Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 685: 685: The preference of an expert, the epiphany of the sky

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"Good rice, good rice!"

Li Nianfan grabbed a handful of glutinous rice they brought back. It was cold and felt very good.

Besides, glutinous rice is not only delicious, but also has very high nutritional value. It also has high medicinal value. It is the basic operation to supplement calcium and nourish the stomach.

Seeing Li Nianfan's smile, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and felt proud.

This rice can be regarded as a pleasant surprise. I don’t think that an expert would be admired. It is so happy to be able to serve an expert.

She took out the big seal again and said, "Brother, do you think this is suitable for smashing walnuts?"

"Oh, this print looks pretty high-end."

Li Nianfan was taken aback first, and squeezed it in his hand, feeling that the weight was just right and the hardness was enough.

Smashing walnuts is definitely enough, but it just feels too extravagant.

Originally, he thought that they would bring back hammers and the like, and he didn't know where they got this big seal. It seemed to be upscale, and it seemed more sacred than Yuxi.

In my previous life, I often heard people bragging about smashing walnuts with jade seals, but now I can experience this feeling, which is really good.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Last time, I just casually mentioned something to smash the walnut, so they put it on their minds, and specially found a very good prop for themselves. Obviously, it took a lot of thought.

Good boy.

Li Nianfan rubbed her head and said with a smile: "It's a heart, it's suitable, it's too suitable."

Nun-nan did not forget to ask Tiangong for merits, and said: "Brother, this time I can find this glutinous rice and Dayin, Tiangong has also helped a lot."

"By the way, there are still guests coming. What are you standing at the door? Come in and talk about it." He saw Taoist Junjun and Tongtong, and they were about to be invited into the courtyard.

He also guessed, how could Nun Nu and Long Er stay in the courtyard every day and find the Da Yin and Nuomi as soon as they left the house. At least the information must be provided by Tiangong.

Taoist Junjun and people in the passage respectfully saluted: "My Lord Shengjun, I'm bothering you."

Li Nianfan hurriedly said, "Don't bother, I also want to thank you for bringing me these two good things."

Daoist Junjun didn't dare to take credit, and said the truth: "It's just a small matter. In fact, we didn't make much effort at all."

They felt that they were just trying to make up the number, and then shouted 666 afterwards.

Alas, the cultivation base is still too low, so you have to practice hard to do better for the superior!

Li Nianfan looked at the passerby beside Taoist Junjun and curiously said: "By the way, this is a very face-to-face, is he a new member of Tiangong?"

Taoist Junjun said: "No, he is actually a great old man. The master has mentioned the Fengshen list before, and he is the one who suffers the most."

The old man in the wild.

The one who suffered the most in the Age of Conferred Gods?

Li Nianfan just thought about it for a moment before guessing what this person is.

He tentatively asked, "Does fellow Daoist... the Patriarch of the Jiejiao, Master Tongtian?"

During the period of the Conferred Gods, the great saints in the main hall of the Tongtian Church, the ultimate fate was that all the disciples of Jiedao fell into the Conferred God List. From then on, he was controlled by others, and he was confined and no longer showed up, and he was forced to suffer a lot.

However, Tongtian's combat power is the first, and for his disciples to dare to act against the sky, he is extremely domineering. Back then, Li Nianfan still admired Tongtian when listening to myths.

Unexpectedly, I could meet a real person.

The passage person hurriedly smiled and said: "Don’t dare to be it. I used to sit in the well and watch the sky. Now I have walked through the chaos. Only then did I know that I was sitting in the well and watch the sky. That’s it."



Li Nianfan couldn't help being taken aback.

It seems that in the dangerous chaos, the Master Tongtian has received a lot of blows. If he kept a low profile like this, he started to feel low self-esteem.

He couldn't help but shook his head, "You are not right."

He paused and said, "The world is as big as the heart is. Even if the frog at the bottom of the well jumps out of the bottom of the well, how can it be known that it has not entered the bottom of another well? The only thing that limits you is your own heart, and the size of your heart Letting you dominate and feel the vastness of the world does not mean that you will be arrogant and humble. Too much humility will only make you lose yourself."


Master Tongtian and Taoist Junjun were shocked at the same time.

Like a volcanic eruption in the brain, a monstrous storm was set off.

The world is as big as the heart is.

