Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 714: 715: Gu Hui: I want a lot of

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"What? Original breath?"

"Are you sure you did not feel wrong?"

"Really? We have just arrived at the seventh level, can we have such a big surprise?"

The ten ancient people were all excited, but at the same time a little unbelievable.

The origin is so rare that it is the root of a world, and the origin is leaked. This is too serious for the world. Unless the world has a crack, it is impossible to appear.

I just came to the seventh realm, and the seventh realm doesn’t seem to be a big problem. How come there is a source? This unscientific.

Gu Zhe, who is also the second step supreme, frowned and said: "Friend Gu Debai, are you sure?"

"Are you doubting what I said?"

Gu Debai sneered coldly, and then proudly said: "I am naturally sensitive and can discover things that ordinary people can't find. Although the traces of origin here are incredibly obscure, ... still can't escape my perception, otherwise you think Why did Gu Zu let me be the leader? Just because I have a skill!"

"Come with me, next is the time to witness the miracle!"

After that, he took the lead and headed in one direction.

Soon, they came to a place in the chaos, where there were no traces of stars within hundreds of millions of miles, just an empty chaos.

Gu Zhe felt it carefully, but he didn't find any original breath.

He asked, "Where is the origin?"

However, Gu Debai gleamed his eyes, and said in a concentrated voice, "Here... is an original path!"

Another second-step Supreme Ancient Hunter urged: "What the **** is going on?"

"This kind of aura is hidden in the avenue and blends with the law. It is the strongest hidden supernatural power. It is impossible for ordinary people to detect it, but it can't escape my eyes!"

Gu Debai first boasted, feeling very comfortable, and then said: "I will disturb the avenue and let it manifest."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand, and a wave of great power clung to the palm of his palm and grabbed it towards the void in front of him.

Wherever his palm passed, the space trembled, as if piercing an invisible membrane, and then in the void, a strange breath gradually overflowed.

This breath made the hearts of the ancient people trembled, and then the eyes showed ecstasy.

"Yes, it's the breath of the source, the breath of the source!"

"Hahaha, I found traces of the origin just after coming to the seventh realm. This seventh realm is simply our blessed land!"

"The origin is so close to us, if the origin is dedicated to the ancient ancestor soon, the ancient ancestor will definitely be happy!"

"Just, what is going on with this path? Fellow Daoist Gu Debai, what do you think?"

All the ancient people looked at Gu Debai, obeyed his orders, and were convinced.

Gu Debai's eyes shone wisely, "If I guess right, someone is stealing the origin of the seventh realm!"

Gu Zhe was surprised: "It's no wonder that the aura is so cryptic and the methods are so clever, it's amazing."

Gu Lie asked: "Friend Gu Debai, what shall we do?"


Gu Debai's eyes darkened, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "The so-called snipe and clam are fighting for the fisherman's profit. We are here to watch the other party steal the origin of the seventh realm, and when the origin passes here, we will directly grab it!"

"Hahaha, this is amazing!"

"It's better to come early than to come by coincidence. It seems we came at the right time!"

"Wait for the origin."

Everyone of the ancient people showed a comfortable smile, looking forward to it.

Gu Debai ordered: "Well, quickly converge your breath and stare at this area carefully, absolutely not letting go of any trace of origin!"

Immediately, everyone from the ancients hid their breath and stood still.

Soon, a very weak aura suddenly appeared, like an ordinary law shaking, not noticeable at all. If it weren't for the ancient people to raise their spiritual consciousness to the limit, they would not be able to find this aura.

In their perception, a group of Source Devourers that almost merged with the world flew slowly from a distance, as if a fish had melted into the water, and went quietly in one direction.

"Good guy, it's no wonder that you can steal the origin, it turns out to be the legendary source worm!"

"Source Devourers are creatures that are not recognized by the Seven Realms. Who can make them appear?"

"No matter who they are, let us the ancients meet, they are unlucky!"

"Hahaha, don't worry about that much, wait for us to plunder the origin from the source-eater, it's so cool."

The ancient people watched the Source Devouring Insect go away, and their hearts became even more fiery.

at the same time.

The Lord of Angels and Alena also received Li Nianfan's return and were about to leave.

This time, not only got a large number of headbands, but also got a sweet-scented osmanthus cake, which made the lord of angels and Alena overjoyed.

