Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 742: 742: Zuo: My own person, I will show you the way

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Gu Hui looked at the three of them without saying much.

Rather, with a wave of his hand, between the palms, a strong source of power gushes out like spring water!

These origins are the origins of the first realm, completely refined by Gu Hui in his body!

Looking at these origins, the eyes of all ancient people suddenly became fiery and excited. This is the undoubted peak power among the seven realms!

Even the Great Dao Sovereign will be greedy and can make a person's strength soar in a short period of time!

Gu Hui said calmly: "Take out your weapons."

The three of Gu Qingyun suddenly shook their bodies, and their faces suddenly showed excitement, and they took out their magic weapon without hesitation.

They are a gun, a knife, and a long ruler.

Gu Hui nodded, then raised his hand to point at their magic weapon.

Visible to the naked eye, the void was distorted for a while, and a strange force surrounded the three magic weapons, causing their aura to shine.

A strong source of power began to overflow from the magic weapon, making the surrounding avenues show a colorful vision, with extraordinary power.

Originally, these three magic weapons were not vulgar objects. After being irrigated by the original source, they directly became the original treasure, and they belonged to the very high-end kind. For a simple example, if they were obtained by the first step supreme, it would be enough to leapfrog the ranks. Two-step supreme!

The three of them were overjoyed and said: "Thank you Gu Zu for the gift!"

"Don't thank me, this matter is too important, it is related to the rise and fall of my ancient clan, and the seventh realm is strange and unpredictable, so I must make sure that you are foolproof!"

Gu Hui solemnly said, and then said: "This time you enter the seventh realm. Obtaining the antidote is the most important thing, and everything else can be put aside. Try not to cause too much sensation. Prevent and treat accidents!"

He solemnly explained.

After all, this is about Dao's life and death, so I naturally need to remind him again.

Gu Qingyun and the three immediately said: "Master Gu, rest assured, we will definitely live up to your expectations! Moreover, with such a magic weapon in hand, the seventh realm is in our bag!"

Gu Hui nodded, and suddenly, he raised his hand again and pointed at Gu Hongtian!


A source of power was like a dragon, directly poured into Gu Hongtian’s forehead, and his whole body was soaring, his robes were blown up, and the terrifying force cracked the space around him, isolating him. .

Soon, the movement subsided, and Gu Hongtian's face flushed, his eyes were hot and he looked at the ancient race, and said excitedly: "Thank you Gu Zu for his gift of great strength!"

Gu Hui said: "Hongtian, your combat power is the strongest, so I will pour the power of the source into your body to make you stronger! I have been careful again and again in this action, and I can only succeed without fail!"

The three of them deeply felt the weight of the burden on them, and they all said firmly: "Guzu-sama, don't worry!"

"Go, don't let me down, I am waiting for the good news of your return!"

After speaking, Gu Hui made another move, forcibly opening the boundary channel with great mana, and the three of Gu Hongtian and ten ancient masters stepped into the seventh realm!

The seventh realm.

The wind is surging, and the road is like a tide.

A huge black hole appeared out of thin air, and the terrifying aura tore the world apart, the void was torn open like a picture scroll, and then thirteen ancient people stepped out together!

Their faces were cold, their eyes pierced around like sharp swords, and their terrifying aura made the surrounding space solidify.

Such a huge movement naturally attracted some monks to come and watch, all of them looked at the ancient people in surprise.

Suddenly, one of the old men's pupils widened, and shouted in horror, "Ancient people, they are ancient people!"

"What? Have the people of the ancient race crossed into the seventh realm?"

"Run, the ancients have begun to fight the seventh realm!"

"It's so terrifying, they will definitely create endless killing!"

For a time, many cultivators acted as birds and beasts, for fear that they would become the target of the ancients.

Gu Qingyun stood calmly on the spot and said calmly: "This mission is considered top secret, and our whereabouts cannot be exposed!"

"Don't worry, none of them want to leave!"

Gu Zong smiled and spoke, then he took a sudden step forward, raised his finger to the sky, and said majesticly: "Void cage!"


As soon as this statement is made, the avenue surrounds his body, and there is the power of the origin in the body to revolve.

The surrounding world... is still!

The void freezes directly!

The group of people who were still running away were like fish swimming in the water. Suddenly the river froze and was fixed in the void!

