Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 697: 697: Black Guardian: My mentality collapsed

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A fierce flame passed by.

Dye the chaos into fiery red.

When the heat dissipated, there was nothing but nothing left.

Everyone rubbed their eyes together, staring blankly in that direction.

I vaguely remember the outline of the skeleton, but it's gone?

The ancestor of the Yun family only made two speeches. It is rumored that his first-life skeleton is not so strong and so strong? No scum left?

Too much bragging!

"No, ancestor, ancestor, you come back!"

The black guardian roared hoarsely, couldn't believe what was happening in front of him, and the worldview shattered directly.

The whole face of the white guardian was scared to no blood, and his whole body trembled, exclaiming: "It is absolutely impossible for the flame to gain the bones of the ancestor, fake! It must be something wrong!"

Suddenly, his body trembled, and he said in terror, “I understand, it’s the straw hat on the ancestor’s head! After that thing was ignited, the flames went to the sky, forming a qualitative change!”

"How could this be? What kind of straw is that? It's terrifying!"

"Unbelievable, I was shocked to hear! There are too many secrets in the Seventh Realm, it's terrifying!"

"Why? Why do there always appear so many inexplicable things in the seventh realm, shovel, and scoop, now even straw is so terrible, I'm not willing!"

"Run, run, I want to go home!"

Everyone in the fourth realm panicked.

That was the bones of the first generation of the Yun family ancestors, a terrifying thing that claimed to be indelible even on the avenues, and now it has evaporated before they even started to show off. They still have the courage to continue fighting.

The seventh realm is far more terrifying than they thought. This time it was not prepared enough and needed to return to the fourth realm to return quickly.

However, the people of Tiangong have long been guarding against them.

"Come as you want, leave as you want? Really we are vegetarian?"

"Since game comes automatically, there is absolutely no reason to disappoint you!"

"Don't let any of them go, kill them!"

囡囡 took the lead and stared directly at the two Dao Supremes, swallowing power revolving, and a sudden inhalation, making them stay on the same spot, unable to escape at all.

Long Er said to the three chickens: "Those three chickens, since you are here, do your part too, don’t let people run away."

"Wow, don't worry."

One of the chickens stared at Protector Bai, suddenly a bright light burst into his eyes, and said excitedly: "Oh, what did I see? Is that the ice silkworm fairy? My favorite, let me peck!"

Yang Jian quickly flew to the high platform and rescued Gu Yuan from the cross.

Concerned: "Are you okay?"

Gu Yuan smiled slightly, "Hehe, I can't die."

Xiao Chengfeng also came over, haha ​​smiled: "Gu Yuan, I have to say that you are a real man this time, not bad!"

Jade Emperor also said: "Yes, Ye Qingshan and Lei Teng have been arrested for you. You are so seriously injured, we will give them to you to vent our anger!"

"Can't die? Do you think it's possible?"

But at this moment, the black guardian's crazy voice suddenly sounded, full of sarcasm.

At this time, he was being besieged by Situ Qin and a chicken. There was no way to fight back, and the origin of his life was almost withered.

He looked very embarrassed, the hair on his head was still in flames, his body was more scorched, and bursts of blue smoke floated up.

With a casual flick of the pen in Situ Qin's hand, a poem turned into the power of the great avenue and suppressed on the body of the black guardian.

"A single spark can start a prairie fire!"

At the same time, the divine fire of the Chaos Divine Phoenix chased out to the black guardian, and the two cooperated to form an inextinguishable fire. It directly chased the black guardian and crushed it, which was enough to burn out his life source and couldn't escape!

Probably knowing that he could not escape to death, the black guard became crazy, and he stared at Gu Yuan fiercely, his eyes were full of bone-stirring hatred.

"Dog stuff, I have endured you for a long time!"

He yelled at Gu Yuan, "I said you were already on my kill list, how could I let you live if I die? Hahaha"

In fact, he has been irritated by Gu Yuan all the time.

Gu Yuan is just a trivial ant, but he fought him all the way and was annoying, but he was also suffering from not being able to torture Gu Yuan, so he was holding back to the present, and finally broke out.

Originally, he wanted to destroy the seventh realm, and let Gu Yuan see what despair is and feel pain. It's just that the world is unpredictable, and the person who truly feels despair has become himself.

But... he has already left a dark hand in Gu Yuan's body. Team battles can be lost, and Gu Yuan must die!

He yelled cruelly, "Dog stuff, die for me!"

