Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 701: 701: The treatment of game, fallen angel

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Li Nianfan returned to the courtyard.

Then began to make fodder to feed the zoo.

In fact, the ingredients are still quite sufficient. For example, the bones left over from eating game can be grinded and used as bone meal. For example, vegetable roots and eggshells, and expired milk, etc. These are also wasteful and can be used.

Unconsciously, his courtyard has become a complete ecosystem.

Looking at Li Nianfan being busy, Long Er couldn't help but said: "Brother, there is no need to be so troublesome, just let them pull it."

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Eating this feed can increase a little nutrition anyway, it doesn't take much effort anyway, and...the zoo's game is a little fatter, and it tastes better, isn't it?"

Long Er suddenly said, "That's what I said, then I'll help you."

Li Nianfan said, "You can help me smash the hippo bones."

"Brother, brother, I will help you too."

"Brother-in-law, I'm here too."

The little fox and nun also joined in.

It took two hours and the feed was finally made. There were three big buckets. Although the appearance was not good, it looked like pig food, but people who wanted to come to game would like it.

Li Nianfan said to her daughter, "Okay, you can carry the feed out to feed the game."

"Okay, brother, promise to complete the task!"

Nun Nun, Long Er and Little Fox carried a bucket all by themselves, and walked towards the outside of the courtyard with great enthusiasm.

Outside the courtyard.

There are already fifty-something game, each of them looks very unique, mighty and domineering, and properly rare and exotic animals.

It's just that, at this time, they are all a little listless, their strength is sealed, and they can only lie on the ground and wait for death.

Have a few weak conversations from time to time.

"Hey, I never expected that the Seventh Realm is so weird that it actually treats me as game meat. It's a shameful shame!"

"Yes, my jade dragon and bull is also a strange beast of heaven. There are only a handful of them. They are rare animals. Have they ever been treated as game?"

"Man-made swords and I am fish-meat, everyone, the world has changed!"

"Everyone can come here together to become game, which shows that there is still a lot of fate. In the days to come, everyone will be friends."

"Yes, they are all friends."

"Clang clang!"

At this time, a rush of gongs and drums exploded violently, shocking all the game and trembling.

Seeing Nun Nun and Long Er coming out, they all shrank their heads in unison.

At the same time, he also collected his own meat quality.

A pig demon with scarlet fangs saw that her gaze fell on her body, and was so scared that he called out a pig cry.

"Two adults, I'm very thin, and my whole body is bones. It's better to eat that cow than to eat me!"

"Fart! My nickname is stinky cow, and the whole body is stinky. I can't eat it at all. The lion over there is the best. I drool all over it."

"My lord, don't listen to nonsense. I know that my meat is all fat. Give me time, and I will exercise and feed you in the best condition. That tiger is the right choice."

"Your sister, don't harm me, that donkey is only fragrant, and I have eaten its kind!"

"Go away, that mink is the first choice!"

The alliance that had called each other friends collapsed in an instant, and one by one began to recommend each other's flesh, for fear that they would be selected.

The little fox said fiercely: "It's so noisy, I can't eat you for the time being, please be quiet!"

Numerous monsters with ferocious appearances were snarled by this beautiful girl, all lying on the ground cleverly and settled down.

The girl said: "My brother is going to provide you with food, but you need to pull the feces, pull it well, take more, and stand up if you can do it!"

Provide food, and then let us pull the feces?

What do you mean?

Can I understand that this is an insult to us?

Although many game animals are afraid of death, they are all mythical beasts, and their inner pride will never allow themselves to be trampled on in this way.

They all frowned slightly, showing an unhappiness.

"Pulling feces, what a vulgar thing is that, thinking about it, it makes me feel bad."

"Anyway, we are all going to die, we must die with the last trace of dignity!"

"This treats us as dung-making machines! I will never shame my race! I would rather die than surrender!"

"Give us food, what is it, is this a problem of eating?"

The girl didn't speak, but silently took a bite of the feed and sent it to the yelling monster.

It was a golden bear demon, standing upright with his legs upright, making a noise with his throat.

