Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 699: 699: Li Nianfan’s apologize, the discussion of the fourth world

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"If you love what you love, you can use strength. If you love what you hate, do it. If you hurt your body, you will worry about your relatives. If you are good, you will be ashamed..."

A lot of strange auras surrounded the bodies of the girls and the others, causing their hearts to sink, and their magic power became peaceful from the original mania.

Nun's savvy is very high, and she can't help but start to recall what she has done in her mind, and it seems to have entered a strange space and saw her heart.

With the increase in strength, although she did not do evil, many of her actions can also be described as lawless. Deep down, she claims to be righteous, but in the eyes of others, she is a little devil.

囡囡 whispered to her heart, "I followed my brother and came into contact with endless good fortune. My strength has been rapidly improved, and my horizons have also improved, but this has made myself swell!"

"This kind of swelling made me put aside the original rules in my heart, and gave me a feeling of being superior to others. Before, I was a mortal and kind to people, but now, when I face a mortal again, it is actually With an attitude of looking down, I forgot my original intention!"

Her mind was constantly roaring, like a divine enlightenment, she suddenly thought of a lot, and she realized it!

"If it continues, my expansion will get out of control. At that time, seeing people like ants will definitely become cold-blooded and harm people!"

A little bit of cold sweat overflowed on her forehead, and she couldn't help being afraid for a while.

Although this did not improve her strength, it was more useful to her than anything else!

This is to pull her back from the brink of being overwhelmed!

Only by keeping this inner heart can we truly understand the great way, otherwise, it will eventually be destroyed!

Ryuuji was also quiet.

She bit her lip, annoyed in her eyes, "So I am a bear kid."

If it is an ordinary bear child, it will be a headache at most, but Long Er's strength is already extremely terrifying, then the destructive power of this bear child is simply terrifying.

She began to reflect, "A lot of my behaviors can make people feel scared and cause great harm to people."

Daji and other women are also deeply sentimental.

"It turns out that the real great way should be built on the foundation of the original heart. If it deviates from the most basic self, it is destined to go astray and become a demon!"

"If you lose your self-restraint, you will inevitably get lost in the pursuit of great power and strength in the future, harming others and yourself."

"You are as strong as the son, if you don't have the same strong heart, how can you voluntarily become a mortal and be kind to others? The mood of the son is really unimaginable."

"I seem to know what a real strong is. The strong is not beyond any rules, but has the power to restrain itself!"

"The son is just mentioning us!"

The value of this book is incalculable, even more precious than the great treasure!

Cultivation of Taoism also requires cultivation of the mind, but it is often overlooked. This book is the cornerstone of Taoism!

It deserves to be something that can be taken out of the master's utility room, really awesome!

Everyone has a realization, and the admiration for Li Nianfan in his heart is like a surging river, which cannot be suppressed.

"Brother, we will copy it a hundred times seriously!"

"Well, me too, a hundred times!"

Nun Nan and Long Er looked at Li Nianfan at the same time, their small faces were full of seriousness.

Li Nianfan smiled with satisfaction, "This attitude is very good, and it's a good way to teach children."

Then, he set his gaze back on the pile of angel feathers.

Hey, this is really a nerve-wracking question!

How can I compensate others?

The hair has been plucked, is it possible to return it? .

Finally, he moved a small stool, sat next to the angel feathers, and started knitting.

A few feathers seemed to come alive in his hands, and they were strung together little by little. Halfway through, he went to the backyard and broke off a wicker from the willow tree in the backyard to form the feathers into a circle. .

Soon, a head ring woven from angel feathers was formed.

Li Nianfan walked out of the courtyard, stood at the door, took a long look at the crying angel who was still curled up, sighed faintly, and walked over.

He opened his mouth and said: "Um... I'm sorry, I am not strict in discipline. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I apologize to you on their behalf."

Don't even think about it, the angel's feathers are definitely very important, not to mention that the other party is still a woman. This thing is really too much.

The swollen eyes of the war angel stared at Li Nianfan, with hatred flowing out, and turned his head away with a cold snort, not looking at him.

"I know it's a bit late to remedy it, but please accept my apologies."

While talking, Li Nianfan passed the headband.

The war angel looked at the headband, a little lost for a while.

This headband is really good-looking, yes, but

She couldn't be more familiar with the breath on it, it was her feathers!


