Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 767: 767: Dairy Cow: You can take care of yourself

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Chapter 767 Dairy Cow: Disapprove yourself and cultivate yourself

The battle turned sharply.

The atmosphere above Su's house became more stagnant.

Between Su Chen and Su Ming, there is the humiliation of the green hat, the hatred of taking blood, and the cold of betrayal, which are completely irreconcilable contradictions.

The two are destined to never die.

As for the Su family, who were both in the same place, naturally they could only choose one of them!

In the end, the Great Elder, the Second Elder, and the Fourth Elder firmly chose Su Ming, just because Su Ming's talent can be said to be against the sky, as long as he survives, he can basically become the peak. This is what the Su family needs! (Some readers said that this behavior reduces intelligence, and they don’t understand where to reduce intelligence...)

And Su Chen...what's there?

Even if he can defeat Su Ming now, his upper limit is destined to be a far cry from Su Ming!

Although it is said that Su Ming has done immoral things, this is the world of cultivating immortals.

The aura of the three elders locked Su Chen and forced him to surrender the adventure he had obtained!

"Hahaha, wowhahaha..."

Su Ming fell to the ground, with blood flowing at the corner of his mouth, but he laughed unscrupulously.

He looked at Su Chen, full of mockery.

He jokingly said: "Su Chen, what if you get the adventure? In the end, yours will still be mine! I am in your dominant bloodline, and I will own your adventures. I can hardly imagine the future achievements. I really want to thank you. Your perfection is!"

While talking, he couldn't help but glanced at the dung bucket and shit-chucking stick in Su Chen's hand, full of greed.

These two are both original treasures, half of Su Chen's combat power comes from them, and will be his own from now on!

Su Chen held the dung bucket in his left hand, and tightly held the dung-chucking stick in his right hand, staring at them coldly, with cold light flashing in his eyes.

How do you ignorant people know the power behind me.

Although my blood was robbed, I came from the Luoxian Mountains. How can Su Ming compare with me?

Your vision limits your imagination!

The elder said indifferently: "Su Chen, I'll give you one last chance to hand over the adventure, don't force us to do it ourselves!"

"Who dares to bully my son!"

Accompanied by a violent drink, a figure rushed out of Su's house, swiftly from far and near, and soon stood in front of Su Chen.

He has white beard and hair, some wrinkles on his face, deep sunken eye sockets, and bright eyes.

Su Chen looked at the old man, his throat rolled slightly, and he trembled: "Father!"

There was a hint of disbelief in his eyes, especially when he remembered that three years ago his father was still a handsome middle-aged man with ruddy complexion, jade skin and no gray hair on his head. Dad has grown into this look.

The elder asked in a deep voice: "Su Changhe, how dare you come out of the dungeon privately, do you still have the Su family rules in your eyes?!"

"Hahaha, family rules?"

Su Changhe was amused, and yelled: "Su Ming murdered the young master. Where were the clan rules when the same race was inflicted? I, Su Changhe, was innocent, but used the clan rules to suppress me. Wouldn't it be ridiculed to spread it out!"

He is in the Great Dao Realm, and he has already entered the second step. Naturally, he can't be trapped in the water prison.

Now that Su Chen returned, he naturally stood up.

"Su Ming murdered my son and seized his blood. If you are not willing to kill, I will kill!"

Su Changhe's tone was low, with cold murderous intent.

As soon as the voice fell, he already raised his hand and slapped Su Ming with a palm!


However, the elder snorted coldly, and slowly took a step forward, a strong mana burst out, blocking Su Changhe's attack.

Angrily shouted: "Reverse, reverse! Su Changhe and his son want to kill the young master and take it for me!"

Immediately, the second elder and the fourth elder, who were already ready to go, acted at the same time, and their auras moved towards Su Changhe's suppression together, shook their body, and formed a triangle with the big elder to surround Su Changhe and Su Chen.

However, the three elders still stood on the spot, their eyes struggling.

The Fourth Elder hurriedly said: "The third child, what are you waiting for? We will work together to suppress them in the shortest possible time!"

"Hey, when did my Su family fall to this point? You did too much!"

The three elders sighed heavily and took a step forward, but they stood in the camp of Su Chen and Su Changhe and faced the other three elders.

"The third child, you are too pedantic!"

The great elder said in a cold voice, he no longer said more, raised his hand and slapped towards Su Changhe!

"Second, you go and take down Su Chen, and the third is to give it to me."

As the Fourth Elder was talking, the whole person had already stepped towards the Third Elder. There was a halo and flickering around his body, the vision was full of vigor, and the atmosphere of the great avenue was full.

"Chen'er, you go!"