The next moment, black flames rose up from Gu Yuan's body like a fire snake, swallowing them at an extremely fast speed, Gu Yuan couldn't resist at all.

Yang Jian and others were shocked, but found that this black fire had long been connected to Gu Yuan’s soul, and there was no solution at all.

"Hahaha, great!"

The black guardian is at the extreme, "Let me see you with my own eyes!"

Gu Yuan's face was calm, and he glanced at the Black Guardian with contempt, "You laugh a shit! A fool, I have so many of you to bury me, I have earned it!"

Soon, Gu Yuan dissipated between heaven and earth.

Everyone in the seventh realm was stunned. Yang Jian's eyes were red, and the giant spirit **** firmly grasped the giant axe in his hand, Yao Mengji sighed, and the old tears rolled down.

Old friends, go all the way well.

However, at this time, a pure white light suddenly lit up like sunlight in the dark night, stinging everyone's eyes.

"Yes... it's the portrait painted by an expert!"

"Look, does Gu Yuan in the painting seem to be alive? It seems that there is still a rhyme flowing."

"Is this the back hand of an expert? Gu Yuan might be saved!"

"This must be the case, the original purpose of the master painting portrait is this."

The eyes of the people in Tiangong were all bright, and their eyes were full of hope, as bright as stars.

The black guardian sneered, "What is this? Pretending to be a god!"

But the next moment, the smile on his face froze on his face, his eyes were bloodshot and bloodshot.

seems to have seen the most desperate picture of this life.

He screamed, "No, how is this possible?!"


The portrait brilliance circulates, the head slowly disappears, and a figure is slowly born in the brilliance.

The familiar breath, the familiar face, and the stubborn stubble...

It’s not Gu Yuan and who is it?

Gu Yuan's expression was also a little confused. He looked around himself up and down, and couldn't believe it, "I... Am I alive?"

Yang Yan nodded blankly, "It seems to be true."

Yao Mengji blew his beard and stared, but he laughed and said: "Damn, old thief Gu Yuan, you deceived my feelings and paid for my tears!"

Jade Emperor smiled bitterly: "Although it is in the state of a ghost, the cultivation base actually broke through from the realm of saints to the realm of Hunyuan Daluojinxian. It seems that you have to enter the prestigious establishment from my heavenly palace to serve."

The people in Tiangong laughed together.

"Impossible! You know that your body and spirit are gone, you are definitely the kind with no breath left! This is not true!"

The black guardian's entire face was distorted, his eyes protruding, and he rushed toward Gu Yuan desperately, "I want you to die, I must kill you, ah!"

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His obsession with Gu Yuan is already infatuated.

A second ago, I felt that Gu Yuan had buried himself with him, and he was very comfortable. In a blink of an eye, he was alive and well. This directly caused him to collapse and he could not look at him.

艹, too bully!

Just before he rushed to Gu Yuan, he was held down by Situ Qin.

Gu Yuan walked up to the black guardian graciously, smiled and said: "You can't kill me, I'm so strong, la la la."

turned around and twisted his **** at the black guardian, "Just ask if you are angry? Are you angry?"


The black guardian was so angry that he spouted a mouthful of blood, tears rolled down quickly, and he burst into tears.

The mentality collapsed.

Why am I so sad?

"Please kill me, please have a good time..."

Soon, it entered the mopping-up stage, and no one could escape.

However, Qin Manyun did not put the piano away, and was still playing the piano.

The sound of the piano is long, spreading to the surroundings.

"No, we have been found, run!"

"Ah, the sound of this piano is so weird, it is suppressed so I can't move!"

"Damn it, I said to run early, this seventh level is too weird!"

There are more than a dozen hidden figures struggling desperately, terrified.

They are the spies sent by the major forces in the Fourth Realm, silently following the black and white guardian, hiding in secret to observe the information of the seventh realm, so that they can go back and report it.

has now been found out by a brainstorm.

"not good!"

The pretty faces of the princesses and angels of the angel family changed drastically. She could feel a suppressing force, and the sound of the piano was also transmitted to her.

"Quick Back!"

Without thinking, she was ready to leave as soon as the wings behind her spread out.

However, a childish little fist suddenly fell from the sky, blocking her path, and shook her back.

"Huh? Humans with wings? Is this a special creature?"

囡囡 looked at the war angel curiously, and at a glance she could see that she was not a monster transfiguration, this was her original form.

