Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 732: 732: The Cultivator’s Brain Circuit

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"Spare, Daxian spare your life!"

"We are here to support the market. There is absolutely no meaning to fight with you."

"We admit that we were wrong, we shouldn't listen to the confusion of the Fourth Realm, and we won't dare again next time!"

Seeing the ancients and other high-end combat power directly live and die, the group of people who survived knelt down and begged for mercy, shivering, and didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting.

Taoist Junjun    said, "How do you deal with this group of people?"

Da Hei walked out slowly, his dog's eyes swept away, and he asked, "Where did you all come from?"

"We were originally the monster beasts of the sixth realm. In order to pursue our strength, we went to the third realm and only recently came out."

"We are the aboriginals of the third realm. After listening to the bewitching of the ancients, we committed a terrible disaster!"

"I was originally from the Fifth Realm, and I have only recently escaped from the Third Realm. I blamed me for not being able to withstand the temptation."

"The ancient people not only lied to us to eat dung, but also wanted to kill us!"

They all regretted it, lying on the ground to learn from the pain.

Da Hei said indifferently: "It's too wasteful to kill all at once. Selecting some of the fine products can also be used as game, and the rest...all killed!"


Yang Jian and others' complexions sank, murderous aura boiled all over, and they immediately started their hands.

After a while, the people in Tiangong dispersed.

囡囡 and Dahei, they returned to the courtyard with a lot of game and game corpses.

The next day.

Li Nianfan pushed open the door and walked out. He saw three donkeys lying in the middle of the courtyard, and he couldn't help being stunned.

then smiled and said, "Where did these three donkeys come from? You went out hunting in the early morning?"

囡囡 immediately said: "Brother, not just three donkeys, we also played a lot of game."

Ryuer nodded and said, "In addition, he also brought back a lot of rare and exotic animals, which can be used as game to raise."

The little fox said grimly: "Brother-in-law, I want to eat donkey meat and burn it!"

Li Nianfan couldn't help shook his head, and said with a smile: "You guys are really fun, you definitely didn't have a good rest last night."

It’s really good to cultivate immortals. It’s enviable to go out hunting without sleeping at night.

Next, after having breakfast, he followed Nun Nun and Long Er to see the results of their work last night, and Li Nianfan was really taken aback.

There are as many as 30 dead game meats, and there are many kinds of them, all of which are rare and good meats, and there are more living game meats than dead, and each fat body is strong, and the game team has been expanded a lot in an instant. .

"So much food, enough to eat for a while."

Li Nianfan asked Daji to freeze the dead game and thaw it when he wanted to eat it.

Then his eyes were on the group of wild game that was raised.

Being stared at by Li Nianfan, whether it was the new game or the old game, they were all shocked and terrified.

One by one, they were too well-behaved, their limbs lying on the ground, pitiful.

Daji curiously asked: "My son, what's the matter?"

"There are too many game, it’s a bit unreasonable to keep outside the courtyard, and the cesspool is too close to the courtyard."

Li Nianfan expressed his thoughts.

Too much game will make the surroundings of the courtyard very messy, and if the pit is too close, the smell will definitely affect the courtyard in the future. This greatly derails the scenery and has to be re-planned.

Ryuer said without hesitation: "Brother, or let's move the game and the dung pit to the foot of the mountain."

Li Nianfan nodded and said: "This is indeed a good idea, but it will be a bit farther to pick up dung in the future."

囡囡 and Long Er said indifferently: "This distance is nothing."

Immediately, everyone worked together to fill in the original big hole, and then moved with a lot of game.

Li Nianfan wondered in his heart whether he had to hire someone to help him.

He felt a little inappropriate before Nun Nun and Long Er were in charge of this area. After all, this job is really undecent. Nun Nun and Long Er are just two little girls, so they are not suitable for this job.

The distance is farther now. In addition to picking dung, someone has to look after the game.

It’s just this kind of work, who would be willing to do it?

All these kinds of game are fierce and wicked, absolutely not mortal can control, as for the immortals who have the ability, they are definitely not willing to do it.


When the site selection of the cesspit was finalized, and after digging a larger pit again, Li Nianfan took everyone back to the courtyard.

On the way back, Li Nianfan suddenly said: "By the way, what happened to the bug that stole the dung last time?"

Long'er smiled and said, "Hehe, brother, don't worry, those bugs have been resolved, and they should not come again in the future."

"That's good."