Su Changhe blocked the attack of the Great Elder, and then pulled Su Chen and threw him to Bao Da, shouting wildly: "You take the young master away!"

Then, his mana soared into the sky, raising his hand to condense the avenue, sealing the space, and one person blocked the elder and the second elder.

In a blink of an eye, the five second-step supreme fought together, and the terrifying avenue roared above the sky, forming a turbulent vortex, tearing the space apart.

Watching the fighting on the field, she opened her mouth and analyzed: "The space in the Source Realm is obviously much more stable than the Seven Realms. The scope of the aftermath is obviously much smaller."

Long Er nodded and said: "Well, the void is full of origin after all, and all the upper limits have been raised accordingly."

At this time, the icy voice of the Great Elder came out, and he said majesticly: "All the disciples of the Su family follow the order, and I will suppress Su Chen!"

Although he was dragged, this is the site of the Su Family, and Su Chen is just a turtle in the urn!


As soon as this statement came out, the rest of the Su family all focused their attention on Su Chen, which was extremely complicated.

Some people are eager to move, others are entangled.

Among them, there are many Dadao Supreme, and it is not difficult to suppress Su Chen.

An old man stood up and persuaded: "Su Chen, you still listen to the words of the great elder and catch it with your hands. The Su family will not treat you badly!"

Su Chen shook his head and said firmly: "Impossible! If you want to fight, then fight!"

Bao Da, with red eyes, said hoarsely: "The Su family's clan rules are just decorations. When you stay in the Su family, don't you fear that your blood will be robbed, and you are not afraid that your chances will be robbed? Do you still dare to trust such a clan? Is it? This time it’s Young Master, next time it’s you!"

This sentence caused many people's faces to change suddenly.

"A bunch of nonsense, deceitful words to confuse the crowd!"

The old man immediately yelled, and eagerly said: "Everyone, take action to suppress them!"

However, at this time, many disciples stood up to oppose it.

"Why arrest Su Chen, what is wrong with Su Chen?"

"The fault is Su Ming, I don't accept this person as the young master!"

"This time it is Su Chen, then who is it next time? Why does Su Ming do as he pleases? I am not convinced!"

"It's hard to convince the Su family like this, don't wait for it!"

"Su Chen won the battle, and Su Chen is the young master. Let's protect the young master together!"

Some people wanted to take action to suppress Su Chen, while others stood up to protect Su Chen. For a time, dozens of magic spells soared into the sky.

Seeing the scene getting more and more chaotic, a terrifying breath suddenly spewed out of the sky above the Su family. The endless avenues and origins were drawn and gathered in the sky. Looking up, there was a huge vortex on the dome. Thunder roamed in it, with great momentum.

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Immediately afterwards, in the whirlpool, a giant hand protruded out, covering this square of heaven and earth, and it contained an unstoppable power that fell.

The speed of the giant palm seemed unsatisfactory, but it solidified this space, unable to avoid it at all, and landed directly on the battlefield of Su Changhe and the others.


With a roar, the figures of Su Changhe and the third elder were blasted out at the same time, exploding a cloud of blood in the void. Although they were not dead, they did not survive, and the injuries were hard to heal.


Su Chen's face changed horribly, and he hurried over to catch Su Changhe, staring at the incoming person with red eyes.

In the void, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe stepped out, every step of his rippling rippling avenue, sternly: "The Su family is not your turn to be presumptuous!"

"It's the patriarch, the patriarch has come out!"

The chaos in the Su family calmed down at this moment, looking at the visitors one by one, full of awe.

This is suppression from absolute power.

But everyone was afraid of him, but Su Chen was not afraid. He asked with red eyes, "Take the lead to trample on the rules of the Su family, what kind of patriarch are you?!"

As the patriarch, he must be clear about the whole story, but he still didn't show up until the matter was out of control. Moreover, he directly suppressed Su Changhe and the third elders. The meaning was already obvious.

"Su Chen, are you trying to split the Su family?"

The patriarch stared at Su Chen coldly, containing endless coercion, and said solemnly: "Come here, they are going to the water prison, so calm down!"


The Fourth Elder immediately accepted the order and sneered towards Su Chen.

Everyone could see that once they were taken into the dungeon, it was absolutely impossible for Su Chen and the others to come out alive.

Su Chen trembled with anger. He had practiced in the Su family for a hundred years, and now he realized how dark a family is.

A trace of determination flashed in Su Changhe's eyes, and he whispered in a low voice: "Chen'er, wait for you, don't look back, run quickly! I have a way to block them for you!"

However, Su Chen suddenly turned around, knelt down on her knees, facing Nun Nun and Long Er, earnestly said: "The junior is incompetent, I beg the two fairies to save me!"

Everyone was stunned, eyes full of bewilderment.

