Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 704: 704: The old patron: Steal the origin in the first battle and win

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"The source-biting insects can melt in the avenue and sense where the source is. As long as you follow the essence and blood feeding method I taught you, you can let them help you steal the source."

The source-eaters themselves like to swallow the source, either refine it into their own incarnation, or raise them into their own pets, otherwise, they will eat up the source.

What happened last time proved that it was too dangerous to refining the Source Devourer into an incarnation to enter the seventh realm, so the old pavilion lord retreated and asked everyone to use the method of essence and blood feeding.

Next, the old pavilion master taught everyone how to manipulate the source insects.

According to the old pavilion master's method, Yun Qianshan raised his hand and grabbed hundreds of Source Devouring Insects from the void and imprisoned them in front of him.

After that, Guanghua flashed a hole in his fingertips and sent it in front of one of the Source Devourers.

The next moment, the Source Devourer was like a cat that smelled the fishy smell, flapping its wings quickly, leaped on the wound of Yun Qianshan and sucked frantically.

A stream of essence and blood flowed down Yun Qianshan's fingers into the source of the source insect's mouth. The speed was very fast and the suction was extremely strong. Even though Yun Qianshan was the second step supreme, he could not control the ejection of the essence and blood, and felt overwhelmed.

"It's no wonder that Tianji Pavilion has to call so many people over. Just one person can control how many Source Devourers, and the speed of stealing the source is greatly reduced."

In the end, Yun Qianshan and Zheng Shan each fed a hundred Source Devouring Insects, the ordinary Dao Sovereign fed 50, and the mighty powers of the Heavenly Dao realm each had no more than 20. No matter how much the body was, it would be too much to eat. Will be squeezed dry.

As a result, there are also thousands of source-biting insects, surrounded by their respective owners, waiting for their tasks.

The old pavilion master smiled and said: "Very well, the origin of the avenue is in a courtyard. You let these source biting insects reach that coordinate. Once you find the origin, they will bring you back."

Someone excitedly said: "As expected of the Tianji Pavilion, I have already inquired about the coordinates of the origin of the avenue."

After a while, thousands of Source Biters flew out of the Tianji Pavilion.

They were concealed in the avenue, without making any waves, they crossed the boundary passage without any sound, entered the seventh realm, and went straight to the direction of the courtyard.

Falling fairy mountains.

Nuan and Longer directly blasted a large pit on the ground behind the courtyard with their force on the hilltop, which served as a pit for many game dishes.

At this moment, a pig demon and a bull demon were standing next to the pothole, teaming up to release the fertilizer, while still chatting.

"Brother Niu, I'm ashamed to say that this period of time as game meat here is actually the happiest life for me."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? We can't take our lives for every meal now. Moreover, there is no competitive pressure to stay here. Don't be too relaxed."

"You are not right. There is still competition. The silver-winged black bear king yesterday was dragged into the courtyard and stewed because he didn't pull it for a day."

"That's true, but the food made with that bear still tastes good."

Right at the stall where they were chatting, the void seemed to be wriggling in the sky. The swarm of Source Devourers smelled the scent and stirred their wings with excitement, shooting straight toward the pit like a cannonball.

"Puff puff!"

A precise dive, and then happily wandering in it.

There are several more sticking to the pig demon and cow demon's buttocks, making them feel itchy, and they start to flick their tails to drive them away.


The pig demon and the bull demon frowned at the same time, and when they turned their heads, they all showed surprise.

But I saw that there was a layer of black insects floating in the pit, numerous in number, shooting and swimming in it, and using the limbs and mouth together, they were swallowing frantically.

"Fuck! What is that pile? Why do so many bugs suddenly appear?"

"Damn, these bugs are stealing our dung!"

"Big guy, come on, there are unknown creatures stealing our feces, a hundred thousand rush, come quickly!"

The pig demon and the bull demon screamed loudly as they drove them, and soon a crowd of game drove over.

This dung can be their lifeblood. If there is less dung and cannot meet the requirements of that terrible existence, maybe the food will be cut off, and it is more likely that you and others will be slaughtered!

I'm scared to think about it.

When they rushed to the scene, their eyes were suddenly red, and their eyes were splitting apart.

"Where is the shameless little thief, who steals dung? Is there any reason for it!"

"Smelly shameless, spit it out to Lao Tzu!"

"Do you know how hard we worked? You actually came to get something for nothing, die for me!"

