Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 765: 765: Humanity

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Baoda looked like a smile but not a smile, like a cry but not a cry, taking deep breaths, heartache, and his body was twitching.

He thought that the young master had specially persuaded himself to be more convinced of the extraordinaryness of the milk.

What did you breathe hard before? Let's taste it first!

Some milk, if you miss it, you won’t be there!

It would be daring to ask him to ask Nun Nu and Long Er to turn his head.

Since it has been determined that the young master is normal, his respect for the two little girls and the cow shows that they are proper big people and can't afford to offend them at all, so Bao Da naturally didn't dare to speak.

At this time, Su Chen has returned to the city and said: "Baoda, are you very unhappy that this young master won? It is uglier to laugh than to cry."

Baoda flushed his eyes and said hoarsely, "Young Master, you know, I am heartache, I want to be quiet."

Su Chen comforted: "If you miss the chance, you will miss it. I can't force it."


Bao Da sighed, then his eyes fell on the dung-chucking stick in Su Chen's hand, and excitedly said: "Young Master, this...what kind of artifact is this stick? It's too powerful."

He stared at the shit-chucking stick, looking from left to right, it was just a plain wooden stick, and even some parts seemed to be worn out, not like an artifact at all.

Su Chen rubbed the long stick and said lightly: "No, it's a shit-chucking stick."

Baoda’s exhalation suddenly stagnated, and then he asked: "Young Master, you must have had a shocking adventure during this period of time!"

A smile appeared on Su Chen's face, and he nodded and said: "Yes, I successfully became a **** picker!"

Baoda's breathing was once again stagnant, and he was speechless.

Can you still chat well?

Before you were not such a young master!

Su Chen glanced at him, and said unfathomably: "This is a realm, you don't understand."

Baoda: "..."

Su Chen waved his hand, "Okay, go and deal with the fairies outside, as I prepare to go back to Su's house and regain my position as Young Master!"

Baoda and the surrounding guards were shocked, and said excitedly: "Yes, young master!"

In Su Chen, the three major demon queens were cleaned up. The little demon ran away and fled. Regardless of the demon spirit, they were actually a group of mobs, and they just disappeared.

So the cleaning is also fast.

After a while, everyone was ready to go, following Su Chen straight to Su's house!

囡囡 asked curiously: "Brother Su Chen, are you going to regain your position as Young Master?"

Su Chen's heart suddenly jumped, and then he immediately began to show his loyalty without thinking: "Fairy, don't get me wrong, this young master is just a pile of **** in my eyes. What I love most is picking shit. This love of heaven and earth can be a lesson. , The sun and the moon can be watched! Please make me a picker!"

On the side, Bao Da and the other guards heard Venus in their eyes, and their heads buzzed.

But after listening, Su Chen continued: "I am going back this time only for revenge, and I can't let the Su family fall into Su Ming's hands, and also because of the source pond holy realm."

囡囡 and Long Er have heard this name for the second time, and questioned: "Yuan Chi Holy Realm?"

Su Chen replied: "The origin of the source pond is mysterious. Some people speculate that it is the place where the origin of the source world gathers. It is full of opportunities. There is a source pond sacred state on the Celestial Star. It is opened every 100 years and is shared by the four great families. Take charge, and agree to send someone to enter each time you turn it on, each by chance."

囡囡 and Long Er nodded, looking a little uninterested.

The most powerful sacred realm, and the most powerful opportunity, can it be compared to a courtyard house?

Su Chen obviously saw through their thoughts, not to mention Nun Nu and Long Er, although the cultivation environment in the source pond holy realm is well-known, he still feels that it is not as good as the smell of the dung pit.

He explained: “Two fairies, the source pond holy realm is not a big deal, but there are sacred fruits in it. I think the masters might like...”


Longer and Nun’s eyes suddenly brightened, and they said excitedly: "This is good, this is good! This holy realm must be visited, and finally there will be new fruits!"


In the house of Su.

Su Ming is planning with Xiao Yanran to enter the source pond holy realm.

Su Ming’s eyes were eager and excited: “Now I am the Young Master of the Su Family, and I will definitely have one of the places to enter the Origin Pool’s Holy Realm. I only need to enter it to find the blood clotting fruit, which is enough to completely stimulate the dominant bloodline in my body. Must step into the master!"

"Congratulations, brother Ming, everything is proceeding according to plan, step by step leading to the strongest road."

