Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 734: 734: Chaos is approaching, lost memories

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"Hahaha, feel my strength now!"

The old pavilion master laughed wildly, indulging in his own power, he felt that he only needs a thought, which is enough to subvert the entire Fourth Realm!

This is just the power to control a realm!

If you can control the seven realms, that is the most powerful eternity, which can determine the honor and disgrace of all souls, and you will be fascinated by the worship of heaven and earth!

He looked at the cold woman in front of him, with a hint of high disdain in his eyes.

At this time, what is she worth?

But ants.

Blowing is enough to kill!

At this time, his eyes condensed, and he saw Da Ji slowly raise a kitchen knife.

This is an ordinary kitchen knife, but different from ordinary kitchen knives, it uses a crafting technique that has never been seen before. As the master of the world, he can't see the material of this knife!

"After all, it's still just a kitchen knife, is it possible to come back?"

The old pavilion master sneered, his voice was like a mountain, shaking the earth.

His giant palm continued to fall towards Daji, and it was getting closer and closer, the powerful force overflowed, and before it fell, the land had collapsed and the soil was gone, forming a turbulent road raging into a storm.

In this power, any power seems small, and Daji seems to be just a weak star point, which is not enough to contend.

However, the kitchen knife in her hand was shining with indestructible cold light.

Only because the handle of this kitchen knife is engraved with a sentence: A bit of coldness is long, and it feeds on the sky and the earth!

Under this kitchen knife, everything is food!

"The power is very strong, but it is full of flaws in my eyes, because these are not your own power at all."

Daji didn't panic at all, and said calmly: "Do the kitchen knife method, let Ding Jie Niu!"

She slowly waved the kitchen knife!

An invisible breath followed out of the void!

"This, this is..."

The body of the old pavilion master shook suddenly, and there was a wave of fear in his voice, and a chill suddenly poured from his heart to his body!

He felt an irresistible force approaching him, enough to make himself irresistible!

"No, it's impossible! What did you use to kill me?!"

The old pavilion master screamed unacceptably, trying to accelerate the falling speed of the giant palm, however, he suddenly found that he could not manipulate that power!

In the void, his body is actually separating!

is separated into two different parts, one is a gray-haired old man, and the other is the origin of the fourth realm!

"No, the origin of the fourth realm has been integrated with me. It cannot be stripped away. Return my origin, and you return my origin!"

The old man's eyes were splitting, and he roared bitterly, leaning crazily towards the origin of the fourth realm, but was blocked by an invisible force and could not be approached.

He looked at Daji sharply and asked, "Why is this happening? What kind of sword technique do you use?"

Daji replied: "Putting the cow, peeling and deboning!"

The so-called Pao Ding Jie Niu, three years later, I have not seen the whole cattle, you can easily break down the different parts.

In the eyes of Da Ji, he has already seen everything about the old pavilion master, and the old pavilion master is not the old pavilion master, but the two parts of the old man and the origin.

Therefore, she took advantage of the trend and stripped these two parts!

is just a knife.

The aura of destroying the world just now dissipated, and the old man froze with the origin of the fourth realm in the void.

A layer of strange auras began to surround the heaven and the earth, and the origin gradually dispersed between the heaven and the earth.

How to make a kitchen knife?

How to make a kitchen knife!

The old man's face was unbelievable, distorted and decadent.

He never expected that he would be cut by a kitchen knife...

Take a kitchen knife, and the woman...

It turns out that the water in the seventh realm is so deep, where did the monster come from!

Suddenly, Da Ji's gaze changed abruptly, and she quickly raised her hand to the Fourth Realm Origin!

Endless ice covers the fields, and I want to freeze all the origins!


In the origin of the fourth realm, a screaming roar followed, and it was actually condensed into an attack, which opened the ice layer of Daji, and quickly dissipated!

"Pat Ding solves the bull-knife method, pierce and stab!"

The kitchen knife in Daji's hand flipped sharply, and then swiftly swiped at the origin of the fourth realm.

In the origin of the fourth realm, a wisp of gray air emerges, like a tail, entangled with the origin of the fourth realm, swinging and swinging.

With a single knife, this unknown gray fog separates from the origin of the fourth realm!

