Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 695: border battle, great road confrontation

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Gu Yuan did not answer the question of the black law protector, but mockingly said: "The scum who dare not even search for my soul is not qualified to talk to me."

During this period, he relied on his own pain, and the opponent didn't kill him. His taunting skills were unlocked again and again, and his mouth-cannon ability soared. With the body of an ant, he was so angry that the great masters wanted to pinch him.

"Want to excite me? Naive."

The black guardian was expressionless, and continued: "I tell you, no matter whether you come to save you or not, in short, your ending is already doomed, and I will kill you!"

and Xiao Chengfeng have stayed together for a long time, and Gu Yuan’s hatred ability is naturally not weak, and he has properly entered the black guard’s kill list.

"I know that you have a weird body and are not afraid of torture. The reason why I don't kill you directly is to let you witness with your own eyes how I conquered the seventh realm, **** all your support, and make your heart collapse! This is me The biggest torture for you, hahaha..."

The black guardian laughed wildly, showing how much hatred he had accumulated against Gu Yuan during this period.

At this moment, his face condensed slightly, and his eyes suddenly looked in one direction of the world, as if he could see the extreme distance through the endless distance.

He sneered, "Finally, a decent opponent has arrived. It seems that I am about to see the support of the Seventh Realm."

The people in    Tiangong did not hide their aura, but rushed in mighty, their aura roared and vibrated, making waves in the chaos.

This is a head-on match!

The fourth realm side, under the leadership of the black and white protector, also opened up the battlefield with murderous aura.

At the moment when the two sides were about to meet, suddenly two streamers rushed out first and reached the front line.

"Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road? When I see Xingya Road become empty!"

"The sky does not give birth to me, Xiao Chengfeng, kendo is like a long night!"

Two mighty voices whirled in the void, and the endless vision vibrated. Under the brilliance, Xingya walked in bathed in the starlight, Xiao Chengfeng stepped on the long sword with his feet, and the sword energy rushed into the sky.

"Haha, you deserve it."

Gu Yuan, who was nailed to the cross, looked at the sky full of vision, and his weak face couldn't help showing a cordial smile.

Before the two pretending to be unpleasant to the eye, they wanted to beat them, but at this time, they looked so kind.

I thought I would never see them again.

Such a powerful way to appear on the stage directly made everyone in the Fourth Realm look solemn and feel shocked.

Even if it is a black and white guardian, they are all uncontrollable heartbeats.

However, when they saw that these two were only cultivated in the realm of Heavenly Dao, they all felt relieved and sneered.

"It seems that the seventh realm is indeed no one, but there are only two ants, which is even more high-profile than me."

A cold light appeared in the eyes of the black guardian, and immediately ordered: "Magic Spear Yunkong, quickly kill these two people to sacrifice the flag!"

"it is good!"

Yunkong nodded gently, without hesitation at all.

'S body flashed, it turned into a black light, and in an instant, it had entered the front line, and the magic cloud spear in his hand spun out mercilessly!

Obviously, he also saw Xiao Chengfeng and Xingya unhappy, and prepared to erase them directly.

Which one is not the boss, when will it be the turn of the two to pretend to be in the realm of Heaven?


This gun is like black lightning, and it is stubbornly stretched to the extreme. It is like a mountain of lightning, directly covering Xiao Chengfeng and Xingya. The power of the terrifying avenue makes the heavens twisted, and the chaos is torn apart. Terrible hole!

Xingya was so scared that the mask on his face almost fell off, and exclaimed, "Wow, Dao Zhizun made a direct shot. Isn't this bullying? You don't talk about martial arts!"

Xiao Chengfeng turned his head and ran without hesitation, shouting, "Fairy help me!"


Just as the terrifying gun power was about to engulf Xiao Chengfeng and Xingya, a sonorous piano sounded abruptly.

For an instant, under the sound of the piano, all the avenues resonated, and the entire sky seemed to become a music lake, and everyone was swimming fish in the lake.

The avenue is rippling, making Yunkong's spear feel endless resistance, and the spear's momentum is directly blocked!


The sound of the piano is endless, making the space beating with it.

Around Yunkong, there have been ripples on the road one after another, I want to swallow the cloud and suppress it!

Yunkong was wearing black armor and holding a spear, dancing among the sound of the piano. The momentum emitted by the spear was earth-shattering, and even the avenue was enough to pierce, unable to get close.