The war angel is like a fluorescent lamp, surrounded by white radiance, and said kindly: "Friends, I am a war angel of the angel family. This time I just came here curiously. There is absolutely no malice and no action. Why should everyone meet? Just fight and kill?"

The angel family is naturally proud, and the war angel is the king of battle among the angel family.

However, in the face of the 囡囡 and others, she had to put away her arrogance and be polite.

囡囡's little head couldn't help but light up, "Well, you are right."

Then she changed her conversation and curiously said: "But, sister, what kind of monster are you? Can you eat it?"

Can...Can you eat?

The heart of the war angel sank suddenly, and his pretty face was also cold.

These people actually want to eat me?

But she still resisted the anger, and said: "When...Of course you can't eat it."

囡囡 said earnestly: “It’s not up to you whether you can eat it or not. My brother likes this strange-looking creature like you. Why don't you go back with us first and let your brother take a look.”

"You still want to catch me?"

The war angel suddenly became extremely cautious, raised his hand, and a bright sword appeared in his hand. The fighting spirit was brewing rapidly, and he said coldly: "My angel family is the royal family of the fourth realm. It's not comparable to the group just now. I advise you not to be ignorant of praise!"

Long Er rushed over with the immortal rope, "Since I don't cooperate, sister Nun, we will tie her up and take her back!"

The wings of the war angel spread out, and the incomparably holy brilliance fell down, and the powerful force rose to the sky, Leng arrogantly said: "If you want to tie me, you must be prepared to bear my anger! If you want to fight, then fight!"

After a while.

The war angel, who had been tightly bound, flushed with a pretty face, glared at Nun Nun and Long Er, and was carried to God's Domain by them.

at the same time.

In the fourth world Yunjia.

An old man with a thin face suddenly opened his eyes, and a torrent of weather blew up from his body, and the entire void was roaring, and the avenue trembled like a huge wave.

An angry voice came from his mouth, "The bones of my first life were actually destroyed in the seventh realm?!"

He quickly received the memory conveyed by the divine consciousness.

"I just arrived, and I disappeared without seeing the situation clearly?"

"The sacred fire is just an ordinary road fire. It is definitely not enough to kill my first-life bones. The focus is on the hat. What kind of straw is it?"

"It must be the root of Chaos Fire that can push the sacred fire to ignite the avenue and burst out such terrible power!"

"It seems that I really underestimated the Seventh Realm. Such gods have never appeared in the Fourth Realm. However, the chaotic fire roots are extremely precious. They used it this time, and there must be no surplus!"

"Moreover, since even the Chaos Fire Spiritual Root is willing to use it, it means that the seventh realm is at its limit. You can take further action against it with confidence!"


Soon, the four girls of Situ Qin returned to the courtyard with a group of game meat.

Seeing them return, Li Nianfan immediately asked with concern: "How is it? Did you beat the enemy back?"

Long'er smiled and said, "Hehe, I have beaten back, and brought back a dozen kinds of game. New members of the zoo have joined."

"Oh? Then I have to take a good look."

Li Nianfan laughed, this is a rare pleasure.

Don’t say anything else, these rare and exotic animals can't even think about it in the past life. This zoo is really high-end, and the key is to taste new meat.

More than a dozen different game dishes, Li Nianfan looked at them one by one, and opened his eyes with secret calls.

But when he came to a cage, Li Nianfan's eyes suddenly stopped, and he couldn't help but gasp.

"This...is this an angel?"

And also a beautiful angel.

He was shocked, and hurriedly leaned over to observe carefully.

The angel was tightly bound by a rope, hung from a cage, with cloth stuffed in his mouth, and his eyes widened with blue pupils glaring at everyone bitterly.

Melon seed face, small neck is tall and straight, lips are white, ears are slightly pointed, similar to the appearance of human beings.

The most obvious feature is the white skin as snow, and the pile of wings covered with white feathers behind him.

The wings are large and beautiful. In terms of height, they are about two-thirds the height of an angel.

Li Nianfan's gaze swept across the body of the war angel.

Suddenly, she was amazed by the binding technique of the rope on her body, the tightness was just right, and it should be curled up, showing the exquisite figure to the fullest.

He couldn’t help asking: “Who tied this technique?”

囡囡 said: "We are only in charge of uniforms. The ropes are tied by immortal ropes. What's wrong?"

"Uh, it's okay."

Where is the immortal rope, obviously it is the rope of lsp.

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