Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 680: 680: Mysterious big seal, the star cliff road becomes empty at first sight

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It turned out that I was the mysterious seal of the 680th chapter of the main text volume of Xiu Xian Dao. The sudden surprise of Xingya Dao Chengkong made Tongtong people extremely excited.

Originally, his heart was ashamed, and he was ready to rest in his homeland. However, he never expected that a glass of wine from an expert would not only restore his injury, but also stand up and rise to the next level.

I unexpectedly descended upon such characters in the predicament, and my heavenly palace was able to have a relationship with such characters. What a blessing was this!

The Tongtong people couldn't help but sigh sincerely: "The master... is much more powerful than what you told me!"

"He is my second parent, and I will be his after this life!"

"Stop it, you stop it!"

The Jade Emperor and the others immediately refused to comply, looking at the people in the passage one by one, and they were full of competition.

"What is your second parent? Shameless!"

"Xiaotong, you wanted to hug your thighs when you first came here, you have a thick skin!"

"Who dares to steal my father from me? I will fight with whom!"

"Shut up, that's my father, you can't tolerate your insults!"

Seeing that everyone was red-faced in the fight, they were almost ready to do something, Nun Nan and Long Er giggled on the sidelines.

However, since the wine has been delivered, they are ready to leave.

"Fairy Nun Nun, Fairy Long'er, thank you so much."

The passageway person rushed over, thanking me respectfully, and then said: "If the expert has any instructions, please feel free to inform me, if I give up this fate, I will definitely complete the task of the expert!"

Long Er waved his hand, and then curiously said: "You are welcome, by the way, why haven't I seen you before, and why have you been so badly injured?"

The person in the passage opened the mouth and said: "I am poor and talented, I strayed into the fourth realm and almost fell out of the realm."

The girl was surprised: "You actually came back from the fourth realm, how about that realm?"

The passage person smiled and said: "That realm is actually similar to our seventh realm, but some creatures are different in appearance and cultivation methods. The most important thing is that there are many more masters than us. If you are interested, I can What I know is organized into a book for you to take a good look."

The Jade Emperor and others looked at the way the Tongtong people licked the dog, and they all looked at it with admiration. Why didn't they realize that Tongtian could lick so well before.

Nu Wa couldn't help but asked Dao Jun Jun, "Dao Jun Jun, did he lick you when he was still a predecessor?"

Taoist Junjun shook his head, "No, I am not worthy..."

The girl said happily: "Okay, then I will trouble you. My brother also likes to see peculiar things. It must be very interesting."

The passer-through person immediately said excitedly: "It is my honor for the expert to like that, and the poor must be sorted out!"

On the side, Long Er seemed to think of something, and suddenly said, "By the way, I remember that when my brother smashed walnuts last time, he said that there was one less thing that smashed walnuts. You can help pay attention to it."

Smashed walnuts?


Or something else?

The expert specifically proposed that the thing needed must not be a common product.

Everyone's complexion suddenly condensed, and they solemnly pondered in their hearts.

"The thing that smashed the walnut?" The Tongtong frowned, faintly feeling that he had seen something that could cope with it.

Suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind, his face changed drastically, and he said excitedly: "I seem to understand what the master wants?"

In an instant, everyone turned their gazes on the Tongtong people.

However, I saw that the face of the person in the passage was extremely solemn, and he took a deep breath and said: "The reason why I was able to go to the Fourth Realm is because of the Great Seal!"


Daoist Junjun was taken aback for a moment, and then surprised: "The use of the big seal to smash walnuts does not violate peace, but...what kind of big seal is it that can actually take you across the border?"

"I don't know where Fang Dayin came from. At first, I just sensed a powerful suction that sucked me toward the boundary channel. Besides me, there were others who were also sucked by this suction. I saw the big seal at the entrance to the realm!"

The passage person’s eyes were deep, as if he had returned to the shock at the time, he paused and said: “The big seal is really extraordinary. The whole body is shining with strange light. Just looking at it, my Dao heart bears it. I couldn't help but almost broke on the spot. At that time, I actually gave birth to the sense that Fang Dayin was the origin of the world."

"Then, I saw countless people die, and even the power of the heavenly realm fell directly like an ant. Fortunately, I was lucky and did not die. Instead, I was opened along with the passage of the realm and entered the fourth. World."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the people in the passage.