Li Nianfan nodded. It seems that although the insecticide delivered by the system is not in good condition, it is still very useful and really good.

After a pause, he said casually: "But like this kind of bug, it's easy to make a comeback. It's better to pay more attention in normal times."

Everyone's expressions can't help but move slightly.

囡囡 said: "Okay, brother, we understand."

is here, the instructions are here again!

Superior, this is for us to completely eradicate the people behind the scenes, so as not to let the other party make a comeback!

"It looks like I have to go to the Fourth Realm in person!"

Daji's beautiful eyes flashed slightly, and her heart was already set to pay attention.

"Brother-in-law, donkey meat is on fire, donkey meat is on fire!"

The little fox began to shout again, full of expectations for the donkey meat.

Li Nianfan smiled and said, “You should go to your sister. Your sister’s cooking skills are ready to be a master.”

The little fox shook his head decisively and said: "I don't want it. My sister will definitely not pay attention to me. I know my brother-in-law is the best for me."


Daji's eyes immediately fixed on the little fox, and the little fox shook his body in fright. He actually appeared on the spot and turned into a little fox, jumped into Li Nianfan's arms, and then desperately drilled in.

After a while, the sky above the courtyard, green smoke rose, accompanied by bursts of attractive fragrance.

After a delicious lunch, Li Nianfan carried a small bag and walked out of the courtyard, towards the foot of the mountain.

And Daji also left the courtyard, but headed towards the Fourth Realm.

"Boom, boom!"

At the foot of the mountain, Jiang Liu is holding a long sword and has been cutting firewood for decades.

Sweat beads appeared on his forehead, his face was full of seriousness, he raised his sword, waved his sword, and his movements were uniform.

"Brother Jiang, still cutting trees."

Li Nianfan saw the familiar tree-cutting figure from a distance, and walked over with a smile.

It's an expert coming!

Jiang Liu's body shook suddenly, his heart was agitated, he quickly wiped the sweat from his face, and turned to welcome Li Nianfan.

He saluted: "I have seen Lord Shengjun."

Li Nianfan asked, "Have you had lunch?"

Jiang Liu honestly shook his head and said: "Not yet."

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"That's right, I brought you some."

Li Nianfan laughed, "How about finding a place to have a drink with me?"

Jiang Liu was flattered.

Feeling the goose bumps all over the body, he trembled with excitement: "I really want to, I dare not ask you!"

"Master Shengjun, the shabby room below is there."

Jiang Liu took Li Nianfan to the wooden house he built. The wooden house is very simple, with a simple table and chairs set up next to it.

Li Nianfan couldn’t help but said: “It’s too simple, you don’t know how to improve your living conditions better.”

While speaking, he sat down and took out the things he had brought one by one.

A stack of peanuts, a pot of wine, and a few donkey meats are burned.

"The food is a bit simpler, I don't know if it suits Brother Jiang's appetite."

Jiang Liu quickly and sincerely said: "It suits your appetite, absolutely suits your appetite, thank you Lord Shengjun for your love!"

He looked at the food on the table, his throat rolled, almost crying.

The expert is so kind to me, he even sent me lunch specially. How can I be worthy of his care!

He looked at the peanuts, and he could clearly see the space around the peanuts twisting, and the law surrounding them to form an invisible vision. Each pill was comparable to the elixir used by the Supreme Dao.

And the donkey meat burns, and the smell of that meat is quite familiar to him, isn't it one of the three-headed avenue supreme donkey demon last night?

As for the wine in that glass, it is like clear water, transparent and clear, but in the bursts of wine, it clearly has a grand atmosphere!

"Come on, let's have a toast!"

Li Nianfan raised his glass and started tasting with Jiang Liu with peanuts.

"Master Shengjun, I respect you!"

Jiang Liu solemnly picked up the wine glass, and then drank it all.

Suddenly, the rich aroma of wine filled the whole mouth, and the spicy wine flowed down his throat, making him feel a moment.

In this scent of wine, there is a strong power of the Great Dao, which exploded in his body, instantly increasing his mana. At the same time, there seemed to be a Great Dao singing in his mind, making him feel about the Dao. Deeper.

Li Nianfan said, "I'm sorry you have been helping me to chop wood and send it to the mountain. It's really hard for you."

Jiang Liu immediately said: "Master Shengjun is too polite. Chopping wood here is the essence of my life, and my life becomes meaningful because of this!"

His tone is unspeakably firm, obviously from the bottom of his heart.