It glanced at the pig food in front of him, showing a look of disgust, "What do you do? You can force me to do many things in this world, but you can't force me to shit!"

The girl said: "Don't say I didn't give you a chance, try it first, maybe you might change your mind."

"Rely on this?"

The bear demon sneered, but due to her lustful prestige, she agreed, "Try and try."

It lowered its head, made a patience, and took a sip.

In fact, he is ready to vomit.

However, in the next moment, its pupils shrank suddenly, and the entire bear's face was stunned and shocked, and the hair on the whole body stretched out like a flower.

"This, this, this is..."

It was incoherent, watching the pig food heart beating.

Dadao breath, this pig food actually has Dadao breath!

Moreover, it is mixed with multiple avenues, perfect fusion and intersection, forming a special bond between each other, which is very strange.

Although its repair base is sealed, its vision is still there.

Since its birth, it has never seen such a precious thing before, and has never even heard of it!

Unimaginable great opportunity, great luck!

Unexpectedly, such a strange thing would actually appear in front of him in the form of pig food, and the purpose is to let himself... pull the feces.

What kind of fairy place is this seventh realm? Is it so self-willed?

In addition, this ugly pig food is surprisingly delicious, and it has a fatal appeal to it, and it seems to be tailor-made for it.

This is the most delicious taste it has ever tasted in its life, and it has opened the door to a new world.

Just when it was about to taste another bite, the nun had already taken the ladle away. At this moment, its heart pierced.

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Hurriedly said: "My lord, in fact, I have always had an unspeakable talent for the Golden Bear Clan. Now I can't hide it, that is, I can pull it! Then you must give me the feed, and I promise to pull it out for you. A piece of heaven and earth come!"

The other monsters were stupid by this wave of Jin Xiong's operations.

what's the situation? Is your position so unresolute?

Even the ancestors were sold so soon?

But they are not stupid, they naturally set their eyes on the pig food.

Out of curiosity, they also said that they could taste it.

Then, it was out of control.

"Oh my god, what a fortune is this, I'm just waiting for game, how can He De eat such a precious thing?"

"That's great, they are really good to game! I knew this was the treatment. I would definitely drag my family to eat game!"

"It's just that they give too much!"

"Chao Wen Dao Xi can die! Chao Xi eats pig food, and Xi die can also die!"

"Isn't it just pulling feces? This is my strength, please trust my professionalism."

"Fart, how much can you pull? I am definitely better than you!"

"Don't fight with me. Pulling dung is my ancestral craft!"

The entire zoo was very excited, crowded one by one, staring at the pig food with beaming eyes.

The girl said: "I told you that this food is not enough for you. If you let me know that someone can't eat it, or if it's too perfunctory, then just slaughter it and eat it!"

"My lord, rest assured, we will do our best to ensure your satisfaction."

"If someone really doesn't know how to promote it, we don't need an adult to take action, we will be rude to it!"

The fourth realm.

Under the temple of the Western Regions.

A heavy black air rolled like a sea wave.

Here, the original earth has been completely covered by black gas, turning into a black ocean. It seems that in the compartment of this space, there is a spring, which is continuously spraying black gas.

This is an endless abyss, I don't know where to lead.

From a distance, the temple suspended in the sky seems to be held up by the black energy. The black energy is getting stronger and stronger, presenting an explosive posture, faintly reviving with terrifying power.

The lord of angels stood on the temple, surrounded by the holy light, undulating vigorously, looking down at the black Qi rolling below, frowning, and staring solemnly at the black Qi.

On all sides, there are still a group of angels standing, all motivating their own power.

An angel with a handsome face took a deep breath and said with concern: "The deity, this time the situation seems a bit special, and the seal of light is rapidly weakening."

In the past, when the seal was loosened, they would soon be able to suppress it, but this time, they have repeatedly shot three times, but the black energy will still come back, and it will become more and more intense.

The lord of the angels looked faintly, as if he wanted to see the deepest part of the darkness, and said solemnly: "How can that guy's devilishness suddenly increase so much."