"It’s no wonder that the Origin of the Fourth Realm would do such a thing, and it was actually contaminated by ‘heaven’!"

Daji's expression became serious, and she stopped where she frowned and said, "I was careless after all, and the shot was slow. Some unknown gray fog dissipated with the origin of the fourth realm! It's a little troublesome."

At this time, the Lord of Angels and other talents limped and rushed over very embarrassedly, and saluted Daji respectfully from a distance.

The Lord of Angels said sincerely: "Thank you, Fairy Daji, for saving my fourth level in the disaster. Fairy Daji has worked hard, please accept my respect!"

Alina also hurriedly said: "Fairy Daji is not only the benefactor of my angel family, but also the benefactor of the fourth realm. He has immense merit and is the blessing of the entire seven realms!"

The other angels also bowed and worshiped: "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Daji has followed Li Nianfan all the year round. She has long been accustomed to this kind of flattery. She calmly asked, "Do you know this person?"

The Lord of Angels looked at the old man, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed: "Heavenly Mysterious Taoist?!"

Alina was also surprised and said: "He is actually the old pavilion master Tianji Taoist of the Tianji Pavilion, isn't he dead!"

At that time, the fourth realm was invaded by the ancient tribe. Under the catastrophe, the Taoists of Tianji rose against the trend, helped the mansion and repelled the ancient tribe.

At the same time, he also gave his own life, which was obvious to all in the Fourth Realm at that time.

Tianji Taoist is already a little crazy, watching everyone shout: "Dead? I was really dead, but I have great fortune, I have my own skills against the sky, I want to reach the top of the seven realms!"

The Lord of Angels had complicated eyes and said: "You were also a person with a heart like jade, why did you become what you are now?"

Tianji Taoist said madly: "I shed blood for the fourth realm, and the entire fourth realm was saved by me. Of course, everything should belong to me! What's wrong with me? In addition to the fourth realm, I want the entire seven realms. Power, where is my invincible power, return my power to me!"

His eyes are red, and he is jumping on the spot like a madman.

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At the same time, his body was trembling. In addition to his pale hair, white hair began to grow all over his body.

"I am contaminated with ominous power and hair grows all over my body. It is hopeless."

Daji shook her head, and between her fingers, a heavy icy shot shot out, instantly freezing the heavenly Taoist into an ice sculpture.

Then, she looked at the lord of angels and others again, hesitated a little, and waved at them.

Immediately, something turned into a stream of light and fell in front of the Lord of Angels.

"Your injury is not light. This is donkey-hide gelatin made by the son. It has the effect of nourishing blood and curing deficiency. Let's heal the injury."

Last time I got three high-quality whole donkeys, Li Nianfan would naturally not miss the opportunity to make donkey skins into donkey-hide gelatin. After all, this is of great use to women, and there are many women in courtyards.

The heart of the Lord of Angels and others suddenly jumped wildly, and their faces were full of surprises.

The thing bestowed by an expert is not a common product. I have never heard of this Ejiao before, but it is more precious from this, and only an expert has it!

The so-called healing is definitely a modest statement. Not only can the injury heal with a high probability, but the cultivation base can go further!

The Lord of Angels hurriedly said: "Thank you, Fairy Daji, our angel family must be gracious and serve the master!"

Alina even said: "We will definitely work hard to grow hair and strive to be able to contribute to the superior!"

Daji nodded, and then said: "There are still a lot of unknown gray fog spilling out with the origin of the fourth realm. I am afraid it will cause disasters. Please pay attention."

Nowadays, the third, fourth, fifth, and seventh realms are all connected by realm channels. There are so many living things, and the third realm originally condensed many masters from the seven realms, and now the unknown gray mist overflows. , It will surely produce harm.

The Lord of Angels and others immediately solemnly said: "Fairy Daji, don't worry, we will pay attention!"

Daji slightly nodded, turned and took a step forward, her body melted into the void and dissipated, leaving only a layer of extremely cold frost in place.


Soon after Daji and the Lord of Angels left, the space near the Tianji Pavilion began to fluctuate.

Several figures emerged silently, staring at the surroundings solemnly, surprised.

One of them said: "A terrifying power, even if it's just the remaining breath, it makes me feel scared."