These words of Li Nianfan made them feel like divine enlightenment, and they could see the world more clearly, as well as themselves!

The Master Tongtian was even more startled in a cold sweat, and his soul was trembling.

It has become a habit to bow your head for a long time, and you can't lift your head anymore.

I feel I am not worthy of the name Tongtian, when will I be worthy? Once it is taken out, I am afraid that it will never be worthy of this name for the rest of my life!

Unexpectedly, I am on the verge of death, breaking and standing, claiming to recognize myself, but in fact I have lost my original intention!

Tongtian, he is still Tongtian, sooner or later let this name resound through the seven realms!

As for the Taoist Junjun, he has a deep understanding, and his Dao heart has been strengthened a lot.

However, then he suddenly thought of something, and took a breath, shocked beyond words.

The world is as big as the heart is.

The expert is talking about himself, right?

Whenever the heart thinks, the world will move according to the heart.

What a terrifying realm this is, the expert is really bursting!

Master Tongtian’s eyes are red, and he solemnly salutes: "Tongtian...I have been taught! Master Xie Shengjun pointed out!"

Just such a remark is enough to be regarded as a kind of grace to teach one's karma, kindness is rebuilt, and there is the name of a master and apprentice!

Li Nianfan laughed, and said modestly: "It's just from feelings and casual talk, you just think it's useful."

Chicken soup is another amazing achievement, it's really enjoyable.

But he really doesn't want Tongtian to change his name. After all, this is the idol in his own mythical story. What does the name change look like?

"Stop standing, sit down, Xiaobai, serve the guests juice."

Li Nianfan greeted him, and then asked Daji to bring some walnuts, and couldn't wait to try the power of this big seal.

The Lord Tongtian sat down cautiously, taking a deep breath without leaving a trace, ah-it was really comfortable.

The air is full of the smell of chaos and spiritual energy, and a sip that warms the whole body, which is incomparable to any heaven and blessing.

He looked at the layout of the courtyard again, and only felt that his eyes were so painful that he was almost blinded by the baby in the courtyard.

Seeing it with my own eyes is much more shocking than listening to the people in Tiangong.

After that, he looked at the juice in his hand again, his heart tightened slightly.

This is the juice squeezed from Chaos Spiritual Root, but it is used by experts to entertain guests at will.

It's no wonder that everyone wants to visit an expert, it's too good fortune.

A casual sentence, just to come up with something to entertain, it is an opportunity that the outside world can't even think of.


But at this moment, accompanied by a crisp sound.

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It turned out that Li Nianfan held the big seal and broke open a walnut.

The shell of the walnut is regularly damaged, and the walnut kernel inside is still intact, which can be said to be very perfect.

Li Nianfan was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Haha, yes, this big seal is really good, and it goes so well with walnuts!"

Daoist Junjun and Master Tongtian looked at the scene with eyesight, although they were psychologically prepared for a long time, the corners of their mouths still twitched involuntarily.

They have really felt the power of this Great Seal. This is the origin of the Dao. It is powerful enough to suppress the horrible treasure of the Dao. Now they are... smashing walnuts?

I am afraid that others will think that he is a lunatic, if he let Murong Ancestor know, he will die properly.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that this big seal is not only very cooperative, but also very happy. It looks like a walnut must be smashed...

What about your domineering?

What about your unparalleled power?

Are you pursuing this point?

"Pattern, patter!"

Li Nianfan came with interest, and again raised his hand and knocked on a few walnuts, each of which was very satisfied.

Then he handed it over to Daoist Junjun and Master Tongtian, "Daoist Junjun, Master Tongtian, come, how about you guys also taste this walnut?"

The two replied politely: "Thank you Lord Shengjun."

Li Nianfan opened the mouth and said: "Master Tongtian, you just came back, I tell you, you have missed a lot of wonderful things."

From the reversal of Tiantong from the predecessor, to the transformation of the predecessor into the realm of the gods, and then the gathering of various sects, there are still many feasts in between, and the Lord Tongtian missed all of them.

"The walnut taste is okay, don't miss it."

Master Tongtian nodded, took a piece of walnut and put it into his mouth.


He chewed gently, and the next moment, his brain buzzed, shaking.

It seems that something is waking up, about to break out of the shell.

He felt that his brain was changing rapidly, from a fool to a genius, and he felt more ways than ever before for thousands of years!

