Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 744: 744: Taoist Junjun: Where did I lose?

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, It turns out that I am a big cultivator

The people of the ancient tribe were immediately shocked and lost their fighting spirit.

One wood chopper and one dung picker killed everyone. The key is that the dung bucket and the dung fork are actually the treasures of origin.

That's fine.

Gu Hongtian is the first person in their combat power. His mana is extremely domineering, and he has been blessed by the ancient ancestor, and a strong source of origin can burst out of his body.

However, just after he started showing his power, he was taken away...

The seventh realm is too dangerous, not something their ancients can covet.

"I want to run away? Have you ever asked me the dung fork in my hand?"

Wang Zun gave a cold cry, killing intent like a knife in his eyes, and with his steps, the dung fork turned into Changhong and shot.

With a "puff", an ancient tribe died under the dung fork.

Then, he slaughtered the Quartet, the dung fork was like a broken bamboo, one after another, coldly beheading the ancient people one by one, without leaving one!

Wang Zun suddenly remembered something and asked, "Huh? By the way, where is the female monk wearing the mask just now?"

Jiang Liu glanced around, "She was too courageous. She left when we were fighting. She ran fast without looking back..."

at the same time.

The backyard of the quadrangle.

The wicker shuttled back from the space, and at the same time it also tied Gu Hongtian tightly.

Gu Hongtian's face was still frightened and dumbfounded, struggling hard.

However, when he first came to the backyard, his body shook suddenly, and he obviously felt a huge pressure suddenly add to him, making him afraid to move.

In this space, there seems to be a terrifying power that can suppress everything in the heavens!

What is this place?

Gu Hongtian's eyes rolled, and he looked around carefully.

At this look, his body couldn't stop shaking.

"Ben... the origin?!"

His voice was sharp, with a deep disbelief, "Where is this, why is the origin flowing in the entire space, the avenue is turned into space, and the law is reduced to air!"

Then, he saw the creatures in the yard again, and his brain was blank.

The vegetables on the ground all exude the original flavor. The milk dripped by the cow, the honey collected by the bees, and the fruits produced on the trees are all gods that condense the essence of the source!

Even that blade of grass contains a source that is stronger than the original treasure in his hands!

The origins of the seven realms that their ancient tribes struggled to search for are not surprising here. The origins of the seven realms are not only complete, but inexhaustible...

"This, this, this..."

His lips trembled, and his words were uncomfortable. "Could it be that I have come to the end of the Seven Realms? The root of the source? Or, I am dreaming?"

In the next moment, he felt a sense of weightlessness, and then the sky was spinning.

The willow branch began to pull him up and down frantically, his speed couldn't be seen clearly with the naked eye, only afterimages could be seen.

After a while, this stopped.

Gu Qinghong was dizzy, and said in amazement, "You, who are you?!"

At this time, Nun Nun and Long Er also gathered around and curiously said: "Sister Liu, this is an ancient tribe, why did you arrest him?"

Liu Shu’s spiritual knowledge came and said, “I suddenly felt the breath of the fifth brother not long ago. It was with them that I caught him!”

Excited in her tone, she asked eagerly: "Quickly, have you seen a stone monument? How is it?"

Gu Hongtian said very spine: "Hehe, you don't want to know anything from me!"


A wicker drew like a whip, whipped it on Gu Hongtian's body and penetrated into his soul, causing him to let out a muffled groan, and his body was trembling.

Willow said in a deep voice: "Quickly, where is the stele?!"

"I won't tell you!"

Gu Hongtian smiled coldly, "I advise you to give up, if I want to search for the soul, I can expose myself to my knowledge, and I can save trouble if I kill it."

At this time, Nun Nun spoke, eager to try: "Sister Liu, I have a way to get him to speak, using tickle powder!"

Willow was taken aback for a moment, "Itchy powder?"

Long Er's face also showed a little devilish smile, and she said, "We asked for it from my brother. I heard that this thing is fun, and it can make people itchy to live rather than die. Unfortunately, my brother doesn't allow us to be casual. test."


As if he heard a big joke, Gu Hongtian contemptuously said: "I am not afraid of death, nor pain. I am afraid of itching? You two children are really naive!"

Unexpectedly, her face became more excited, "I like this kind of hard-mouthed."

After speaking, she quickly took out the itching powder and sprinkled it on Gu Hongtian's body, and then quietly looked forward to it.