Xiao Yanran's eyes wandered, and then she said charmingly: "I just hope that in the future, Brother Ming will not forget them."

Su Ming laughed and said: "How could it be? I can get the dominating bloodline and win the position of the young master, which is not your help, I promise that you will spend the rest of your life in happiness!"

First, he won the dominating bloodline and obliterated Su Chen, so that his cultivation base was advancing by leaps and bounds, and he won the position of the young master, and then borrowed the name of the young master to enter the source pond sacred realm, so as to find the blood clotting fruit in it, and completely stimulate the potential of dominating the bloodline. It can be described as one ring after another.

Xiao Yanran said affectionately: "Really? Brother Ming is the best."

Su Ming looked at Xiao Yanran's appearance, and a **** rose in her lower abdomen, and said fiercely: "How could I lie to you? Let's make you sexually happy now."

Xiao Yanran's face blushed, and she greeted her if she wanted to refuse: "I hate it!"

"There is no one left or right, let's hurry up,"

Su Ming took Xiao Yanran's delicate body into his arms, thinking that this was the woman Su Chen liked, and his heart was full of accomplishment.

Su Chen, Su Chen, you are destined to be inferior to me!

The woman you like is willing to let me play with it, your dominating blood is mine, and the young master is mine, I will also enter the source pond holy realm, relying on your blood to reach the top!

You were born to perfect me from beginning to end, hahaha...

Su Ming became more excited as he thought about it. He just pressed Xiao Yanran onto the bed, but he heard a loud shout in the void: "I Su Chen is back!"

The sound rolled, resounding in the void like thunder.

The entire Su family was silent first, and then in an uproar!

"Su Chen? The former young master is back?!"

"After disappearing for three years, he actually came back. Where did he go?"

"It's incredible, Su Chen is back, what about Su Ming?"

"Really? Let's go and have a look."

Silhouettes shot out from the Su family, and came quickly in the direction of Su Chen.

At the same time, Su Ming and Xiao Yanran's movements were stagnant, and the two of them had no interest in an instant, and they all stood up in horror.

Xiao Yanran exclaimed in disbelief: "Impossible, how come Su Chen will come back? He is dead and dead!"

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot) at novel35.com

Su Ming quickly calmed down and sneered: "What is it? What can he do if he can live from the ancient forbidden zone? I took the master bloodline, and he is a useless person. If he shrinks, he can live a little longer. , Dare to show up is to die!"

Xiao Yanran worried: "If he exposes us to the Su family, then..."

"Hehe, do you think the Su family will help me or a waste person?"

Su Ming smiled coldly, and then said: "Let’s go, let’s see what embarrassment Su Chen is like now!"

Outside the Su family, more and more people gathered here, even some respected elders appeared, their eyes fixed on Su Chen, either surprise or surprise.

Finally, the three elders stood up and asked: "Su Chen, where have you been in the past three years?"

Su Chen did not conceal it, and directly said: "Three Elders, three years ago, Xiao Yanran and Su Ming conspired to conspiracy not only to dominate my blood, but also to be forced into the ancient forbidden zone by them! If it were not for my fate, I would have been wiped out."

As soon as this statement came out, it was no less than a depth bomb, which caused the audience to boil.

"Su Chen's master bloodline...was taken away?!"

"Su Ming actually did this kind of thing, no wonder that after Su Chen disappeared, Su Ming's cultivation base was surpassing that before!"

"Get the supreme bloodline, your talent will naturally rise!"

"Unbelievable, this is a big deal!"

"I can't feel the strong aura from Su Chen. He is so downhearted, he is obviously a useless person."

The elders of the Su family also shrank their pupils and looked at each other. No one spoke.

The third elder asked in a deep voice: "Su Chen, are you serious about this?"

Su Chen's face was calm, and he said in a condensed voice: "You can call out Su Ming and test the bloodline on the spot!"

"No need to test, I admit that I took his master bloodline!"

Su Ming took steps and came in stride, his face was calm, he seemed to be just telling a little thing, and Xiao Yanran was still next to him.

Seeing the two of them, Su Chen's pupils suddenly burst into rage, and said in a low voice, "Su Ming, Xiao Yanran!"

Others also looked at Su Ming in amazement, unexpectedly he would admit it directly.

Su Ming smiled and looked at Su Chen, and said indifferently: "Su Chen, one way of cultivation is to steal yin and yang to gain good fortune, don't you understand this principle? Now I have the posture of dominance, and I feel it is worth sacrificing you!"

