Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator (I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot)

Chapter 797: 797: This shovel is enough to confine the gods

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"What kind of combat technique is this?"

The two half-step masters of Wutian Devil Palace panicked a little.

When they fought against Nun Nun and Long Er, they actually felt a sense of powerlessness.

Both are half-step masters, Nun Nun and Long Er's control of the power of origin is obviously much higher than that of them, and they can play the strongest force with each move, making it difficult for them to parry.

The great elder couldn't help but exclaimed: "Are you from Yuan Wuzong?"

Yuan Wuzong is famous for its combat skills, and its disciples are mainly engaged in combat skills. Once they activate their own body, they will act like a magic weapon, and they can explode with astonishing power.

It's just that Yuan Wuzong is not in the Northern Sky Star Territory, it is very far away from here.

Nun Nun was taken aback for a while, frowning and said: "Which source Wuzong? It is impossible for them to possess such powerful combat skills!"

Although she didn't know what Yuan Wuzong did, no matter what, she definitely couldn't compare with the combat skills her brother taught them.

The great elder grabbed the stunned effort, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly waved his hand.


A simple and simple bronze bell was thrown out by him, and as he drew it, it suddenly swelled into the wind.

Turning into a height of more than three meters, head straight towards the nunnery cover!


The bronze bell exploded with amazing power, and with a roar, it seemed to freeze the sky and the earth, and could swallow the sky and the sun!

The moment of change, the nun was enshrouded in the bronze bell!

The great elder laughed proudly: "Hahaha, you will always stay in my town world purgatory clock until your soul is gone!"

Nuan's combat skills really made him difficult to parry, but fighting skills were more than just combat skills, and he wouldn't be so stupid that he kept fighting against her.

"Appeared, the treasure of Zhenzong Zhenshi Purgatory Clock of Wutian Demon Palace!"

"This is the Primordial Treasure, and it integrates killing, entrapment and defense. It is the top level in the Primordial Supreme Treasure. I didn't expect them to come out and bring this great treasure!"

"The Zhenshi Purgatory Clock is a star realm in its own right, it can suppress everything, refine everything, and no one has ever been able to come out after being taken into it!"

"That little girl is still too young after all, now it's over."

Everyone shook their heads, sighing that there was another fallen genius in the world.

"Elder, come and help me!"

The second elder was overjoyed when he saw this situation, and immediately began to call for help.

He has been squeezed and beaten by Longer, and every punch has made him very difficult to deal with. In addition to strength, his moves are also very subtle. His body has been broken three times!

Continuing on, he had no doubt that he would be hammered to death by this little girl alive with her fist.

"Don't panic, don't panic, I'll let them be a company!"

The great elder stroked the goat's beard, smiled slightly, and was about to urge the Zhenshi Purgatory Bell to cover Longer.


However, at this moment, the Zhenshi Purgatory Bell suddenly issued a strong vibration. The bell sounded vigorously and shook the void.


The elder's brows couldn't help but frowned, and then his face stretched out again.

"Haha, wasted effort, entered this clock, and came up with..."

As soon as his words were spoken, it was like a stone stuck in his throat, making it difficult to make a sound.

But I saw that there was a crack on the Zhenshi Purgatory Clock!

The next moment, with a "pouch" sound, a shovel came out of it!

"This... what is this?"

The Grand Elder was shocked, he couldn't believe his eyes, "An iron...shovel?"

A shovel stabbed the town world purgatory clock through?

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This is too magical, and the great elder once suspected that he had been in illusion.


There was another crisp sound, and the shovel pierced another part of the Zhenshi Purgatory Clock, and then accompanied by the child's leg raised and kicked, the whole clock broke through a hole directly.

The 囡囡 walked out of it unharmed.

"How can this be?!"

The great elder clutched his head and screamed, and the worldview jumped to pieces.

The second elder who was fighting Long'er in the distance was equally horrified, almost staring out his own eyes.

Even some disciples of the Wutian Demon Palace who were in the charm of the little fox were awakened by this horrible scene, and they were scared to death.

"The town... The town world purgatory clock cracked?"

"This is the top treasure of origin, isn't it claimed that the world is indestructible? It was destroyed by a shovel?"

"It's horrible, what kind of shovel is that?"

"Unbelievable, sensational!"

Everyone exclaimed, and there was a stormy sea in their hearts, witnessing the birth of the myth with their own eyes.

"It's worthy of being an expert's shovel, enough to surpass the original treasure!"

Yang Jian took this scene for granted.

This shovel followed the nun to dig the soil and weed the Gaoren's backyard.

The excavated soil is the original source soil, and the grass removed is the original source spiritual root. Not to mention the soil, even if a few grasses are taken out, it is enough to cause countless people to go crazy, and it can create the most cost-oriented treasure!

In this atmosphere, it is not surprising that this shovel can directly pierce the Zhenshi Purgatory Bell.

Xiao Chengfeng said with great envy: "The dung fork and dung bucket of Wang Zun and Jiang Liu are soaked with feces every day. I am afraid it is getting more and more extraordinary. I can have such a treasure whenever I can!"

"I'm playing vigorously, but you suddenly use magic weapons, don't talk about martial arts, and die for me!"

The girl yelled angrily, and then raised a shovel and smashed it towards the elder!

The elder's eyes were splitting, and he didn't dare to hold the shovel. However, he wanted to hide but found that he was imprisoned and couldn't escape.

"Do not!"

The only thing he could do was let out a cry of despair.

Then he was turned into sludge by a shovel, and the origin of his life was annihilated.

he died.

"Great Elder!"

The second elder had red eyes and a distorted face, and the mana in his whole body burst out like an explosion, appearing to be extremely angry.

However, the next moment, he just turned his head and ran, catalyzing the speed to the extreme, and he hated to have a pair of legs.

"Where to go!"

The girl rushed over with a shovel in his hand, turned into a streamer and chased after her, and knocked the second elder to death with a shovel.

"Puff through."

The remaining elder was so frightened that his body weakened and sat slumped on the ground.

"The two half-step masters didn't even manage to escape."

"That shovel is definitely a super killer treasure, enough to confine the gods! A shovel dominates one and a half steps, it is terrifying!"

"The Wutian Devil Palace really kicked the iron plate this time!"

Soon, the people in Wutian Demon Palace were all cleaned up, and the 囡囡 and others took their place naturally, and obtained the qualifications to enter the source pool sacred realm.

"They actually have such terrible shovel treasures on them, and the ancient forbidden area is really weird!"

The wind master and the fire master looked at each other, silently suppressing the shock in their hearts.

Weird smile said: "But no matter what, once they enter the source pond sacred realm, it is their death period, Jie Jie Jie"

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