Seeing her feathers turned into this look, she felt sad again, and couldn't help crying.

Li Nianfan rubbed his head with a headache and coughed lightly, "It's okay to take this with me, as a memento."

In the end, the war angel reached out his hand, took the headband, and rubbed it guiltily.

My poor feather, I'm sorry you.

Sobbed pitifully, "I...I want to go home."

Li Nianfan promised: "Don't worry, I will let them let you go."

Then he turned and walked towards the courtyard.

Of course he would not let go of the angel directly.

After all, the angel's mood is obviously unstable now, and he must also have a cultivation base. There is not even a person to protect herself by her side. If she tries to find herself desperately, I will be very cold.

In terms of life and death, Li Nianfan's mind is still very clear.

After a while, the girl ran out, opened the cage, and said suddenly, "Sister Angel, you can go."

"I want to remind you, don't think about retaliating against us, the consequences will be serious! And...you shouldn't be uncomfortable if your brother gave you such a big gift."

The war angel's breathing was stagnant, angrily waiting for her daughter.

If you plucked my hair out, you still threatened me.

You said you gave me a big gift?

Just this headband?

This hair ring is worth my few hairs!

The war angel's chest couldn't help but undulate, but she knew the situation clearly, knowing that it wasn't the time to say harsh words, this group of people couldn't afford to provoke them, so she rushed back to talk about it.


She gave a cold snort and turned into a escape.

In the past, she must have spread her white wings and soared, but now she can only gather her meat wings and is humiliated...

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At the same time, in the courtyard.

Li Nianfan continued to sit between the remaining angel feathers, weaving hard.

He planned silently in his heart, "First weave the cushion. The cushion made of this kind of feather is definitely very comfortable, and it means that I can pick up angel feathers at any time, and it feels really good."

Sin, sin.

Angel girl, don’t blame me for buckling so many feathers, you just need to keep a little as a souvenir, it’s useless to give you more...

at the same time.

The news that the entire Yun family was annihilated finally spread to the Fourth Realm, causing an uproar immediately.

This time, a total of eight Dao Sovereigns were dispatched, and among them were the two protectors of the Yun family, black and white. These two are not comparable to ordinary Dao Sovereigns, and their strength is unfathomable!

Not to mention that they also carry a lot of powers in the realm of heaven and many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

This lineup was wiped out, how strong is the seventh world?

Tianji Pavilion.

In that hall in the depths.

The old pavilion master's slightly closed eyes slowly opened, and the black hole in the pupil became deeper, revealing the color of thinking.

"It seems that the mortal person in the seventh realm has become quite a climate, making the seventh realm's current strength also improved by leaps and bounds."

"It's just...According to the news from Shindaozi, there are not many masters in the seventh world. How did you stop this attack?"

"The root cause should still be in that weird courtyard, where it is the center of entering the mortal world, and the masters are most likely to hide in it! It is a pity that Shendaozi and the others are really unable to do so. Even if the specific conditions in the courtyard are not ascertained, they die.

The old pavilion master was a little eager to move, and continued: "Next, we must pay attention to the seventh realm. I will borrow the group of people from the fourth realm to make arrangements again!"

After the words were finished, the Source Devouring Insects slowly flew out and flew towards the outside world.


The ancestors of the Yun family have already left the customs, and at the same time they released the news about the important news of the seventh realm to discuss, so that the angels, the Tiandi Pavilion and the Tianji Pavilion will gather together.

These four parties represent the most detached force of the Fourth Realm.

The Tianji Pavilion is in the Eastern Emperor, the Angels are in the Western Regions, the Yun Family is in the south, and the Heaven and Earth Pavilion is in the north!

Similarly, they all have extraordinary combat power.

A brawny man with the shape of a mountain laughed and said, "Hahaha, Yun Qianshan, are you calling us over in such a hurry, do you want us to avenge you?"

"I was the first one when it was good. Now that I am bullied, I ran back crying and crying for my mother?"

His tone was full of ridicule, and he was obviously dissatisfied with the Yun Family's first move into the seventh realm.

This brawny man is Zheng Shan, the pavilion owner of Tiandi Pavilion!

Yun Qianshan said with a cold face and hummed: "Zheng Shan, don't say you didn't send someone to follow, your people are back?"