They were so shocked that they wanted to use all their strength to escape, but they couldn't break away at all!

"It's been a long time since I tasted the taste of the monk. I just took the opportunity to open the meat!"

Gu Zong smiled coldly, raised his hands, and a powerful suction force spread, and one after another monks was sucked in front of him. After that, the mana and the origin of life were all swallowed by the ancient sect!

The other ancient races also worked together, just like a ruthless and terrifying beast, looting and eating food crazily!

Soon, the area regained tranquility, and the group of people was sucked so that there was no scum left.

Gu Zong licked his lips. He also plundered a part of his memory and said, "The third, fourth, fifth and seventh realms actually all have boundary passages. If it weren’t for Master Gu’s conspiracy, At this time, our ancients can definitely easily take these four realms into the bag, swallow all the origins, and greatly increase their strength!"

His tone was full of regret. If he had gone according to plan, now it was Gu Hui who led a group of ancient tribes to run wild, sucking up all the origins of these worlds!

Gu Hongtian said, "Don't think too much, don't forget our mission this time. Finding the antidote for Gu Zu is the most important thing."

Gu Zong said: "I know this naturally, but the seventh realm is so big, and we have no clue, where should we look for the antidote? According to my opinion, since it is here, we can swallow it all the way. As long as we don’t keep alive, we won’t attract attention in a short time."

Gu Qingyun's brows frowned slightly, and he indulged for a moment: "Pillaging all the way and finding out the secrets of the Seventh Realm is also a way, but the movement should not be too great."

"Hahaha, that's natural, as long as we don't fantasize, we will never be discovered."

Gu Zong laughed, and then said: "What are you waiting for? I already feel that there is a small world there, and there are countless creatures waiting for me to devour it!"

As soon as the voice fell, he stepped out and walked directly across the space.

Soon, the ancient clan descended into that small world, and with a random wave of his hand, the air mechanism of the entire world was isolated, and it became a confinement cage, which was sucked dry wantonly by the ancient clan. Fragrant time, it became a waste star.

They are like locusts crossing the border, ruthlessly all the way, devouring one small world after another. Even if they encounter a monk along the way, no one is their one general, and they are slaughtered at will.

"Hahaha, Shu Chang, this demonstrates the power of my ancient clan!"

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"It seems that the Seventh Realm is nothing more than that. The entire Seventh Realm is the only ancient tribe who rules the roost!"

Gu Hongtian said in a condensed voice: "My disciple is unparalleled in ancient warfare, and he is wearing the Demon Sword. Why did he fall in this world? I must make the person who kills him pay the price!"

At this time, they came to a small world again, looting wildly.

In the entire world, the sky has faded, the heavens are suppressed, and it has become a purgatory. Everyone is panicking, but there is nowhere to escape.

Gu Zong turned into a giant, his body stood on top of the earth, opened his mouth and sucked, like a whale swallowing, and countless monks were sucked into his mouth by him and swallowed down.

Gu Hongtian turned into a huge face above the void, and this face looked like the sky, overlooking this small world, making a cruel laugh.

"I ask you, does anyone know how my ancient people died in the seventh realm not long ago? Get out of me!"

His voice rolled like thunder, echoing in the void.

In a hidden place, a figure was trembling.

She wore a grimace mask that was half crying and half laughing, and she was the left envoy of Jiemeng.

At the beginning, she had experienced too much. She watched her teammates fall inexplicably one by one. Even the invincible leader of the league in her heart drank urine, the heart of the dao collapsed directly, and she felt deeply. The world is full of horror.

There is no fighting spirit, and it has been hidden here.

She is a great power in the realm of Heavenly Dao, and she can be regarded as a big man in this world, and has had a very good life.

However, as the changes in the Seventh Realm became more and more serious, and more and more masters had emerged recently, she was dormant again.

Unexpectedly, people are not as good as the sky, even if she is like this, the disaster of extinction will still come.

She wants to cry, the world is so unfriendly to her!

At this moment, she looked at the world that was about to die, and knew that she could not survive, so she gritted her teeth and took the initiative to step out.

Facing the face in the void, she respectfully pleased: "Everyone from the ancient race, our own people, we are our own people, I know everything!"

Gu Hongtian looked to the left ambassador, raised his hand and grabbed her, then he pulled her in front of him, and said indifferently: "Tell what you know."

