the little fox is too charming. Her body seems to have a charming air, which is exuding temptation every moment. Li Nianfan took a few deep breaths, and it was difficult to calm down. Under the throbbing of my heart.

"It's horrible, is this a vixen? It's incredible, actually a little more beautiful than Xiao Daji, and... it's really too tempting!"

Li Nianfan was really shocked, and the little fox directly refreshed his knowledge of vixen.

"Sister, I succeeded, I succeeded!"

The little fox didn't even realize his charm, so he ran over with excitement and showed off his figure, "How about it, am I beautiful like this?"

Daji's face was dark, and she threw a piece of clothing directly to her, "Hurry up and put on the clothes! Also, converge your mind and control your breath."

Da Ji solemnly reminded.

The little fox’s talent and supernatural powers are the strongest talents of the Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox family. With the transformation of the little fox, the terrifying power of this supernatural power is even more prominent. Even if the little fox does not deliberately, her words and deeds are charming. It's enough to make some people lose themselves.


The little fox seemed to understand, then he took the clothes and said curiously: "Sister, how do you wear this clothes?"

Aside, Li Nianfan almost had a nosebleed.

At this time, the little fox exudes a charm from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, but she does not know it, showing a very innocent look, these two completely different temperaments actually miraculous on her. The coexistence.

The most important thing is that she asked how to wear the clothes...

This is really a test, who can withstand such a test?

"Ahem, let's go back to the courtyard first."

He quickly turned around and left, feeling a little stunned. He couldn't help his sister-in-law in the future.

However, the little fox came up excitedly, expecting: "Brother-in-law, to celebrate my success in transformation, should I have a big meal?"

Daji was a little broken by the little fox, and said: "Sister, stay away from your brother-in-law, and also, hurry up and put on your clothes, what is it like!"

at the same time.

Above the palace, Jiang Liu and Xiao Chengfeng are facing each other.

Xiao Chengfeng was holding a long sword and said angrily: "Jiang Liu, you are not kind, how can you shoot my lines!"

For him, Sao dialect is a symbol of status, and coercion of Sao dialect is like the hatred of seizing a wife.

Jiang Liu embraced the long sword in his chest, and said coldly, "The one who has the power of Sao talk will live there! I will never give birth to Jiang Liuer, the sword will be like a long night! Listen to me, you can't grasp this sentence, I can! "

Xiao Chengfeng blushed and became very angry, "Fart! This sentence was bestowed on me, you plagiarism dog, then let's compare swords!"

Jiang Liu said with full fighting spirit: "Just because of this, let you see what the real kendo is!"

Around, the Jade Emperor and others gathered around to watch, wanting to take a look at this rare kendo competition.

Xiao Chengfeng and Jiang Liu faced each other, and the momentum of the whole body gradually became full, and the sharp swordsmanship began to interweave between each other.

However, just as their aura was about to explode, a figure slowly emerged between the two, and a long and arrogant voice came, "Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road, and the star cliff road becomes empty."

It is Xingya who will not let go of any chance of pretending to be a force.

"Fuck, crush him!"

"This pretender has come to brush his presence again, I have tolerated him for a long time!"

Even the other onlookers couldn't wait to join in, "Brothers, let's **** him together!"

However, the peaceful life did not last long. In the chaos, the place where many stars gathered, but there was no sign of abnormality.

An extremely terrifying wave came from the pit, faintly accompanied by a fierce roar, the chaotic space began to oscillate, as if some kind of power was awakening in the deep pit.

Yang Jian, who was in charge of guarding the pothole, sank fiercely, and he could feel the fluctuation in the pothole that even he felt heart palpitations.

A terrible thought emerged from the bottom of his heart, "There is some kind of existence that wants to cross over from the other side!"

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