Gu Hongtian looked calm, "That's it?"

He didn't seem to panic at all.

But gradually, his body just moved slightly and frowned.

In just a breath, he twisted violently like an earthworm, his face flushed and his lips trembled.

next moment

"Hahaha, wow hahaha!"

He finally couldn't bear it anymore and let out a miserable laugh.

"Let go of me, please let me go, let me scratch it!"

In this short period of time, his tears had already rolled down with a smile, and his whole body was cooked like a cooked lobster.

The whole body was shaking with laughter, and his face was distorted.

"It's so itchy, it's so itchy, kill me!"

"Are you still human? Oh, I can't do it anymore."

"Hahaha, woooooo, hahaha"

"It's going to die, it's going to die."

He was crying and laughing, and he was going crazy.

The entire backyard fell into silence, even the wind was gone, everything was quietly watching Gu Hongtian's personal performance.

"I, I said, I..."

Gu Hongtian's voice was weak and hoarse, and he could no longer hold it. However, he was just about to compromise. The willow tree seemed to feel something. The willow branch trembled suddenly, and then quickly moved him to the side of the pool with lightning speed. Press in the water!


Almost at the same time, the door of the backyard sounded, and Li Nianfan slowly walked over.

He curiously asked: "What's going on? Is there a sound in the backyard just now?"

Long Er's face was slightly red and said: "Brother, I and Sister Nun Nun are playing."

"Oh, don't be too foolish to know if you don't know."

Li Nianfan said casually, then wandered around in the backyard for a while, and said: "The milk from the cows and the honey from the bees are sufficient. You wait and get a wave."

Nun Nan and Long Er nodded obediently, "I know my brother."

This has caused Gu Hongtian to suffer.

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

He was soaked in the water, like a snake, he had to twist the bones of his whole body, a mouth, and the surrounding water poured into his mouth, gurgling and exhaling bubbles.

Itching to the extreme, no screaming, no scratching, this short period of time, for him, is like a year, and it is countless times more terrifying than death.

In the pool water, all the fish gathered around, looking at him sympathetically.

Gou Long sighed with earnest emotion: "Tsk tusk, it's not good to offend anyone. If you have to be an enemy of the superior, how can you imagine the means of the superior?"

Finally, with great difficulty, until Li Nianfan left the backyard, Gu Hongtian was pulled out by the willow again.

"Say, I say, talk!"

He confessed quickly, wishing to kneel down, his tears burst, desperate and helpless.

Long Er rubbed his body to dissolve the itch powder, and said with a smile: "Let's talk, but only one chance, next time it will be itch for a day and a night!"


Gu Hongtian trembled and gasped.

Thinking about itching day and night, his scalp numbs, and he doesn't even have the courage to live.

"Don't worry, it must be the truth. The stone stele is in our first realm, and it is also telling us Master Gu. Pooh, it's the beast of Gu Hui about the origin of the seven realms."

Immediately, he didn't dare to hide anything, he told everything he knew, his tone was smooth, and he didn't even dare to pause.

Liu Shu couldn't believe it and said: "Impossible, that stone tablet is the fifth brother, and it has the power of the town, how can I tell you this to the ancients!"

"My lord, what I said is true. This is everything I know. I have never lied. You have to believe me!"

Gu Hongtian cried immediately, for fear of applying the itching powder again, and quickly said: "By the way, the beast Gu Hui said that it claimed to be'Heaven'."


Willow's voice changed slightly, and then his voice sadly said: "It must be the fifth elder'heaven' that has infected the fifth brother! But with the fifth elder's power, it is impossible to compromise so easily!"

She guessed what happened in an instant, and said anxiously: "Fifth brother must not be dead yet, I am going to save fifth brother!"

Long Er opened the mouth and said: "Sister Liu, this matter can't come in a hurry. The stele is still in the first realm, but the boundary passage has not been opened yet."

Gu Hongtian said directly: "My lord, the beast Gu Hui was poisoned by eating shit. It seems that it won't last long. He will definitely speed up the passage of the boundary."

Without hesitation, he sold everything he knew.

Liu Shu calmed down for a while, and then said coldly: "The ancient sins are unforgivable, I'll give you a happy one!"

Her willow branches pierced directly through Gu Hongtian's chest, erasing the origin of his life.

