Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 682: 682: Murong's family: wave after wave

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Murong Yuncheng's eyes narrowed, staring at the passerby, flashing coldly.

Although he still does not recognize the person who can pass through, it is not important.

"The native chicken and dog dare to come to my Murong's house to seek revenge, it makes people laugh out of their teeth!"

He chuckled, got up slowly, and sneered: "You are considered talents at first, and I have developed a passion for talents, but since you insist on trying to die, don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Come out!"

As his murderous voice fell, a wave of murderous intent suddenly came up, like a rushing river and sea to suppress everyone. The relentless gust of wind overflowed, causing the temperature of the audience to suddenly drop, and the murderous intent stabbed everyone's skin. .

"swish swish"

One after another, figures stepped on the void, walking gracefully, and the entire space was gradually frozen because of their strength.

"The one who insulted my Murong family died!"

"Go ahead, how do you want to die?"

"Who gave you the courage to come to us to be wild?"

The powerful words resounded in the void one after another, like a thunderstorm, which was shocking.

Looking around, there are a total of ten figures surrounding this place, plus the eight people just now, there are a total of eighteen powers of the realm of heaven!

This lineup is not gorgeous, even if it is a complete small world, it may not have so many powers in the realm of heaven.

"Okay...it's horrible, is this the background of Murong's family?"

"That's Murong Haochen, who broke through to the realm of heaven three thousand years ago. I also attended his banquet."

"That's Murong Jinhao, who broke through to the realm of Heavenly Dao two thousand years ago."

"So many heavenly powers, these three are over."

"Hey, dare to come to Murong's house to make trouble, it is the first time in history, but the price paid is just unbearable."

Everyone was shocked, their faces were shocked, and their bodies receded slightly.

Murong Yuncheng smiled slightly. He just took advantage of this incident to show off the muscles of the Murong family. He looked at Xiao Chengfeng and the others with the winning ticket, and said quietly: "I will give you one last chance, kneel down and give the origin of life. Let my Murong family dispatch it to survive!"

Xiao Chengfeng laughed, jokingly: "Patriarch Murong, your **** is loud!"

Jiang Liu said: "Not only is it loud, but it is also very smelly, very smelly!"

Murong Yuncheng's face was ugly, and he said in a low voice: "Look for death, kill them all!"

After the words, he himself couldn't help himself. He took the lead, shouting and killing Xiao Chengfeng!


Murong Yuncheng punched out, and a terrifying black hole was formed in an instant. The space no longer exists. After the black hole passes, the law does not exist, and everything will be annihilated!

"The sword breaks the ten thousand magic, and the final decision!"

Xiao Chengfeng’s eyes burst into light, his complexion dignified, and the long sword in his hand fell down, like a ray of light in the dark, tearing the space apart and splitting the black hole into two!

"The Dao Sutra, the sky is blazing!"

"Shinto law is forbidden, and eternity is forbidden!"

"Reverse practice yin and yang!"

At the same time, above the sky, the other members of the Murong family have already been killed, all kinds of magical powers are used, the sky is no longer visible, only countless terrible visions bloom in the sky, and there is the force of the law. It seems that even the universe must be suppressed!

These supernatural powers are without exception, they are all extremely terrifying, and they can be used by the power of heaven to annihilate the origin of life!


Eighteen figures, the power is too terrifying, making everyone fearful.

However, at this moment, several figures suddenly rushed out of the crowd, and rushed straight to the Murong family. The whole body was bathed in brilliance, and the power of the law surrounded him, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

囡囡's eyes are shining with black light, like a deep black hole, a strange aura radiates from her small body, facing the five heavenly powers directly.

"Swallowing the sky magic power, Wanchuan returns to the sea!"

The immature voice came from her mouth. In the next moment, her whole person seemed to be turned into a black hole, separated from the space, a powerful suction pulled the magical power in the void, distorting the space.

"How is this possible? What kind of magic is this, it can absorb magical powers."

"It's a weird technique, even the ancients can't absorb magical powers."

"Swallowing the devil power? The law of refining, swallowing the avenue, is so overbearing! Take down this girl and ask the practice!"

囡囡's brows frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Just because you are worthy of thinking about my practice?"

She took a step, surrounded by swallowing power, unstoppable, even if everyone looked at her gaze seemed to be absorbed, she would feel a trance.