"Okay, you two stop talking nonsense!"

The lord of the angel clan spoke, with a trace of anxiety in his eyes, and said: "I sent my daughter, and the war angel Alena also went to the seventh realm, and also failed to come back!"

"The war angel didn't come back?"

As soon as these words came out, Yun Qianshan and Zheng Shan were surprised.

Zheng Shan solemnly said: "If you add war angels, then you will be the supreme Nine Great Dao!"

Moreover, almost everyone knows the name of the war angel in the fourth realm.

The so-called war angels are born for war. They are born with unparalleled combat power. They are the most talented existence in the angel family, and the conditions for their birth are extremely harsh. It took countless years of hard work for the angel family to cultivate a warrior. angel!

She is the beloved daughter of the Lord of Angels, and even the supreme of the Great Dao. In terms of strength alone, she is probably stronger than the black and white guardian!

Zheng Shan said: "It seems that we did not pay enough attention to the seventh realm before, but this makes no sense. You and I know that the seventh realm was fought by the ancients and suffered heavy losses. It is impossible to recover so quickly!"

Yun Qianshan suddenly said: "Don't talk about war angels, do you know what price I paid?"

The Lord of Angels asked: "Did you also arrange a second hand?"

"I let the black and white guardian carry my first life bones!"

Yun Qianshan's tone was full of solemnity, "However, even the bones of this first life have been destroyed!"

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of the Lord of Angels and Zheng Shan contracted violently.

About Yun Qianshan's bones in the first life, they knew better than others, and it was because they knew more that they were more shocked.

In the Great Dao Realm, there are actually three realms!

Because the gap between these three realms is too big, it is no longer divided into the early, middle and late stages, but is divided into the first step, the second step and the third step!

Step by step!

This represents the step into the Tao!

All three of them have entered the second step of existence.

At the second step, this is a broader field. Even if the Dao is added to it, it is difficult to erase. This is an indescribable realm, and it is powerful enough to regard an ordinary Dao Supreme as an ant.

That skeleton is the skeleton of Yun Qianshan's first life and the skeleton of the second step!

Even if you stand and let others hit it casually, the bones will not suffer any damage, and if anyone can refine the bones into an external incarnation, they can hit the Dao Supreme!

But now, this skeleton was actually destroyed in the seventh realm!

This means that the seventh definition has the supreme stepping into the second step!

Zheng Shan asked, "What happened?"

"Because of some accidents, although I came to the seventh level, I actually didn't see much news."

Yun Qianshan paused, and continued: "The main reason why the bones of my first life were destroyed was because of the chaotic fire roots! Moreover, there are the three chaotic divine phoenixes!"

There was a strange color in the eyes of the Angel Lord, and he was surprised: "The Chaos Divine Phoenix is ​​only active in the Chaos Sea. There are actually three in the seventh realm? There are also chaotic fire roots. Even our fourth realm does not have such a god. It has appeared before, and the Seventh Realm actually has it."

Zheng Shan said solemnly, "It seems that the water in the Seventh Realm is very deep."

"No matter how deep the water is, it will eventually be measured."

Yun Qianshan smiled slightly and said: "According to my inference, in order to destroy my first-life bones, even the chaotic fire roots of the seventh realm were taken out. Obviously, they don't have the second step supreme! If you go out, you will surely be successful!"

The Lord of Angels and Zheng Shan groaned, a little hesitant.

Although they are powerful, but they also take their lives and will not go to the brainlessly.

The Murong family was destroyed, the origin of the third realm was seized, the black-and-white protector group was destroyed, and the first generation of Yunqianshan was destroyed. This shows that the seventh realm is not simple.

The most important thing is that they know too little about the Seventh Realm!

Yun Qianshan was quite ready, feeling that he had already seen through the seventh realm, and continued: "Think about it again, three chaotic divine phoenixes unexpectedly appeared in the seventh realm abnormally. The only possibility is that the seventh realm is difficult. The imaginary treasure is attracting them!"

As soon as these words came out, both the lord of angels and Zheng Shan were a little moved.

However, at this moment, a few Source Devouring Insects flew over, and then a misty voice echoed above the void.

"Sorry, my Heavenly Secret Pavilion is late! Yun Qianshan, you think of the seventh realm too superficially. If you want to deal with the seventh realm, you have to look at me!"

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