Being able to chop wood for an expert is considered a peripheral disciple anyway. This is a beautiful thing that everyone can't dream of. It is incomparable to anything in the world. If nothing else, just this meal is enough. Make the whole Tiangong jealous and jealous.

Li Nianfan: "???"

Can chopping wood actually have something to do with the meaning of life?

This river is not stupid for chopping wood, right?

Li Nianfan couldn’t help but continue to ask: "Ahem, how do you feel about cutting wood?"

Jiang Liu thought that Li Nianfan was taking the exam for himself, and he immediately sat down and said seriously: "I feel the rhythm of the avenue. Every time I cut it, I have a different perception. It caters to the avenue or cuts the avenue. The angle and intensity of the firewood. , Mood and even mentality will have an impact on my knife. I feel that I have reached the threshold of the way of chopping wood. This is a kind of cultivation, and it is also a kind of cultivation!"


Li Nianfan was stunned.

Jiang Liu, this is obviously a chopping firewood, become a firewood idiot?

God is the way to chop wood.

You are going to heaven!

Li Nianfan’s eyes are complicated, this river can be regarded as a talent, with a tricky angle, maybe it can really be the same as the previous novels, and realize some inexplicable but awesome power...

is called the Chopping Wood Cultivation Method?

Jiang Liu asked for advice: "Master Shengjun, how do you feel about me?"

Li Nianfan pursed his mouth, and smiled dryly: "It's a good idea, but I don't think you should be too obsessed with chopping wood. It's not good to think too much, just chop and chop casually."

He tried to pull the river back.

Don’t be addicted?

Chop and slash casually?

Jiangliu's expression moved, like a divine enlightenment, and he realized a lot in an instant.

Yes, I blindly indulged in the way of chopping wood, considering all aspects of the situation, but forgot the matter of chopping wood itself!

It's just cutting down trees, where the heart is, and the force is, why think too much?

The breath on his body surged, and the avenue surrounded him like the wind, and his clothes blew slightly. The realm directly went from the first step to the first step to the first step to the peak of the first step. You only need to settle again and you can move to the second step!

It turned out that the expert not only gave me food, but also saw my problem and came to guide me personally!

Jiang Liu suddenly got up and bowed to Li Nianfan: "I understand! Thank you, Lord Shengjun for calling, I almost went astray!"


I will call you a woolen thread.

I don’t even know what you have realized.

For those who cultivate immortality, the brain circuit seems to be a little abnormal.

Li Nianfan rolled his eyes and changed the subject: "Okay, I actually want to ask you for help."

"Master Shengjun, but say it's okay!"

The condensed opening of the river, as if ready to die at any time.

Li Nianfan said: "A group of game meat I raised has been transferred to the foot of the mountain. You need to take care of it to prevent any accidents."

Jiang Liu firmly said: "No problem, unless I die, I will definitely not let the game have the slightest accident!"

"It's not that serious, you don't have to sacrifice for this."

Li Nianfan shook his head, and then said: “Also, I am missing a manure picker. I need to send game manure from the foot of the mountain to the mountain for fertilization in the future. I would like to ask you to check if there are suitable ones around.”

Poor fat, proper fat!

Jiang Liu's heart is frantic. If this recruitment is really released, the entire Seven Realms will have to explode!

Jiang Liu promised: "Don't worry, Lord Shengjun, I will pay attention to it."

at the same time.

The fourth realm, in the Tianji Pavilion.

The original lively Tianji Pavilion suddenly became extremely deserted.

Only the old pavilion master was sitting alone in the deepest part of the Tianji Pavilion, quietly waiting for the return of everyone.

In the room, there is still the smell of the origin of the seventh realm, which makes the old pavilion master extremely aftertaste.

He frowned and asked in doubt: "What's the matter? Didn't the group of people go to ask the Lord of Angels? Even if the Lord of Angels doesn't know how to lift up and never comes, they will be enough to wipe out the whole family of angels. Ah, why does it take so long?"

The ancient group of people are so strong, they shouldn’t be planted on such trivial matters.

The old pavilion master raised his hand and began to figure out what happened.

His body blended with the origin of the Fourth Realm, and produced strange changes. Naturally, most of the things that happened to the Fourth Realm could be calculated.

Suddenly, his fingers slammed and his face changed drastically.

Afterwards, he recalculated, repeating this seven or eight times.

The whole person trembled violently.

horrified and said: "Toxic in the shit?!"

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