Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 678: 678: All the hateful injustices

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Although the old man is very old, but the sword in his hand can still see his glory back then.

It’s just that, now he is just a dying old man. When his power is exhausted after all, he swung his sword to behead a green wolf in front of him, and the hand holding the sword finally began to tremble.

Faintly looking at the beasts rushing towards him in droves in front of him, he didn't panic or fear, just showing a trace of emotion.

Is it finally going to die?

The battlefield is very good, this is my best destination.

It’s just home...I can’t go back again.

He couldn't help but raise his head, looking at the void in the distance, a heavy mist of water appeared under his eyes, blurring his vision.

"Grandpa Tongtong, Grandpa Tongtong—"

In the village behind the old man, a tender voice called, full of anxiety, and some older children joined the battlefield holding weapons.

They looked at the old man's shaky back, and their eyes suddenly became red.

In the battlefield, other people also exclaimed with great concern, "All the old man!"

In the eyes of many people, tears flowed down quickly like a kite with a broken line.

In this village, the old man is the oldest and most prestigious. Almost everyone has been instructed by him.

I don’t remember how many years ago, someone took the fainted old man back on his back, and then the old man has been living in the village.

No one knew the old man’s past, but gradually, people in the village realized that the old man seemed to be unusual. He began to teach the young people in the village to practice. In today’s village, it can be said that everyone is the old man’s disciple.

As time goes by, many older generations have passed away, but this old man, although it seems that he has reached the end of his life, is very able to live. Many people have speculated that he may be a character from the land. , But was seriously injured.

In fact, every time this old man was drunk, he would often go crazy and dance his sword in the moonlight, shouting that he had the might of the sky, sitting on the Nine Heavens, a sword can kill a saint and be worshiped by countless people.

But at this moment...Is this old man really going to die?

"Kill, kill!"

"Death will cost these beasts!"

The whole village erupted with a strong sense of fighting spirit. In the desperate situation, they fought back. Although they knew it was only a drop in the bucket, no one was willing to die.


At this moment, accompanied by a wolf cry, a fire-like wolf slowly walked out with red hair all over the body, looking at the old man with cold eyes, a breath surging around his body, but it was already a wolf demon in the foundation stage. .

It seems to have come to send the old man on purpose.

The wolf's mouth was slightly opened, and a huge fireball hit the old man.


"It's good to die under a spell..."

A smile appeared on the old face of the old man. He once again looked at the void in the distance, but his blurred vision was a pause, as if he saw two figures coming quickly.

And...a little familiar.

Illusions before death?

The old man thought of closing his eyes, but at this moment, one of the figures slowly raised his hand and pointed at the direction of the village!


Everything here has been frozen!

Time and space seem to be stripped away, becoming a picture.

An irresistible breath of magic envelops this area, like a **** descending on the earth.

In fact, it is true.

In the picture, the endless beasts like the ocean are like Chunxue encountering the warm sun, slowly melting, turning into dust, and disappearing between the heaven and the earth.

The noisy world fell into dead silence at this moment.

For a long time, all the people came back to their senses, and they knelt down to worship.

piously said in unison: "The miracle, the miracle has come! Thank you, Lord God, for your manifestation, and thank Lord God for your life-saving grace."

However, the old man did not move. He seemed to have been casted with a hold technique. He looked at the two figures floating above the void, his brain was blank, his face seemed to cry and laugh, and his lips were trembling violently.

"Kang Dangdang."

The long sword in his hand fell to the ground, and he was at a loss for a while.

The people who came are naturally Nuwa and Queen Mother.

They looked at the old man in front of them with the same complicated eyes. If they hadn't felt the familiar breath, they couldn't believe that their acquaintances would become like this.

However, fortunately, we arrived in time.

Nuwa looked at him now, smiled and said, "What do you want to say?"

The old man shook his body, but he quickly lowered his head and said: "I have offended the goddess for a moment, and I am guilty."

He did not dare to recognize each other directly.

Because he is afraid that all this is just a coincidence, or a game.

Hidden the seventh realm in his heart. If he rashly said it, he would not know how much disaster it would cause.

This is a secret more important than life, he must be careful!

"Tongtian, I am Nuwa, you don't have to beware of me."

Nuwa transmitted the sound to Tongtian, and then said: "We are here to pick you up. Let's be alone with other human beings, and follow us."