In a flash, she had already come to the person who was speaking, raised her hand and pointed, and the power of supernatural power burst forth.

"Eternal return to the source!"


The man let out a scream, and his whole body was trembling. He was horrified to feel the rapid passing of mana!

He retreated violently and exclaimed, "My mana, you swallowed my mana for ten thousand years!"

囡囡 blinked her eyes, seemingly innocent and said: "It's just a mere ten thousand years of mana, don't be stingy."

Everyone was in horror, their bodies retreated violently, and they looked at 囡囡 with fear on their faces.

On the other side, Long'er raised his hand, and the endless waves turned into huge water dragons!

These water dragons hovered in the void, sending out waves of dragons, resisting the supernatural powers of Murong's family.

Even though it is the sacred fire condensed by Murong's Da Ni Dao Sutra, there is still nothing to do with this water dragon.

Nun Nu and Long Er just ate a full deer feast at the Dao Realm in the Siheyuan not long ago. Although they have not yet broken through to become Dao Supreme, the majesty of mana is definitely the pinnacle of the Heavenly Dao Realm. In addition, whether they are sentimental or supernatural, All of them were formed under the influence of Li Nianfan's ears and eyes, and their combat power was naturally unparalleled.

Taoist Junjun and Nuwa also took their own shots. Although they are not as perverted as Nun Nun and Long Er, but after a lot of opportunities for Li Nianfan, their combat power is far from the general power of heaven. They can easily achieve one. Many enemies.

Xiao Chengfeng is singled out with Murong Yuncheng with a sword. He has long hair flying, black robe hunts and hunts, sword intent is unparalleled, and the power of killing is called the first.

"The first sword, turned three thousand li in one body, and once became a millionaire with one sword!"

"The second sword, three million sword immortals in the sky, you need to lower your eyebrows when you see me!"

"The third sword, the sky does not give birth to me Xiao Chengfeng, the sword is like a long night!"


This is the three realms of swordsmanship that Li Nianfan first taught him, and it is also his three-type swordsmanship supernatural power. Even now, the power of swordsmanship is still ruining the sky and the earth, and every sword is enough to smash all kinds of magic and shatter time and space!


Murong Yuncheng's body flew out, the whole body was torn apart by the endless sword light, half of his body was shattered, and the source of life flickered and suffered heavy damage!

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His face was full of disbelief, and he could not beat this screaming guy.

The main issue is momentum.

His own sorrow is not as good as his sorrow, and his momentum is weaker, and then he has fallen into a disadvantage.

This sudden change suddenly blinded countless people, so many people did not come back to their senses, thinking that they had seen an illusion.

The Murong family, who was still arrogant and arrogant just a moment ago, had the power of eighteen heavenly realms, and fell into a disadvantage in an instant. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, absolutely no one would believe it.

"It's real or fake? When did this world become so crazy?"

"What a powerful combat power, where did these people come from? They all represent the peak combat power in the realm of heaven."

"The posture of the avenue, this group of people actually have the posture of the avenue! It is incredible, how abnormal is the place to train such a group of abnormal existence!"

"But... the strength of Murong's family is more than just this!"

Many people have left the banquet yard, keeping a safe distance to watch the battle.

Xiao Chengfeng showed his sharp edge, holding his sword and continuing to kill Murong Yuncheng, and said coldly: "Murong Yuncheng, were you crazy in front of my uncle? Now I also give you a chance to kneel down and shout, Grandpa Xiao, I was wrong. , I am a stupid pig, I can spare you not to die!"

Murong Yuncheng's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "You too underestimate my Murong's house!"

The next moment, in the depths of Murong's house, a few powerful auras rose again, and in the blink of an eye they crossed the space and came to the battlefield.

There were only three people in total this time, all of them were old men with long beards and half-white hair. His eyes were half-open, as if sleeping in a fake sleep.

However, their whole body is full of vigor, and the power of the heavens spills out, with the powerful power of the world, all of them are the pinnacle of the realm of the heavens!

Every one is stronger than Murong Yuncheng. Even if it is not as good as Xiao Chengfeng, it will not be too far apart.

Murong Yuncheng exclaimed excitedly: "I implore the three elders to take action!"

The three old men smiled slightly, "Don't worry, leave it to us!"

Then, they shot together.

One person rushed towards the nun, one person rushed towards Long'er, and another person rushed towards Xiao Chengfeng's suppression!