Long Er comforted: "Sister Liu, once the boundary channel to the first realm is opened, I will definitely help you rescue the fifth brother!"

囡囡 clenched her small fist, and said: "Yes, we have to destroy the ancients!"

And at this time.

Taoist Junjun and Yang Jian came towards Luoxian Mountain.

They have just discussed with the Lord of Angels about the events of the various circles, and now the fourth and fifth levels are facing the crisis of being seized of their origins. The troubled times are approaching, and the matter is of great importance, and they don't know where to go.

After thinking about it, I still have to ask the expert what he means.

They came to the foot of the mountain and went straight up the mountain, but they bumped into Jiang Liu and Wang Zun who had just finished fighting.

"Yo, you are here to visit an expert."

Jiang Liu and Wang Zun were cleaning the battlefield, and when they saw them, they smiled casually.

"This is... the ancients?"

Daoist Junjun's eyes condensed slightly, and then he was frightened and said: "It is unreasonable, the ancients are rampant, and they dare to make trouble here!"

"It doesn't matter, a bunch of clowns, all under my dung fork are ants."

Wang Zun shrugged indifferently, and said with a smile: "The life of picking dung is a bit boring, they just came over to adjust."

Taoist Junjun and Yang Jian's mouth twitched at the same time.

They can feel the unparalleled terrifying power from these ancient races. Not to mention the strongest, just take out one, which is enough to match them. However, they actually became ants in Wang Zun's mouth.

Sure enough, the masters have a hobby that likes to pretend.

"Shit...Shit fork?"

Yang Jian looked at the dung fork in Wang Zun's hand, and suddenly felt a frightening breath from it.

Wang Zun laughed and introduced himself: "Yes, I forgot to tell you. From now on, my job is to pick up the dung for the expert. The fork and the dung bucket are given by the expert."

It turned out to be a gift from an expert, no wonder it's so extraordinary!

The envy in the eyes of Taoist Yang Jian and Junjun was overflowing, and said bitterly: "Congratulations to Wang Zun. If you are valued by an expert, you will surely rise to the sky in one step."

Wang Zun waved his hand and said modestly: "Hahaha, it's normal, just picking dung, there is no way to compare with your heavenly gods."

Can't smile so happily than you?

Daoist Junjun and Yang Jian felt tired, they were too lazy to say anything, and went straight up the mountain with their heads dull.

Taoist Junjun said sadly: "Where did I lose? Why is it not me who picked the manure?"

Yang Jian was also too envious, and said with emotion: "That dung fork is too handsome, much better than my three-pointed two-edged knife..."

They waited until they came to the gate of the courtyard, then adjusted their mentality and knocked on the door.

"Is Lord Saint at home? Daoist Junjun and Yang Jian beg to see you."

Xiaobai opened the door, "Come in."

"Thanks a lot."

Taoist Junjun and Yang Jian nodded towards Xiaobai, and then stepped into the courtyard.

Daoist Junjun naturally can't come empty-handed, and said: "Master Shengjun, there is nothing good, so I brought some ginseng fruit for you to taste."

He also thought about it for a long time before bringing ginseng fruit.

Other things are definitely not in the eyes of an expert, so you can try the fruit.

A smile appeared on Li Nianfan's face.

This ginseng fruit was eaten a long time ago. It tastes good and has enough moisture. Unfortunately, it is too precious, unlike the fruits in my backyard.

Unexpectedly, the Taoist Jun Jun had brought it.

He gratefully said: "Thank you so much. I am tired of eating the fruits in the backyard every day. This ginseng fruit just improved my food."

After a pause, he said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, hurry up and pick more fruits for the distinguished guests. Don't be stingy. This ginseng fruit is much more precious than the fruits in our backyard!"

These words of Li Nianfan made Daoist Junjun and Yang Jian flushed, showing no self-confidence.

Gao Ren said the opposite.

They seated respectfully, their eyes involuntarily falling on the landscape box on the table.

In the transparent ice layer, a cloud of gray mist is flowing like water, changing into various forms.

They raised their brows first, and there was a trace of doubt in their eyes.


Why is the gray mist in it familiar?

It looks a bit like that unknown gray fog that claims to be "Heaven".

They couldn't help but look closely.

In the next instant, his body shook wildly at the same time.

Damn it!

This is clearly "Heaven"!

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