After the words, Nuwa and Queen Mother landed in the forest not far away.

The people still kneel down and worship, chanting miracles.

Tongtian looked at the people, and suddenly smiled proudly: "Hahaha, I said that I could pass the sky back then, but now someone has finally come to pick me up, how about it, didn’t you lie to you?"


"All the gods, please wait for me to worship."

Everyone immediately bowed in fear and fear, their eyes filled with awe.

Tongtian looked at them and sighed, "I should go now, let's just leave it alone in the future."

"Respectfully send the immortal."

Some children also shouted, "Goodbye, grandpa all."


Tongtian walked into the forest and saw Nu Wa and Queen Mother, her eyes were extremely complicated.

He was surprised and wondered: "Really...really it is you?"

Nuwa smiled and said, "We came across the border, why, don’t you believe it?"

She and the Queen Mother looked at the old man in front of them, and their hearts fluctuated for a while.

Yao thinks that in the prehistoric times, Nuwa and Tongtian were both one of the prehistoric saints, and Tongtian founded the Jiejiao. With one hand, the sword formation can punish the saints, and the combat power can be called the first in the prehistoric times.

Unexpectedly, since he left Honghuang ten thousand years ago and meet again, he will be down to this point.

"I can't believe it, why are you here? You shouldn't be here!"

Tongtian frowned, with a worried and anxious tone, and solemnly said: "This world is very terrifying, you should go back quickly, and you must not expose yourself."

Nuwa said: "What's the matter, the leader of Tongtian who was not afraid of the heavens and the earth at the time, now he is also afraid of the head and tail?"

"I didn't know the sky was high and the earth was thick back then, but the frog at the bottom of the well looked at the sky. Tongtian is dead, and now there is only an old man named Tongtong."

His tone was full of loneliness, and he sighed.

The Queen Mother said: "Don't worry, there must be a way to restore you."

"No need, my body is useless, Dao body is damaged, soul is broken, it's useless."

Tong Tian shook his head bitterly. For so many years, he had already accepted his fate.

After that, his spirit shook again, and he said in a deep voice, "Don't worry about other things, it's really dangerous here!"

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"You didn't cause a big sensation here, did you? This area belongs to the Eastern Wilderness. There is an extremely terrifying Demon King. It is rumored that the main body is the chaotic animal colorful elk, which has the ability to subvert the law. If it is discovered, then the whole The seventh world is over!"

Tongtian became more and more frightened as she spoke, and her limbs felt a little cold.

The Demon King?

Colorful elk?

A familiar feeling.

Nuwa and Queen Mother looked at each other, and they couldn't help but smile.

Tongtian was silly, "You can still laugh?"

Nuwa laughed and said, "Everything, if I guessed right, the colorful elk in your mouth should have become a dish by now."


one dish?

What are you talking about?

Tongtian thought that there was a problem with his ears, and froze in a daze.

Queen Mother    helped to explain: "Tongtian hierarch, just before we came to this fourth realm, we just killed the colorful elk essence."

"Oh, it's impossible! You must have admitted wrong demon."

Tongtian shook his head again and again, his face was full of unbelief, and then said: "It's not that I attacked you. When we were saints in the prehistoric times, we felt that we were the most powerful. In fact, it is just ant ears!"

"Above the saints, there is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! Above Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, there is still the realm of heaven, and above heaven, there are avenues!"

"This colorful elk spirit has the realm of heaven, and he is probably the Supreme Dao. What are you going to kill?"

Now that he has lost his cultivation base, he naturally cannot feel what the cultivation bases of Nuwa and Queen Mother are. However, in his guess, Nuwa is likely to remain in the realm of saints. Even if he finds a great opportunity, it is at best mixed. Yuanta Luo Jinxian.

As for the queen mother...maybe she is not even a saint, it's not as good as her original self.

They and Colorful Elk are completely two worlds, and the gap is like a cloud of mud.

Nuwa and Queen Mother's faces suddenly showed strange colors.

Nuwa asked: "Everything, we all know what you said, why don't you guess what cultivation level I am now?"

Tongtian smiled and said: "Looking at you like this, 80% of them have been promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian by some chance. This is not easy anymore."

The Queen Mother then asked: "Then what do you think of me?"

Tongtian said: "You? Didn't you reach the realm of a saint?"