Another human said: "What happened? The fluctuation of the heart palpitations just now, although separated by boundaries, still makes us aware that it is definitely the pinnacle power of the same realm. It is so eager!"

A person headed by    said in a condensed voice: "This should be the power of the origin in the legend. The one who gets the origin has the seven realms! My king's family should share this cup of soup!"

There seemed to be flames beating in his eyes, burning something called ambition.

At this moment, an unknown gray mist emerged like smoke, slowly drifting past the group of people. Suddenly, their bodies were shocked, and their eyes began to become strange.

"Meet me, I will tell you how to draw the source of one world!"


After this group of people left, another group of people appeared.

"This is where the Fourth Realm Heavenly Secret Pavilion is located. What has happened will trigger the power that destroys the world."

"Didn’t it mean that we are having dinner here? Sharing the origin, why did it end up like this?"

"The original breath, there is a lot of original breath left here, if I get it, I will have that power!"

"Fortunately, I kept my eyes on it, knowing that there is no free lunch in the world, and I didn't agree to their dinner invitation. Sure enough, something went wrong."

"Not only the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, the Angel Temple of the Fourth Realm has also been wiped out. That power has turned the world into chaos, terrifying."

"Just at the Angel Temple, a realm passage leading to the Fifth Realm was discovered. According to legend, the origin of the Fifth Realm has also been manifested!"

"To chaos, this is to chaos!"

"The more chaotic the better, the hero will come out of troubled times, and the chance will be mine!"


There was too much noise in the fourth realm. The news spread to the third, fifth and seventh realms, attracting countless powerful people.

Undercurrents are surging. For a time, all forces suddenly rise from the ground one after another, standing on one side like a prince, ready to disturb the situation at any time.

at the same time.

In the long river of years.

The Spirit Lord and Wang Zun travel together in the endless waves.

They went upstream, witnessing what happened in the endless years, looking for their own past.

Walking in the long river for so long, most people have already lost their guidance and lost in it.

However, there is still no confusion in their eyes, as if in the long river of years, something is calling them to guide them.

Compared with before, the strength of the spirit master is already too much stronger. During this journey, there are other incarnations of her along the way. After fusing with each other, the strength is constantly recovering to the peak, and at the same time, the brain Some kind of memory is also awakening.

And Wang Zun’s eyes began to move agile, he witnessed his own past, and he began to gradually recover.

The graceful body of the Spirit Lord is holy and noble, walking on the waves, and suddenly said to the east bank: "Wang Zun, do you remember the scene of the last battle during the Great Tribulation?"

Wang Zun said hoarsely: "I don't have a trace of impression."

"me too."

The spirit master's eyes showed deep thoughts, and solemnly said: "The memory of the last battle seems to have been wiped out, or...we wiped it out by ourselves!"

"Why is it worth doing this?"

Her heart is extremely restless.

As for the last battle, her memory was only until she defeated the ancients and chased the ancients into the Chaos Sea. About how they finally defeated and who defeated them, there was no memory behind them!

She only vaguely remembered that she saw an eye!

With their strength, if their opponents can erase their memories, it is likely that they will be dispelled directly. Therefore, they can only erase this part of the memory by themselves!

Even, the spirit master did not hesitate to leave behind a series of clones in the long river of years, guiding himself countless years later, as a backhand.

They continue to go upstream, time has gradually approached the catastrophe at that time!

You only need to pass the years to see what happened in the first place!


As she approached, even if the spirit master’s tone fluctuates, she suddenly raised her hand and patted the river of time under her feet.


The huge waves are soaring into the sky, soaring into the sky. Between the splashes of water, a multi-layered picture is like a scroll, gradually opening.

In the screen, the sky is shattered, the power of terror rages in the chaos, the magical powers are blooming, and the domineering is unparalleled, stirring the avenue, making the turbulent flow of the avenue roar like the wind.

is the scene at the time of the catastrophe!

The nine supreme lords headed by the spirit master, leading all the masters of the seventh realm, fight to the death against the ancients!

The demeanor of each of the Nine Supremes is extremely stunning.

They paved the road with avenues, walked along with songs, shocking the ancients and now unbeatable!

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