The other ancient tribes also leaned in and looked at Zuo Shi with interest.

Zuo Shi immediately said: "Masters, do you still remember Jiemeng? It is your ancient clan who arranged chess pieces for the seventh world, and I am a member of Jiemeng!"


Gu Qingyun nodded, "It's nothing more than a small chess piece that was randomly placed in the Great Tribulation last time. Are you actually a member of the Jiemeng?"

"Yeah, I am the left envoy of the Jiemeng! After the Jiemeng was destroyed, I managed to escape and stayed here all the time, just waiting for the organization to appear, and now I am finally looking forward to you!"

Zuo Shi said in tears, she was really crying, but she was scared to cry by the ancient people.

Gu Hongtian said: "Tell me what happened."

"My sirs, you don't understand, this seventh realm is very mysterious!" Immediately, the envoy Zuo explained the story of the matter very much.

Until she finished speaking, Gu Qingyun's complexion remained calm, and said indifferently: "That group of people plus a dog, isn't that great? At best, it's just an ordinary Dao Sovereign."

Gu Hongtian said, "But there are obviously people behind this group of people. Did my disciple Gu Zhan also die because of this group of people?"

"Yes, it's because of them, they are definitely the most terrifying existence in the seventh realm!"

Of course Zuo Shi didn't see it with his own eyes, but it was just right to push it to that group of people, and she felt that it was that group of people who did it!

She went on to say: "You sirs, you have to be careful too. According to my experience, it will not end well if you are an enemy of that group of people."

Gu Zong smiled contemptuously: "Hahaha, according to what you said, although the weirdness is a little bit weird, the strength of the group of people is average and there is no need to be afraid!"

Gu Qingyun said: "It seems that we are looking for the right person. Gu Zu's antidote is likely to start with those people."

Gu Hongtian asked Zuo Envoy, "Do you know where those people are?"

Ambassador Zuo said: "I know, I have deliberately inquired, but I have never dared to pass."

"Very good, just lead the way."

Immediately, Zuo Shi took the ancient people and went straight to God's Domain.

Along the way, her mood was extremely heavy, constantly weighing the pros and cons.

How to stand in line?

She knows the weirdness of those people in the Seventh Realm. She really doesn’t dare to be enemies with them anymore. But the ancient people are very powerful at first sight, their cultivation bases are monstrous, and she can’t predict the outcome of the two parties. .

However, along the way, when she noticed the confident smiles on the faces of the ancient people, her heart suddenly became slightly convex. How could this picture be so familiar?

No, the more confident they are, the more panic I am!

Unconsciously, everyone has entered the realm of God.

Gu Zong looked around and greedily said, "This God's Domain in the Seventh Realm is really a treasure. When the ancient ancestor recovers, he will fight for the first time and swallow this place!"

Gu Hongtian nodded and said: "The development of the Seventh Realm is indeed very good, and some of them are beyond our expectations."

Gu Qingyun reminded: "Enjoy your spirits, don't make extravagant sticks!"

Everyone continued to move forward, very fast, and soon followed the left envoy to the foot of the Luoxian Mountain Range.

However, as soon as they entered the mountain range, their eyes condensed at the same time, staring not far ahead.

There, there was a figure holding a long sword, cutting firewood hard.

Gu Hongtian couldn't help but raise his brow, and he stepped forward and said coldly: "Lumberjack, do you know who is on this mountain?"

Jiang Liu glanced at him indifferently, continued to chop wood, and said calmly: "There are people you can't afford to offend!"

"Hehe, I can tell at a glance that you are not a mortal!"

With a bloodthirsty smile, Gu Hongtian cruelly ordered: "Go and kill him."

Immediately, an ancient tribe left the team, killing intent all over, raising his hand to suppress the river!

Except for the three of Gu Hongtian, the other ten people are all in the realm of Dadao!

With this shot, the avenue converges like a torrent, forming a terrifying magical power to kill and destroy the river.

However, just when his offensive was about to fall on Jiang Liu, the angle of Jiang Liu's chopping wood was slightly inclined, changing from chopping wood to chopping people.

This sword was unremarkable, without much momentum.

But it is extremely stunning.

Because it easily extinguished the magical powers of that ancient clan, and at the same time, slashed that person to death!

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