"Brothers, copy guys quickly, don't let them run away! Kill them!"

Although the game players have no mana, their strength is not weak. They are constantly flapping around with their limbs and tails, and some are carrying trees to force the source-eater insects out of the pit.


In addition to hiding and swallowing the source, the source worms do not have much combat effectiveness. Some source worms were shot down from the sky and trampled to death.

There are also many source-eaters who fled the encirclement with a pile of feces, and quickly fled away amidst the unwilling anger of the game.

After a while, this group of bugs returned to the Fourth Realm and came to the Tianji Pavilion.

Yun Qianshan and others are looking forward to it, and they are overjoyed when they see the return of the source worm.

"Hahaha, I'm back, Source Devourer is back!"

"If there is no harvest, it is impossible for the source worm to return, this wave of fat!"

"Come on, baby, let me see what the origin of the seventh realm is like."

"Hey, why are there so many Source Devourers coming back?"

Someone issued a question.

There were thousands of them when we went out, and now only half of the bugs have returned.

"This is not surprising. After all, the Seventh Realm is full of crises, and it would be nice to be able to return half of it."

Accompanied by the voice of the old pavilion master, an old phantom condensed from the void, looking at the group of Source Devouring insects with the same excitement.

Yun Qianshan nodded and said: "It seems that the Source Devourer has gone through a crisis before stealing these origins."

Zheng Shan opened the mouth and said: "Nonsense, the origin is so precious, I think it is lucky that the entire army is not annihilated, it is hard to come by!"

While everyone was talking, the Source Devourers had returned to the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, and at the same time stacked their origins in front of everyone.

In an instant, a strange smell burst out, and the crowds around were buzzing with their heads, almost fainting.

The old pavilion master's phantom trembled violently, almost dissipated by the odor.

"Oh, this is really the source? How could it be so smelly?"

"I also took a deep breath, wanting to feel the smell of the source, and almost died."

"It doesn't look good, why is it a bit like shit?"

"I wonder, is this food really edible? Will there be a problem?"

Everyone's faces were green, looking at the group of things, they were amazed, waiting for the old pavilion master to explain.

"Don't doubt it, since it was brought back by the source-biting insects, there must be a source in it!"

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The old patron’s firm words gave everyone a sense of reassurance, and then said: "The origin of the avenue exists in the form of all things, and everything is possible in shape, taste, and color! Although the mass of things in front of you are not in good shape and taste, But what about it? Is it so easy for me to wait for Taoism? It is the origin!"

Yun Qianshan stood up and solemnly said: "The old pavilion master's words are thought-provoking, isn't it just a bit stinky? You can be a master if you suffer from hardship! You can go if you don't want to eat, I'll help you eat!"

Zheng Shan immediately refused to say: "Yun Qianshan, you really have a good calculation. Why do you help to eat, I also want to help eat!"

The hearts of other people were certain, no longer disgusted, but looked at the mass of things in their eyes shining brightly.

"Now that the harvest is in sight, the fool has withdrawn!"

"Yes, Source Devourer's deaths and injuries are so large that it is enough to show that this thing is unusual. If it is really shit, how could Source Devourer die? Is it possible that someone protects the shit?"

"Where is the smell, it is clearly the original smell. If you smell it with your heart, you will find it very fragrant!"

"Hurry up, I can't wait, I'm willing to take the first bite!"

Seeing the eagerness of everyone, the old pavilion master smiled relievedly. He opened his mouth and said: "This is our first victory in stealing the origin. Now is the time to enjoy the fruits of victory. I will share these treasures with you. , Wait for the second wave of plunder after eating!"

Next, everyone divided and ate, eating happily.

Yun Qianshan held up his share and said, "Come on, it's not easy for everyone to get together. This is the right time for us to have a dinner together. Let's have a toast!"


"It's the origin. The entrance is slimy, soft and delicious. This is the first time I have eaten this taste."

"Yes, it's so delicious, but unfortunately the amount is too small, it's not enough to eat, I am looking forward to the second meal."

"I feel that my mana is tumbling, and the source of my body is already resonating with the law. It's too powerful. I can get this great good fortune, and it really touches the light of the Tianji Pavilion!"

"Hahaha, everyone work hard, and then let us eat up the seventh world!"

Everyone ate with greasy mouths and hiccups.