Was caught off guard by this wave of operations by Su Chen.

Are you crazy, at this time, go to ask for help for the two little girls?

Apart from other things, the patriarch of the Su family has entered the third step of the supreme, able to control the avenue, manipulate the power of the source, how strong is the combat power, can it be controlled by the two little girls?

Su Changhe's pupils shrank, and he said sadly in his heart: "It's over, my son is crazy."

It's no wonder that after being hit one after another, mental problems are understandable.

"Puff, hahaha..."

Su Ming laughed, full of sarcasm, and said proudly: "Su Chen, you are really embarrassed!"

However, Long Er directly interrupted his ridicule, and said: "Don't ask us, since we are following you, we will definitely not watch you being bullied."

She also nodded. She jumped off the cow's back and said, "Niu Niu, you can help him."


The little cow uttered a cow bark reluctantly, and then slowly stepped out.

"You... actually got into action!"

"This cow is really going to be shot, right?"

"I don't know if it's an illusion. Watching this cow come slowly, I actually feel a bit of pressure."

In response to everyone’s gaze, the cow came to Su Chen gracefully, opened her mouth slightly, and uttered a voice to the fourth elder, looking a little shy, "I have less combat experience, and I can’t control my strength. If you don’t, you will accidentally be beaten to death.

"It turned out to be a dairy cow!"

The fourth elder laughed angrily, his eyes condensed, and he said solemnly: "I don't know how to live or die, wait for me to take you down, squeeze your milk first, and then roast you to eat beef!"

As soon as the voice fell, his footsteps slammed on, and his body appeared as if teleporting, directly in front of the cow, and then pointed at its head!

Under this finger, the power of the origin will follow.

"Source Skill, Broken Star Finger!"

Although he looked down on the cow, he was merciless when he shot.

The lion also tried his best to fight the rabbit, not to mention that he just failed to see that the cow was a fairy. Obviously, this group of people was a little weird!

However, just when his finger was about to hit the cow's head, the cow's hoof suddenly rose, the speed was incredible, and there was no afterimage.

Hearing a "bang" sound, the four elders only felt that his abdomen was hit by an unprecedented heavy blow, and his eyeballs were about to protrude. Before he could snorted, his body was already up in the air, and the surrounding scenes were stunned. This kind of unimaginable speed is fast forward, as if traveling through time and space.

In the eyes of others, the four elders had just rushed to the side of the cow, and his body soared out at a faster speed, and the "swish" disappeared in an instant, and he didn't even see the cow having his legs...


Instinctively, they took a breath together, and took a step back uncontrollably.

This bull was not bragging just now, but it was really awesome!

"The third step, it is definitely a dairy cow that has stepped into the third step!"

"Unbelievable, this is the strongest cow essence in history!"

"It turns out that Su Chen's hole card is here. It seems that in addition to getting a big chance, he also explained some incredible existence!"

"The Su family has a hard time riding a tiger this time."

The Great Elder was also dumbfounded, staring at the cow with a deep chill rising in his heart, "This, this, this..."

If he had just shot, he would definitely end up exactly the same as the Four Elders, and it would be horrified to think about it.

Family Chief Su's eyes also condensed slightly, his expression extremely gloomy.

At this moment, it is false to say no regrets.

If he had known that Su Chen had this kind of hole cards, he would never do things so absolutely.

But at this time it was too late to say anything, this group of people must die, otherwise the Su family will definitely be in chaos!

He took a deep breath and slowly raised his hand.

Between the palms of his hands, a bright red bead slowly rotated, and the origin of the endless flames manifested itself as small dragons surrounding him.

The moment this bead appeared, the surrounding avenues were all lit, with flames rising.

The surroundings were illuminated red, and the scorching temperature suddenly rose.

The third elder said in horror: "No, it's my tribe's heritage, burning the sky, boiling the sea and refining the Taoist beads!"

"This bead can condense the sacred fire, use the original source as fuel, everything will not burn, not to mention the monks, even ordinary magic weapons can't stop it."

Su Changhe also said anxiously. He raised his hand and took out all his magic weapons, piled them at the feet of the cow, and said: "Senior Niu, these magic weapons are my treasures, and they should be able to resist for a while. , Take this opportunity to run away!"

"And mine!"

The third elder also spoke, and directly gave out his strongest magic weapon.

However, the cow looked at these magic weapons at her feet, but her brows wrinkled involuntarily, and the cow's eyes were full of entanglement.

What are these things?

You are obviously concerned, but why do you send so much **** to me?

After hesitating for a moment, it was still not ready to wrong itself.

As soon as the corbel lifted, he kicked the magic weapon at his foot, and said in disgust: "Garbage!"

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