Alena opened the mouth and said, "Father, those dung-stealing bugs are here again."

The Lord of Angels couldn't help but said with emotion: "Tsk tusk, batch after batch, with only a few minutes of rest in the middle, it's really hard work, Yun Qianshan and Zheng Shan are not easy either."

Alena nodded with deep conviction, "Yes, their heart for Taoism is touching."

The Lord of Angels said: "If you don't know an expert, the dung is precious,"

After a battle for Jinkela, only two dozen Source Devourers were left flying back, and the Angel Lord and Alena followed silently, full of sorrow.

Suddenly, their complexions changed abruptly, they hurriedly reduced their breath, concealed them, and looked forward in surprise.

But I saw that when the group of Source Devourers came home full of food, suddenly ten sturdy men rushed out in front of them.

"Hurry up, don't let go of one!"

They were full of excitement and laughed wildly, and immediately stretched out a poisonous hand to the source worm.


The Lord of Angels took a breath, his complexion changed wildly, and quickly pulled Alena back.

Solemnly said: "It's the people of the ancients, and the people of the ancients are here to grab the shit!"

Alina couldn't help saying: "The group of people in Yunqianshan is too difficult, there are still people robbing you of a shit."

The lord of angels promptly said: "Go, ignore them, go and breathe with the Tiangong first."

He didn't dare to stay here for a long time. Now the people of the ancient race are all focusing on the Source Devourers, and then they have not been able to find them, and it will not be necessary to wait.

On the other side, the people of the ancient race grinned openly and smiled happily.

Each of them squeezed their hands and stared at them shiningly.

"This is the origin, let us wait!"

"Hahaha, it takes no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to find it. This wave is called white prostitution!"

"I have a question, why this source is so smelly, it is really hard to accept."

"Nonsense, the taste of Yuanyuan is naturally unusual."

Gu Debai stood up, he was very calm, and said: "It's all quiet, this is only the first wave, it's not worth being so excited!"

Gu Zhe immediately said with excitement: "Friend Gu Debai, do you mean there will be more follow-ups?"

"That's natural."

Gu Debai smiled slightly, "This path has obviously been formed for some time. This shows that the source worms come frequently. We just need to stay here, and there will definitely be new source worms coming to the door, which is equivalent to the source of the source. !"

Gu Zhe smiled and said, "Friend Gu Debai sees you well!"

Gu Lie looked at the lump in his hand, couldn't help licking his lips, and said, "You said, how do we deal with these origins?"

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As soon as his question came up, everyone in the ancient tribe fell silent.

Originally, this question shouldn't have arisen at all, it must have been brought to Gu Hui by tacit consent. Since it was asked, it meant that there were other thoughts.

After all, this is the origin, after passing through one's own hands, without depriving one level, then I'm simply sorry to myself.

In silence, Gu Zhe spoke in a low voice: "I don't know if there is any problem with this origin. I think we have to try poison for Gu Zu first."

Gu Debai's eyes lit up suddenly, and he immediately said, "This is...very!"

"It is incumbent to test poison for the ancient ancestors!"

"There must be something wrong with this smell, I would like to dedicate myself to taste it!"

"In that case, what are we waiting for? Let's try poison for the ancient ancestor."

Gu Lie smiled and raised a tuft in his hand high, and said loudly: "The reason why the original source can be so easily obtained this time is all the credit of Daoist Gu Debai. I propose that let us respect Daoist Gu Debai together!"

"Come on, let's do it together!"

The big guys have a good time and eat happily.

Half of the origin is divided and eaten by them.

"As expected of the origin, I already feel a hot air rising in my body."

"I feel my stomach and intestines are surging, and the reaction is violent."

"This is the first time I have eaten Yuanyuan. The taste is unique and it feels really wonderful."

"Well, everyone quickly wipe the corners of your mouth, don't leave any traces, I want to contact Gu Zu!"

Gu Debai solemnly reminded him, and then took out the magic mirror of the transfer world, and his mana surged towards the magic mirror.

Above the mirror, a halo surged, and after a while, it was connected by Gu Hui.

Gu Hui's face appeared on the mirror and frowned, "Gu Debai, you just passed by, what are you looking for?"