In this abyss, the former pride of the angels was suppressed, but now it has become a shame that is difficult to wash away.

In the past, the angels were endlessly brilliant, and their status was even higher than it is now.

It is a genius!

The talent is much stronger than the current war angel.

However, in order to pursue the ultimate power, this genius suddenly swelled his ambitions and wanted to become the lord of angels.

Moreover, the extreme mentality made him pursue the power of evil, so that his feathers were no longer white, but changed to black!

He called himself a fallen angel, but the angel family would naturally not recognize him as an angel and call him a demon.

At that time, his power had grown to a terrifying level. Even the angels could no longer obliterate it, but could only be suppressed under the temple forever, and the angels' power was also greatly damaged.

The Lord of Angels ordered: "Gather all the high-ranking angels, join me, and strengthen the seal of light!"


In the next moment, there were thousands of angels inflaming their wings, and their cultivation bases all reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

The lord of angels raised his hand, grasped the Holy Sword of Light tightly, spread his wings, and plunged straight into the black air, and many angels followed closely.

At this moment, it is as if the sunlight penetrates the darkness, and the holy white light disperses the black energy, like a moving light source, traveling through the night.

"Angel's holy light, the light will last forever, and the formation!"

With the lord of angels shouting loudly, the divine sword of light whispered and turned into a white rainbow, rising into the sky across the sky.

At the feet of many angels, there are brilliances connected to each other, forming the symbol of a six-pointed star, turning it into a terrible force of suppression, covering the black energy, and wanting to suppress it!

No one noticed that in this endless black gas, there was still a hint of blood red flashing, like a poisonous snake.

In the depths of the abyss, a pair of blood-red eyes stared at the sky, revealing a bloodthirsty light.

He was shrouded in darkness, with a pair of black feather wings stretched out, as if blending with the darkness, showing strength.

"Kira, Lord of Angels, you wouldn't have thought that this seal happened to be connected with the Fifth Realm!"

A majestic voice came from his mouth, full of killing intent, "Now the time has come, I am back for revenge! I will make you feel the boundless pain!"

"Jie Jie Jie, is the fourth level on the opposite side? I smell a lot of charming smells."

Beside the fallen angel, a weird creature made up of blood made a weird laugh. It was the Lord of the Blood Race of the Fifth Realm!

The last time Li Nianfan surpassed the dead souls of the seven realms, all the realm passages of the seven realms were revealed. The Lord of the blood family exhausted all the means to pursue, and finally found this realm passage. Unexpectedly, after opening the realm passage , Just happened to meet the fallen angel unexpectedly.

The two are about the same strength, and there is no conflict between them, and the goals are the same, so they are ready to join forces to destroy the angel family first!

The fallen angel opened his mouth and said, "Is your killing blood definitely able to affect the light heart of the angel family?"

The blood clan smiled and said: "Don’t worry, the angel clan is busy suppressing your devil’s heart at this time. They will not notice the hidden power at all. If they are caught off guard, their minds will inevitably fall. With the devil's heart pouring into the body, they will surely be forever!"

"Then I'll wait and see." The corner of the fallen angel's mouth sneered.

Since the angel family is not reconciled to enshrining me as the lord of angels, then the angel family will be destroyed. From now on, only the fallen angel family will be!

In the endless black energy, the light of the six-pointed star gleamed to the extreme, and the holy white light spilled around, refining the black energy.

But at this moment, a touch of blood vessels flashed, passed through the six-pointed star, and sank into one of the angels.

The angel's body trembled suddenly.

In the next instant, the black air that was like a tide seemed to have found a catharsis, madly pouring back towards the angel's body!

"Woo! Ah-"

The angel's holy brilliance was instantly annihilated, and a tyrannical aura rose up. It was just a breathing time, and the white wings had completely turned black!

The pupils of the Lord of Angels shrank suddenly, and immediately exclaimed anxiously: "No, this black aura is a little different, and there is another kind of power hidden! Everyone, get out quickly!"

However, this reminder is obviously too late.

A scream of screams one after another, echoing in the void...

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