Zheng Shan said freely: "It's really enjoyable, it's been a long time since I have eaten so enjoyable!"

At this moment, Yun Qianshan, who was licking his lips, suddenly condensed his eyes, and fell on the pair of source worms.

There are still a lot of yellow things on them.

With a flash of inspiration, he immediately said: "Quickly, wash these source-phagocytic insects with water to wash away the origin of them, and they can eat!"

"As expected to be the head of the Yun family, observation is meticulous, this is too important!"

"Such a surprise, I almost missed it."

"Unexpectedly, there will be soup to drink after dinner, not bad, really good."

Immediately, a gurgling sound came from the entire Tianji Pavilion.

At this moment, the Lord of Angels had already come to the outside of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

He was about to go to the seventh realm to send feathers. Then he thought about it. It's better to investigate the enemy's situation first. He didn't know how Tianji Pavilion was going to deal with the seventh realm, and whether it was effective now.

If there is a situation, he can also tell the Seventh Realm to make friends.

Before entering the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, his brows were frowned by the smell of **** that came to his face, and he was a little surprised.

He pondered for a moment, flew into the Tianji Pavilion, and said to everyone: "Because something has been delayed, please forgive me!"

Sweeping his gaze, he could see that the mouths of the group of people were covered with black and yellow things, and the gaps between their teeth were filled. It looked shocking. In addition, the stench of the whole room directly suffocated the lord of angels.

What's happening here?

Didn't they say to deal with the seventh realm?

Why gather together to eat shit?

When Yun Qianshan saw the Lord of Angels, his face suddenly showed complacency, "Oh, it's Tianhua, you are late and missed the first wave of feasts."

Zheng Shan came over and laughed and said, "Yeah, we ate too well... hiccups!"

"Don't come here!"

The lord of angels was almost vomited by Zheng Shan with a hiccup, and he hurriedly stopped.

His heart was full of horror, and he didn't know what excitement this group of people had been subjected to.

Zheng Shan snorted coldly, "I'm really ignorant, haven't you smelled the original aura full of this fragrance?"

The lord of angels was taken aback, and said in surprise: "Essence?"

"Yes, it is the origin! It is the origin we stole from the seventh realm!"

Yun Qianshan smiled and said: "Just now we used the method of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion to successfully steal the origin of the Seventh Realm, and had a great time. That feeling is so wonderful, I can clearly feel my strength. growth of."

Zheng Shan sighed: "Tianhua, who made you late is one step behind us."

The Lord of Angels raised his brow slightly, and his heart was filled with doubts.

No, they were just eating the origin of the seventh realm?

It's just...there are such terrifying existences in the Seventh Realm, how can they still steal the origin? Could it be that I was thinking wrong, but in fact the one in the seventh world is not very strong?

Yun Qianshan sent out an invitation and said with a smile: "Don't be sad, miss the first wave and the second wave, do you want to join us?"

Tianhua shook his head, and had already thought about the excuse, "No, the seal on the temple has changed. I need to go to suppress it, and I can't get out of it for the time being."

Zheng Shan said: "That's really a shame, but you have to think clearly, this is a great good fortune, don't say that we will not take you in the end."

Tianhua smiled and said: "Naturally, I won't blame you, I won't bother you to eat, leave!"

After speaking, he turned and left the Tianji Pavilion.

The existence of the headband that can be given to Alena is certainly not something that can be easily provoke, but Yun Qianshan and the others have eaten the origin, and it doesn't look like a fake.

Could it be that existences like that are actually not concerned with the origin of the seventh realm, and let others steal it?

The Lord of Angels kept guessing in his heart, and then he called Alena to learn about the situation by himself in front of the seventh realm.

And in the Tianji Pavilion.

The old pavilion master asked: "Everyone has just finished eating, do you want to take a break?"

"Take a rest? That's definitely not the case, hurry up and continue!"

"Resting in front of such good luck, when we are stupid!"

"Hurry up, just a little bit is not enough to plug my teeth, my mouth is already hungry and thirsty."

The old patron nodded, "Okay, I announce the official start of the second wave!"

Then he waved his big hand, and another bunch of Source Devourers flew out, filling up the number of the first wave of Dead Devourers for everyone to tame.

Everyone completed the prelude to the familiar road, and after that, thousands of Source Devourers flew out of the Tianji Pavilion excitedly again.

"Dadao Origin, we are here again!"

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