The sound of the piano became more and more urgent, and it turned into harshness. It seemed that it had changed its style in an instant, and even the original ripples of the avenue also changed accordingly, and it turned into countless sharp avenue powers, blasting the sky from all directions. Stab!

This change is overwhelming. Yun Kong is also in a hurry. No matter how hard his spear can protect him, his body has been riddled with barrels in an instant.

The black guardian's face sank, and he raised his hand and slapped it out. The huge palm print directly slapped the sound of the piano around Yunkong, and then took Yunkong back.

Yunkong took a deep breath, staring at the front, the origin of life flowed, and he recovered from his injuries.

This temptation undoubtedly ended in his failure.

"What a weird voice of the avenue, it actually hurt the magic spear!"

"It seems that the masters of the seventh realm should not be underestimated."

"This person's cultivation method is extremely peculiar, and he can change at will, and at the same time drive the power of the great path to change, it is really extraordinary."

The people of the fourth realm stared attentively, and they saw the people of the heavenly palace descending under the cover of countless sunshine.

In the dark, the war angels of the angel family watched silently.

She did not directly contact the people of the Fourth Realm, but came mainly to inquire about the intelligence and touch the depths of the Seventh Realm.

Everyone in the Tiangong Palace, Gu Yuan, his eyes suddenly red, and he said hoarsely: "Gu Yuan, here we are."

At this time, Gu Yuan's appearance was really miserable. His whole body was pierced by the Xuanbing Heart Eater, and his skin was scorched by lightning. There are still many Heart Eaters still eating his blood at the location of his heart. .

Just looking at it is shocking.

Gu Yuan smiled and greeted everyone, “I’m fine, it doesn’t hurt at all, really.”

What he said is indeed the truth, but it is not a taste to listen to everyone's ears.

Yang Jian was frightened, and sternly said: "Beasts of the Fourth Realm, I will make you pay the price!"

The black law protector couldn't help but laughed, "It's not that I look down on you, just rely on you?"

He glanced at the people coldly, focusing on Nun Nu, Long Er, Situ Qin and Qin Manyun, and shook his head.

"Are there only four Great Dao Supremes? This is the strength of the Seventh Realm? It is weaker than I thought."

"You can't imagine the strength of our seventh realm, but we are enough to deal with you! Just try my latest strength with you!"

As   囡囡 said, she couldn't wait to step forward, her small body, like a meteor rushing to the moon, rushed directly in the direction of the Fourth Realm.


The brows of the black and white protector wrinkled at the same time, revealing deep thoughts.

They also want to find out the reality of the seventh realm.

Are there other people hidden behind this group of people?

At this time, the daughter burst out loudly, and her tender voice had an unspeakable majesty, "Magic swallows the world!"


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Behind her, a huge black magic shadow suddenly appeared, and the endless black light was like a tide, swallowing toward the people of the fourth realm!

"Ah, my cultivation has been swallowed for three thousand years!"

"Me too, step back, get out of this shadow!"

"The aura of my magic weapon was swallowed, how can it be so strong?!"

"It's horrible, what kind of magic is this, it's even more domineering than the ancients!"

Everyone in the Fourth Realm was shocked, and even the Eight Great Dao Sovereigns, including the Black Guardian, looked solemn.

So eight people shot together!

They are ready to besiege the nun!

"If you don't know whether you live or die, you can rush to deliver it alone."

Yunkong was holding a long spear, and rushed to the forefront again, stabbing at the girl!

囡囡raised her small hand, the shovel appeared in his hands, his hands were clenched, the mana was mighty, and a layer of white light was enveloped around the shovel, and he solemnly faced the spear.

The shovel and the spear collided straight.


A crisp sound came from the body of the spear, and then it was directly broken into two pieces.

"My gun was broken?"

Yunkong's brain buzzed, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

His spear is a Dao weapon that is more powerful than the Innate Treasure, and it has been poured into his mana. How can it be so brittle and break at the touch of it?

"What kind of shovel is this? It can be used to break the supreme Taoist tool!"

"Even in Chaos, it can't do this. Could it be the treasure of the avenue?!"

The others were also shocked, showing incredible expressions.

Then, the gaze at the shovel became hot again.

"The Seventh Realm actually has the Great Treasure of the Great Avenue. This is incredible."

"This is a surprise, plunder it!"

The other seven Dadao Supremes also displayed supernatural powers, and wanted to suppress them.

"Sister 囡囡, I will help you!"