He felt a little inexplicable and angry.

This forefoot just left? I immediately used the Magic Mirror of the World of Legends, did my mind show up?

Who gave them the courage to harass me like this?

Gu Debai respectfully said: "Back to ancient ancestors, we have already got the origin."

The end of the mirror fell silent.

Gu Hui thought he had heard it wrong, and a moment later he said, "What kind of illusion do you have?"

This is the ultimate task. You just sent it out, so you told me that you completed it?

I don't want face?

Gu Debai smiled and said, "Master Gu, we have really obtained the origin, and this can be sent to you."

The excitement in his heart, the more Gu Zu couldn't believe it, it means that the better he did this time, it was simply too showy.

Gu Hui nodded and said: "Okay, you pass it over."

Immediately, Gu Debai pointed the magic mirror of the transfer world at the original source, and a burst of brilliance shone down and sucked them into the mirror.

In the first realm, Gu Hui's face was uncertain, and he also had an identical mirror in his hand, shining with brilliance.

He held his breath and waited silently.

Soon, that lump of things slowly emerged from the mirror surface in Gu Hui's hands.

In an instant, a stench rushed over his face, causing Gu Hui to roll his eyes and almost suffocated.

"Gu Debai sent me a pile of shit?!"

Gu Hui's heart was shaken, and it was difficult to accept it for a while.

But soon, he refocused, staring at the lump, and said in surprise: "No, this is not a lump of ordinary shit!"

"No, this is not shit, but... the origin?!"

"It's really the origin!"

Gu Hui's head buzzed with melon seeds, even more shocked than when he first saw this pile of shit.

How can this be?

Didn’t Gu Debai just reach the seventh level? How can you get the source directly?

But shortly afterwards, there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

With this, he has gathered the origins of the Three Realms, and can leave the first realm and go to other realms!

Immediately, his figure flashed, straddling the space, and already appeared in the deepest part of the ancient race, beside the stone stele.

Asked: "I got the origin of the Seventh Realm! What should I do?"

Around the stele, the dark gray aura floated, and it also seemed very surprised. When he noticed the thing in Gu Hui's hand, he was taken aback.

A ray of spiritual knowledge spread, "It's actually the origin, your ancient people are very efficient in doing things."

Gu Hui excitedly said, "I just swallowed it, can I go to other realms?"

The divine consciousness of the stele came out again, "It's not enough to eat just such a little..."

Gu Hui frowned, "What do you mean? Didn't you say that as long as you gather the origin of the Three Realms, you can leave the First Realm?"

The stone tablet said: "It is true, but this lump on your hand is only contaminated with a trace of the original source, and it is not the real source at all. Unless you can eat more, you will not be able to achieve that effect."

"so it is."

Gu Hui's eyes flickered, and he returned to the original place, taking out the magic mirror of the world to contact Gu Debai.

Gu Debai: "See Gu Zu."

Gu Hui praised: "You did a good job this time, and the things you brought back were also very good. It was beyond my expectation to be able to get the source in such a short period of time."

Gu Debai replied: "This is what we should do."

Gu Hui asked, "Where did you get this origin? Can you continue to get it?"

"Back to Gu Zu, this time we also took a big advantage..."

Immediately, Goodbye explained what had happened.

"Source Devourer? It seems that some people are also taking great pains to plunder the source, but in the end they just make wedding dresses for my ancients!"

Gu Hui sneered again and again, and then said: "So, there will be more follow-ups?"

Gu Debai nodded and said, "Guzu, there must be one!"

Gu Hui smiled and said: "Hahaha, good! I need a lot of things, you can collect them."

Gu Debai and others were full of enthusiasm, and immediately said: "Guzu rest assured, I will do my best!"

Gu Hui nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, this matter is of great importance. After the matter is done, your benefits will be indispensable!"

In the fourth world.

Tianji Pavilion.

Yun Qianshan and others are looking forward to it, frowning deeper and deeper.

Yun Qianshan sighed and said, "Hey, it looks like a failure, the first time the whole army was wiped out."

Zheng Shan analyzed: "I think it is because of stealing the origin for many times, which has aroused the vigilance of the fourth realm, and the defense has become more stringent."

"Damn it, I can't eat this meal!"

"Everyone keep on cheering, there will be gains next time!"

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