"Fart, cannibalism with the same clan, and hurt others with secret arrows. You will never be able to prove the avenue! I will take you first and then deal with it according to the family rules!"

The third elder shouted angrily and raised his hand to grab Su Ming.

However, the great elder on the side suddenly raised his hand to dissolve the attack of the three elders.

The three elders' complexion sank and asked: "Elder, are you going to protect this evil barrier?!"

The elder looked at Su Chen and said, "Su Chen, who can live without fault? You and Su Ming are of the same race, and you should forgive each other. The mistake has already occurred. Even if you kill Su Ming, you can’t dominate your bloodline. Restoration, it's better to forget it, I promise you will be worry-free throughout your life, and the Su family can meet all your requirements!"

Su Chen's eyes widened, looking at the elder in disbelief.

After a while, he let out a horrible laugh, and the louder he laughed.

"Hahaha, hahaha"

He mocked: “Why didn’t he think that I was the same race as him when he killed me? Great Elder, I used to respect and respect you, but now I found out that I misunderstood you. You are simply unreasonable!”


The second elder sternly scolded, and then said to Su Chen: "Su Chen, we can understand your feelings, but the Su family must have geniuses, I hope you can understand, for the sake of the family!"

"Forbearance? How can I endure?" Su Chen pointed to the first elder and second elder, his eyes gradually turning cold, and he accused him: "Is it right that as long as you become stronger, you can plunder the blood of others? Killing each other, how is this different from Demon Cultivation? You keep saying that it is for the family, but in fact it is just short-sighted and will make the family forever!"

The elder's eyes were simple and unpretentious, and said indifferently: "Su Chen, Su Ming has the dominating bloodline, and is born with Dao pupils, and in the future can become the master of the avenue and lead the Su family to glory, and you...are just a waste."

The third elder couldn't help saying: "Great Elder, you can't make a circle if you don't follow the rules!"

The fourth elder interrupted and said: "The third child, the rules are dead, people live, everything is in the family's interests, and Su Chen at this time... is worthless! And Su Ming, let us keep the value!"

The three elders sighed and had nothing to say.

The Great Elder said to Su Chen: "Su Chen, let go of your hatred, you are still a member of my Su family."

"Hehe, listen to what you mean, if I still want revenge, are you going to expel me from Su's house?"

Su Chen shook his head, disdainfully said: "This Su family does not wait!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions sank.

But I heard Su Chen continue to say: "However, I will personally take back everything I have lost! Su Ming, can you dare to fight with me?!"

Su Chen challenged Su Ming?

This sentence made everyone stunned, and they couldn't even believe their ears.

The gap between him and Su Ming is like stars and gravel, why dare he?

Su Ming did not expect that Su Chen would be so crazy, and he confirmed in surprise: "You want to fight with me?"

Su Chen said lightly: "Yes, I hope you don't be a turtle."

"Puff, hahaha"

Su Ming laughed wildly, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, he looked at Xiao Yanran and said, "Did you hear it? He actually wants to challenge me?"

Xiao Yanran pursed her mouth and said with disdain: "I heard it, he was so angry that he lost his reason and became a mad dog."

The rest of the Su family shook their heads, their eyes looking at Su Chen full of sympathy.

"Hey, although his experience is distressing, but this approach is no different from looking for death."

"Although Su Ming is only in the realm of Heavenly Dao, but the dominating bloodline and Dao pupil are enough to fight Dao Sovereign, Su Chen is no different from Ants in front of him."

"This is Su Chen's last stubbornness, right."

The third elders stared at Su Chen, and persuaded: "Su Chen, impulse can't solve the problem, you think carefully!"

Su Chen opened his mouth and said, "Thank you for your concern. Today I will defeat Su Ming!"

"Beat me? Su Chen, are you living in a dream?"

Su Ming looked at him with a sneer, full of murderous intent and said: "Since you can't wait to die, then I will fulfill you!"

The big elder's eyes drooped, and he calmly said: "During the challenge, the sword has no eyes. It doesn't matter whether you live or die, please be prepared."

Su Chen coldly glanced at the elder, and couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Obviously, the great elder is sure that he is not Su Ming’s opponent, so he said the sentence of birth and death, implying that Su Ming can kill himself.

When he was still the young master, everyone in the Su family was polite and respectful to him, and the elder elder had always been a amiable elder. Now that he is down, he can see through the frailty of human nature.

It's really cold and unpredictable!

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