Ryuuji held the ladles and began to sprinkle water. Each drop of water contained a powerful atmosphere of great power, which was comparable to magical powers!

At the same time, she also rushed to the front of a Dao Sovereign in the Fourth Realm, and raised the ladles high, smashing it down like a heavy hammer!

"You can't hurt me."

The Dadao Supreme looked calm, raised his hand, and a mirror emerged in front of him, forming a shield to block him.


However, when the ladling hit the mirror, there was a crisp sound, the mirror surface cracked directly, and then a drop broke into pieces.

Seeing that the nun raised her baby again, the Dao Zhizun hurriedly backed away and yelled in amazement, "My mirror is so broken? The Dao Zhi Treasure in her hand is actually the Dao Zhi Treasure! How is this possible?!"

"Attention, everyone, don't be tough with magic weapons and their weird magic weapons!"

At this moment, even the Great Dao Sovereign feels chills, what is the reason that can make the Seventh Realm appear such two great avenues?

囡囡 and Long Er became more and more courageous as they fought, and they looked like gods blocking and killing gods.

Before their cultivation base was not enough, they could only use part of the power of the ladles and the shovel, and now they have reached the realm of the dao supreme, with the ladles and the shovel, the combat power is very amazing.

The black guardian asked in a condensed voice: "Little girl, tell me where these two treasures came from? In addition to you, is there any other Dao Supreme in the seventh realm?!"

囡囡 smiled slightly, "Hehe, guess."

Protector White's eyes narrowed slightly, and he solemnly said: "Take them down, the treasure of the avenue is ours!"

The eight masters of the Great Dao Sovereign are all refreshed and no longer keep their hands.


The piano sounds again.

Qin Manyun sits cross-legged in the void, his body is like jade, the avenue is like a dragon, surrounding him, the sound of the piano is like water, flowing in all directions.

The sound of the piano is like a mountain peak, pressing on the people of the Fourth Realm, suppressing their figure.

Situ Qin was holding a writing brush, looking at the battlefield with beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "Sister Man Yun, please hold on for a while, I'll brew it up."

"Let's kill together!" The people in Tiangong seemed to have heard the horn of the charge, running their magic power, and went to kill the people in the fourth realm!

Yang Jian went straight to Ye Qingshan and Lei Teng, the rich murderous intent enveloped a layer of blood red in the void, and roared: "I remember you two, die for me!"

"It's you, why didn't you die?!"

"Impossible, you obviously must die, how did you do it?"

Ye Qingshan and Lei Teng were taken aback, almost staring out their own eyes.

Shen Daozi’s methods They knew that even if Dao Zhizun took the shot, he would definitely not save Yang Jian. However, Yang Jian was not only alive and well, but also a great advancement in his cultivation, which could crush them both.


The seventh realm is full of weirdness!

At this moment, they suddenly felt panicked.

The seventh realm has subverted their cognition time and time again, and it is too deep to hide, and the big weirdness hidden may be really not weaker than the fourth realm.

They wanted to escape, but they couldn’t.

Ye Qingshan anxiously called his friends and called his friends, "Quickly, this person has already stepped into the avenue with half his foot, and everyone besieged him!"

The war angel has been silently watching the battlefield in the distance, and the entangled color gradually appeared in his eyes.

Do you want to make a move?

At present, the fourth realm actually still has the upper hand, after all, there are a lot more masters.

Even though the Great Dao Treasure appeared in the Seventh Realm, and the methods were extremely terrifying, the Fourth Realm had eight Great Dao Supremes, and even black and white two protectors.

The black and white protector shot at Nun Nun and Long Er respectively, and it can already be seen that these two little girls are a little alone.

If you make another move at this time, it will definitely be the time to decide your destiny, and it can inflict heavy damage on the seventh realm!

However, she also felt that the Seventh Realm was unusual, and there was still something hidden behind her, so rash shots might not be good.

At this moment, she felt something in her heart and suddenly looked in one direction of a battlefield, with a look of horror in the depths of her eyes.

"Here, this breath is..."

But I saw that, behind Qin Manyun who was playing the piano, the other Dao Sovereign woman who had not taken a shot was writing something.

Just now, her breath has not been noticed, and she has not been noticed. At this time, her breath has burst out, as if some kind of Peng Bai's power is about to come out of Peng Bai, giving people endless pressure.

At the same time, behind her, a golden flower-bone phantom, like a shining sun, slowly emerged, shining with extreme brilliance!

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