"The treasure that can cross the realm, what level must it be? Is it the treasure of the avenue?"

"It's only such a treasure that the high-level talents will let us look for it, so that they are worthy of letting the high-level smash the walnuts!"

"This great seal can easily strangle even the power of the realm of heaven. I am afraid it is an unimaginable level. The importance is self-evident. No matter what, we have to look for it."

Nun Nan asked eagerly: "This Great Seal has entered the Fourth Realm, do you know where it is now?"

"Acquired by Murong's family in the Eastern Wilderness of the Fourth Realm."

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the people in the passage, and he said in a deep voice: "At that time, besides me, there were many people from the seventh realm who were also sucked into the fourth realm. Everyone knew that the Great Seal was extraordinary. I took a shot, but in the end, the momentum attracted Murong's family, and Dayin was acquired by them, and my injury was caused at that time."

Daoist Junjun said, "Murong's family? It's easy to do this, it just happens that the new hatred and the old hatred are counted together!"

Everyone nodded.

Since Dayin is what an expert wants, it must be taken away, and Murong's family has injured the Tongtong people, this hatred is naturally to be reported!

Nu Wa asked, "How is the strength of the Murong family?"

"Very strong, at least much stronger than Colorful Elk Essence. Although Seven Color Elk Essence is also number one in the Eastern Wilderness, Murong's family is enough to rank in the top three in Donghuang!"

The passageway person spoke solemnly, and then said with fear: "Especially Murong's family has a mirror, where everything it shines is rotten. On that day, all the people who were illuminated by that mirror were like me, even if they didn’t die on the spot. Then it will gradually decay and pass away."

He was just scratched by the mirror and was reduced to this end. If he hadn't run fast, he would have already turned into a handful of loess.

Everyone in the Tiangong frowned, "It's even more powerful than the colorful elk, then there must be a great master."

Suddenly, they calmed down a lot. Under this circumstance, they were not opponents at all, and they were even less likely to win the Great Seal.

However, 囡囡 and Long'er are true to themselves, and said excitedly: "Don't be afraid, let's go back and call the **** dog, let it go with us!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly brightened, and he breathed a long breath: "If there is an uncle dog, then this wave of problems shouldn't be big."

"Then we are here waiting for your good news, and we can set off at any time!"

Immediately, Nun Nun and Long Er left the Tiangong and went straight to the Luoxian Mountain Range.

After a while, they flew out of the courtyard, this time with a bald dog behind them.

It's just that the bald dog is red all over, and the dog's face is full of drunkenness. He hiccups all the way and has become a drunk dog.

The people who were ready immediately saluted, "I have seen the dog uncle."

Da Hei held his dog's paw excitedly, "Come on, cheers!"

Murong's family has a famous name in the Eastern Wilderness, and you only need to inquire a little to know where it is.

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In order not to be noticeable, not many people came together this time. Except for Nun Nu, Long Er, and Da Hei, there were also high-end combat powers such as Junjun Taoist, Tongtong Man, Xingya, Xiao Chengfeng, and Nuwa. coming.

The group of people looked at the city not far away, their eyes condensed.

"It's really spectacular. Is this a fairy city? The Fourth Realm is really different from ours."

"What a big hand, is this a central city created by the joint efforts of all major forces? It's really amazing."

In front of them was an extremely majestic city. The huge city was suspended in the air. The walls were piled with white celestial jade, shimmering with colorful rays, and the aura was compelling.

And all the buildings in the city are not mortals, all of them are immortals, and they are immortal mansions!

The things sold in the shop are not ordinary products, they are all elixir or spirit treasures and so on.

This is a pure fairy city, and the major gates set up shops in the city to communicate with each other, which is not available in the seventh realm.

Entering the city, is entering the kingdom of immortals, opening everyone's horizons.

They walked all the way and went straight to Murong's house, but they didn't expect that Murong's house was already in front of it. Many people came to visit with gift boxes in their hands and smiles.

"It's a coincidence that we came, and there seems to be a banquet held here."

"It seems that this time, we have to give them a big gift!"

"Hurry up, let's go and join in the fun."

at the same time.

Murong's house is already full of friends, and the courtyard is full of tables with various delicacies for people to taste.