囡囡 and Long Er are the best to fight, while Xiao Chengfeng is the most rampant. These three must be suppressed!


An old man raised his hand, and a black spear stuck his head out of the void. The terrifying aura of destruction came out at will, and a big hole was punched between the sky and the earth, and it pierced toward the nun!

Her complexion remained unchanged, until the spear came to her, she raised her hand unhurriedly, took out a shovel, picked it casually, and flew out the spear easily, and then held it high. Shovel, rush towards the old man!


The old man didn't expect that his spear would be picked up by a shovel. He was caught off guard and was knocked on his forehead by the shovel. He immediately drank blood and was dizzy.

"How is this possible? What kind of shovel is this?!"

The old man screamed in exclamation, and drew back in anger, running the origin of life to recover his injury, but found that the blood flow on his forehead was not stopping, and it was impossible to recover!

"Restrain the heavens and suppress the origin, this is definitely the treasure that contains the power of the great avenue!"

The old man widened his eyes and screamed in shock, "This shovel is actually the treasure of the avenue?!"

囡囡 held a shovel to chase, "Don’t run the old thing, eat me a shovel!"

On the other side, Long Er also took out a scoop, raised his hands, and endless waves of water poured out. These waters can actually suppress all kinds of magical powers and make people retreat.

"The treasure of the avenue, this man is also the treasure of the avenue!"

Another old man also screamed, some unacceptable.

Why is   Avenue Treasure in this form? How was it conceived?

Everyone looked at Nun Nun and Ryu Er holding a shovel and a baby child, their expressions also changed drastically.

"A child and a shovel, I can't think that the Dao Zhi Treasure actually looks like this. Is this the so-called Dao Zhi Jian?"

"What is the origin of this group of people? They even have the most treasures of the avenue, which is too scary."

"No wonder that I dare to come to Murong's house because I have some support."



囡囡 holds a shovel, invincible vertically and horizontally, and can pick up other people's magic weapons with the hand. Even all kinds of magical powers will be shoveled out of a path under this shovel.

Shovel after shovel knocked on the heads of the Murong family, making a pleasant sound. Someone dodged in a hurry. After being knocked three times, they fainted and fell from the air.

The three elders were very bullish when they appeared, but they did not change the situation. Instead, they appeared quite embarrassed. One of the elders was knocked out of a big bag, dripping with blood.

"Whether it is their mana or magic weapon, it is definitely not something ordinary people can have!"

"The bottom line they showed, even our Murong family can't match it!"

"Secret, this group of people must have a big secret!"

"I have a hunch, once the big secret behind this group of people is unearthed, our Murong family is enough to dominate the seven realms!"

"Don't talk about other things, Dao Zhibao must be my Murong family to be eligible to have such treasures!"

The three elders and many members of the Murong family spoke one after another. After the horror, their eyes showed endless greed.

Until now, even though they are at a disadvantage, they still don’t panic!

Because... Murong's family has undefeated confidence!

"Very well, you have successfully attracted the unprecedented attention of my Murong family. You can push us to this point, enough to make the entire Fourth Realm look up!"

Murong Yuncheng's body was already full of wounds, and his mouth was still spraying blood, but what he said was still very bullish. He took a deep breath and gave a pious bow. The whole body mana surged and said loudly: "Patriarch Murong, Respectfully invite the ancestors to go out and confront the enemy!

The other people in Murong's family are also full of enthusiasm, and they said in unison: "Respectfully ask the ancestors to go out!"


Between heaven and earth, the atmosphere of the avenue suddenly emerged.

Strongs of strange rhythms began to float, the powerful aura overwhelming the sky, just showing a trace of breath, it suppressed everyone's breath.

The sky seems to have collapsed, and heaven and earth surrendered under their feet.

"Murong's... ancestor is going to play?"

"This is the avenue supreme!"

"Sure enough, I still can't be an enemy of Murong's family!"

"No matter how strong these people are, they are still just slightly larger ants under the avenue."

Everyone held their hearts high, and did not dare to breathe.

Under the eyes of everyone, in the backyard of Murong's house, billowing visions gathered at one point like a tide, dyeing the sky red, as bright as red clouds.

Amidst the red clouds, a figure slowly emerged, standing with one hand holding one's hands, looking down at everyone under a high order!

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