He was in this world, and he had never been so close to this world. At this moment, all the laws seemed to be within reach and can be created easily.

At this time, the mana in his body began to revolve at a high speed following the laws of heaven and earth, his body was in harmony with heaven and earth, and his Taoism was sublimating.


At a certain moment, his body lightened, as if a barrier was pierced, and his whole body was unspeakably comfortable.

A wave of heaven and earth aura rolled in, making his power multiplied.

Not long ago, because he was broken and then stood up, his cultivation reached the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. At this time, because he ate a piece of walnut from an expert, he walked through the Great Dao, directly broke through the bottleneck, and came to the realm of heaven!

No, this is no ordinary walnut!

It is the chaotic spiritual root that can help people to understand the Tao, and it is the walnut that is smashed out by the master of the Tao, and it is of extraordinary significance!

The expert just said that he missed too much, so he should not miss it this time.

It clearly means that I have missed a lot of opportunities before, and this time I quickly make up for it!

The expert is just mentioning me specially to help his cultivation level catch up with everyone!

Master Tongtian's eyes were red, and he was so touched.

Originally, he was just a dying person, but the expert sent Deer Blood Wine to make himself break and stand. Now he first accused himself of allowing himself to examine Dao Xin, and then helped himself to break through the bottleneck.

How can I be so dear, worthy of such love from an expert!

This affection is too deep and too deep, even if you die, you can't repay it!

Li Nianfan asked: "How is it, how does it taste?"

"It's delicious, it's so delicious!"

Master Tongtian took a deep breath, and solemnly said: "This is the best food that Pang Dao has eaten since he was born!"

Li Nianfan laughed and said, "There are more delicacies you have eaten, but it will be a long time in Japan, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. When I use this glutinous rice to make new delicacies, you will definitely have a share in Tiangong."

Taoist Junjun immediately said with excitement: "Then we are really blessed, thank you Lord Shengjun first."

Li Nianfan waved his hand, "You are polite, it's just a bit of food on the left and right."

Then, Taoist Junjun and Master Tongtian did not dare to disturb Li Nianfan too much, and got up and left.

After coming out of the courtyard, the Lord Tongtian just felt unspeakable in his whole body, his whole person seemed to be reborn, and there was a feeling that the sky was so high that I was allowed to fly.

Nuwa and others waited for them not far away, and immediately surrounded them.

The Giant Spirit God joked: "Little Tong..."


In an instant, a long sword pierced in front of the giant spirit god, and the boundless sharp aura exploded with the power of opening the sky.

"No big or small! I am the Master of Heaven, remember it, don't have another time!"

Everyone was shocked by the cold words from all over the sky. It seemed that he had returned to the feeling that he was a saint in the past, and the saint should not be insulted.

Nu Wa said in surprise: "Tong... Fellow Taoist Tongtian, have you broken through to the realm of Heaven? Also, don't you change your name?"

"No change."

The Lord Tongtian shook his head, with a sullen smile on his face, "Today I am fortunate to get the guidance of an expert and understand my heart. The name of Tongtian has been recognized by an expert! At the same time... the expert has given me walnuts. , Help me break through to the realm of heaven!"

"I'll go, you are too cool."

"This...I'm sour, and the experts are too kind to you!"

"I knew that there are great benefits to visiting an expert, and I would have snatched this place if I knew it!"

"It's no wonder that you suddenly became mad. It turned out that an expert opened the back door for you."

Seeing everyone beating their chests and feet, Tong Tian smiled slightly, and said arrogantly again, "As a qualified swordsman, I think...the heavens do not give birth to the sky, and the swordsmanship is like a long night. This sentence is very good. I will requisition it later. ."

Xiao Chengfeng and Jiang Liu exploded immediately.

"Have you asked me about the sword in my hand for a fart?"

"It's so shameless, whoever dares to harass me, whoever is my enemy of life and death!"

"It seems that the three of us must have a fencing!"

at the same time.

In the fourth world.

The location of Murong's house.

The two figures hovered in the sky, looking at the huge dog paw prints on the ground, their faces became solemn.

"What a terrible dog's paw, judging from the remaining aura, this dog is in the realm of heaven and has good strength!"

"Okay, don't pretend, dog paws are just the second thing, I don't believe you people in Tianji Pavilion have not counted the more important information!"

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