However, everyone's attention will naturally not be on eating, at this time they all looked at the high platform in the center of the yard.

There was an arena, and on the stage stood a young man with a sword eyebrow star, dressed in a cyan gown, generously arching his hands to the crowd.

He said: "Thank you for being here to join Murong Batian. I have the luck to break through to the realm of Heavenly Dao. I am here to set up a ring. If you are interested, you can come to the stage to discuss with me, and if you are interested, you can come to the stage to discuss with me.

It turned out that recently another young talent from the Murong family broke through the bottleneck and entered the realm of heaven. While celebrating with a banquet, it also demonstrated his strength.

Someone opened his mouth and said: "Mr Murong is so polite, you are amazing and beautiful, and you deserve it to reach the realm of heaven."

"Yes, let us all admire Young Master Rong together."

"Thanks a lot."

Murong Batian drank the wine in his cup, and then continued: "The juniors have a lot of shortcomings when they first glimpse the way of heaven, but who is on stage?"

"Let me do it!"

An elder man with a fairy style and Dao bones spoke, and as soon as his voice fell, his figure had already appeared on the ring, "Poor Dao God Huo Dao Zun, Master Murong, offended."


Immediately, the two began to fight.

After the arena has been blessed by the enchantment, the terrifying mana will not overflow, but everyone can not help but show amazement when looking at the terrifying vision on the arena and the endless light of the law.

"Unbelievable, Murong Batian just broke through into the realm of Heavenly Dao, and he was able to block the Divine Fire of Divine Fire Dao Venerable."

"Yes, Shenhuo Dao Zun has been in the realm of Heavenly Dao for more than 30,000 years, and there are signs of being suppressed."

"It deserves to be the Murong family, the background is too terrifying, and there is another terrifying combat power!"

"Don't you find out that the Murong family has successively developed four great powers of heaven over the past few thousand years! It always feels like they have found some kind of trick."

"You only saw the realm of Heavenly Dao. I heard that the Murong family broke through the bottleneck very quickly!"

"It's really hard to imagine. If this continues, the Murong family will definitely become the number one family in the Eastern Wilderness!"

Everyone talked a lot, telling an anecdote of these thousands of years.

What a lofty realm is the realm of Heavenly Dao, let alone a thousand years, it is ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, there is not necessarily a few more. However, over the past few thousand years, the Murong family has actually cultivated four Heavenly Dao one after another. The power of the realm, this is really terrifying!


Just between people talking.

There was a sudden roar from the ring.

But it was Murong Batian who displayed a type of divine fist, which directly shook the flames of Shenhuo Dao Zun, and then blasted Shenhuo Dao Zun off the ring!

This battle actually won with Murong Batian, which once again caused a burst of surprise.

Murong Batian smiled and said, "I have accepted it."

Shen Huo Dao Zun sighed and said: "Young Master Murong is so talented that he is ashamed of him."

Murong Batian continued: "But who else is willing to come on stage to give advice or two."

This time, no one responded.

Someone said: "Since Young Master Murong has already proven himself, there is no need to continue this ring."

Seeing that the effect of the demonstration had been achieved, Murong Batian did not invite any more, and was contented to step down.

"Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road, the star cliff road becomes empty when you see it."

But at this moment, a misty and distant voice whirled in the void, unpredictable, and immediately caused a riot in the audience.

Murong Batian was taken aback for a moment, and then he noticed that a figure wearing a mask and white robe had already appeared on the ring.

This figure stood with his hand held on his side, facing himself, very cold and arrogant.

"Ok... so awesome!"

This is the voice of everyone.

Especially that sentence made everyone in the audience trembled and felt shivering.

Murong Batian's expression is also extremely solemn, and solemnly said: "Since the senior came to power, is it also to learn from the younger?"


I'm just trying to pretend to be coercive.

Such a large pretend to force the stage, it really makes people feel happy.

Xingya felt the gazes coming from all directions, darkly refreshed, and said quietly: "Compare? You too value yourself. In my eyes, you are nothing but ants' ears."


As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar, and everyone's discoloration changed suddenly.

Murong Batian said solemnly: "Your Excellency, what do you mean? Are you provoking Murong's house?!"

Star Cliff is still standing with his hand held, his eyes swept away, and Leng arrogantly said: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you, I mean... everyone present is all ants!"

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