Nuwa smiled and shook her head, "You guessed it wrong, I think you should be mentally prepared first, wait and don’t bear it."

Tongtian dumbfounded and said: "Too...it can't always be the realm of heaven, right?"

Nuwa smiled, nodded and said: "It's just a fluke, I am indeed in the realm of Heavenly Dao."


Tongtian only felt the sky spinning around, almost lying on the ground, his old face was twitching.

The Way of Heaven?

Nuwa, is this the realm of heaven?

I am so hard-working, look at people and take off directly, it is completely two extremes!

He looked at the Queen Mother again, "Then you, you won’t..."

The Queen Mother said: "I'm only the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and I'm a little bit close to the realm of Heaven."

Only a little bit?

Tongtian’s body stepped backwards three steps in a row, almost suffocating.

His brain was about to explode, and Sanguan encountered an unprecedented shock.

what's going on?

What did they do? Why is it so awesome?

You must know that in the days of the Great Desolation, Tongtian was a saint, and the Queen Mother was only a quasi saint. However, after only a mere 10,000 years, how did the gap between people become so big?

Tongtian's face was flushed, and suddenly felt ashamed, I don't deserve to be alive!

Nuwa said again: "By the way, Hongjun, Jade Emperor, and Yang Jian are all in the realm of Heavenly Dao, and the Giant Spirit God is also quickly entering the realm of Heavenly Dao. Many people in the prehistoric state have made great progress."


Tongtian’s brain can no longer bear it, and his brain nerves are beginning to be disordered, and he feels that he is having a nightmare.


Yang Jian, a celestial servant is a god?

There is also a giant spirit god, a little **** in the palace of the past, is about to enter the realm of heaven?

There must be a limit to bragging, right?

This is not a small realm like building a fund, it is a way of heaven, every growth will be extremely difficult, let alone breaking through the bottleneck.

Tong Tian digested it for a long time, and then he suffocated a sentence, "You...you must be teasing me, this is simply impossible!"

However, he looked at the expressions of Nuwa and Queen Mother and knew that they were not talking and laughing.

He swallowed a mouthful of water, and said in horror: "What...what exactly happened? How did you do it?"

Nuwa said indifferently: "I didn't do anything, but luckily I met an expert, followed him to eat and drink, and then reached this state inexplicably."

eat and drink?


Are you using human words?

Tongtian's heart stabbed deeply and was stabbed deeply.

Reminiscent of the ten thousand years after I left the precipice, I have been tossing around in the chaos trying to find opportunities, and the dangers have been around again and again, I have to fight for a bit of opportunity, and finally it is a coincidence that I was taken to the fourth realm. Then there was another period of hardship.

Rao is so, he can be regarded as a real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but after that, he was seriously injured, finally escaped his life, and fell here.

Do you know how I have lived these ten thousand years?

Master Tongtian suddenly wanted to cry...

However, he keenly grasped the key point in the words, and asked in doubt: "What is an expert?"

Nuwa and the Queen Mother showed pious colors at the same time, and said in awe: "A supreme being who stands on the pinnacle and is admired and worshipped by others!"

"The colorful elk was surrendered by a dog raised by an expert. It is fortunate to be the game of an expert, and it can be regarded as a very honorable destination."

Immediately, they told you about the expert again.

The more he heard, the more his mouth opened, his jaw was almost dislocated, and he couldn't close it for a long time.

Using Chaos Spirit Spring as water, using Chaos Spirit Roots as fruits, and tasting them at will, so that all the food contains the avenue, elevating the predecessor to the realm of God...

That’s all, the realm of heaven and even Dao Zhizun is nothing more than game in his eyes?

This is simply unreasonable brutality!

Is there any reason? Is there a King Fa?

After a long pause, Tongtian suddenly looked at Nuwa and Queen Mother with extremely complicated expressions, and said quietly: "I can tell, you actually didn't do much at all. You just simply hugged the thighs of the master, and then started all the way. Taking off, the realm rises quickly."

The Queen Mother and Nuwa nodded awkwardly.

Although they have done something, it is nothing compared to the opportunity given by the expert.

"Woo woo woo—"

Tongtian hierarch, who can be calm in the face of death, cried.

The old tears are running, tears are like rain.

"The sky is not fair, I might as well just stay in the land and lie flat!"

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